(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi Kam,

I will be coming tml... My gal is not completely recovered so will not bring her along.


My children also fall sick so often. Last month Javin admitted hospital, this month Jasmyn. I also dunno wad happened. Had been very careful with the food intake yet they still fall sick. Also changed Javin to half day CC. I think this is part and parcel of their growing stage. My mum also say last time every week i see doctor. money spent on me can put inside a big big luaggage bag...

See you!

Both my deliveries similar to yours. Waterbag broke during midnight. Admitted. No contraction till oxytoxin was adminstered. The different was the 2nd time I asked for epidural much earlier, ie, as soon as the first fews contractions kicked in, and so shorten the whole labour by half (12 hours for #1 and 6 hours for #2).

Now that we are toilet training HR, we do have the same problem. Cos sometimes when we want to go out, he refuses to wear diaper. Now I always bring 1 or 2 spare shorts with me. If I forget to bring, have to buy new ones from the shops.

He has been diaper-free almost the whole during the weekend. And starting yesterday, his teacher let him go diaperless also at school, except nap time. Only 1 accident at about 6pm+ when he was too engaged in his play. My problem now is he doesn't really know/want to poo when he is not on diaper. He can poo at the toilet bowl, but doesn't know to tell us when. Or when we realise he wants to poo, the urge was over and he can't "gek" it out already. Just hope won't lead to constipation, cos last night he told me 屁股痛痛.
B still wears pullup pants when we're out. I have not tried diaperless outside but I when I do, I will certainly bring an extra pair of pants for accidents. Do you let him wear underwear? If you do then probably just need to change that and blow dry the pants in the toilet?
Kam and mummies see ya tomoro..

Kam: coming fr Pasir Ris which is e best way?

Prataqueen: i got strep b for my no.2 pregnancy only. i took e oral antibiotics for 5 days then delivered. i had e drip immediately i was admitted. For my no.2 a lot of needles here and there cos for my no.2 i signed up wif Cordlife and they need to draw a tube of mummy"s blood. didnt kw abt it cos my no.1 was wif Stemcord no need mummy blood.
B also went through a stage when he only wanted to poo in his diapers. Try to catch his timing for poo poo and let him sit and try for a while. B usually does it after his milk feeds so I ask him to sit on the toilet to poo and of course most of the time he says he doesn't need to. But with more practice he can now identify the urge to poo and tell us. HR just needs more practice, give him a bit more time.

Yes, I put a waterproof protector + a towel beneath her bum to absorb any urine. But this morning, her blanket & that towel both kenna urine. Well, its good at least the bedsheet remained dry.


If we’re heading to shopping malls where we know the toilets are reasonably clean + ample toilet paper is available to line the seat (not applicable for you cos yours stands to pee), I will let her pass urine just before we leave the house, and when we reach the shopping mall, we will bring her to the toilet when she verbalise that she needs to use the toilet.

If the place we’re heading to is dirty/has no toilet paper, we will have to coax her to wear her diapers. She confirm protests (she hates to wear diapers now) but we just have to explain tat no diaper = no gai gai for her, and she will eventually be coaxed to wear it.

So X is toilet trained but doesn’t verbalise? I think give him a few more times of ‘accidents’ and he will soon learn to inform you. Children are smart, wet pants => uncomfortable => have to go toilet to change pants => less time for shopping with papa and mama. Soon he’ll get the idea.

Or you can ask him every 10 min if he needs to pass urine rather than wait for him to tell you. Sometimes, they are too happy and distracted during shopping & forget to inform until last minute & its too late.
Kam, epi has the effect of shortening labor time becos the mother is able to relax (without being tensed up and bothered by the contractions)?

Lynn, yep, but I’m worried #2 labor will be too fast & not enuf time for drip to be administered. Wat can I do to reduce this except to head straight to hospital? Keep telling myself no point being worried now cos I can’t control my labor time.
kam, yvonne, prata_queen
thanks for the inputs. i was trying to poll how we cope with leaks outside

btw, prata_queen, X is pee-trained for many months liao and he will verbalise. only starting 2 weeks ago, he didnt want to tell us that he's got the urge...and resulting in accidents.
eg we were at bus stop yesterday waiting for bus to go kindy
me: you want to shee shee?
x: shee shee ah?? shee shee ah?
i thought he didnt want. coz he seemed like asking me a qn...
10 seconds later...i saw a dark stain on his crotch area...school pants somemore *faints*
then quickly bring in to grass patch to relieve..and so much urine!!

my point is, we kept asking him (standard norm) but nowdays he said no even when his bladder is full
Hugz to u. Dun be sad, R will get well soon.

Re: vomitting of milk
Maybe u want to standby a potty by the bedside? Cos J also tends to vomit after milk esp when he got cough. Usually we will standby the potty & if he start coughing, we ask him to spit inside. I know how messy it gets when they puke out all over. Very sian to clear the mess too. Angry & heartpain at the same time.

Re: Hubby's snoring problem
Hey u ladies are so kind to your hubby. I think i'm the notti one. I will give him a kick if he snores too loud, haha. Then he still wake up & ask me "What's up??" Faint!!! The solution for me is hurry fall asleep before his "concert" start, haha.

C ya tmr ;p

I also do the same thing when HB snore too loud. I will "slap" his face then lift up his head to turn him. If still snore then i will kick his butt. Sometimes snores can be very annoying....
janbb, jacelyn
on some bad nights, i spend most of the time jabbing, kicking, pushing, nudging, elbowing my hb....in the end i never sleep!!
funni rite!!
then i will tell my hb, i no sleep coz u snore....he will retort, "i no sleep coz u kept beating me!"

and yes, i will try to fall asleep before he sleeps. but my hb can fall asleep within 5 mins kind leh, how to win him??
does the OSIM anti snow pillow works???!!!
i desperate liao heehee...
sometimes i put ear plug oso can hear his snoring...those high notes ones :p :p :p
hmm.. i very bad one, if my hubby snoring affects me n make me cant sleep, i would juz ask u to go to the other room to sleep.

but usual, i try to sleep earlier than him too, than i cant hear his MUSIC.
i bring 2 spare undies and 1 pair shorts with me when i go out. usually my girl doesn't just let go, she tend to leak out a bit of urine then tell me she need to go. or i will see her behaviour cos usually when she leak out she will open her legs and look down to check then i quickly bring her to toilet.

usually only undies need to change, if pants a bit wet only i just let her wear back.
Jacelyn and JanBB,
See you tomorrow!

My hub only snores when he is very tired. And yes, he can fall asleep within minutes, I can never fall asleep that fast even if I am tired. Well actually my hub complains that I am the one who snores :p And he said me got worse after #2 arrived. Don't know how true leh, keke :)
pixie, so far my girl has been able to control her pee n poo very well, so no leakage. but i suggest u bring one pullup pants n one extra shorts wen u go out with him.

and if u have car, juz put extra diapers in the car. i even have a small bucket n bigbig plastic bags, incase my girl need to pee or poo urgently n we r on the highway... ;p
Kam, thanks, they are ok now. Thankfully....

Luca, I also heard that it's better to owe and repay 'debt' to your own family than to owe other people.

Steph, I love the song 最近比较烦 by 周华健 and others, and my favourite verse is <font color="ff0000">家是我最甘心的负担. 不烦我不烦, 只有一点烦你比我烦我情愿心甘. 我不烦不烦我不烦我不烦我不烦</font>. Always feel better after hearing this song. Jia you!!!

Pixie, like JanBB, I also kick hubby when he snores so that he will change position and stop snoring. hehehe...
there was this period my girl kept coughing and vomitting out her milk also. i hv a permanent 'puke bucket' standby my bed.
it's just a small container (those plastic ones u get when u dabao food) lined with a plastic bag.
when my girl starts coughing i'll grab the container and stuff it under her chin to catch the vomit. after that easy to tie up and throw the whole bag away.
you are certainly well prepared!!
i only bring 1x pullups, 1xshorts
but my boy super not keen in diapers or pullups liao leh

re: snoring
aqua, i dont like to sleep separately with hb. i take sleeping together as an important aspect of marriage leh....just my own view. so even quarrel oso sleep together
kitsune, i kick and my hb turns, he continue his symphony leh
Err... for those playing FB restaurant city, do you have a problem when the game freezes when starting up? It happened since yesterday, not sure if it's because of my laptop or the game is having problems? :/
Pixie, same same, I also think sleeping tog is important part of marriage. That's why I am not keen for my hubby to sleep with RaeAnne in another room. But I know both of us will get better sleep this way. Luckily, my hubby only snores at certain position usually when he sleeps on his back. On the side, still ok. :p
pixie, oic.i respect ur values. me n my hb havent been sleeping together ever since my girl was borned. my girl is already a PR on my queensize bed. my poor hb has fallen to sleep another queen size mattress nex to us .
anyway, we r no so particular abt intimacy, most important is to hav A GOOD REST

yep, i am v beri wellprepared mummy. can i suggest u bring along some plastic bags or a small plastic bottles n X can pee in it wheneer he cant control? haha
i got backup plan. use the 1x diaper to catch his pee lor.. container is bulky and needs aiming....so i rather that i use diaper to catch his pee if he cannot control

anyway very weird leh. he just started this dont want to pee phase. 1 day can leak 3x kind, kept changing shorts. ask him want to pee or not kept saying dont want
hope this phase pass soon
I read that some kids who are already toilet trained might go through this leaking phase. Main thing is cannot scold/blame him.
hello ladies,
checking in for a while.

Steph, you're doing great! don't undermine yourself yah, you don't have any help comparing to us with maids, at least can push the dirty works to them. sick or not really not up to us, as long as we do our part, don't be too hard on ourselves. your boys would like to see a happy mummy all the time...smiles are contagious :) keep smiling!

re snoring
both me and hubby snores, so we won't disturb each other when sleeping, i think my girl is used to our snoring,therefore won't be able to sleep well with other people...wahahaha...oopz..

re check up
2 more weeks to go, i'm dragging the sleepless nights, engorgement...etc already. good news is gynae say i can stop doing the prick test for GD, thank goodness, just need to continue to control my diet :)

1st trimester over soon right? hope your ms goes away asap.
There was a stage when B also tried to be funny with me, say no need to pee but pee in his pants. So I'll ask him on hourly basis if he wants to pee, if he says no, I will tell him "ok, later must tell mummy if you want to pee. Can you pee on the pants?" He will say no, then I will tell him "If you pee on the pants I will have to punish you becos you are a big boy now, big boys pee in the toilet not on their pants". Then he will change his mind and say he needs to pee now.

My hubby doesn't snore (thank goodness!). I'll have to sleep seprately from him if he does cos I'm those type who falls asleep within 5 mins but I need total silence and darkness to sleep.
Hi mummies,

I will miss the gathering session at Kam's place as I have a urgent meeting arranged by my boss this morning. So sad lor....now in the office working liao.

Have a good time later n post more pics on fb okay
morning mummies
actually very duh...everyone say taking leave coz school holiday to go Kam's place, but it didnt register to me that my boy oso having school holiday leh!!
winner liao lor
my mind is very fuzzy nowadays. just no mood for anything due to ms...
i called my mil this morning then she told me. aiyah then i would have taken leave to spend some time with him...

hey next week (whole week) school holiday too!
yes 1st trimester over liao lor, but ms is still around leh...nevermind, soon, soon, soon i tell myself

hey all da best...your c-sect date is coming real soon liao yah?
next wk CC still open woh.

yest evening, my PIL still grumbling why CC close on teachers' day? meaning those w/o nanny/care-taker/helper, parents will need to take CCL...like very duh. Anyway i told them is govt (MCYS) grant holiday for the teachers de but then again my MIL said, some cc/kindy still operate today woh (she hear say from neighbours)...strange, i thought is across the board mah.

today thread so quiet, they must be having fun at Kam's place
steph, cc have 5.5 days a year to close &amp; its up to indv centre to decide on the dates.

my gal cc is open today also.

however i tink the kindys, primary and sec schools follow moe hols &amp; thus are closed today.
steph, prata_queen
bingo. today x's kindy close coz teacher's day. next week is school holidays. for kindys, pri, sec schools

but hor!! i didnt know teacher's day is a school holiday!! when i was young, teacher's day we dont have holidays rite??
now the kids are so much more fortunate
i went to dye hair during lunchtime
coz i cannot use normal dye, they had to henna my hair
aiyohhhh the process was so looooonnngg, my butt now is so painful from the long sitting

any hot topics for today? i wonder how the meetup went?
hey preggie can do henna ah? as long as dun touch the root/scalp of hair then ok? wah long lunch hr...u manage to grab a bite?

yea i wonder how's the mini gathering...maybe someone will load some pics on FB tonight!
can do henna, coz no ammonia can liao...
i sure need to touch root/scalp leh, my white hair all coming out mah...
you now watching what ah? recommend me?
recently i no mood to do anything, so i not watching too much HK drama leh
only watching 2 KR dramas now...and i just started to read books only. i stopped that for 1mth+ and couldnt take it hohoho
Hello hello,
Not that many turned up at the end. Luckily didn't order the buffet. Including HR, only 6 jan08 tods (plus mylvera's #1 &amp; #3). They all left at 2.30pm. Eventually didn't do any painting :p they did a bit of coloring then playing with the toys and having lunch. Time passed really fast. It's great to meet the mummies and toddlers! I am not a good host, forgot that I have brought drinks for the adults and the kids, think they all were thirsty. HR was fussing so that made me busy. I didn't take much photos either.
I jsut finished 谈情说案 by Raymond Lam. He's a Professor in this show. Not bad, initially a bit boring but after few more epi it got excited. It's like CSI kind but he use science to solve the case.

TT on off will let us brush if he's in good mood lor.. if not I just let him brush a few strokes here n there and that's it.

wah Kam, it must be a busy day for you !
1 more hr to go!!!
im working from home tomorrow since im on leave PM for HDB appt...
then fri after lunch will take time off for gynae appt...short work week, shiok shiok
luca, hope your boys get well soon!

steph, oh dear, you have our support, jiayou!!

pixie, i alwys bring extra spare pants when we go out. there was once S coudlnt ren his pee and peed on the car seat. so we changed him in the car. he even consoled himself that he "peed" into diaper wor! then we asked him, did you wear diaper? he just shook head and grinned . lol

kam, any updates on the gathering in fb? think i really deprived of my online life leh after being sahm hehe. hpe to join u all next gathering!
morning mummies!!
im craving for nasi lemak...later go downstairs to buy for me and hb's bfast...
lazy hb still asleep; i started work liao...still need preggy wifey go buy bfast :p
Morning all


I am keen on next gathering too...did we say 1st October, Children's Day? On a Friday n we can meet up with mylife!

i am looking forward to next wk n wk after that...my MBS stay &amp; BKK trip...talking about it...i still haven change thai baht yet.
