(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hi all,

want to ask if there is any Hero mummies that did not take EPI anot....i really hope i can dun take EPI this time. I heard from ex-colleague there is one midwives in TMC was trained as Doula.

Any idea???
Kellie, TMC really got a doula? That’s good! Got extra charge or not?
I did not take EPI> but I’m not the hero mum wor, cuz I think everyone can do it hehe. You can do it! don’t worry.
Seems like everyone recommended the Sweetest moments. But i saw online they dun have the whole cakes is those swiss rolls... Maybe i will order the swiss rolls bundle.
Of course she will be back. Her son is in NS and her husband working here. But she returns to china for 1month plus every year.
my 2 heroic SILs did not take epi!!!! I think really an amazing feat :p Coz I rem when I had the contractions, it was soooo painful I think even my baby was affected by me coz her heartbeat went down. Haha...
I did not take Epidural for both of my deliveries. Cannot considered as Heroine. Just that timing was late to take. Hahaha.. What is Doula? Jia you on not taking epi. If you really don't want epi, then must be determined to endure until the very last. When you had no choice, you just bear with the pain and go thru the delivery. I never regret not taking epi.

Sweetest Moments has a whole butter cake + 4 AKKs + 4 red eggs @ $12.90. Their sweet rolls are not bad too. That time I ordered The popular choice. My hubby tried their cupcakes and said is nice too.
My cousin also didnt take epi for 2 pregnancy and she is induced. Find her so lucky, first child only take 3 hrs, 2nd child 1.5 hrs.

I tried w/o epi and cant dilate. This time round, i will just go for epi, i want a fast dilation. :p
Kam, I think it's because Kellie was in Feb08MTB list. I was posting on both threads cos my EDD is 1 Feb so I'm in both lists. Haha.
Icy, that time with epi, I already took more than 12 hours to dilate. If without epi, will take even longer, think I'll faint from the pain already. :p
Raining now in the west...Zzz...heavy lunch at dian xiao er

Getting a doula (professional) to help during labor is chargeable at TMC. You can call TMC to check for this service to engage one. IMO i think the midwives/nurses are gd enuff cos if yr pain tolerance is superb low & slow dilation, better to take epi le else u tired out easily & no strength to push if long labor.
OIC! Cos she seldom post here, once in a while.

Yes, epi helped me to dilate faster also. Don't think it works for everyone. It helps esp for those with low pain tolerance, like me, cos if not relax (because of the pain) then can't dilate (according to my gynae).
hehe, Kam, ya I know Cheryl and Tongtong from Feb08 thread too. But nowadays they post at both threads cos her boy born in Jan.

Kam, when I got bad lower back cramps and body aches from flu these few days, I'll question myself. Like that, already can't tahan the pain, how to do without epi? :p

you good lah...i was supposed to be on Feb 08 mummies list but that thread kinda quiet at times and here is more happening meh...i love to read the topics here especially anything by Pixie....hahaha
woah don sabo me
im just being more direct hence ppl think i write shockingly....
hmmmm got more mummies more happening than my life one leh...

like kam who ML on hilltop; kitsune's hb is a writer *jaws dropping*; grumpus's hb is a pilot *no more jaws to drop*; chaye still got wisdom tooth (but now no more liao); mylvera's pils are wonderful etc etc

we must have hall of fame liao heeheee
*CLAP CLAP* wow, u can remember all so well, pixie

kam: i am so impressed by ur act, so kinky eh....keke
how are u mummies going to celebrate your child 2YO birthday?
i wanna try pine garden but need to source for figurines.
After #1 BD, will be #2 in Feb...xiong!

Wahhh grumpus's hb is a PILOT. How they met each other?kaypoh:p
Aiyoh, how can I delete this ML on hilltop thingy from your memory huh. Mine is at OZ, Tasmania somemore, like you scream also no one will come to rescue you kind :) I think those ML at shopping centre staircase and toilet was far more daring than me (ok, honestly, I can't delete this from my memory also, keke).
the gd thingy abt cc is when child BD, can celebrate with his classmates & teachers, not so boring like celebrate with the immediate family members. The cake size have to take into consideration cos immediate family members not alot, say less than 15pax...1kg is gd enuff but 1kg cake not much design to create/choose unlike when celebrate at the cc, u can have a 1.5-2kg cake to share with many pple.
still got a lot lah...
like mylife's house, her hb's study got like 4monitors (at least) at the desk!
like steph, she wants a birkins leh! i dun even dare to dream
like blessedbaby, she stays in OZ leh! good life...

cannot think liao, brain dead. waiting for 5pm
i cant forget that leh. somemore overseas, not like in bukit timah hill....hmmm...toking about that reminds me of the hanky panky biz i did with a guy at bukit gombak there.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm haha

i dunno how they met altho i asked. coz i forgot haha...grumpus will post when shes free online heehee *sabo*

i very sianz too coz 1 day before or 1 day after is my nephew bday and i dread that must celebrate together. literally means go back to JE again. like cannot break free from there forever leh. even bday must go back there celebrate....do you get what i mean?
Kam, thanks, yup, but think got 1 or 2 more mummies popping before me right? But think they seldom post. Haha, must admit, I can't forget your hilltop rendevous also. Hee.

Pixie, once your boy goes to school then insist on celebrating on actual day cos he got to cut cake at the school. Tell them where got party without cake cutting ceremony right? ;)

Btw, I consider my hubby an aspiring writer, not writer yet (though he published 3 books so far). Will only consider him a full fledged writer if his books' royalties can match his full time job. Writing pays peanuts cos Singapore market so small. :p

Pixie, Lyn's hubby also pilot, you forgot?
oh yah forgot. she got happening lifestyle and shes pretty oso horrrrrrrrrrr

abt BD, i told my hb young still can but i still hope that can have our own family celebration 2gether cannot everytime go to JE
Talking celebrating BD. My hubby had booked the NSRCC for our gal on her 2nd BD. We din celebrate her 1st and her papa want her to feel special before the arrival of no. 2.

Now i had to rack thru my head to plan for the bash but it will be like aunties and uncle and their kids. Anyone still have any figuries lobang for cake anot?
kellie, if u order the cakes from ecreative, they provide free figurines, but selected ones like sesame street, pooh bear etc... if u hav to request ;p
i havnt been to wedding at panpac. the las one i went, was wedding dinner at oriental hotel, each table $1388 leh....
maybe u shld giv at least $88 or $100
ya i get what u mean...BD celebrate together wif yr nephew & sharing same BD cake? again u have to slowly psycho yr hb to have own family celebration loh, maybe have another family dine-out/outings on X actual Bday perhaps? yr MIL bring X to zoo all by herself ah?

topic for today (maybe asked before liao):
where was your wedding dinner held at? dinner or lunch? or no wedding dinner/lunch? or church wedding?
we will definately go out 2gether as a family on actual day or during that week's weekend, but sing bday song, cut cake, with nephew *shudders* i dont want such a life lor hor? my hb assured me not every yr coz he wants to be special for our boy too. last yr coz 1yr old = special so didnt celebrate with nephew dunno this yr will kena or not

tmr, my nephew + his mum; my niece + her SAHM; my mil + my boy
my boy is mum-less haha
very tempted to go tmr but they purchase bulk tix i think or my sil got lobangz maybe?
my coll say nowadays wedding dinner at CBD hotel areas easily abv $1K/table le...sooo ex hor. Very close frd i give $200, not so close $100.

my wedding dinner at The Imperium (formely sparks disco at Ngee Ann city) now closed down liow.

sorry to hear abt ur hubby's retrenchment. hope he can find a new job soon. u got a new job soon after u retrenchment right.

u ordered the Muar otah?thinking if we can share for sengkang delivery.
grumpus, pixie,

weather forecast for tmrl is showers le....these few days raining/wet season...remb to bring umbrella/raincoat ya!
havent collect, i can email her to add on,you tell me your orders? can collect for me? coz she usually distribute at compasspoint there and i dont stay there mah. we'll see how lar ok, see when is her next distribution point in SK

try spotting my son? LOL and help me give him a BIG HUGZ
just joking
u enjoy lar *sour*sour* heehee

wah!! thats long time ago..
and sparks..omg...muahahhahaha
