(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Chaye: am in Australia. Hohoho. Overlooked your question coz I just read this morning news. ;-)

Janbb: hope you enjoy your new job. ;-)

1. Yes, Pneumoccocal is compulsory now. Need 3 jabs.
2. Not sure where is Blessedbaby located. Maybe she can answer this qns herself?
Chaye, i think we talked about the jab day before yesterday leh. it's compulsory for newborns now but not for our #1
Answering your questions:

1. Scroll up and steph posted a link from MOH to this question. Basically it says compulsory for all newborns from Nov 1 2009. And recommend all children to get the jab also. Can you medisave.

2. OZ = Aussie = Australia. Blessedbaby is still in Singapore now, but will be leaving very soon to OZ to join her hubby there.

I am keen on the birthday bash also! But I don't want to go McDonald (sorry, Aqua).
Kam: agree, I dont want to bring my girl to Mcdonald unless no choice. Every time she sees French fried, she simply reject everything else. Not healthy at all leh.
hhaha Kam, am still in Singapore. ;-) Flying out next week. After this trip, I hope I dont have to go anywhere anymore. Wanna to settle down with my girl schedule, these days she doesn't eat much and down with cough and running nose. ;-(
The earliest time we go back to sg maybe in Aug next year. Between that hope my hubby dont drag me to NZ. ;-)
Hi blessedbaby

Canberra is the Capital of Australia ! Anything nice there ? Maybe I should consider touring Canberra next...hehehe

Thanks for your info. I should consider taking Tate for the jab when he is after 2.

I'm keen on Birthday Bash too !!! but where where where ?
Chaye: we like Canberra. Quite and calm. Very good for family kind of things. ;-) Its abit out of the way, but it doesn't matter to us.
Do let me know if you wanna come by. ;-)
Birthday bash in Dec, don't think I can make it unless my baby is overdue. Hehe.

Re: pneumoccal jab
Even though medisave can be used, not all the clinics accept this 'mode of payment'. Called my regular PD clinic yesterday and they don't accept Medisave (maybe can't process). So end up, we decided to save the hassle and just let her take 1 jab after her 2nd birthday. If just $150, no medisave to use still ok. :p
Thanks mummies again.
Aiyo, u all so smart to ARROW me...heehee.

I can only help to start the ball rolling ;)
But after i lve my job, dun think i can sign in that often liao. Shld someone follow up or do the co-ordination after that??

<font color="ff0000">Birthday bash cum x'mas party in dec</font>
Show more hands pls &amp; pls let the list flow:
1) Janbb
2) pixie
3) kam
4) tongtong
5) aqua
6) chaye

Venue suggestion:
Since our todd are so active now, shld we arrange some place like indoor playground that are safe for them? If onz, i will try &amp; find out the price later.

1) Go-Go Bambini?
2) Polliwogs at East Coast?
3) Picnic at Marina Barrage??

Shld we choose a gd date??? 12 Dec (sat) or 13 Dec (sun)??
Chaye, I heard Canberra is a city of flowers, dunno true or not?

blessedbaby, is canberra near to sydney ? i'm going to visit my aunt in sydney next autumn
you stay canberra, i stayed at canberra road last time :p :p

got chance to be dragged to NZ i dont mind. i never been there leh. some ppl would love to be in your shoes leh.
Normally Mei is the one coordinating outings for us hor... source for venue, pay for the dinner plus free gifts somemore ! hahaha where is Mei now ?

Yes I have been to Canberra Road before ! it's at Sembawang hahahaha I have never been to NZ too and I heard it is very scenic leh... wish to go there....
Tongtong: yes, it has flower festival every spring season (April i think).
Its 3 hours drive from Sydney to canberra. Wanna to come down to visit us?? Let me know, you are always welcome. ;-)

Pixel: very tired traveling now. I am looking forward to going home. No mood to stay here and there- maybe because of pregnant with a toddler in tow? ;-)
After that one more kid is no joke leh. Thats why my mum will be staying over to help me otherwise I think I will be crazy with 2 kids. Hahaha.
I have juz msg some MIA mummies including MEI, Ahcapp, violetice, itok, evening, etc...

MEI MEI, We need you, pls cum back here ;p
Hope they can join the B'day Bash ; )

check up my blog or facebook ...got pix there ; ) It is indoor playground ;p
luca: LOL. Good question. ;-) when I go back to SG this time, many people asks me whether am coming back for shopping or for family? In my mind, I don't know what to answer coz suddenly I don't feel SG is my home anymore. So I just tell them that its for shopping!!! But then after I say that, I am confused myself whether I am telling the truth. ;-( Just simply "Home is where the hearts is". Even my girl behaves the same when we are in singapore. Funny isn't it? ;-)
Our home is in Canberra. ;-)
Hello Mei!!! It was me that msg u ;)
How are you?? Waiting for you to organise the B'day Bash, ok??

Chaye - Me efficient sia, hohoho ;p

Birthday bash cum x'mas party in dec
Show more hands pls &amp; pls let the list flow:
1) Janbb
2) pixie
3) kam
4) tongtong
5) aqua
6) chaye
7) Jacelyn

Venue suggestion:
Since our todd are so active now, shld we arrange some place like indoor playground that are safe for them? If onz, i will try &amp; find out the price later.

1) Go-Go Bambini?
2) Polliwogs at East Coast?
3) Picnic at Marina Barrage??

Shld we choose a gd date??? 12 Dec (sat) or 13 Dec (sun)??
Surprise that you suggested Marina Barrage...... thought you would stay away from the sun :=P

Indoor playgroup sounds ok to me.
sometimes u are in NZ, then next thing i know u are in OZ n SG, until i abit ablur, so i had to ask u dat question. its nice to travel around, but in the end must settle down somewhere where u really feel comfortable and happy with.
I went to Marina Barrage once in the evening. Really like the place a lot. But was there at 6pm+ &amp; the sky turned dark shortly ;)
If we arrange this venue, we also muz fix it at 5.00pm the earliest cos' really dun like sun. U got gd memory leh, heehee ;)

Then we go for indoor playground better. Aircon no sweat ^.^

Where is mei again??
Check in &amp; check out so soon??
Wow congrats on yr new 'job'! Brave decision!
so next time i on leave, can jio u &amp; jayden out hor?

count me in too!
Birthday bash cum x'mas party in dec
Show more hands pls &amp; pls let the list flow:
1) Janbb
2) pixie
3) kam
4) tongtong
5) aqua
6) chaye
7) Jacelyn
8) steph
Anyone is going to bring your tod to the Thomas &amp; Friends™ Live! show? We will be there cos Thomas it's HR's favourite now. He doesn't touch other toys (except puzzles) but Thomas.

Let me know if you are going.
been wanting to ask u, dat time u told me daiso selling the double eyelid stickers right? i went to look yesterday, theres 3 thickness to choose, so the thinnest 1 is the 1 u are talking about rite?
Certainly, muz rem to jio me oki ;) We can bring them to J pt shopping or lunch, heehee.

Raining here!! Lunching in...sian..

Ding Dong Ding Dong, anyone here??
ya loh, running &amp; blocked nose + sore throat...the whole family kenna flu bugs
Yesterday hb MC, today my turn. i am so hungry now...gg for lunch, catch up later!
<font color="aa00aa">Birthday Bash cum X'mas party:
Date: 13 Dec (Sun) - ok??
Time: 2.00pm - ok?
Venue: (TBC)</font>

Show more hands pls &amp; pls let the list flow:
1) Janbb
2) pixie
3) kam
4) tongtong
5) aqua
6) chaye
7) Jacelyn
8) steph

We shld wait for more response...hopefully can get min 15 then we go ahead oki??

Venue suggestions:

1) GoGo Bambini:
Check out their party theme. http://www.gogobambini.com/

Premium Birthday Party
From $475 for 15 kids
$25 per extra child
Children enjoy playing age-appropriate games together before proceeding to the playscape for playtime. Every child receives small goodies and balloons.

Package Includes:

GGB birthday party host to supervise and assist
Exclusive use of birthday party room for 2 hours
Birthday party food and drinks as per above
Active playtime in the playscape
Birthday Party balloons and simple body tattoos (non-toxic body paint)
Fun age-appropriate games lead by our hosts
Candies and stickers
Cake-cutting ceremony
Complimentary invitations for your guests
Complete set-up and clean-up

2)Polliwogs@ East Coast:

3) Check this link for other indoor playground.

Any preference??
I am just wondering how many days do you bleed after the wisdom tooth op ? I had it on Tue afternoon but I'm still bleeding now. The amount of blood has dropped tho but it's still bleeding a bit a bit ... normal or not ah ? every mouth of saliva tat I spit out contains blood. And if I leave the gauze for 30mins it is about 1/3 stain with blood.

Kam can you advise me ah cos I rem u went thru it before and who else ah... oh my memory is not as good as pixie's
Can't remember exactly. Think maybe within 24 hours. Why not call you dentist and ask?

Think morning session better? Since most of the tods now only taking 1 afternoon nap?

GoGo Bambini looks good to me.
i think its OOS coz i went to look at the daiso opp my place many times liao they never stock up. i took the last pack. tonite i reach home i will take pic of the packet and post to u tmr ok

rest well and get well soon ok

my bleeding stopped quite fast. but if yours keep bleeding maybe never stitch properly up bah

Oh thanks... I just called the clinic.. ask me to go back tmr wor... sigh... hate putting on gauze.

I prefer morning outing too cos ask Kam says they need their afternoon nap... we need that too hehehe
