(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Kam, no leh, still busy, but I afraid I will miss the free shipping, so quickly log in to shop before boss comes :p when are you going to SH? Whole kampong go?

Elmo, jiayou! But meanwhile can consider for a ST break!


Kotobuki is not hawker food leh, is Japanese restaurant woh. I have not been there but review like not very good...read here:
i will recommend you to try Sobasei Japanese Restaurant at 11 Japanese Garden Road. Me & hubby always like to dine there. Z loves their Jap bento very much too

And Jurong West St 52 Market & Hawker Centre also have variety of nice food, like:

There are several fish soup stall at this market What I can said is each to it's own choice but the best fish soup stall is call "Heng Heng"...always long Q & their home made chilli is shiok ah!

There's one selling porridge and chicken last time from Bugis called Su Ji. Porridge is watery type.

There's one stall selling fish ball noodle last time from bugis and was feature in the Makan places Lost & found. The Bowl is black in colour.

There's one stall Kou Wei selling roasted delicacy, the suckling pig is quite good. (This is the same stall selling the chicken rice at Kovan if I remeber correctly.)

There's one stall selling tonic soup facing the car park. Soup not bad. Also have claypot rice stall.

Just beside it there's 1 zhi char stall last time from Bugis also not bad.

And if there's someone here who enjoy queuing for Guo Ji wantan Mee at Lavendar Food Court, there's one here also.

U go there & explore ok...now got CNY flee market...can go shop shop look c
Hubby wants to go for the upcoming Shanghai Expo, around Aug, I think. Not sure if wants to bring whole kampung or not. Good thing is have spare hands to help with the kids, but on the other hand, can't enjoy as much cos have to take good care of the elderly.

Oh the Jap food near Jap garden nice ah. Can ask hubby to go try. Can let the kids enjoy the garden/park, then have dinner there :)

Are you Hakka? We always go to the hawker centre next to the Boon Lay Shopping Centre for the "lui cha fan" 擂茶饭. Very nice, maybe nicest in Singapore :)
welcome back to SIN for CNY! Yea if date, time & venue permit, i will like to meet up with u & Rylee

Hey, slip disc no joke but it wasn't me, is violetIce. So, what did the doc said after your MRI results? If everything turn out fine, u gonna try ttc for tiger/rabbit bb?hee..

Sobasei Japanese Restaurant is not located inside Jap Garden. Is located inside Fairway Club, somewhat near to Jap/Chinese Garden but you can still dropby the garden/park before dinner there

Thanks. I will give it a try. How much is it? and your account for the transfer?

THanks for the good intro for Jurong West St 52. Been there b4. I like the chicken rice there...the watery porridge kind. and the tu tu there also nice nice.
Is there nice food at Taman Jurong?

You were saying abt the First Skool. Do they have the 2 hour kind?? THey are only eligible for N1 next year right???

Are there any other nice food in the hawker at Boon Lay??
Nope. Not Hakka. Are you??
Hello everyone.
Xavier fall sick on his bday, wanted to bring him go zoo also cant. Sigh! I hope he can recover soon, cos he suppose to have a jab next friday, already postponed a few times.

End up I am busy again taking care of him. He keep falling sick every few mths, not sure how I can let him go carechild or playgroup even if I want.

Hope to meet up too! Depending on the schedule. :D
We are not Hakka either. But we both love the "lui cha fan", it's healthy choice also :) We never tried other food leh, always eat the "lui cha", very the boring hor.
mandy, kam,
for late nite supper, i also like Sin Sheng Gor Hiong Prawn Cracker at
Blk 221B, Boon LAy Place, #01-69.
Open from 1pm-11pm, Closed on Sun.

I was saying abt MyFirstSkool playgp (they called it playgp while other CC called it N1) but is actually N1 (half/full day CC) for 2011 enrolment.

No lar....Jayden likes playing with sword and gun now...is HR like tat too?? He looks for his gun in his sleep too!!

We still haven't introduce sword and gun to HR yet, don't know how he would take those toys. That day he saw hubby using a hammer fixing something, he got very interested. My bro bought him a tool set as his birthday present, he only liked the hammer, and used it to knock on everything and anything, including his meimei's head!!! After that, we have to keep the hammer and the tool set away, to save meimei :)

Wah, you really know where to go for food ya. Thanks for sharing, but we never liked Gor Hiong :-(
i grew up in Jurong, studied in NP, work in jurong & my hb's family also west side...so i am fated with Jurong even though i gian central/east/north side of the island cos that's where most good food u can find & also KOI!!!Arghhhh..
haha.. when i read the part where u say he use it to knock everything and anything.. and meimei head... so funny lor. guess they are exploring. Javier also do all sort of funny things with his toys. he has a army helmet toy and a gun, everyday act as if he is soldier~.... -_-"
Aqualabel is a off-rack product from Shiseido. Only sells in Japan and it is cheaper than the counter products which Shiseido sells here. Blue is the whitening series. Now I am using this cleanser and quite like it. That's why taking orders for the mummies here.
No problem. Anyway, already added your order.

I send the item via normal post to you ok? With postage is $20.50. POSB savings 029-50917-4. Please email addy to me.
ya loh, i love to eat but with 2kids, every meal time also must chop chop finish in 10-15mins
cannot enjoy like last time.

6 mths ago, we introduced the fisher price toolbench with hammer to Z. It was a gift in 2008 xmas from his great grandaunty but we only opened it last yr July. Starting he had so much fun knocking everything & anything but now he just cast it one side till R took it & played with it recently. Then he realise it's a treasure to him! He wants it back now *duh* so we opened another xmas present for R last yr, the Little Tikes Discover Sounds Hammer...he is having fun shaking/knocking it on/off as it produces sounds
thanks for the explanation... good har ? for dry skin not ? how much ? hehe. got pix to c not ?

move to north la ! amk hv KOI ! :p:p:p

aiyo my boy is playing with soft toys, cooking and cutting fruits with his jie jie leh... he will carry his piglet to sleep every nite de and he will sayang n kiss his piglet too... aiyo how har ? very sissy or not ?? think I better buy some guns for him
the new centres not 1 near my mil pl.
MFS emailed me yest to ask me am i still interested in the feb/mar intake. i told her no liao lor, but most prob next yr jan start. die die must start
yea i agree next yr die die MUST start! hey , me kuku (mixup) leh, MFS new centre is not really very near to my ILs, is actually 10-15mins walk while another new centre, "Little Wings" is
I wonder what's the difference?maybe curriculum & approach...will chk it out tmrl during CC visit.
my boy plays with cooking, and he hugs his eyorree to sleep too.
not sissy lah
he got guns but personally i dun like them. i think too violent for his age but my mom gave to him so i LL bo bian
29th i go to mum's place; 30th (eve) i go to mil place
some ppl run 2 places on eve
some ppl schedule lunch and dinner = 2 sessions on eve

all depends on how many boys/girls are there in the family bah?
yup i do go back to my parents's place for CNY reunion dinner, usually is few days earlier or on a wkend...like this year, will be having it on 7thFeb. CNY eve dinner will always be my hubby side (family) loh.
Reason why i am asking cos for the past few years, my hb n I have been having 2 dinners for CNY eve. 5pm with my side and 7pm with his side. Very stressful to run both side and always eat until too full.
Anyone in the same situation?

My MIL think we (me and my BIL's wife) are very lucky that she allows us to go back to our own family for reunion dinner on CNY eve. But this year, my BIL's wife becomes more daring, she asked my BIL to tell his parents to change the CNY reunion dinner to lunch so that they can have reunion dinner with her side of family, which start to cause alot of unhappiness in the family.
Anyway, my hb n I rejected their idea, cos feel that my PIL will be very poor thing if 2 old people are going to eat alone on CNY eve dinner.
ur so lucky. I also love to eat with my parents side, cos alot of pple, very fun and enjoyable. My IL side only PIL, my hb n i, BIL n SIL, quite boring. We usually eat with my side at 5pm then go over to my IL's side for 2nd round before returning to my parents house for further gathering..hehhe.
We used to have 2 reunion dinners on the eve, and yes, it's very stressful and often ate until stomach was going to burst. So for these 2 years, we have changed to 1 lunch and 1 dinner. It's much better. Lucky for us, IL never said anything, they are ok with anything one.

As long as you have reunion lunch/dinner on the eve, think it's ok? Does it have to be dinner? Most important is to have the whole family gather together and wish everyone a good year ahead, right? Unless your ILs are very particular on having a reunion dinner than lunch.
Going to sneak out and buy BD present for RaeAnne. Her birthday tom. Maybe get a small gift for hubby too since it's our customary wedding anniversary today.
My ILs is very particular. They say reunion dinner means dinner. No point having lunch. Then say we (me and SIL) very lucky that they allows us to go back for reunion dinner with our own parents.

Then my hb very angry, say why only both of us (me and SIL) so troublesome. All his friends' wife also never go back to parents side for CNY eve dinner (usually if yes, is one day earlier or one week earlier). Then my turn to be angry with my hb! I told him I had been with his family for 5 years, never once i requested to change their reunion dinner to lunch, and I let them choose their timing before my family choose their timing. My parents also never insist we must have dinner at 7pm, unlike my PIL. SIL only 2nd year with the family, then make this stupid request.

So sians that every year CNY dinner also must argue n quarrel without fail on the arrangement. I thought the timing already fix, my side 5pm then his side 7pm for the past few years. And this year even worst cos of my stupid SIL request. Not my fault wat.
i have reunion dinner at my ILs place but after dinner about 8-9pm i will go back to my own parents place for dessert and to bai nian. usually will leave my parents place abt midnight.
tat's how we have been doing since i got married.
pixie using her iphone so can still go lunch while me packet lunch in office today...lazy to go out:p

i wonder who is next in line to POP?? the pop list i lost track liow.
for me, we run 2 places on CNY eve. 5pm go to my grandma's place cos everyone will go back. then 7plus go back to my hubby's side. so for 2nd round, we will just sit down with them and eat a little lor

dun worry too much. its ur SIL tat is problematic. i feel tat u just stick to ur usual arrangement lor~...
Daughters are also children what...cannot go home for reunion dinner meh?? My side got 3 siblings all married whereas my hubby's side only he's married and my SIL still single. So every year will co-ordinate with my side 1st then decide which day to eat where. Usually it's dinner on CNY eve and the day before on each side. If CNY eve is weekends then we do one side lunch and the other dinner. The important thing is to have a family reunion, doesn't really matter if it's on CNY eve or not right?
kam, steph
i bought economic bee hoon (one of my fav comfort food) this morning and i ate it for lunch.
this is how i budget myself if i wanna save save
long beans + egg - at least something healthy as compared to luncheon meat, otah etc
but i know economic bee hoon is not healthy at all to begin with :p

well, you are not alone i have friends with the same situation as yours and they quarrel too.
sorry shannonbaby i lost your ramblings, so your SIL requested for what this year? to start eating at 7pm??

i am actually quite sad coz my own parents have 3 daughters and all come back to eat on eve eve, and then on eve, my parents have no reunion dinner. so sometimes they eat with 1 of my mom's sister or they simple simple eat yesterday's leftovers
sobz sobz

yest i oso angry with my hb hoho
guys oso got pms de
Ya lor, just follow your usual arrangement.

Ya, in Singapore it's easy to run 2 places. In Malaysia, a married daughter usually is not able to have reunion dinner because of the distance. Usually a married daughter only allowed (esp those follow tradition strictly ones) to visit her own family on either the 2nd or the 4th day of CNY, according to the tradition. For me, haha, it's just across the road, very lucky me, and that makes my dad very happy :)
i got them in the morning when i was waiting for company bus. if i am early i will buy bee hoon etc for lunch.
eat out with my colleagues too ex lar, they always eat 10-20$ lunch
like that 2 meals my weekly budget burst-ed liao lor. so i will purposely buy lunch first so that i got excuse to siamz

Only left with blessedbaby and Icy:

1. Blessedbaby________#2 GIRL EDD 25Jan10
2. Icy________________#2 GIRL EDD 11Mar10

Don't know what happened to Babe_yan? Wonder if she keeps the baby?
my parents also only got 2 daughters. so my sis n I also cant bear to let them eat alone.

ur so lucky. u and yr hb are childhood lovers rite?
i agree. it is impt to eat economically. cos everyday $10-$20 is alot!!... my previous workplace, i always bring sandwich/salad for lunch... haha...
I do reunion lunch for my parent at CNY eve and dinner at my place. Definitely cannot change it, cos since we stayed with them and got uncle relatives coming.

So fast, now the list only left with 2. My gynae adjusted my EDD to 13 March instead.

hi*5, i bought economic black mee this morning & ate it for lunch too! i didn't order my usual luncheon meat+egg+fried chix wing, i added only sotong fish cake
but like u said, still unhealthy cos mine very oily:p

why angry with yr hb, what happened?
