(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Today on leave coz girl's birthday. Later bringing her to SGP flyer. Now she is busy opening her presents.

Yes, you can order the Aqualabel blue cleanser. I also use that and I have oily skin. Email me and I will include you in the order ok?
I don't take the GNC brand. Mine is Healtheries, a NZ brand, bought from Guardian Pharmacy. Why not you check with you doc why is your immune system so weak? There could be an underlying reason or the doc can recommend something else. But I think Ecchinea cannot be taken continuously else it'll lose it effect. Have to stop for a while then continue.

I was wondering what happened to you. No post here and you haven't been updating your blog as well? I would love to meet up with you and other mummies during CNY

My hubby and I go for yoga lessons every sat morning. We did that for a couple of years until I got preggy and stopped for 3 whole years while he continued. Decided to start again and let in-laws babysit B on sat mornings else they won't get to see him since he started playgroup and don't go over on weekdays anymore. It's great to have some couple time and definitely good for me cos I need to calm my nerves...hahaha!
Oh your mum stays at Jln Tenaga? My hubby's bro just bought resale there too. I stay at those Blk 100+, near Telok Kurau Pri Sch. Very near. Ya can meet up for play!

It is good to build common interest. My hubby plays golf and I am planning to learn it too (played at range only a few times and brought girl there a few times too). Next time will let the kids learn too. very envy once i saw a family of 5, mum + dad + 3 kids, all have their own golf bags!!! Very smart.

Ya loh, Not me lah. I only studied at the old campus.
i never been to korea leh, so cant helped u
perhaps all the stuff from korea that are ok-ok in SG sure cheaper than buying in SG itself
etude house, skinfoods, missha, the face shop etc etc?
buy their instant noodles i heard very nice n special, especially the 炸酱面 kind
Babyshannon, Yvonne, I agree lor. Couple time is important.

Sigh, I raised white flag, going to see LC at tmc later. Blocked duct for 4 days Liao. baby keep crying cos no letdown. But raeanne refused to nap since 1pm. I passed her to maid at 2pm. She screaming away in the living room now.
violetIce said, "dunno what causes it, maybe Ian too heavy!"
hey, i bought the book during lunch time liow
last book on the shelf (no more stock), lucky me
After disc $11.60

Err..nice food for dinner in jurong area? Go Jurong Point or IMM or u prefer hawker food or any particular cuisine? Jurong point new extension basement & 3rd floor alot of restaurant to choose from but i think you can find them at almost every major shopping malls, like Dian Xiao Er, NYNY, Ding Tai Feng, Zhou's Kitchen, Soup restaurant, Thai Express, Swenson etc & several Jap restaurant at old wing basement too!
i love the bbq seafood stall, Hua Kee 和记 at Pasir Panjang Food Ctr and also Korean Charcoal BBQ restaurant, "Ju Shin Jung" at 27 West Coast Highway, Yess Centre tel:64640872
Krystle, I see. That's very near.
Any reason why u choose to buy resale there? Cos it is not near to mrt nor interchange. At least u r nearer to the market though. I thought about it but decided to get tampines instead. More convenient n near to ils.
Aiyo, you poor thing. "History" repeats on you. You are such a great mum, so persist on BFing. If I were you, I would have given up long time ago already. Jia you, jia you, and shhh the block ducts away, go away, go away!

Today is totally a rest day for me, finally. Didn't do anything and not going to do anything. Just sleep and stone, and watch tv, surf net. Finally feel rested after so many months! My dear baby girl is turning 5 months already tomorrow.

Didn't do anything special, just the usual play and feed him and put him for nap. But it's just HR and I, no meimei and no hubby.

Yesterday I slept with HR after passing my girl to hubby. HR woke up briefly to change his sleeping position. He was so surprise to see me on the bed (cos me and meimei sleep in another room for about 1 week already), and he called me "mama" at his sweetest and softest tone, and gave me the warmest hug, don't want to let me go, hug me tight to sleep. Aiyo, I miss him so much!

RE: Couple time
Yes, it's very important. For us, since cannot park our kids anywhere, so gonna take leave when we really really want to have some time together. We share same interests for almost everything and have same groups of friends.
fwah i could imagine the scene that you described, very the "wen xin" hor? kids like these, we love to death. but come notti times, we GGGggrRRR liao haha...thats sooooooooooooo sweet!!
There will be another 10 new My First Skool centres coming our way!

I found another New centre which is even nearer to my ILs place, only 5mins walk
Just called them & this friday going down to register (enrol) Z for their playgroup (they called it playgp while others call N1). Now got special promo when you register, waived off registration fee
applicable for new centres only. So, how's your cc arrangement going? gonna enrol X in 2011?
Steph, eh, 11.60 is cheap! Think I got it around that price after conversion. Why this weekend burnt?

Nez, you can refer to my blog

Kam, that’s very sweet of HR!
Thanks kam. I need all the encouragement I can get. Complain to hubby, he only asked if I want to stop bf. But at least he rushed back to send me to see tmc LC just now at 3+pm. It was baby's feeding time so she managed to suckle quite long on both sides, then LC massaged. Then pump. She said lumps are cleared Liao and that the small lump on my nipple is breast tissue due to over pressing. She advised me to wear fitting nursing bra n to get bigger funnel breast shields. She said standard size may be too small esp when areola area is lumpy. Paid $42.80. :p
pixie, grumpus, mandy,kitsune, yvonne, krystle
wahhhhhhh...gam dong! Thanks ah!!

aiyoh, i busy only becos of Rylee's nap schedules. She finds it hard to nap outside and i do find her better behaved and happier when she has a good nap at home. Thats why my schedule back home only restrict to morning sessions and afternoon sessions. Now that she's older, can stretch a bit. Hohoho

hahahaha, i know...i have been lazy. I did jot down bits and pieces of her record in my calendar but life has been so busy these days, driving her to school, mygym, etc, so by the time she naps, i only want to "nua" in front of my computer and ogle at my stuffs (read : latest interest revert back to my Taiwan idol Joe Cheng)

I also hurt my back recently. Dunno if it's slip disc or not but doctor ordered a MRI recently. So scary, never knew i got a bit of claustrophobic, but when i was pushed in and was told to lie very still for 30-45mins, i almost freaked out cos it felt like i'm in a coffin or something. Choi choi choi! But my back has been feeling painful since the birth of Rylee and doc said i must treat it before i even CONSIDER having any tots of a #2.

Nowadays so busy handling Rylee, drive here n there. I dont my job description is SAHM or HOusewife anymore, more like Chauffeur.

CNY Gathering
Anyone wants to set a date or something? Shall we go somewhere where the kids can run freely BUT confine in a place so we can monitor them AND have a chat? Btw, does anyone knows the answers to these questions:

1) When do major malls start opening on CNY? I want to do some shopping lah!
2) Does the Zoo open on CNY? If not, when does it open? 3rd day? I've got friends from HK going to Sg for holiday on CNY, all asking me...hehehe
Actually I am a West person (stayed in Tiong Bahru + Boon Lay before married). It is because my hubby has been living here for 20 years liao. Then he is the eldest son and wants to stay near his parents (also BLk 100+), so ended up got to follow him loh. But we got our flat at a very good price lah. It was buyer's mkt then and we only paid $260K for 5 room!!! Actually only a bit not convenient, but with a car, we can go anywhere. Somemore my office at Kaki bukit, just walk 5 mins reach. So staying here is really good for me now. Only thing is that my parents and their side of relatives are all at West. I don't get to see them often.
Krystle, oic. Wa, $260k for 5 room flat is very cheap. Mine bought in 2004, costs $316k liao. Wa, very convenient for you then, office so near. Ya, with car, it's quite ok. When we got married, we didn't have car for 1 year plus. Planning to have kids then bought the car. hee. ;)
Hi mummies,

I m also from NYP before. Graduated in 1998. It has been a long time till I cant remember my course. Haha....

NYP-Jan 08 Mummy Alumni
enemum- SBM - mktg - 96
elmo_78 - SBM -HRM - 95
Btw, I have tendered my resignation n last day on 17 mar. So fed up with my boss that I resign on the spot. Not sure if this is a harsh decision but I really cant stand working with him. First time so affected that I did not turn up for work on the 2nd day I tendered.

What noodles are they?? Cant read chinese very well....ehhehe Can write in Han yu pin yin.

I am looking at like good hawker food in any coffee shop or hawker centres in Jurong.
Have you tried Kotobuki at Yuan Ching Road??

Is the Aqualabel really good for oily skin? Where is it from?? How much is it?? Maybe will get one.

My turn to help u....ehhehe..
1. I dont think our shopping centres are closed for CNY at all.
2. Sg Zoo is open 365 days a year!!!
Morning mummies! I am back to work.

How long you will be in Singapore for? Most likely can't meet with you and Rylee cos we will go back Ipoh for a long break. Aiyoh, we no "yuan fen" to meet le.

炸酱面 = zha jiang mian

So sorry to hear that. I am sure you have made a right decision. There is always something better out there waiting for you, or you can considre to be SAHM and plan for #2 :)
Hi Twinkystar,

Aiyo, my stupid boss has been putting in proposal prepared by me to the mgt & claimed all the credits. Sick n tired of him wayang in the office. Young n inexperienced. So fed up that u cannot give direction to us as to where we are heading next time. Quite sianz lor.

Hi Kam,

Actually I hv never thought of being a SAHM. Cannot stay at home for too long so I guess I hv to start searching for a job outside soon. But then, I m really quite sick of the corporate world. Full of politics n sickening pple around.

Anyone had that experience with their boss before? I hv worked so long n this is the first time I hv encountered such idiot boss.
Hi Jess,

Really? U also leaving the job? U found another job? U know my boss can say that those with children are not as committed as those who are single or hv no kids. He says that why I cannot work late. What kind of statement is it? That is really unfair.

As I cannot work till too late, I make the effort to go to work very early in the morning n bring work back to work after my girl has slept. N that is still not enough.
Which one you are going to? will become aqua's colleague or not?

Aiyo, your boss is so insensible. I never came across a boss like that, but I heard many of them. Never mind, take a short break and try something else. Good luck to you!
ya, i decide to leave bcos i have different working style and mindset from my exec. so i found a job and leave lor.
ur boss damn sickening la. next time when he gets married and someone treats his wife like tat then he knw hw hurt it feels.

i think u have done enough by going early and still work at nite lor. no worries, i believe u will get a job fast~.... think positively. u will move to somewhere better
Elmo, wah! resigned on the spot. Take a break before looking for job! Which line are you in? yea your boss is really demanding, you are already so good that you brought work back to home! I will never do that. Where got energy still to work after ds zz??

Mylife, so are you organizing gathering? There will be another one at elmo’s house ( elmo, can confirm ??)

Jess, congrats!! Hey you so fast “curse” elmo’s ex boss liao ah haha
hahahaa... not curse him la. but true la. i think as a boss, u must have certain level of understanding towards ur staff cos everyone also have family de. so he must be able to handle different ppl rite? otherwise he is boss for wat? hahaaa
morning ladies

eh your boss is such an ass ! how can he say such a thing ?! Take your time to find a better job !

Mylife !
long time no see le... where's the gathering ?!? Hope it's somewhere in the central leh...
I think those who doesn't have children really have very different mindset and cannot/don't want to understand those with children.

In my co, the IT manager also very sickening one, he told his team that work is the most important, family can wait. Work must be put at the highest priority. Cos he is a (old) married man with no children. One of my colleagues (under him) went on maternity leave. He didn't approve her leave, asked her to come back after 2 months at the max. I told my colleague no need to bother him, and same with what HR said, cos that's an employee's right, who is he to say such thing. Eventually he still made her to agree to take her phone calls ANYTIME during her maternity leave, so siao right?
Jess, congrats on landing the job.

So good, can get job lobang from SMH forum. Anyone looking for part time staff in the East or not? hehehe. ;)

Elmo, you deserve something better. Jia you on job hunting.
I uses Aqualabel Blue which is whitening series. I find it ok lah. The facial wash has some exfoliating "ke li" which helps to clear "mao kong". Do you want? If yes, can email to me asap?

Welcome to NYP-Jan 08 Mummies Alumni! You entered in 95? Hmm.. we might have seen each other coz you studied at tiong bahru right? Very qiao.

So angry until tender on the spot! Very heroic!! This shows how angry you are loh. Don't care such boss, he is only concerned abt himself. What does he mean by married with kids are not committed. Ask him to tell that to our govt and see how SM Lee slaps his face! Hahaha.

But why last day on 17 Mar? 2 mths' notice? At least take a rest now and see where you want to go from there. And also can spend some quality time with your girl.

Congrats! 1st interview got job liao! How does that exec reacted when you tender?
Hi Jess,

That's great! Congrats on ur new job!

At least u found something better before u leaves. Unlike me, I really cannot tahan so I tender on the spot.

Ya lor, I agree. Sometimes some pple can be really insensitive. I realise for those single or married w/o kids, they do not understand us at all. My boss is single so he dont understand. He is quite good looking but we think he does not like females. Haha....still not sure of his preference in gender. He will never get married n have children lor. He feels that I cant deliver bcos I m not as committed as my other colleagues.

Thanks, Pauline & Chaye for your encouragement! Will work hard to find another job.

Hi Tongtong,

I am in a very niche service industry doing HR. I just feel so demoralised after working with him. I hv the feeling tt I sucks in terms of job competency. Haha...I really need to jia you again.
hiyo, if i am ur colleague, i will switch off my phone. haha. i mean, if boss is nice to me, i will be nice to him and vice versus.


my exec ah. damn sicking also la. she email me say she shocked and tat hope she didnt scare me during my stay here, and she is not a fun person to work with etc. say will give me a treat nearer to my last day. i went home tell my hubby i dun wana go cos wait indigestion. hahaaa
Hi krystle,

Very qiao tt we might hv seen each other at the campus. Tiong Bahru campus is really small lor.

Haha...I am so angry with him that I feel like going to his boss's office to complain. But then again, no point lor. I guess I will just leave peacefully. No point to pursue further right. This year really an unlucky year for me cos things do not go smoothly.
Hey, I was reading the back posts and read about the big discussion on macdonald's doraemon. Here in HK also hv leh, but its specified that it is zodiac related so pig is included. I dunno if it's the same with Sg or not...it's like a soft toy wig a string on top that u can use to hang somewhere. The length is about the size of our middle finger? Anyone wants to collect this, I can buy for u all
but must hurry cos they release by batches, and this week is tiger, pig, rat and dog
Haha, yes, that's what I told my col, asked her to either block his no or don't pick up if see his no :)

Yes, jia you, jia you!!!
I included 1 Aqualabel Blue cleanser for you liao. But if you don't want it is ok, I can use it so let me know ok?

Aqua, Pixie, Kam.
I just sent out our orders to my supplier. Will let you know status soon.
elmo...more like i might just have met you in campus....cos only one year difference

my hubby's boss is just like your boss.

aiyo we will be gone from 12th all the way till end of the month le. So sad still can't meet you and rylee. And hubby don't want to go hk this year. He wants to visit shanghai instead.
