(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

steph, yeah! music underground men... mdm wong, newsroom ,all my fav..
last time, me n my gfs v crazy, can cheong to a few places in a single nite!

Pixie, why you never answer your own question? I know you DIY your wedding but forgot where liao. It was a pool reception right?

Mine was ROM reception - Buffet dinner at Sentosa Shangr-la
Customary reception - wedding lunch at Marriot

Jess, missed out your post. Sorry to hear about your hubby's retrenchment. Agree with the mummies, times are better now. So, maybe not so difficult for your hubby to find another engineering job. He's worked there for 6 years so should get at least 6 months compensation right? Still got time to find another job. Meanwhile, can start calling some headhunting companies first? Jia you jia you!
and also zouk, mambo jumbo nite & ladies nite...free drinks etc...so fun hor...now can only cheong with my 2 boys at night!muahahaha
she will collate orders for SK, sure hit 20pkts one rite

good memory given that you are preggers LOL
yes, poolside wedding dinner at carlton

steph, aqua
OMG....mdm wong, fire, sparks, canto, ridleys, double O!! double O is free FLOW for ladies!!
now the era is st james, Arena (i nvr been there), Butter Factory (my cousin work there), phuture, Zirca, rebel etc...all so unfamiliar.
yes! double O weds nights...free flow!!
sad....now after 2 yrs of not drinking, 1 yr preggie, 1 yr bf...no more stamina liao
cos u were studying overseas mah...the above alien terms are referring to the hippest clubbing disco in the 80s/early90s. Gosh...seem like so long ago!

pixie, grumpus, aqua,
are u gals good drinkers? beer, mixers, hard liquer etc... what is yr fav drink all nite?
Kitsune: read the archive, you can buy threading set for Raeanne at ELC shop. I got 1 set for my girl from there. They have wooden and plastic to choose from. ;-)

Kam: for HR' eczema you can try Hope' Relief Cream? Its very common in OZ and they are selling big pumping bottle. I saw some sprees/ BP for this cream, maybe you can try instead of using steriod cream on HR.
When my girl is in OZ, her skin was super dry and she got itchy but no those red patches, I bought this cream and applied for her few times,and it works wonder
Blessedbaby, I tried Hope's relief cream (bought from spree) for myself but didn't work. Maybe must use for long term? Er.. where's the ELC shop? Never heard of the shop before. :p
I am very "sua gu" one leh. Having been clubbing in my entire life. When I was in UK, a girlfriend asked if I wanna go clubbing. My answer was "what's that?" She couldn't believe I didn't know what's clubbing. And I was already 28 yo then :p

Thanks! I saw that in BP also. Was wondering if I should get it. Now that you recommend it, ok, I get 1 and try out. Thanks!
Pauline: ELC= Early Learning Center, I bought it from Paragon, Level 5.

How many times did you apply? I used it on my girl every time after changing her nappy or bathe her. ;-)
One time in HCMC, she had allergy with toys (I played her to a playland and on the weekend it was crowded), after returning home, my girl get itchy on her legs and arms, I quickly bathed and applied for her, she stop scratching. ;-) And next day, it's gone. ;-)
blessedbaby, over 2 days, but still itchy after applying, so end up I go back to my steroid cream. :p Oic, at paragon, okie will check it out when I go to town, don't know when though. :p
wow Pixie really have a very good memory leh.. she can rem a lot of things. or maybe you have the heart to remember all !!

Yes !! Havent been clubbing for so many donkey years. I still go clubbing when Central is still a hapening place where SOS, Double O, Siam Super Club are still HOT ! Another is Mohd Sultan road but now all mal-function le...

Happening place now is St James which I have never been leh... so suaku le... maybe we ladies shd organise a Friday nite out to St James hor >!???!?!

where is OZ ah ?
For my case, I had to take epi, cos else keep having pain and cant relax, cant relax then cant dilate. Waste a lot of time waiting for dilation. In the end, after epi, it took me like another 4-5hrs to dilate. Else after 6hr, i am not dilating much at all.

I will just order a cake from bengawan solo and have a small celebration. Cos Xavier loves Mickey!

topic for today (maybe asked before liao):
where was your wedding dinner held at? dinner or lunch? or no wedding dinner/lunch? or church wedding?
Pan Pacific, Dinner. That was like 2005.
topic for today :
where was your wedding dinner held at ? dinner or lunch ? or no wedding dinner/lunch ? or church wedding ?
Mine was dinner at Plaza Hotel at Beach Road back in yr2000. Per table is $688+++ hehehe
steph, my fav is long island tea! we always buy i big jug during zouk 1-for-1, hee, v worth it! ;p but i am nt a gd drinker la...
Good morning mummies,

Reporting Reporting ;)
Was so busy at work this week & I will like to announce that I will be joining the SAHM Club soon & very soon ^.^

My boss has approved my 1yr no pay leave. Will stay here for another 2weeks to handover & my leaves will cover until end of the year ;) Which mean I will have a solid 1 whole yr of SAHM life!! Excited sia... Have made many plans ahead ;) Very mixed feeling, like my current job, boss & colleagues but have no other better arrangement for my kids. Guess there's no perfect plan in this world. I'm trying to be positive & take 1 step by 1 step, hope i can do a gd job in my new role, heehee ;p If i do well, my SAHM "contract with hubby" shld be extended... So ambitious early in the morning, !!!
yesterday before i went to sleep, i was thinking about your 'announcement" and wanted to ask you today. who knows you announced before i asked! we got FATE muahahaha

re: drinking
wah last time is super drinker leh. we 3 gals can start off with a bottle of wine, then followed by a bottle of hard liquor, and finally another bottle of JD...all in a single night! that was at moods....
after that i siao zouk, when got DJs i like come to play i will go...aiyoh every fri and/or sat will chiongz one leh...
seow one lah, can take those drinks like "waterfall" etc. now ask me take i sure say no...

st james got a lot of areas, i went there few times before...nowadays clubbing i very the sianz oredi dont like the feeling liao
Janbb, congrats!! I have colleagues who have been extending her long term no pay leave as well! Hehe. Don’t think she will come back unless she needs $$ keke.
Thanks mummies ; )

Then u got dream of me, kekeke ;p

Steph & pixie,
I have signed up the zoophonic @ JW holiday prog. Enrol this week will get discount. I paid $114 for 5 days lesson. I have also enrolled their weekdays class next year ; )
Both are touchscreen phone rite??
I really hate to do messaging without "real buttons". Sold away my touchscreen samsung phone within 3mths, can't tahan.
My advice : u shld borrow from your friend & do many trials on the function. If u find it veri troublesome to cope, better dun buy. But if you can handle it well, thot iphone shld be the better option.

Btw, anyone interested if we do a <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">birthday bash cum x'mas party in dec</font></font> for other todd this year?? We didn't manage to make it last year, how abt this year?? Any idea?? Form C'tte?? Show some hands, pls ; )
hp poll update:
samsung omnia:
iPhone: chaye, kam, janbb

aiyah since you SAHM liao then you org lah. xuan kao ni le heeheee
im keen
Congrats on becoming SAHM! Although only for 1 yr, It will be a good trial before you decide if go permanently. So nice. I wish I can do that too.

Just now nearly got a shock. Saw newspaper this morning that there is a newly wed groom fell from Hilton hotel. I just attended my coll's wedding on Sun at Hilton too! I hurriedly checked the name and luckily not my coll. Got a scare leh.
I am also not so into touch screen. Personally in love with those Jap phones but too bad SGP dun have. So always buy flip phones. But if you ask me, maybe iPhone is better. I heard many complains abt Samsung. How abt Nokia E71? Like Blackberry and easy to text too?

hp poll update:
samsung omnia:
iPhone: chaye, kam, janbb, krystle
janbb, wher do u propose for birthday bash? hw abt kallang mac donalds? they hav a little playarea for the toddlers to play and i suppose not v costly?

I asked 2 qns yesterday but no reply yet leh...

1. is pneumoccocal compulsory now ?
2. where is OZ where Blessedbaby is now ?
ixel: I also dont like those touch screen button. But since I just lost my O2 phone so looks like my hubby will buy for me a Iphone like his. ;-)
Actually I just want a very simple phone for sms and making calls. I dont use internet via phone, nor taking photos from there.

E71 my hb had before, its a very very basic phone no frills kind. blackberry i dun like. i like phones with physical qwerty keyboard but those models will only be out next yr...cant wait liao coz my hp is oredi in ORD mood
