(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Oh yes, Ikea tamp is good too, even nearer.

My girl hor, still wakes up at night now oso leh. Last night 5am ask me for milk. Diff age diff stages, i think at 1-2 yr old, she will wake up at night and cry and look for me. sometimes oso dunno why she cry so hard. I think I never had good sleep every since I preg with #1.


wat is the diff bet. rotavirus and rotateq? are they the same??? how much did u pay for the 6 in 1 & rotavirus? bb ian on tfm rite?? do u feed him water? danelle refused to drink water...

how do i bold the words and change the color of the fonts? TIA
<font color="ff6000">7th march Friday 3pm
Ikea Tampines</font>


i read somewhere that our bodies compensate for this lack of sleep. Immed when we hit the sack, we fall into deep sleep, so that if we're awakened in the middle of the night, at least we had some restful sleep liao.
Hi Sagittarius/Steph

My menses came yesterday too ! I delivered end Dec. So sian &amp; tired now...

anyone facing this problem ? sigh.. My bb did not poo for the past 2 days again leh. Today is 3rd day le.. really hope he will poo today.. sigh... should I bring him to see PD ? Will he be given any medicine at this age - 2 mths old ?
haha...my boy also like that...drink milk half way will gek sai and he will stop drinking to concentrate on his "business" first. So usually have to open up his diaper and make the "gek sai" sound with him to help him finish pooing then continue to drink milk. Why our babies all the same "pattern"...haha.

My PD at Hougang charges $170 per jab for pneumococcal. My boy going for the jab at 3 mths so he will need a total of 4 jabs...so $170 x 4 lor. They will need lesser jabs if taken when they are older but my PD say the concern is if they get the virus when they are young, they will not be able to fight the infection as compared to when they are older. That's why I've decided to let him take it earlier. It's a decision that us parents will have to make lor.
Talking about jabs...personally I'll rather be more kiasu and let my boy take all the necessary jabs. I will always remember when my niece was still a baby 10 years ago, she got pneumonia and was admitted into TMC. The nurses and doctors were holding her down to insert the drip. They had to tie a piece of wooden board on her hand to prevent her from moving too much becos her hand was so tiny...she was screaming and crying in pain...my mum, sis and myself all broke down in tears when we saw her crying out for us. So heartpain leh...I don't even dare to stay inside the ward becos really can't bear to see her being in so much pain and there's nothing we can do about it. I really cannot imagine if my boy has to go through that...I think I will cry my eyes out. Prevention is better than cure...if spending a bit of money can buy a some piece of mind why not?

Did any mummies bring their babies to Kidslink Clinic for 6-in-1 jabs &amp; Rotavirus vaccine?

May I know how much they cost for the total of 3 jabs &amp; Rotavirus vaccine?
My 37days old boy also fuss and cry in the evenings... been like this since 3rd week...

Called my PD, he said I can feed gripe water to him 3 times a day... hopefully it will reduce the amount of gas in his tummy...

I get upset when he cannot suck properly and keeps wailing, so had resorted to giving him the bottle with EBM whenever his fusses in the evening...

and the CL is still with me, so I try to soothe him as long as possible... then when I get too tired, then I pass him to her...
anyone's 8wk baby keeps sleeping in the day? I bf him about 9.30am and gave top up about 11am and he zzzz till now not up...been like that for a few days..
u shd be quite happy ur bb can sleep soundly after his feed! i'm finiding it so difficult to get emma to sleep during the day. carry her she sleep. put her back in her own cot she wake up n cry...
i deliver on 2 Jan. Then i had my menses for a month since deliver.That means around April my menses will come again ah? i deliver in KK lei my gynae not ask me to go for pap smear review. When should i actually go for pap smear?

you beastfeeding or not beastfeeding? So fast your menses come meh? A few weeks ago my bb also never poo for two days. Yesterday he having stomachache keep "lau sei" because he very heatly. Maybe you give your bb drink lots of water it helps
I paid $105 for 6 in 1 jab and $95 for rotavirus. As Steph had mentioned, it's the same as the other name is for the liquid form to be taken orally. Baby Ian not on TFM, I'm still breastfeeding but got supplement.

red rose
Did you get the contact? If not will pm you.
hi grumpus

i jus checked my mail but did not receive leh. can send again?

hi violetlce

perhaps you can send to me too.

thanks grumpus and violetlce
I didn't let my #1 have rotavirus and pneumococcal jabs. May not give these to my #2 too.

2nd time mummies,
Did your #1 take pneumococcal jab? what abt chicken pox? cos i'll be sending mine to school and dunno should i let him take the jabs.

Anyone using sarong (yaolan) to let bb sleep? sometimes i wonder should i struggle so much with bb's sleep each day. he can wake up a few times in his nap and I have to go thru the cyle again and again..
mine slept a lot in the day too but she wakes up promptly for her milk.

if your baby don't sleep much in the day, does she sleeps a lot at night?
re rotavirus and pneumococcal
i will give these 2 vacinnation to my girl, prevention is always better then cure.

re menses
my menses came in my 6th week, i am stll doing partial bfg, menses also come.
jus called the massage, she is fully booked, can't tell me when she will be available. guess hv to soure for others liao.
isaac took chickenpox @ 12m, pneumococc @ 18m (2 jabs) coz he was going childcare @ 18m. If i kept him at home, i would only opt for pneumococc @ 24m coz only 1 jab.

tobey will get his rota vaccine when he's 3m old. As for the pneumococc, see how first. If he keeps getting sick on account of isaac being at childcare, then maybe need to jab. sianz... $$$

when my baby can't settle for nap, i'll turn him to sleep on tummy.

pap smear once a year when u become sexually active.

peace of mind... money can't buy me peace..
Babe yen, thanks.

Tomorrow going back again to gynae for a check. Still having slight spotting. Right now I have been total bf. Hope menses don't come back early. Previously mine came back 4 months later.
Hi Mummies!

RE Jabs,

I let my son take the metabolic jab.. which Dr recommended.. Not sure what it for.. Can somebody advise.. Re rotavirus jab, can only take when he is 3-4 months rite?

When is this 6 in one jab recommened.. mine just went for his 3nd Jab this month. One was taken one week after his discharge from hospital and the other taken one month later. Can somebody advise?

Re Breast milk. My supply went down completely after my confinment period. Why huh? I took Fenigreek like once a day... but it doesnt seem to help.. am concerned.. can someone advise.. I do not really latch on as my boy is not very satisfied after drinking and sometimes drive me nuts.. so I decided to pump out.. but sometimes when you pump and pump and yet milk supply not enough really discouarges me.. How do you mummies deal with such problem huh?

Re sembwanag mummies.
Currenlty I am not working yet.. intend to go back work force 6 months later.. intend of mtg up any of you who stay this area for a chat.. it be quite cool! let me know if any of you keen! heh

Masage lady

I have a good one to recommened.

She uses chinese herbs for post natal massage.

Good and friendly lady with reasonable packages..

PM me if you ineterested.
feungreek u must take 3 capsules, 3 times a day. that's 9 caps in total. once a day not enuf to see results one.

yah my girl does sleep better at nite. u mean they cannot sleep well both during day n nite one meh? must be 1 or the other? like that we all very cham rite?!?

i tried letting my girl sleep on her tummy. she cry even louder leh
Hi Fern

I didn't latch my baby on anymore. I just pump pump pump, every 3 hrs. I take Fernugreek 1 capsule, twice daily. Hmm... not much effect I feel for my case, but I still continue to take.

For my milk supply, I don't think I have a lot of supply. But my supply has increased from about 80ml (about 2nd week) to now 170ml (6 weeks) for both breasts combined.


My son is 6 weeks now and my menses came back today.
mom2nat &amp; kitsune

My son a bit regular lately. For evening, he will cry and will sleep at about 7pm+. Like just now, he can't finish his milk and fall asleep already. But he will wake up at about 11pm+ for 1 last feed or I will wake him up. After that he will sleep till 3am+ &amp; 6am+, cry for milk.

Yes, my son will only be a baby once. I don't force him too much, although the bedtime is still a must for him. That's about it. For the feeding, he is like an alarm clock, very on time. Thus, I don't do much for his feeding except to feed when he cries for milk every 2.5hr to 3hr.

During my whole confinement, my baby cries every evening, just like your baby. Yes, without fail. My CL will comfort him by carrying him, rocking him while I eat my dinner. He will just cry cry cry, roughly from 7pm to 9pm. When it's 9pm, he will have his last feed and then fall asleep.

My son is 6 weeks now. Nowadays, he will fall asleep at about 7pm after feeding, and sleep thru till 11pm+ when he demands for milk again. After that, fall asleep again.
<font color="0000ff">sagittaurius,</font>
u delivered on 2nd Jan &amp; then had yr menses for a month since deliver?? That shld be lochia discharge, not menses!
Pap smear is done once a year if u r sexually active. Do check with yr KK gynae. My gynae schedule me for review at 4wks to chk on my wound/stitches &amp; 8wks for pap smear.
re: pap smear
i told my gynae that my co medical checkup already includes pap smear, no need to do at her clinic. Save $$. I think polyclinic do cheaper right?
sometimes i roll him from side to front
sometimes i carry him facing down and place him into the cot.
uncomfortable for him? no ley. my elder boy also likes to sleep on tummy. When he was an infant we din know. But when he was few months old &amp; knew how to flip around, his preferred sleeping position is on tummy. Even until now 2.5yo.
i hv a friend with flat boobs also likes to sleep on her tummy. She doesn't know how she's gonna sleep if she gets pregnant. haha.
Hi Fern
Same as ahcapp, BB 5th week. I also dun latch anymore. I pump every 3.5-4 hrly in the day and 3-4am once in the middle of the night, ard total of 6 pumps everyday. I take 2 capsule of Fenugreek, 1 in morning and 1 at night. Both breast combined, ard 130ml to 160ml. Mostly more milk if I take papaya soup (160ml), can last me 3-4 days of quick pumps and more supply.
I tried putting my boy on his tummy to sleep but he struggled and cried. Dunno why he doesn't like it but he likes to sleep on me, also on his tummy leh. Maybe he feels insecure if lying on the bed??
Finally got chance to sit down and look at forum properly. Been busy supervising my new helper, my #1 and feeding #2. New helper can die...Sigh

Any idea how much the busybaby nursing cover cost (incl shipping etc)?

haha...my bb also same, always make those "gek sai" sounds when she wans to poo...very exaggerating one, gek until face red red. Then after dat come one VERY VERY BIG POOOOOOOT and i know she pang sai liao. Dunno when this is going to last until.

yday night so tiring....she woke up at 5am, latched her on, then she give the poot again, every time she does dat, i know it's one big pile of poo, so gotta change her diaper. Aft dat, gotta keep her upright for 15-20mins cos she got reflux problem, then she fussed again cos the "meal" wasnt complete earlier, who knows halfway thru her feed she poot again...all in all, from 5am, i handled her until 7am, before she goes back to deep sleep. Sigh. Dunno is it becos i started feeding her Infacol for her wind problem....will see if it happens again tonite.
