(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

that's really a good one! So Man = trouble!haha

despite of handling 2kids by yrself, you still gotta take care of other kiddos in CC (u are a teacher right?) peifu leh...u really power la.

yea pixie, group hugz indeed & let's cheer each other on!

hmm..everyone talking abt their hubby today?

mine is a great daddy, he can bath mygirl, feed her, change her diaper, everythin except he cant make her sleep. i am quite lucky coz i myself is such an impatient freak n totally cant stand nonsense. heng my hubby is patient n caring type, he is the one who always offer to help my look after my girl when i 'breakdown'.

my girl is fortunate to hav a good daddy, to conunter a fierce mummy .

krystle, i overpaid the cleaner, pls check email . tks
Can't remember. Either $7.90 or $8.90. The one at Laopasa, we tried it once, don't like it at all, so never went back.

I was actually very surprised he became more hands on after #2 arrived. I think he loves his girl very very much so he wants to be sure I have enough time to take good care of my girl, so he helps out more, esp with HR, cos #2 still latch on, and only wants me at night (he was very sad when #2 rejected him).

Wah, talking about my girl's night waking. If I am lucky, she wakes up 2-3 times a night. On the bad day, she wakes up >10x a night. Worst night was close to 30x! On average, about 5x. She just simply couldn't sleep tight at night. But if I carry her, she sleeps very soundly. Don't know why...... Luckily I don't pump at night from day 1, else, I think I also break down already.
dunno why, but other pple kids are so much easier to handle n take care...hehhe..anyway, these days I dont teach anymore. I do curriculum planning.

that must be tough on you. My boy only wake up max 2 times a night, already I am dead tired.
I am a bad mummy, I drink a cup of coffee a day to keep myself awake at work even though I still bf my boy...:p
yes 1 more hr to go...
after that is chiongz to je, see my boy, glup dinner, then rush home myself today...
after that the bridemaid gown lady come to my hse for fitting coz she mixed up gowns and have to re-do mine
after that got calls with the rest of the girls + bride at 11pm to discuss itinery
I also drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning on weekdays. Else don't think can keep myself up. I am very tired, but I wait patiently for my girl sleep better.

Just a suggestion. why dont u try bottle feeding? I realised my boy sleep better at nite these days after i switch to bottle feeding.
Yes, it's nice, to our taste lah. But my brother's gf, who is a hakka, who eats lui cha since young, also said that one is nice :)

Yes, I think it will help. Cos when she wakes up, she sure looks for my boobs, mostly for comfort sucking. If I don't allow, she will cry the house down! But since we are going back for CNY for about 2 weeks, so I hold on the plan for now, cos don't want to let her go through too many changes at a short time. Just 1 more month to my FREEDOM and reclaim my boob (note, no 's', just 1 boob, cos the right boob already stopped production).
or rather i will be the matron of honor. the one that assist the bride one
this sat lah
i 4am plus must wakie liao
wah.. not bad lei. i never been 1 b4 lei. then all my frens are pantang one. say married liao cannot be jiemei... hahaa.... so i only attend wedding dinner at most~~~
I understand how you feel. Coz I been through the phrase. I think I had post natal depression too, very angry at #2 every day and scolded him every day. Then can cry for no apparent reason. Just hang in there and the feelings will go away. Family support is very impt here. JIAYOU!

Re: CNY Reunion Dinner
Ya, I used to have 2 consective dinners in the past. Kam, although SGP is small but running from west to east also takes more than 1 hr... So now, usually I will eat at parents' side 1 wk earlier then eve will be on hubby's side. My bro also prefers it that way lah so not much of issues now.

Wah, XY wakes up very frequent leh. 30x... 5x I will already scream liao!!! You really power mummy. You want to try yaolan or not? Since like she feels insecure to sleep on bed? Like your cuddle better so maybe yaolan helps? Just a suggestion.
kam, shannonbaby, I drink coffee once in a while too. I figured since I already drinking on and off when preggie. BF shouldn't make a difference. No. 2 liao, bo chap mummy. :p

My ILs have been very gracious in this aspect. They 'allow' me to have reunion dinner with my parents while I have reunion lunch with them.

<font color="ff0000">Mylife, no need to get the pig doraemon for me from HK liao. Guess what, Mcdonalds' will be launching the Pig doraemon after all and it'll be in April http://www.mcdonalds.com.sg/doraemon/index.html. Hahaha, power of the media. I guessed that they will do that as part of PR recovery but hubby didn't believe me. I like to think that my forum letter played a part to wake up their idea. Buay paiseh.

Congrats on your new job.

We are all here to support each other and share worries and unhappiness. Take care ya.
Just came back from an indian ROM ceremony at a hindu temple at Sengkang - Rivervale Crescent.

It is an eye opener on the rituals they perform but a bit lenghty and I am so exhausted now. The bride is pretty and the groom is handsome.

they made their own vows...so loving and so sweet.
And, they end their owns by saying "I will never let you walk alone"
Verene, wa, so sweet hor. Envy the newly weds. Today is me and hubby's 5th customary wedding anniversary but as usual he never plan anything romantic other than to get me a gift. He just asked me if I have any cravings when I asked him if we have any dinner plans. Got to instruct the maid to cook if not going out mah. End up I also sian halfway and went to take nap before dinner. He went to tapow my favourite hainanese mutton stew from Jacobs Cafe, Changi village.

Jacelyn, shout for help and tell your hubby how you will like him to help you. If you can't tahan the stress then make alternative childcare arrangements. Put both kids in CC, infant care or let your MIL handle while you go back to work. Work is definitely less stressful than being a SAHM to 2 kids. I can attest to that. Sometimes, I feel like tearing my hair out or smacking my kids when they drive me up the wall with their crying. Jia you jia you okie!
dun need to envy lah, yr hubby is so sweet to you too! Eh, i have nothing from my hb on my wedding anni hor..anyway no expectation so no disappointment loh...
Steph, every year I tell myself that but still disappointed lar. I mean every year he knows that I'll be upset if he doesn't plan anything on special dates and still he didn't bother to plan. Doesn't it show that he doesn't "zhong4 shi4" me? :p
Hi Pauline,

So qiao....yesterday was our 4th customary wedding anniversary. We had our wedding in 2006 n time really flies. Happy Anniversary to U! We didnt celebrate this year too! I guess I hv no mood since I resign hee hee. But I think tonight we will just hv a simple dinner with amanda.
Pauline, ya ur forum letter played impt part leh, glad that they are awake now haha. Eh u at least got celebrate ur ann but me dun hor, ur hubby v gd liao
Oh yes, your letter very the powerful leh! You should be our thread's resident journalist, you help us to publish our complaints, etc. Good work!

That day I was tidying our photo albums and I want to label all the albums nicely. And guess what? I wrote our customary wedding date wrongly!!! I wrote 21st instead of 20th. I really had a had time remembering the day, let alone celebrating it. ROM date even worse, only know it's in end Sep, couldn't remember the date. But to me, it's ok, cos we don't want to celebrate all these dates anyway. Everyday is a special day :)
good morning ladies...

it's raining.. I dont like rain in the morning when need to work ! Train station will always be overcrowded just like this morning. I got to wait for 6 trains before I can squeeze myself into the train and got sandwich between people. It's scary if the fellow standing back to back to you is perspiring and u can feel his/her body heat... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
morning all

the fact that your hubby bother to tapow yr favourite hainanese mutton stew has shown that he "zhong4 shi4" &amp; care about you...at least to me, YES or maybe i am the type that satisfied/contented easily:p Anyway, i know how u feel la but just wanna tell you, that your hubby very nice liow cos he takes care (spend time with family rather with his buddies hor cos not all men are likdat ya!) of the family

so fast holiday mood...still a few wks to CNY...Oh i know...u looked forward to your BKK trip &amp; X's birthday next wk ya

This morning heavy rain...i hate driving in heavy traffic...arghhh...
i am upsad with Abbott regarding their similac step2 sample
Someone counter-sign on my behalf &amp; STOLE my sample!!!
im setting off at 5am tomorrow - what meals can i stew in the slow cooker that my boy can eat for lunch?
no porridge pls....maybe a stew or something?
prob just have some rice in rice cooker n pour stew over for lunch?

ideas ideas? hmmmmmmmmmm
wah!! so bo liao this one oso wanna steal ah!! super~~

holiday mood coz tmr is my good fren big day and we will have an enjoyable (but early) day
Yup, totally agree! I hate taking train during peak hours cos of the smell of other people, and I would freak out if someone touches me. That day when I took train to work, I was standing sideway, then there is one lady, her boobs are touching my shoulder/hands all the times. I moved away slightly, and she kept coming towards me. I was like hello, can't you feel your boobs are touching someone? Apparently she's like can't feel anything lor. I felt so yuck, I don't want to touch someone's boobs le. Hubby said maybe her bra is too thick so can't feel :p

Oh, you drive to work ah?
wah y r u setting off so early tmr ? to where ? can stew beef or chicken with mushroom, carrot and potatoes in it for lunch. yummy

Where did they counter sign? Outside ur house??

Eventually went to Jurong West Hawker Centre for lunch. Had the water chicken porridge and double boiled soup.
Is there a shop there that sells curry which was featured in the show to help hawkers with bad business?
Ok, can self-collect. Then just tt $19.50 will do. I sent the order to Japan but yet got any replies... Hopefully she will reply this week and deliver to me by next week, and all can get items by beginning Feb.
Morning mummies,

Was busy working out our itineary for bangkok trip. gosh too many places want to go and so little time, regreted booking only 4d3n, should have book 5d4n instead. Well can't do anything now.

How can that person counter sign? Is it someone you know?

kudos to you,but now i think i won't want to collect the toys, it's too late for them to do a service recovery, the bad impression is there.
Good morning
Today is lazy Friday. Raining, so nice to sleep... hoho.. I am so mean, let hb take bus to work today, cos I couldn't get up to send him! :p

I oso dun like to squeeze in the train, bad way to start the am, all sticky and smelly worse!
so what they say? give liao and its per household??!

my fren wedding lor~

yah, my solution is to throw half a chix, carrots, potatoes, onions, mushrooms and stew it for my boy &amp; hb's lunch.
but dunno make what sauce leh...thinking, thinking
lol at kam...hehe...was laughing at what you wrote on your hubby's comments! MRT is likdat de...boobs still ok...if let u smell armpit lagi worse hor!

yea i drive today (me on half-day leave) cos hb worked OT last nite (superb late so got time off for today)
we are going for CC visiting (or maybe just me alone cos he's too tired &amp; don't wanna disturb his sleep) &amp; massage later!

Abbott arranged courier to send to my ILs place but they didn't rec'd it/counter-sign on their DO at all. I called up Abbott &amp; check...they faxed me the courier DO (sure got recipient's acknowledgement) &amp; ask me to verify the signature. But it doesn't belong to my ILs at all...Abbott just say sorry to me &amp; say will informed their courier company &amp; they can't deliver another sample tin to me cos their system show i've already taken the sample!kns...i am unhappy with how they handle this matter cos it's thief &amp; forgery leh!
jie mei hor ! I like to be jie mei ! very fun de and got ang bao take ! ever since got married no ang bao take le.. so be a jie mei I v happy got ang bao take ! HAHAHA

anyway, I usually fry all the ingredient lightly with oyster sauce and pour into slow cooker to cook leh.

That 'SOMEONE' who counter-sign just signed my surname as YEO, that's all! And i don't even know who the hell is he/her! God bless that person!
steph, the person so disgusting! hw can he/she steal a hungry bb's milk? i tot u switch ur boy to mamil gold?if the mamil gold wrks for him, better juz stick to it. hw come u considering similac?
Talking about armpit on MRT..... this happened many years ago....... there was this lady who was wearing a short sleeve shirt. Me and hubby were standing nearby. Then suddenly this lady lifted up her arm to hold on to the handle at top. Guess what we saw? KNS, this woman has so much armpit hair, seriously a lot, like more than a man has. I mean if you don't want to maintain your armpit hair, then you don't wear sleeveless lor or don't lift up your arm so high leh. It's such a disgusting sight.... me and hubby stared and laughed, stared and laughed.......
ya loh...can't imagine got such person stealing a bb's milk! The request for similac sample was made 3wks ago, same timing as mamil gold but mamil gold already delivered their sample to me within a wk
Yup Rayden seem to suit mamil gold better than friso, now no more hard &amp; dry stools
The similac sample is to standby just in case mamil gold or enfalac don't work for him. I wont mind if similac re-send me a sample tin to replace my stolen one (IF ONLY) cos i can give it to my cousin's bb.

Kam, the way u describe reali funni. i heard most of the chinese in china also likee tht. they dun shave armpit hair n they love to wear sleeveless.... haha
