(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Icy, oh you are not concern with the clinical trial of the MMRV jab?

Mylvera, I thought when your #1 is so thoughtful to ask your MIL about her leg and your MIL should sound happy and praise him for his thoughtfulness, never thought that she would answer that way!! So weird your MIL

Pixie, yea can get cheap cheap phone from 7-11 too . The tcm I went pretty good leh. But it’s in yishun. Pixie, is hougang ave 6 near your place too?
icy, pixie, egg white mucus means O? i tink my girl was conceived during O, coz i rem tht time i got that mucus.
but now, dunno is it coz old liao, nt every mth i see the muscus... some mths dunno hav
tongtong, mmrv nt compulsory rite? we onli need to give mmr as mandatory jab, chickenpox one is optional izzit?
For my case,
#1 has taken 6in1 (2,4&6mths), rotavirus(2 oral dose b4 6mths), MMR(15mths) & 18mths booster.
After 2YO, will let him take pneumococcal vaccination since only 1 jab using medisave.
#2 has completed 6in1 (3,5&7mths). Next will be MMRV(15mths) then 18mths booster & after 2YO pneumococcal jab.

Today news:
Parents allowed kid to poo in public at Ion foodcourt!
hougang ave 6 is very long stretch, if you want me to be there to take the books, i dont mind lar...
which tcm you visit in yishun? sighs i miss yishun. i grew up there

yes when you O, then will have eggwhite-like discharge. its a classic symptom when you O. yah i oso sometimes dont have. its just 1 of many symptoms so you dont have to worry if it doesnt show up.
another one is you feel a bit crampy (like menses cramps). its just the egg travelling/shooting out that time.
Hihi, MIA yesterday afternoon cos coming down with cold/flu. Slept the whole afternoon after self medicating but muscle ache is still so bad that I can't function. End up went to see GP last evening. A lot better now.

Nez, krystle, hubby thought of bringing RaeAnne for MMR jab this evening too but I thought since only left with 2 months plus before she turns 2 years old, might as well save $ and do it later. Anyone else think of doing the same? :p My gal has chicken pox jab (separate) liao, need to do booster before 6 or 7 years old I think.

Kam, during my generation, my parents also never include English (we don't call it christian name cos we are not christian) names for us. But when we go to school or work, it's tougher for people (especially the non Chinese) to remember or pronounce our dialect names. My dialect name gets mispronounced so many times. Even for hubby his dialect name is quite English sounding but not many people know how to pronounce it. A stumbling block since he is an aspiring writer. He's thinking of adopting an English 'pen name' for his next book using his initials eg. TAC Teo.

I know of people who did not give their kids English names but they give English sounding dialect names eg. Su-Anne, Ho-wen, Wy-En, Wy-lynn. Also can. To me, more importantly, the name is not too diff to pronounce or remember. He thought of dropping the dialect name but I told him the dialect name reflects our roots. Only Singapore, Malaysian and Hong kong have dialect names. In mainland china, they use Hanyu pinyin. In states, they only use English name and surname. So RaeAnne has both English name and English sounding dialect name. Raelynn will be the same I think.
i dunno what to say about yr MIL le...一点人情味也没有! Hope yr #1 is not too traumatic by his nai nai's comment.
the pic you posted is funny
but then again, maybe the parents = potty training their kids so no matter what, cannot put diapers on so need to bring out potties if needed?
im looking at another perspective...coz its the singapore kindness movement going on mah hohoho
Aiyo...how come got such a thing? Ion has nice kids' toilet for children to poo le..My boy was so impressed with the toilet..This mother is super inconsiderate..
Robinsons Expo Sale from 5 to 15 Nov 2009 at Singapore Expo Hall 5, OCBC Robinson's Card Preview 5-6 Nov 2009. Shop early for christmas..hohoho

don't u think it's uncivilized, inconsiderate and unhealthy to poo in foodcourt esp when u sit next to them & having yr meal too...the foul smell wont spoiled your appetite ah?
kindness movement is asking Singaporean to be more forgiving ?? potty training for kids abv 3YO can go toilet...sure most foodcourt got toilet, let alone Ion le.
But even if toilet train, at least bring the children and potties to the toilet and let the kids poo lah. This is not very considerate leh.
Pixie, I just wonder whether hougang and punggol is near to your place cuz I’m not familiar with SG routes and I’m going Hougang and FGS at punggol next Sunday. Or are there any prominent place at hougang or punggol that we can meet? Or if both places are really out of the place then we can arrange again . Maybe we should have a gathering to meet the kids ? hehe

Pixie, does it mean that when we see discharge we are starting to ovulate or finish o already>
pixie too kind lah *joking*

i agree its very bad for other diners. my sis changed her #2 in the car i almost puke out my precious crabs in my stomach, let alone strangers.......
if weekend, i will definately bring my kid out to meet u lah. touch and go oso can; meet-drink-tok oso can. if you free lah.
prominent places in hougang is hougang mall lor. btw, its just at the junction of ave 6 & ave 10
then if timing is good, can ask yvonne to come out heehee
whats FGS?

ovulating time will see that kind of discharge. its different from normal discharge leh

can i ask mummies who know this?
we got menses doesnt necessary mean we ovulating rite?
if my fren use the ovulating strip and she tested a window of 7-10days but never see herself ovulating. but she got menses regularly
OMG...so sudden ah. The economy is picking up so finding another job is not so difficult now i think.

i know this cos last time i seek TCM, my physician said we got regular menses doesnt necessary mean we ovulating (no egg) so cannot TCC also. Best to take hormone pills (clomid)/jab to induce ovulation, to make sure there is at least one egg avail for fertilization during TCC (fertile period).
haiz... nw sitting at my desk feel like crying....
i really duno how nw... finances really will be a prob. and i think it is not easy for my hubby to find a job. he has been at this job for 6 years already.
Pixie, FGS , fo guang shan at punggol. I’m thinking to bring my son there cuz he never been to the temple ma. And have lunch there too. Yvonne stays at hougang?

Jess, ah!! Your hubby is in which line? Same com as yours last time right? Yea shouldn’t be a problem finding another job? Why hard to get a job since he has got experience? At least now he can take some rest before starting new job? You know I went for ESS course, it’s the course on employability skills system. The teacher told us that it’s not necessary the best to stay on at current job forever, you might get better pay and better job environment if you change job. So be positive!
he is an engineer... manufacturing line.
haiz.... argh!.. i doubt we will enjoy the trip tmr. and luckily this morning i test not positive. maybe later i dun go see gynae liao.
paiseh, used my sis nick (above) coz i had to do some bp monitoring work for her. coolie kang

still need to go see gynae about your lengthy menses lah
i agree with tongtong, nowadays market better liao, employment rate is faster and better

oic. i was suspecting its a temple too. a lot of ppl go there hor?
yvonne stays ard kovan there yes she stays hougang ba
Don't be so sad. I am sure this will open another path for your hubby to a better job. Hugz to you. Just enjoy tmr's trip first.
clarval, yeh, it's a temple by Master Xing Yun. not sure whether there's lots of ppl? cuz punggol leh, but at least the place is quiet i guess?
pixel: received the milkbag from you yesterday. Actually when I saw the package I couldn't recall what I bought coz been shopping so much online. Hahahaha.
Hope this time round I also have alot of milk to pump. ;-)
Also this time am buying Medela Freestyle Breast pump from US too. ;-)))))))))))
I think should be 14 days before that.. the the discharge get more and more sticky, not so "stretchy" anymore. Anyway, not sure if everyone is diff.

I trust my PD. COs she is the same doc that contact the clinic trial for oral rotavirus. Plus MMRV already available in market. This whole MMRV is free, since I want to let X take chicken pox then might as well.

can refer to ths page abt discharge - http://www.estronaut.com/a/ovulation_fertility.htm

Woah your mil kind of selfish and childish, use kid to "shot" people. Well let her be, in future her grandchildren also put off by her.

Think sometimes the discharge also depends by health bah, think sometimes when I not enough sleep or sick around that period, the discharge also different.

I like sweetest moments cakes. :D
I was wondering if stress affects the release of egg when we ovulate? Coz I tried TTC #1 for 6 mths then successful. During then, I was in my ex-co and everyday was super stressful. I striked #1 immediately after I left the ex-co. Then for #2, I striked at one time try and my current job is ok and less stressful.
Hi ladies

MIA for a few days cos so busy with work and have done my wisom tooth extraction yesterday and now staying at home for a week

Hi Jess

Yes stay positive ! He may end up with a better pay job cos last nite our PM was mentioning in news that our economy has pick up and it will not slide in near future. So it wont be long that he found the next job.
jess, dun be sad! i m sue ur hb will find a better job! u also managed to get a new job very soon, so mus b positive n u mus encourage n support him!

gynae u also shld go la, at least u know clearer abt ur body!

krystle: i agree stress affects ttc, but many times, i tink fate n god play a big part. children r god's gift to us, so we cant control if we wan or not.
i oso agree on sweetest moments. its considerably cheaper than the rest i've checked out. dunno how still the same or not but i LOVE their plain butter cake. 7.50 rite

stress definitely affects TTC, let alone ovulation hor

both my sis got new jobs these 2 mths and better pay. so no worries lah
I also agree, stress do play a (big) part. A friend of mine who is running her own business (her husband is also running another business independantly), had been TTC for years. Both of them work so hard, no time and stress. We asked them to pause for a while if they are serious about having a kid (cos they are 38 years old already). So they decided to take 1 week break together, not touching their work at all, which has never happened in their marriage life. And bingo, now in her 2nd trimester already :)
pixie, oh! i'm going to hougang/punggol on the 15th November.

jess, dont worry too much. ask ur hubby to write his CV and prepare to send in applications! meanwhile take a rest ma.
ok then when you know liao, let me know your schedule on that day can? and please email me or pm me the amt payable? i trf to you first. i always dont bring lots of cash out kind
