(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


Who is it?? don't need to hint la..tell us directly...kekeke

Kam / Janbb,
must really learn from you guys how to manage 2 kids on your own... i will be using my maid to handle baby as my last resort (whenever hubby is out of town)

Steph / tong tong,

i tell my hb he got 6 mths more to go, he still very relaxed leh. prolly coz i didnt put my feet down and insist lah. and furthermore, x super dislike my hb when its time to sleep. even when we "try" by me sleeping beside x, and hb beside me...x will sit up and pushes hb away far far...let alone getting hb to lie beside x...

good thing is x is very scared of me. so if he starts to play, or turn ard, i will go "zzzkkk" with my mouth and he'll get the drift...after like 5-10 of the "zzzzkk"s, he will fall asleep. so i am not afraid of him not sleeping. got even few times, i got fedup, sat up and said firmly "no more messing of your blankets. lie still and dont move!"
then he really dont dare to move...5mins later KO liao

i almost now everyday thinking of arrangements leh *headache*
You mean sleep train #2 right? Sure, if you can do it, do it!

Mine was not so bad until recently when HR refuses his daddy totally loh, he really cries till teary type if we insist daddy would be the one puts him to bed. Don't know why, I ask him, and he keeps telling me "爸爸坏蛋, 爸爸打皓皓". So I checked with hubby, he said surely he never beated him and I trust that he won't cos he has a softer heart than me. Maybe he is just trying to get as much as my attention.

Ya lor, our kids are same age gap. Krsytle's and mine are exactly the same, #1 Jan08 and #2 Aug09. She has got about the same problem as us too, cannot be spared :)
poping in to say Hi! DIdnt have time to read through all the post.

You are a supermum! Well done!

My 2 babies only wants me to put them to sleep, I had no choice but let hb hug and pat Xavier, will I nurse Crystal at the same time to make her sleep. We only have 1 bedroom and the babies will cry and wants to be inside once I am inside.. therefore I cant leave anyone outside. Xavier would be more noisy and Crystal is a light sleeper.. so no point making Crystal sleep until Xavier sleep.

My headache comes when hb go overseas for work.. had no choice but let Xavier scream outside and let mil coax him while I made Crystal sleep first because Crystal is would tear down the house if I leave her outside the room after 9pm. Cannot let the 2 sleep at the same time with only me alone, because Xavier will start to sing song, touch crystal here and there because he didnt get full attention from me..

I am not sure what to do as well. Things sometimes works better if Xavier take his afternoon nap earlier cos he sleep easier at night.
oh yes yes i mean sleep train #2...actually, i everyday pray my #2 is easy to care for like x...when x was baby, all he did was sleep and eat. 7 or 730pm sleep liao without much fuss. then hopefully from there, can spend more time with x and put x to sleep.
at most let hb do household chores etc if he cant help in putting the kids to sleep...

but x very evil one leh. if im out (not at home), he no choice but will allow hb to put him to sleep...
maybe from tonight onwards i will go out at 8pm...stay downstairs, and let hb put him to sleep...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
You are doing very well too. We owe you the big big pat since you couldn't join us next Wed. Think we all have to think positively bah. Not too long, our kids will definitely able to sleep on their own (and in their own room). The day will come! And plus that our kids are all so sticky to mummy meaning we are all great mum and so our kids love us most (best reward for all this hard work)! Jia you, jia you!!!

Then no problem lah. HR now doesn't take afternoon naps during weekends if he is not tired, but he still sleeps at the same time, between 9.30-11pm.
really must salute u. i will go crazy if x doesnt KO before 9pm. 9pm is my ultimate deadline. if he doesnt sleep by then, i will deal him the last "card" as showhand and he sure will sleep by then...
if 11pm, how to settle household chores etc? u sure must be going to bed very late??
Janbb, Kam,
I am no better...the putting them to sleep situation oso quite similar to Janbb. Me & hb tried to let both boys sleep together but can NEVER succeed
End up, Z will be doing his somersault while R happily flip around, jump & leap forward like diving otherwise stand up & plonk himself (free fall backwards) on the mattress. All these actions couple with their laughter, giggle non-stop...sometimes R will be screaming cos Z knock his head/legs onto him accidently while doing somersault and Z will say, "DiDi..no...no..keep quiet!" hiyo...is both funny & annoying at the same time loh. Even we tried to delay their sleeping time till 10.30pm, both boys can't cooperate to settle themselves to bed, just can't leave each other alone esp Z...will disturb R...until R pek chek & end up crying...nitemare for me & hb.
Z & R only 13mths gap difference so once your #2 becomes more mobile, start jumping & climbing & talking...for me personally, i think very hard to let both sleep in the same room but i will try again someday when i am in a gd mood
Otherwise i might end up scolding them n make myself angry for nothing:p

Kam, Janbb, Luvv,
Can't hint lah cos is pretty obvious hint in the FB liao:p We let the mummy announce herself bah.
mystery mummy>
she never say can tell or not, so steph and i cannot give hints. coz if we start to give hints, very ez to guess her out leh...
Went to natas fair, booked F&E package to Taiwan. Came home, put down things, try to BF Mei Mei but she is not interested. So, then went to visit RaeAnne and bring the cream and thermometer cos I forgot to bring there this morning. Her fever spiked up to 38.7, helped to feed med cos FIL couldn't do it. Rushed back to feed Raelynn milk. Sigh, there goes my hopes of a relaxing Friday night. Was hoping to catch Inception with hubby before they take it down. :p

Pixie, you are very lucky. RaeAnne sleeps around 11pm even though I try very hard to put her to sleep. The maid will settle Raelynn and bring her into the room only after RaeAnne has fallen asleep. But many times I see Raelynn sleeping on the bumper mat outside, feel she is so kelian...
u got no extra mattress? aye, RL poor thing to sleep on bumper mat outside leh...

mind you, keeping x to a strict bedtime has been our consistent efforts since his birth. sleep early, no fiddling/flipping/turning. if you sit up and/or starts to play, you'll go to the next mattress (his unwanted mattress) and i will ignore you; no going out at night, must be home by 7pm etc...
Pixie, Raelynn got her little cot too inside the same room but Cheh Cheh always screams and throws tantrums when we leave her alone to fall asleep on her own. End up she will wake up mei mei who is already asleep. In the middle of the night, when she wakes up from bad dream or needs to pee also like that, wake up poor mei mei again. :p
morning mummies
start of the workweek again....its a "short" workweek for me so im looking forward to the weekend again!!
so quiet today? hmm....

craving for bubble tea... eh pixie, u try Gong Cha Bubble Tea before? Gong Cha is only located at Novena square and City square mall...too far for the westerner:p

sigh...my boys are down with runny nose again! R just seen doc & was told to put him on inhaler again cos slight wheezing again
He said he caught a cold, that's why runny nose.
everyone not online like that??

i also craving for bubble tea but i cannot drink leh...
yesterday i went to a meetup with friends hor, we had dim sum so they ordered chrysanthemum tea, for my sake lah...
after a few cups.....my head started to spin and i was "floating"
dunno issit because of the tea? i was so dizzy that i kept silent during the meetup that my frens were concerned
now dun dare to take tea liao...at most...cold soft drinks

anyway is gong cha bubble tea very good? compared to koi - how?
Morning all. Busy morning.

Oh, poor R. Where did they catch from? Z caught from the cc? Have to diligently give R the inhaler till the wheezing is gone.
hope ur boys get well soon...

btw, you have childhood asthma? when did it go away?
i also had it but my mom diligently double boiled dong cong cao with meat...drink 2x a week...shortly after that, i recovered liao
they say dong cong cao is good for lungs, especially asthma (or "haay gu"), dunno suitable for R? maybe too young to take herbs? u can check it out
hello mummies,

hope R recover soon, the weather is crazy nowadays.

Does Raelynn naps in the afternoon? Normally my girl sleeps late only if she naps in the afternoon, if she doesn't nap then i can make her sleep earlier though she will keep fussing and giving 101 excuses of not sleeping. Nowadays she refuse to brush her teeth or go into the bedroom cos she knows she needs to sleep after that...


Just read the old posts, and i think I know who is the mystery mummy. ;-)

How is everyone else doing?

I'm so busy. my #1 is going to Montessori preschool next Jan. I have been applied so many schools for her and now we are abundant with choices. Hahhaha.

How much/where is the Montessori preschool your #1 is going to attend? I was going through those around my area and they are so expensive :p
Blessedbaby is at OZ woh.

Thanks for the for popular expo sales. Is it good buy? Lots of books for us? Or mainly for students?

We finally went to the Sakuraya @ West Coast yesterday. And yes, it's NICE!!! Price is reasonable too. Not only the sashimi is fresh and nice, the sushi also nice.
steph, i like the gong cha at city sq. i tink it taste better than koi normal milk tea? gong cha milk is more rich n flavourful, suitable for those who luv milk.

many kids got asthma during childhood and many als outgrow once they go into their teens. me also a mild asthma kid when young,but i fully recover in my teens. dun worry so much, more toddlers had very sensitive airways, which make them more vulnerable to bronchities/asthma attack, parents juz need to exercise more care in them.
eg, washing their laundry, bedsheets, curtains with hot water like 60degree? keep them away from stuff toys? or even get an air filter
tea will make u dizzy ah? maybe low blood/low sugar? cold soft drinks oso moderate bah.
Oh my coll said the Gong Cha is comparable to KOI woh. I no chance to try yet cos location so far off so can't give u feedback.

Re:childhood asthma
yup i got it & it out grow me when i was in primary school. No tonic/herbs intake, it just went away naturally, probably my immunity gets better as i exercise alot like jogging (gd for the lungs) & actively participated in ECA.

Last Friday both were ok (pink of health). The runny nose started on Sat (perhaps due to the crazy weather...rain(cooling+windy) n shine(hot like mad) oso contributes the factor. And partly is our (me & hb's fault)...it was very cooling & windy on Sat morning after heavy rain the night before (we didn't shut all the living rm windows so both were expose to the chilling wind somehow), they caught a cold after shower
I am a lousy mummy...didn't take care of them properly n causing R's wheezing to attack him again

i am glad u like Sakuraya. Yes agree the sashimi was fresh n sweet, i like the cold zaru soba too!
You mean Hammies? This we already know.

I know a lot of you believe that when the kids are exposed to strong/chilling wind, they might catch a cold. It's not medically correct, actually. A cold is caused by a virus infection. A flu is also a virus infection, but a flu usually accompanied with fever, while cold doesn't. Don't blame yourself, there is no way we can keep our kids out of touch of viruses, they are everyway, we breath them in and out.
yes my coll said the same thing abt Gong Cha. Only the KOI queue puts her off so she'll pick Gong Cha over KOI.
Re: childhood asthma
You are right about exercise more care towards asthma/bronchities kids and especially R got eczema, he is oso more prone to allergy so gotta make sure dust-free & pet-free enviroment. As long when he developed cough, phlegm & runny nose, we gotta be alert cos anytime could lead to wheezing easily.

BTW, anyone got contacts for mattress cleaning and sanitizing (at my premise) to pulverize and extract the dust mites and other harmful debris? TIA
not lousy mummy lah...how would you know that they will catch a cold right? dun blame urself...

btw, tea dont make me dizzy but i think due to hormones change in my body, i'll have a bad effect from tea. and anything with milk. now i have a list of food i cannot take


dunno leh, never been to popular expo sale. but i was at popular before and some aunties at an aisle were gossiping on how cheap the sale was and die die must cheong there kind...so i guess, should have something good for our kids?
kam, wow, got another mystery mummy agaim? i am so envious... make me wish i am pregnant too. haha

steph, i tink pauline got engage some mattress cleaning before, u can check with her or search her blog ? keke :p
kam, i tink the popular bookstore in malaysia sells cheaper books leh! dun bother go Expo, reali crowd and u stay so far west, no pt travellin so far? waste ur petrol $$$
pixie, hw is ur ms? ur first trimester over?
today very bad mood, J never come to wrk, then i kana arrow... super shay
Thanks for consoling me. If it's not medically correct then i think my boys are just having weak immunity to blame for
My PIL always blamed it on the CC so Z indirectly carry the virus home & spread it to R.
What i can do on my part is try to keep my house dust-free as possible & change bedsheets regularly and also build up their immunity thru supplement/TCM perhaps.
i think its true to a certain extend that Z brings in the virus...my son can be sick at my mil place. coz the rest of the 2 kids goes to school. the virus may not make them sick but the virus could make another child sick...

boost immunity bah...
btw hor, the vitacost spree not much response leh...my sis cancelled the spree liao...if you dont want to wait, then you can join other vitacost sprees in spree section...paiseh. my sambucol oso kena...cannot order *sob*sob*
mummies (and to answer aqua's qn)
today is the final day of week 12.....some ppl say your first trimester is 12 weeks long, some ppl say more than 12 weeks, coz cannot count the days that your egg was not fertilized (pre ovulation days).
but who cares?? i cant help but wait for this day to come n pass, and for MS to stop visiting me
but alas! ms seems to love me...so...haiz... about no more ms in your 2nd trimester is bullcrapz
steph, i also agree with pixie. Z may bring the virus home fr cc.. he is bigger, better immunity while R is younger n more defenceless against virus...
my girl also got flu... this is the third week back to sch, very sian. every2weeks in cc, she sure sick

pixie, buy from tanlengleng spree? she is a very nice lady

but the sambucol dun wrk for my girl.
pixie, hee.. yes i kana attacked by HER! Realli spoil my day and she gav me a tight deadline to finish by wed~

so u tink u expecting baby girl or another boy?
"she" is really very bo liao one leh...tho i never heard of all her wonderful chronicles, but hear some of it i oredi very sick of "her" liao

i really dunno i expecting boy or gal but i hope i can have another boy lo...
anyway, healthy can liao hor
the CC thingy oso another headache, my PIL keep pestering me to change cc for Z to St Andrew's Cathedral Child Development Centre at JW Blk511.
Is a non air-con cc offering nusery & kindy care but is currently full house at the moment. Me & hb visited the centre & we quite like the enviroment & the kids looked happy/engaged in the class with the teachers except the centre is pretty old (operating many yrs since 1987 liao!) hence the toys are old too. We are now on the waiting list so once they have a place for us, we may withdraw Z from LW to this centre...i am not sure if this gonna be good for him (meaning non air-con enviroment better for him & preferred by my PIL cos they think he will not fall sick easily which i doubt so...)

Re: sambucol spree
ok no prob. maybe i ask if my colls interested to purchase & we can combine? need how many bottles for your sis to ON the spree? Let me know, tks!
Ya lor, steph and pixie know who's the mystery preggy mum on FB. I went to kaypoh still no clue :p

I agree with Pixie that once the kid goes to cc, they have more chance to get contact with virus/bugs. But then like I said, it can be everywhere, not only the cc. Like when you MIL/FIL came back from marketing, visiting a friend, etc. A healthy person carries viruses around too, but cos his immunity is strong, so the virus can make him sick, but he can pass on the virus and make others sick.

Yes lor, built up their immunity bah. But I don't believe in supplement. So for me it's healthy diet (lots of fruits!), drink lots of water, and head outdoor as much as possible.

For cleaning the mattress, you may want to consider investing a system like the Delphin. We saw the demonstration (it's free), and it's pretty impressive as in you can see how much dust mite it can suck out from your mattress, and it serves as air purifier at the same time. Not cheap. We were considering, but at the end we didn't get it since our kids don't have respiratory problem (touch wood). Babyship got it (I read from her blog http://babyship.blogspot.com/2010/05/delfin.html), and you can ask her for feedback, now that she has used it for several months.
vitacost shipping is flat rate USD4.99 per order but if little orders = more ex shipping per item (USD4.99 + vpost shipping)...
so actually we close at USD150-USD200 min wor

x current LW kindy no air-con. but next yr LW cc is air-con. one of the cons....i dun like air-con for my family.
my new place in JE, we are going to rip off the existing aircon and will not put in new aircon units...happening hor...i wonder how we can cope in super hot days haha
hmm, my girl cc got no aircon, and my girl uniform is those thick polo tees, she tell me tht her sch is very hot n warm...
it is true, every day i pick her fr sch, she is always perspiring.

both aircon or nonaircon gor pros n cons eh
u seem to know aqua's boss (SHE) very well huh?

my MS lasted 13+wks leh for both my pregnancy & it only gets better after 2nd trimester meaning wk 14 to wk 20, i still have mild MS on/off woh.
pray yr MS will go away soon k!

yes i can fully understand abt the sian part on every 2wks in cc, sure sick. Can be so draining on us (the care-taker/parents). I am worry abt R more cos he not yet completed all his compulsory jabs, still left 18mths booster & 2nd MMRV(chix pox) jab. Hopefully he recover fast by next wk so that we can schedule him for jab soon.
Sure you can survive, we don't use aircon at all for the past 4 years we are at Singapore :) Would you install ceiling fans? I think that helps a lot.

Air-con got pros meh? Except that it makes us feel more comfortable.
kam , yes, aircon makes the kid more comfortable wor, when one is comfortable, then can concentrate better in sch or sleep better wor.

nw my office aircon v lousy, i feel giddy n got headaches very often.. temp is 28to 30 degree, can u imagine? hw to concentrate at work?
Haha, now I know where you are coming from ;-) Your office air-con's problem so long already, cannot repair or do anything about it meh? My workplace is opposite, the air-con is so cold that we have to put on jacket, too cold also not comfortable.
pixie, yes i agree. having another baby is already a blessing, gender is alway secondary!
yeap, i also wondered hw long i can tahan her! so many staff has already resigned

kam, forget it la, with a stingy superior, it is better to keep quiet abt it. my boss duneven allow us to buy a cheap fan , n i got to bring my own personal one to wrk???

las time our aircon also v cold, 22 degree... v shiok eh...used to the cold air, so nice.
