(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

harnor a lot hor
yest i had $2 chap chye png for lunch, at nite, i was out so i had bread...
but i bot iced milk tea from mos for $2.65 so in the end lost the battle of the budget
today lunch only $1.90 and dinner at JE so i win the battle liao

too much temptations

$5 is reasonable. if i eat a meal at my hse's foodcourt, easily $3.50, plus a drink, sure hit $5

hahaha.. i never really budget. but every sunday i will put certain amt in my wallet.. so for tat week, i will try to stick to tat amt....

next job onwards i must plan my expenses. cos this time round got to factor in transport. so will be higher~
since no hot topic....i bo liao abit...did this during lunch hr just nw...hee...So, TELL ME TELL ME...look alike daddy or mummy?

so groggy now... think I'm going to fall sick.. it's so sudden, throat and nose v itchy, keep sneezing.... just pop some yin qiao hope I can feel better later.... sniff...
not fair hor! but both got my cheerful personality...self-console:p I wonder how my boys will look like 20yrs later? like their dad??faint...haha
in the above pics, R looked like u while Z looks like daddy

why i angry with my hb ah.........
yest after dental + facial, i reached home, ard 9pm. i tot my hb (after visiting my boy) reached home liao but he didnt so i was zoning in front of the tv when he came back at 9.30.
then i asked him eh u worked so late ah (coz the day before, he told his mom he would be working late and not sure if he cant make it back for dinner at JE). then he just very sacarstic said "i go n visit x everyday without fail, not like you"
wtf....i mean what did i do to make u angry lor
so i just sat down n watch tv again. he asked me where i have been to i just ignored him....he asked me like 5 times then i said "dental + facial". dont even feel like justifying myself.
seow one leh. somedays never bother, somedays he buay song? pms lar.
the day before, my mil checked if we will be back for dinner, i told her no; while my hb said kiv. so he oredi know i not going back to je to see my boy n eat dinner liao, if buay song just tell me lor, wait until 1 whole day gone liao then start to be angry with me?

i take it he pms so i dont wanna tok to him. seow one ley
SY !!!
this photo wakes me up instantaneously !!!!! all in a family de. all have similar look de. cute leh
Seems like recently, quite a few of us quarrel with hubbies hor.. Me also quarrel with hubby last wkend. Very violent somemore. I took a glass mug and throw on e floor! :S
haha.. impt is personality. so its gd they are cheerful like u. ur hubby also not bad looking mah... so its okie

hiyo... ya hor. abit PMS lei he. but maybe he dun mean it? can i ask hw old is ur hubby huh? hehee
No worries. I respect your decision. Hmmm, so you are reading the thread ah, cannot say bad thing about you liao (just joking) :)

Like daddy. But got your smile.

oh i see...to me, it's very common to bicker. part & parcel of life...in hokkien is Tao Hong aka head wind, direct translation:p Cheer up k!

haha...so funni hor. If u got time to do your own then u will find some similarity too! So, yr gal look like u more or tate?
i cannot do wat u did lei. cos my hubby dun have photo of himself when he was young.. so jialat rite. he say his family poor until no $ take photo and say he too ugly.. relatives dun wana take his photo.. alamak!!!!

aiyo really ah...so poor, maybe not lah, just that it's not a trend to take bb pic last time & not many own a camera bah. u & hb same age? if got older pic (like 3 or 4YO) also nvm, still can do it. otherwise just do yours & javier?
yah steph
tao hong one leh
in situations like these i just keep quiet and let him rant lah
waste my time being angry for what hor
I guess every couple has their stress. I have so many problems. Maid,no one hekp to take care #1 in the morning to prepare him to go, just in case #2 also wake up together and 2 children fussing together. Mil refused to help though staying under the same roof!!!

For me just quarrelled with HB last sunday. #2 keep crying dun wan to drink milk, sleep... Very cranky recently. Then #1 always wanna cling on to me. Already very stress up with taking care #1 yet no morale support or comforting words from Hb still scold me. Dunno why i keep crying non stop and write a later to him. Later went to drink 2 bottles of cough syrup trying to kill myself. Hb found out sent me to TTSH. Now i am diagnosed with post natal depression. need to take medication.... My depression had relapsed again!
sorry to hear tat u r going thru so much.
u must take gd care okie. u have us here.. can come confide in us. i knw its tough. hang in there....
do rest well and hope u recover soon~

y not ask ur mum help u with #1 or #2, u take care of one she take care of one? Dun harm urself, think of ur bbs b4 u do those act. I always tot of my dog n girl when i have e urge to do foolish acts. It make me stop.

Now u need is get help n rest alone. pls take care n cheer up. Anything unhappy u can always come here n tell us. =)
Aiyo, those old traditions still being practised ah? It's probably ok for the older generations who have a dozen children but the family size is so small now, if only have daughters then no more reunion dinners once they get married?? I think regardless of son or daughter also must have reunion "meal" with parents...if not they so poor thing
I very "bad" one, once married already told my hubby every year CNY 1st day must go to my place...hahaha!

Yesterday I also buay song my hubby. He called me around 6plus to say he'll be late so I thought busy at work. Came home at 9plus then tell me he went drinking with colleagues/friends. Ok nevermind, so I heated up the soup for his dinner. He say want to shower first then came out and lie on the bed. Must have had a fair bit to drink so feeling very sleepy lor...so asked him again if he's going to eat his dinner. Say ok will eat later. Promptly fell alseep and woke up at 10.30pm! I super buay song liao cos who asked him to go drinking on a wed nite! Told him if he doesn't want to eat then I keep the food liao. Then he realised it's already 10.30pm and quickly went to finish his dinner and wash the dishes...hahaha...don't dare to leave it there for me to wash cos my face super black.
Pls take care of yourself. If the stress is too great to bear, talk to someone and don't hesitate to request for help. Fighting!
Oh poor thing! That's really very bad depression. Hope you get better with medication.

Your #1 refused to go to cc right? How about considering to keep him at home, but send #2 to infant care or nanny?

You take good care ya.
Funny enough, for most families that I know, they are ok that their daughter can't come back for reunion on CNY eve leh, cos they look forward to the 2nd day of CNY so all daughters come back. A lot of the traditions are still being practised in Malaysia, esp in more rural areas. Good and bad lah.

Pls take care. Its tough handling both kids on yr own. My hb also dont want to help me with the kids in the morning. He rather sleep cos he says he is tired. Yesterday morning, my gal wakes up crying while i am feeding her didi, ask my hb to help handle her. Guess what he did, he push her into the bedroom and close the door, letting her cry inside herself. Kaoz, I super angry lor, cos in the end I had to pacify her and handle #2 at the same time. Every morning, I will pray that both of kids dont wake up at the same time else I will had a hard time handling both. In fact, I also pray that both of them dont wake up in the middle of night at the same time, else I will be crazy.
Every morning is a mad rush getting #1 to school and #2 to my ILs house.
Hang on & pls take care as your 2 kids need u too! Tough times will be over de, like u said every couples has their stress. Jia You!

didnt know you are going thru hard times... so sorry to hear that.. Do take care. Sometimes I think of doing something crazy too but I dun hv the courage la :p Life is precious ! cherish it
You have 2 lovely kids to love and be loved. I hope your hubby will "wake up" by now and take good care of you ...

eh y your hubby lidat de ! If I'm you I will go mad and will definitely scream and have a big fight with him. He need his sleep I need mine too hor.
I not power mummy la. I breakdown like jacelyn too..at least once a week.
Anyway, confirm I will not have #3 at all. Actually, #2 is an accident too.

my hb is a good n nice hb, but dunno why he cannot be a good n nice daddy. He only plays with the kids when he is in a good mood although he loves them very much too. wish he can be more hands on.
harnor jacelyn u all have us to share your worries n what not.
i have depression before so if you need anyone to talk to, just call me lar. i am aunt agony to many many friends liao. sometimes my gf sms like at 3am and rant leh hahah
my hb too.
a lot of guys are not hands on. some are. it takes a very very long time to adjust to being hands on. i heard experiences shared in my religious meeting, some mummies waited for like 5 yrs for their hb to be hands on with family & kids wor
so....we must have faith in our hb and know that they will do that 1 fine day...wait long long hor?

"must see what they have done but not what they have not done"
You hang on there. Things will be better in another month or 2. Just hang on for now. You may want to talk to your hub, is it something that's making him not comfortable to handle the kids? He cannot take crying or what?

I am probably the lucky one. My hubby gets more and more hands on esp after the arrival of #2. All my friends came to visit me praised him. Even my mum also praised him. Must sayang my hubby more.
Icy, yea Xavier seems like falling sick quite often, you might want to boost his immune system else you might have more headaches when u send him to CC. Other than changing his diet, you may want to consider a simpler way – to give sambucol – it’s an elderberry extract. Or prune extract or sea mineral. At least all these are off the shelves, easier than planning his diet.

Mandy/Kam, I’m not hakka but I simply love lui cha too. Especially the tea!

Shannonbaby, I will be with IL for reunion dinner, will only go back to my parent’s hometown on chu1. miss the reunion dinner very much, but bobian. My hubby is not hands –on till I nag buey stop then he changed.

Steph, all ur childhood photos so cute! Think ur kiddos look like u more lei?

Jacelyn, aiyo!! Pls take care of yourself
Hugz to you and do take care, try to keep a positive mind and take in the good words and be deaf to the bad ones.

CNY Reunion Dinner
We always have 2, one with my parents. The timing will depends on my inlaws..if inlaws side having dinner, then my parents side will have lunch and vice versa. Since i'm the only married one in my family, arrangement is quite easy.
Woman has Man in it;

Mrs. has Mr. in it;

Female has Male in it;

She has He in it;

Madam has Adam in it;

Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now...

I never looked at it this way before:

Ever notice how all of women's problems start with MEN?

MENtal illness !

MENstrual cramps

MENtal breakdown




When we have REAL trouble, it's a.. HISterectomy.

Remember You Don't Stop Laughing Because You Grow Old, You Grow Old Because You Stop Laughing.
At my workplace, have got organic "lui Cha" leh. Sure you would love it! But super duper ex lor. If you don't mind it's not organic, the stall at boon lay is really very good. at least they serve brown rice.
Thanks Pixie. yea group hugz to everyone!

Jess, actually got photos one, to feature the husband of the year award. but too big, cant post it here. all very hilarious one la. like the wife sleeping out of the tent while hubby sleeping inside with his bike, wife carrying loads of stuff while another hand holding her hubby's hand( he carrys nothing) etc.

it talks about woman doing Everything for Man. cheh

yr hb is so good! I always read on how he helps u with the 2 kids. My hb will only helps when he is in a good mood. My mum also buay tahan him...always complain abt him to me, cos he always try to push my gal to my mum.
Other than that, he is really a good hb...

Does yr gal still wake up for milk? My boy will start wake up at 3am for milk. very standard timing, but very tiring cos I will also wake up in the middle of night to pump.
Kam, wah organic lui cha so good!!! Hwo much issit? I usually eat the lui cha at laupasat which has super long queue one. not bad la.

Any reviews on Learning Vision at Cecil or Cherrie Hearts at Cecil?? Both at raffles place.

i am considering sending mine to this cc near my workplace.
