(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

wah tks for the breakdown...meaning we'll need at least 17 bottles of sambuccol to reduce shipping charges. Dun think i got 17 colls wanna order so many sambuccol...i will look at other spree n see how. Tks anyway

my coll oso bought the Delphin last year & she swear by that it's very gd for her family & kids (with no respiratory problem). She did recommended it to me but i decline her offer cos my hubby hates to listen to such sales talk & free demo. I rather i pay for the one time service & see how hubby respond rather than get free demo & with him thinking "i wanna buy" rather than we really need...u know what i mean.
Tks for attaching the babyship's blog for my info

Yes, I know what you mean. I blamed it to my greed cos I was the one who agreed on this free demo. Got it during the baby show, and they gave us a very nice cooking pot if we allowed them the free demo. I am like your hub, I hate this kind of stuff, even more so of my hub. But I cannot take my eyes off the pot so I bite the bullet and gave it a go. Thinking of can ignore everything they said, my aim is to get the pot only :) Luckily the lady who came for the demo was really a nice lady (from China, but very polite, well spoken, and all). Of course she tried hard to sell one unit to us, but we politely said no. And the pot is a really nice lor, using it to cook XY's porridge, and it's ideal! So greedy me :) Even if you pay for the one time service, they will still trying to talk you into getting one unit of your own, you might as well get the free demo.
yes, sure can survive...
my current place has air-con but i regret installing. coz in my 5yrs of staying here, the masterbedroom aircon never switched on more than 5 times. rest of the rooms? nil. zilch...
waste $$ right
hehe i was like u once. I think few yrs ago, there was a Delphin road show at jurong point (JP) outside DIY shop. They are giving out free portable vacuum cleaner (i forgot the brand but is branded, made in Germany) worth $100! I oso greed & accepted the free gift & demo. This made hubby so angry that we even quarrelled over it...come to think of it, it's so silly of us/me.
In the end, i need to hand carry the vacuum cleaner back to JP & rejected the free demo no matter how hard the sales person try to talk me out. Now lesson learnt liao...no point to do this again since i know how hb will react.
Oh btw, my coll said free demo is not through cleaning of the whole mattress (front & back) so best to pay for a complete service!
Wah, your hub really reacted so fiercely against it ah. Ya lah, then don't do it again lah. Haha, I actually got the free vacuum cleaner from them also, that time we still haven't bought our flat yet, so at the end, it's them who didn't want to come to do the service, so we got it totally free (but never use till now, thanks to my greed!).

Oh, actually at the end of the demo, we got her back 1 month later to do a paid service cos we were curious if the dust mite really grows back after 1 month as she said, and it's exactly the same thing she did during the free demo.
hi all, me mia so long. how's everyone.

steph, hope your boy recovers soon.

re sambucol
wat's that for?

by the way, someone mentioned TLL. I was just at her house on Sunday to collect my freestyle. Yes, she's a nice person. And i saw sambucol at her house. Think she sells it (but i didn't ask).

I've reached my 37 wks & went for gynae visit this morning. Baby is small, 2.67kg. Engaged already.

I did the culture test at 35 wks and @ 36 wks, they called me to tell me i've got heavy growth of strep B & asked me to go back to buy antibiotics to take for 7 days.

Today gynae told me she may wanna induce me becos it is dangerous for me to deliver without the IV drip being administered < 4 hrs before baby's birth.

This made me very worried. I mean, this is my #2, what if my labor is quick &amp; i dun reach the hospital in time?

This is my last wk at work &amp; tho my boss is nice, i still haf to clear quite a bit of things before i can go on leave on Friday.

My plan is that if my waterbag bursts in office, i will go direct to Eastshore instead of going home to bathe, just so that they can administer the drip first.

quite upsetting to kenna this strep b.
kam, to administer the antibiotics through vein.
(already completed 7-day course of antibiotics + same thing to be administered thru drip at least 4 hrs before labor)
kam, u still in office? not going off to pick HR and XY yet?

yep, my #1 was delivered 9 days early, at 38.5 wks.

By the time i go on leave and ML next week, i will be 38 wks so its really getting closer and closer.

argghh. i'm beginnning to really feel frightened &amp; now with the news abt the strep b, i'm feeling even more apprehensive.
Hey prata queen, hope everything goes well for u. Btw, I never did any culture test ley, issit part of a norm preggy test?
tks pixie. U still in office too? Me at home cos on MC after seeing gynae today.

u didn't do any such test? if u do a search on 'strep b', you'll see that its a common test which can haf very averse consequences for the babies if the mommies who haf strep b infection and give birth naturally.

i strongly recommend tat you request gynae to do this test @ wk 35.

i also kenna strep b for my #1 2 years ago. N also had to take the 1 wk oral antibiotics &amp; also had the IV drip once i was admitted.

The difference is that now the infection is firstly more severe + this is my #2 and labor may be fast. I must really rush to hospital once i haf signs of labor *fingers crossed*
Just left office. On the way home.

According to my very experience gynae, almost all the second time mummies had shorter labour. Half the time of your first labour would be a pretty good rough gauge.

Thought strep b culture test is compulsory for all mums planning for v birth.
Finally watched Inception tonight. Really a Suaku mummy. And yes, I believe in a good ending.

Prataqueen, my 1st labour was 14 hours, second labour was 10 hours, slightly shorter.

Luvv, RaeAnne is the one who always have problem falling asleep. Raelynn thankfully is better for now but maybe she has not shown her true colours yet. RaeAnne naps at 0-2 hrs max in the afternoon while she is at home but tried and her bedtime is still as bad. Just that if she did not have any afternoon nap, she will be super duper cranky and hard to handle by evening time. -_-

Mandy, sorry saw your PM late. Anyway, I booked with SA tours earlier cos Dec airtickets are selling like hot cakes. I only went to Natas to pay so not a good gauge of the prices.
morning mummies,

back for 1 day den on leave for another day again... shag man!

looking forward to seeing some of u tmr ! i ask hubby to buy gerber puffs (cos that's the only titbits my gal can eat heehe)... any kids "outgrown" this tit bits liao?
How's USS? Value for money?

HR outgrew the puff long ago, but when XY started on the puff, he restarted eating it again :)

if u asking me .. nah .. tat place is overpriced. but the laughter n happiness from the kids cos of spending the time there and the $?? (cos i bot them each a T-shirt n 2 water bottles from USS) is priceless. even my gal refused to sleep.

the kids are bugging me to bring them back again.. but it will be quite some time b4 i bring them back .. cos it is tiring!
kam, wan ask u, if i am going KL over the hari raya holidays, would the shops and malls be closed? i heard some malaysians actualli 'rested' 1 week for hari raya celebrations?
Then it's worthwhile!!! It's a sure hit with kids, I think. We are planning to go there in Oct when my parents are here, so they can help with XY, while we take HR for the rides :)

The shopping malls are definitely open. Only those small shops/restaurants may be closed. Official public holiday is 2 days. Some Malays take long holiday, just like us taking long holiday for CNY. But won't affect the businesses. It may be a bit less crowded that week, cos long weekend usually those KL-ian will go back kampung.

Tho it was a Monday and non public holiday, the place is packed with ppl! Long queues here n there. we din go for the rides tho, we jz paid the $ to walk there n the boys got tired aft 1 hr plus of walking? so, aft lunch i rented the double stroller for the boys to sit while we push them ard.

Oh ya, another thing to note. I wana buy the tix online but it shows OOS. when we reached sentosa (we still go there even tho it shows OOS), we are able to purchase the tix on the spot. so, dun buy b4hand cos u nv know how the weather is like
Thanks for the info. Ya lor, that's why I am still thinking that we should take leave and go on a weekday (mid week perhaps) so it's less crowded and shorter queue, hopefully.
kam, ok. still pondering if we wana to do a drive in to KL, but never tried before. nt sure if we will miss our way on the highway.. ;p
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">1st Sep Gathering</font></font>

Time: 10am

1. Kam &amp; Hao Re
2. JanBB &amp; Jayden
3. Mandy &amp; Jayden
4. Yvonne &amp; Brien
5. Superbee &amp; Adelle
6. Luca &amp; Javian &amp; Jayden
7. Lynn Chong &amp; Rayden
8. Luvv &amp; Chevaun + maid
9. Mylvera &amp; hub &amp; 3 kids + maid
??10. Jacelyn &amp; Javin &amp; Jasmyn + maid
??11. Babe &amp; Abel

I won't be ordering the mini buffet. Cos elmo and tongtong can't make it. Not sure if Jacelyn can make it or not cos her baby is not well. Didn't hear from Babe so not sure if she is coming. It may be too much food for us if they don't come (plus they may be some who can't make it at the last minute). So we will just order take away from pizza/kfc/pastamania tomorrow.

I have printed lots of cartoons for them to colour. And we have lots of blank paper for them to draw also. They can also play with HR's toy :) You can bring your own colouring set, if not, they can share with HR also.

See you all tomorrow!
From Singapore to KL is very easy, you won't get lost, cos it's only 1 route, no junction. But expects VERY heavy traffic at the customs cos it's long weekend so lots of holiday makers to malaysia. When you are at KL, it's very easy to get lost. If you don't know KL well, don't drive in KL. You can drive to KL and park your car at the hotel. Then you explore KL using the public transport.
Gd morning mummies!


Re: benefits of sambuccol
Sambucol is an over-the-counter immune system booster with the active ingredient black elderberry extract. The product is named after the biological genus name for elderberry, Sambucus. Developed by virologist Madeleine Mumcuoglu, Sambucol is manufactured by Nature's Way, which advertises it for relief of colds and flu. The elderberry shrub's flowers and fruit have a traditional use in treating these illnesses, but the specific extract included in Sambucol has shown promise in some limited clinical studies.

yup i know TLL is selling oso

Re: strep B test
my gynae didn't carry out any strep b test for both my pregnancy. Maybe both pregnancy were early (#1-37wks &amp; #2-35wks) so no chance to do it.

R didn't sleep a wink last night although he was very tired physically. He vomitted his milk last night n refuse milk this morning. His wheezing got worse n we can hear him gasping for breath every now &amp; then...i told my MIL to increased his inhaler frequency to every 2hourly n monitor his condition. Sometimes i couldn't help but to think, R was sent by lau tian ye(god) to punish me for my sins...call me crazy to have such thinking...i wish i can suffer on his behalf.. can't take leave to accompany him &amp; my heart is not in the office.
sorry mummies, had to give the gathering a miss as my boys are down with flu, #1 even kena tonsilities. Sianz!
steph, dun blame urself lah. all kids get sick, and when they r sick, mummy will feel down. it is normal...
in a way, i also heard before that children are here to make us repay our past lives debts. hee.. they r born this life as our kids coz in our past lives , we did bad things n we got to repay them this live.
kam, yes. malaysia roads n drivers are champion ones! haha, i myself would never dare drive in, even in JB! Few years back, we always take coach to KL, bt now got own car, was tinking of juz driving in ourself tis time, then i can bring my girl along.

haha... but juz tinking nia, duno if i am brave enuff to bring my girl along.
luca, tonsilities infection mus take antibiotics? hope ur no.1 is nt having high fever... pls take care too.
my hubby developed hugh swollen tonsilities and required undergo surgery! He has seen a specialist at paragon &amp; his consultation + lab test cost him $1070 during his first visit. We nearly fainted when the nurse told me the bill!
The specialist told my hubby suffered from sleep disorder, loud constant snoring &amp; choking symptom (on/off) during his sleep, blocking his windpipe. The lab test (is a home devise to bring home &amp; strap it on his hand while he sleep at night for one nigth only). The devise shows he stopped breathing for 13 times during his 7hrs sleep!
wah... 13 times in 7 hours is scary lei...
last time alot of my colleagues also got such problems.... so they need a machine to aid them to breathe when they slp...
dun have such negative thoughts. lao tian gave u a wonderful son, just that he's just a little weaker at times. im sure things will get better when hes older. be strong.

im facing the same situation as u, d boys often fall sick, so often dat i lost count oredy since the day they r born. #2 was admitted for bronchiolities when hes just 2 months old. those were the worst days of my life, very agonising.

wah, ur hb tonsilities very serious leh, has he gone for the surgery yet?

i heard before 2, children r here to tao zai. :S

thanks! yes must take antibiotics, will take at least 5 days to clear. he has mild fever since yesterday, but still active, so PD said not to worry. funny thing is he never complains about painful throat. we r so blur, dun even know he got tonsilities. duh!
i dun blame myself, i hate myself. i am so weak but yet i can't fall...i really really salute those strong mummies who have very sick child to care for. To console myself, i have to look upon them, how can i fall apart just bcos of R condition...it will only get better, have to constantly remind myself to do all that i can to make him well again. Sometimes i felt my body/mind falling apart...
Noted. No worries. Hope your boys get well soon.

Noted. RA and RL okay now? No more fever already right.

Oh wow! 13 times in 7 hours of sleep, that's really scary! Now better after the surgery? Or have to take med on a long time basis?
steph, u mus love urself too, we are all strong mummies, strong in the mind and body! so pls continue to jiayou, anytime u feel ur battery is getting low, do remember to let us know, we will be ur CHEERING TEAM here
your words make me tear...yes is agonizing...i will be strong, gotta be. Tks

jess, luca,
yup 13 times &amp; duration of stop breathing is like 5sec each time! The specialist said is very common nowadays for pple to suffer from sleep disorder, even constant insomnia is a sign of sleep disorder too! But usually pple ignore the early symptom &amp; ignore these signs but can lead to death while sleeping woh...so no play play. He said my hb's condition is considered mild, not worse case &amp; is best to undergo surgery (dun take chances) so that it wont lead to other complication later. He is planning to undergo the surgery in Oct. Risk of surgery: 10%.
oh in case u wanna know more who is his surgeon (Dr Kenny Pang) &amp; his clinic in paragon, refer to this link - http://www.pacificsleepcentre.com/
he just went to see the specialist in July &amp; planning for surgery in Oct. The surgery will involved his tonsilities, his throat &amp; his tongue. No medication required at the moment. Dr only asked me to monitor his sleeping...if he snores, he is ok...if he is all silent then must check whether if he is breathing.
Oh btw, his surgery estimated to cost between $18-23K! Luckily got insurance to cover else pocket one big hole!

you mummies are great morale booster...i am glad to know u all
morning mummies
lots of work to do today. but im going home after work instead of rushing to JE. give myself a break from rushing....

hope R get well soon

hope your 2 boys get well soon too!

about sleep disorder
my dad has the same problem and we went thru sgh and took out his dunno what flap at the back of his throat...that was like 10yrs ago.
how he no snore. my mom so happy lar...
but my dad say without the flap, food glides down very fast so may tend to choke easily than norm. but he's very happy with the op leh. coz big problem GONE!
i want my hb to cut it off too. stop snoring.
steph, i am super light sleeper. i can count the times my hb stopped breathing. then i will push him or pound on his chest for him to start breathing again....jialatz hor......i think 1 night got 10times at least bah
Re:sleep disorder
re yr hb snoring, haha..scenario sound so familiar. But i get away with him cos we no longer sleeping together in the same room ever since R was born. The snoring can be so loud is interrupting my sleep &amp; cause me to be restless at work last time, now no more...only the kids:p
My hb went to c a GP at first for his on/off sore throat n sinus problem (only happened these prolong few mths, last x no such prob) which got worse &amp; GP then refer him to a specialist. If u suspect yr hb got sleep disorder, best to seek proper treatment early. The Dr Kenny Pang said he see more n more cases of younger patient (mid 30s) &amp; some died in their sleep w/o apparent reason.
my hb been snoring since we got married. and i am light sleeper...i get very affected. i have ear plugs with me when i sleep....extreme hor?
i told my hb to see a specialist, but my hb is super dun like see doctors one, even sick also not keen in GPs....let alone specialist...
must slowly nag at him lor

btw, even if i sleep another room i will still hear him snore. coz i too light sleeper liao...geesh
same here. my hb been snoring since we got married. Oh ear plugs...i have them too, not extreme but even with ear plugs can be annoying cos i ever missed hearing my morning alarm to work leh! Now my hb sleep with Z &amp; when i passby their room, i can hear my hb snore too! poor Z...i wonder how he tahan to sleep peacefully...:p
Kam, kitsune, my gynae has the same concern ie #2 => shorter labor => not enuf time for drip to be administered. My first labor – waterbag burst at 4am, no contractions until oxytoxin was administered at 7am, delivered at 12noon, so that’s abt 8 hrs.

Steph, thanks for the info. Actually I hafen given #1 health supplements except for manuka honey with umf 10 which I started 1 mth ago. So when you all discuss vitacost etc, I’m clueless :p

How do u clean up the vomit while not being late for work? Cos tis morning, my #1 wet her bed after almost 1 month (since national day) after being toilet-trained at night. And this morning we decided to just leave the mess alone &amp; do all the washing tonight when part time helper comes. Else hubby and I will be very late for work.
i am new to sambuccol till tongtong mentioned about it. So i did a google search &amp; found out vitacost &amp; iherb.com sells otherwise i am clueless too:p

Re:How do u clean up the vomit while not being late for work?
vomit as in puke milk or just urine
If vomit (puke milk) on the bedsheet, more messy.
U can place a waterproof mattress protector to protect the bedsheet or underneath the bedsheet. If stain/wet, just wipe up the vomit &amp; quickly take off the bedsheet/mattress protector to soak in detergent &amp; do all the washing at night after work. If only affect small area of urine stain on the bedsheet, i will leave it alone &amp; do all washing at night.

ok so i have another qn:
how do you cope with our kids peeing in their pants/undies while outside?
bring spare ones? buy new ones? let it air dry? go toilet n blow dry?

now x is pee-trained but recently dont want to inform us when he has the urge...kept peeing into his shorts....headache
