(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

RE: Tingkat Food
After 1 week and 2 days, I am already so sick of the food. Though it tastes okay, but more or less the same taste everyday. Nothing wrong with the Tingkat, think it's just me bah :-( Some more I paid more for this kinda "semi-premium" tingkat because of HR, but he lost interest earlier than me! He already refused to eat the food from last Friday :-( Sigh, think this is not going to work for us, so will not continue with the tingkat. Will seriously have to start cooking, or even making sandwich etc for our dinner.

Ya lor, so fast sian liao, still have 3 days to "suffer".

My mum will be here early Oct. Called her yesterday, she wanted to come immediately after hearing what I told her, she worries for me ah, that I have to handle 2 kids alone and my hub works late. But cannot leh, she has to accompany my dad to attend an event in early Sep, then my brother already booked her for mid till end Sep (my brother has oversea assignment).

How ah? Take it easy loh. Over the past few weeks, I realised HR knows to ask for food/milk when he is hungry, and that's very important to me. As long as he can tell me whenever he is hungry, I am not too worry. This weekend has to go and get biscuits etc at home to standby. And try my best to cook lah, need a lot of planning.
ok at least sounds like you've got a backup plan.
usually X skips dinner or lunch (not keen in food), he will ask for drinks or biscuits...same same. so im not worried that he doesnt eat well. the only thing is every meal i make sure he finishes the greens first then the rest can forgo....haiz...i now super slack liao

when my mom was working (eons ago) and i had to cook for the family. i did super simple cooking.
steam fish and boiled vegetables.
perhaps vege a bit troublesome coz need to soak...why not steam chicken or fish? then can cut down 1 dish from tingkat?
can or cannot ah? hmmmmmmmmmm
monday - stew
tuesday - tingkat
wed - steam
thur - tingkat
fri - whole family eat out (TGIF)

rest of the tingkat leftovers, give to yourself and hb as lunch
Thanks for the suggestion. Think will be surviving on stew a lot, and those chicken rice thing which I can cook in my rice cooker/slow cooker.

No more tingkat. Totally cannot take it anymore. My hub is still very scared of tingkat food since our last round of trial, he told me don't leave any food for him, he didn't even want to try :p

I am not very good at steaming. So likely will be stew or stir fried. But will only do 1 dish per day lor, since it's only for me and HR. Think will get the ingredient washed and pre-cut the night before, then once arrives home, chop chop cook it and serve. If this doesn't work out, then go for plan B - buy take away :)

Friday used to be our eat out day so that the part time helper can clean without the kids around. But now no more, hub can reach home at 9pm at the earliest. Have to wait till he settles down, another 2-3 months, I think.
Brought RaeAnne to GP after she woke up twice from her nap. Gave her panadol syrup before we left, ear temperature was 39.5 when taken by GP. Asked MIL to accompany us cos it was enroute to GP. Good decision cos end up I had to prick the head with a sterile needle given by GP while MIL helped to press out the pus. Squeezed out at least 1 teaspoon of pus. Yucks! FIL hid in the room, don't dare to watch. :p

Kam, my hubby opposite. He always ask me to try tingkat when I say don't know what to cook or complain about the maid's cooking. But I am not keen cos I think it's an additional expense. But then, grocery shopping every month is also quite ex. :p
it's so hard to juggle between work and family hor.. sigh.. how long can your mum be around to help you ? have you tot of some long term plans ? Like getting a maid ?

oh ya ! or maybe you can ask your nanny to cook dinner for u all and tingkat from her? pay her a fee let her earn extra ?
1 teaspoon of pus?? wah should be super inflamed liao to achieve that amount of pus.....
hopes RA gets well soon yah!
My parents will stay between 1-2 months.

Long term plan is I hope XY becomes less and less sticky and more and more dependant, so I can cook a more proper meal. And hope hubby can get home earlier. And HR continues to become a good boy.

Maid is not an option for us. We might consider getting a maid if we live in a big bangalow. While we cannot afford a big house, we don't want a live-in maid in our HDB flat.

XY's nanny already have to cook for the 2 kids and whole family already leh. Don't want to bother her leh. Some more she is thinking of not being a nanny soon, want to go out to work.

Thanks for the thoughts!
Ya lor, should have taken a photo first hor. ;P felt so gross squeezing it out also. The blood was blackish in colour. Still got some pus left but she is complaining about the pain. So we left it. Anyway, GP gave antibiotics plus cream so that should do the job to clear the remaining pus. :p
Aiyo pauline, what insect was that? So scary! Hope ra gets well soon!

Kam, wah premium tingkat's food so yucky? I think if u can't cook on time, maybe dab is a better option since u can stilL choose what you like.
I am not sure if my fren booked the hotel, she mentioned Centara Grand or something. The last time I went, stayed in PP. Nice brekkie. Hee... How many days are you gg for?

Wah, you like expert for BKK leh! Actually my fren has BKK frens, so she oso wanna have dinner with them. I no time for outskirts, heard the last time, my fren went some winery.

Is your #1 same age as mine ah?

hope RA get well soon!

I am feeling hungry at this hour.....
Thanks, Chaye, Tongtong, Steph.
The swelling is still quite hard. In hindsight, maybe should have squeezed out all the pus. :p Fever is almost down but hubby is worried so feed one more time panadol before she sleeps. She is super 'manja' tonight, keep saying 'pain pain. Mummy sayang'. Want me to hug her to sleep too.

Think it is better to squeeze out all e pus. That was wat my mom usually did in the past. To clear everything out.
Hope RA gets well soon.
Morning all,

Yeah.. today last day of work week ... den super long weekend!!

no mood to work... looking fwd to 4+ to see my urine test results...

I will bring a few packets of magic ink (markers) over too for them to colour incase not enough paint for them to share. So got variety for them.

Long story... will update if everything's ok .. will run away from here if negative results hahaha Thanks for the wishes.

Re: Teachers' Day

This mummy getting kan jiong n clueless liao ..
1) wat to buy? necessary?
2) shd i get 2 sets for all teachers since my kids in the cc?
3) shd i get 1 set of all teachers?
4) shd i jz get 1 set (each from my boys) for the teachers tat teaches them?

how i survived last yr? hehe act blur cos i dun like the teacher in the AppleTree... so act blur lor ...
Wish you good luck for the test results. Enjoy your long weekend.

I didn't buy anything for Teacher's Day leh. Usually they will have a party the day before, so I just contributed some food for the party lor. Very headache leh, don't know what to buy, so might as well don't buy. Oh, maybe can help HR to handmake a card for his teacher.

<font color="0000ff">RE: 1st September</font>
Think we confirm order from the Eatz Catering (http://www.eatzcatering.com/menu-mini.html). Should we go for the Italian one since already tried and tested by Steph, and the food seems to be suitable for the tods cos it's non spicy. We order the standard $130 for 12pax, and divide between the number of adults, ok? I will get Yakult for the kids.

Yup, bring whatever you can, but don't need to many. I will print out a set of colouring sheet for each of them. JanBB's idea of finger printing and using veg to print is a good idea also.
No problem, easier that way...the caterer come and set up and clear away later. No dishes to wash and we don't have to shift everyone to the restaurant
. We can just divide the cost evenly.
No la..Just that was there only 2 weeks ago. So still fresh on my mind. Well, if u happen to be at the baiyoke sky area, can check this Indra Square, 1st got 1 shop selling all the excess stock for gap, gymboree, ck etc. Looks like BP organisers also get from her kind.
aiya.. I mean 1st floor. I don't remember seeing it at Platinum Mall. How I wish I could spend more time at Platinum Mall..Only 1 hr..Sianz
Morning all.
Got a call from Raeanne's teacher this morning and she said RaeAnne got fever of 37.7. Thought it was strange but asked maid to bring her back. Checked our own thermometer and it was 37.2. My own temperature is 36.8 so she is just a bit warm. Maybe cos we tried to prick and squeeze out the remaining pus yesterday but failed cos inside harden already. :p Anyway, MIL was supposed to bring her home after school cos I'm going to Natas. Now, I've got to personally deposit her liao. ;P
I can help you on the 1st Sep. Very difficult to explain now. Some can be fix, some can't.

Also, you asked me about printing of blog before right. I have printed 2 times already. Printed to PDF format at a very afforadable price, then I print out the PDF using our own printing. I can show you the example of the print out.

Please show it to be then...Can wait to see it. In the mean time, I am just taking a picture of the page on my mac and paste the picture onto word. Very time consuming....:p
hello mummies,

Kam, didn't know about the scooter! just checked out zoo website, looks like it's going to be fun..haha..

re check up
went for my check up on monday, gynae mentioned that the water level is only fair and wants me to see her on a weekly basis to make sure the level doesn't go down too fast and also monitor the baby's movements. Hope she can stay inside till our chosen date of delivery :p
i'm only 35 weeks? not too sure whether it's norm but that's what gynae mentioned, she actually wanted me to do a weekly ctg but i was like....eh can't i see you weekly to save on the ctg :p only 2 more visits ma...and the 3rd week will be delivering.
wah so fast u gonna deliver soon...hope u have a smooth &amp; fast delivery! c-sect cos u've a chosen date of delivery?
Who is delivering next huh?prata_queen?

Kam, u got the EDD/POP list?

The mystery mummy is so obvious now...hehe:p

Juz read your blog. Hugz to u. Didn't know you had such a hard time. You are a Super mummy, muz give u a big pat nx wed!! At the same time, i am also laughing at the part on putting them to sleep cos the same battle happen at my home too. Me no better, also shout, scream scold both of them and always pray &amp; hope that they can sleep by 10 or 11pm. But this only happen to me fri - sun. Until now, i still dun hv the courage to bring #2 home daily cos i know i will lose my temper again. Totally can understand your stress level for u to deal with it daily.

Some tips to share &amp; sometime it works (depend on their mood).
i) Put #2 in playpen. Give her toys or books to entertain herself first. Hurry pat #1 to lala land. At least is safer in playpen. On some eductaional VCDs or music.

ii) Entertain #1 with many activities &amp; hurry pat #2 to sleep.

iii) Close one eye. Let them play until 11pm. Sure Zzzz faster after down with a bottle of milk. But i know, by then we will be very tired.

Conclusion : Never put them in the same room &amp; expect them to sleep at the same time when the time is early like 9pm. I tried many times &amp; ended up blood boil to limit and scold everybody upside down.

Though hubby is there to help but both kids reject him when comes to sleeping time. Faint. I nearly split into 2 when come to this tough part, both need attention &amp; get jealous.

Btw, why didn't u think of having a quick dinner outside with HR. If u dun mind outside food, u can buy fish soup, mee or fried rice for him. After dinner then fetch meimei? At least u won't have too much stress? Is the nanny ok for u to fetch XY at a later time, say 7.30pm or 8pm?

Take care ah!!

Mummies of two/three ~ how did u cope with our tough situation above? Can share?
luvv, wah so fast! smooth delivery to you! shd be very fast since #2 liao.

i think i missed many posst leh ever since i became sahm. who is the mystery mum?
Really ah? Very obvious already? Didn't get it leh. I guess must be from FB since the thread has been quiet lately?

I don't have the EDD/POP list leh. Posted the list few weeks back but I didn't save a copy of it.

**shake hand** and yes, we really have to give each other a big pat next Wed :)

Thanks for sharing. Yes, I agree, put both in the same room and hope they both fall asleep at the same time or about the same time would never work, not for our kids, who are still young and not sleep trained.

I cannot leave #2 alone, cos hubby not home yet means she will be left alone in the living room in her cot. She sure cries bucket when she realises no one around.

Yes, often, have to leave HR with the tv on. But hor, when XY is taking too long to fall asleep, HR will come open the door and disturb and all the effort gone! And they both happily playing with each other and laughed out loud.

And yes, sometime just couldn't be bother. Don't want to sleep? Don't sleep lah. Let both of them continue to play at the living room till can see they really tired then only put them to bed.

I guess the only solution is to sleep train them. But I don't have the gut to do it :p So I will be stuck like this for the next few months if not longer.

Oh the dinner. Ya, I am not comfortable with giving him outside food everyday. He is already eating outside food on weekends when we are out. And he is already eating more junk now (chocalate, sweets, etc), I wanna try to give him healthy dinner on weekdays. But I know, I am not a superwoman, I might not be able to do it at the end, but I just have to give it a try. Right now, he takes a hard boiled egg at about 6pm at his cc, so hope that can fill his stomach till the dinner is ready by about 7.30pm. I thought of come back home to cook first, then go and fetch them, but coming back and forth is really wasting too much of the time, so I drop the idea. I try and see how it goes. If really can't work out, I will think of plan B, plan C, and plan D.... till one that works for us :)

Appreciate your inputs greatly.
kam, janbb
then i would be the leech to "suck" on your knowledge when it comes to putting 2 of my children to sleep come 2011....i oso headache. now thinking of solution.
most prob, i will sleep train #1 (easier to do that for a bb than a toddler). let bb sleep by 7.30 or so...in own room...then 8.30 put x to sleep
i will have long long nights liao sianzzzzz

but then again, i reach home 7pm, very tough to put a bb to sleep by 7.30pm leh...how how how? *wails*

Hint hint us ;) No clue at all.

Realised both our kids are abt same age, no wonder so similar. #1 - Dec/jan &amp; #2 - July/Aug.

Guess we got no choice, need to endure this period until both are older ;) Jia you!!

hope u dun feel too worried after hearing our cries. Get yourself prepared now or train your hubby to handle #1 first. Really our limited 2 hands r not enuff when dealing with 2kids.
