(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

nolah, i like to think of names so naturally i will daydream...if my #2 is girl then how, boy then how. i tot up a list of names as and when, not before i had #1.

originally, if #1 = girl, we intended to named our bb girl "elwen"... its an elvish name.

either starts with "xan" or ends with "dall" but a girl's name ending with "dall" is very man-ish so i dropped the idea LOL

honestly if i ever have #2 and is a boy, i have no names that follows #1's name

jess, gd luck for ur checkup tomorow! hope ur gynae brings u good news
idea leh
mine=J; my hb's=A
so can be jandall? so unisex. Jendall? hmmm
u've got me started again. aiyoh daydream at work
give lor
if tom cruise can jump over the sofa to proclaim his love for his now-wife, why cant you get an ang moh name? hohoho
your link, i go read. got 1 section very funny:

For a boy, the woman should try to achieve orgasm either before or at the same time as her partner or if you are lucky enough, multiple female orgasms can help! The theory on this is that the waves of the orgasm help to draw up the sperm quicker to the egg, again the boys getting a head start on the girls.

For a girl, Shettles recommends women avoid orgasm."

can avoid orgasm one? who avoids it anyway???!!
steph, i dint know sexual position influences the gender? doggie =boy, missionary =girl

hw true is it for u?
orgasm can avoid de...for woman easier to avoid...just think of someone who is a total turn off lo...keke

my #2 unplanned so no chance to try le:p

pneumococal vaccination not compulsory before Nov. BUT now can use cpf/medisave to pay le.
It's NOT common in Malaysia to give our children an English name at birth. Usually our IC don't have English name unless they are christians. Then later on, they give themselves an english name if they want to, but never on the IC. And yes, we are not Christians.
i must recall
cos i dunno when i striked coz we didnt really try hard to have a baby...so my answer is undetermined :p
i didnt know i was preggy until i had MS and tot i had my churning stomach prob again, which was a regular issue. so oredi few weeks liao lor
my answer to ur question is i feel it is rather accurate. cos after our customary, we were very actively trying and we wanted a boy. so my hubby did hear about 'theory' from his colleagues.. so... u knw u knw.. hahahaa... and BINGO.
Yes, MOM just announced that it's compulsory. But don't know if that's applicable to older babies like ours, or the newborns from that announcement date onwards.

For my #1, the theory not true for us. For #2, cannot tell, cos it's an "accident" :)
so does that mean u got many positions? :p

but mine not accurate leh. doggy style not comfy at all :p
it was previously optional jab rite? so nw compulsory for newborn then can use medisave. we can too?? our toddlers alreadt 21 months old me wor...
ask u all for ur opinion...
do u think i shld test myself first if i m preggy anot before going to my gynae or i go to his clinic and test? ....
Oh so nw the pneumococcal vaccine is compulsory huh?! Okok...since can use medisave, then let my boy hv it after 2YO, since only need one jab after 2 ;P
We are not getting any shifu for naming. So we just name whatever we like, hb in charge of chinese and me english.

pneumo vaccine is not complusory but i think gov considering make it so. Anyway I will have my boy going for it soon, perhaps when I come back Hong Kong.

pixie & aqua,
haha I dunno abt positions or abt O. But i do look at ovulation date when TTC. I try TTC on Ovulation date for Xavier, cos that means the "army" is more strong since the egg is out, higher chance of having boy.. it works for me.

This girl, i kind of TTC few days before ovulation date.. and I really got girl. heehee

Ur theory for position.. i think not true for me too. Me both strike at the same POSE! hahaha

I use the cyclespage.com. to track.
jess, i think test yourself la, cheaper. when i was preggie with shaun i din know, so i went to see doctor who asked me to test, so ended up i got to pay $$ for the test kit.
ya, I was going to say the same thing - cheaper to DIY.

Pneumo jab has become compulsory. And it applies to your #2.
Oic, I just read the news. So my #2 cant wait until 2 yrs old then have that Pneumo jab? Your #2 also complusory? or only babies born after 1st Nov.
From MOH website.

Immunisation Schedule

5. Under the NCIP schedule, children will need three doses of the vaccine before they turn 2 (see Annex). MOH recommends catch-up vaccination for all children under 5 years of age. Baby Bonus, CDA and Medisave can also be used to pay for the catch-up immunization.

So this means we still have to give our #1 the vaccine right? I am planning to give after 2 yrs old too coz only 1 jab. Then MMR is now called MMRV (includes chickenpox). Don't have to take a separate jab like before.
Icy / krystle,
For our #1, it says "recommends", not "compulsory".

But my #1 already got the jabs, I just kay-poh.

Will give it to my #2 also. I am more worried for my kids to catching the disease (touch wood) than the potential side effect, if any.
my boy took the the jab early this year and he took only 2 jabs in total. Do we need to give "follow-up" jab after the 1st 2 jabs and when huh? I kinda confused liao
jess, test urself first

icy: i guess ur cycle v regular, hence u can expect ur O to be roughly 14th day of ur cycle? me n jess cycle v long n ireegular, so diff to track eh

tongtong, i will giv mygirl the jab, but when she is 2 y/o better. older less side effects
Although I know it is only recommended but I am worried when our #1 goes to P1, the school may reject us due to we never complete the NCIP schedule??? Anyway, all along I was planning to wait until #1 is 2 yrs old then give Pneumoccocal vaccine. So now it is compulsory or recommended, it is the same to me. Will be bringing my #2 for his 1st 6-in-1 jab this weekend. Will find out more from doc too.

After 1 yrs old is 2 jabs right? Since your boy has taken so can be considered as completed bah...
Kam, Krystle,
Oic. I wanted only give at 2 yrs old for Xavier cos I think I want to spare him from the 3 jab, especially when he is normally at home. He still can wait 2 more mths, :D He just had his MMRV jab, actually on clinical trial by my PD, then he dun need booster jab when he is 7 yrs old for MMRV.

Actually my mense range from 30-40 days, not exactly accurate. I also monitor on my discharge - (mucous resembles egg whites. It is the thinnest, clearest and most abundant), it gives me some indication. That page says my ave is 35 days, so my O date is 14 days before the mense come. Cant be say it is really true, perhaps I am lucky.

Anyway all the best to your TTC.. baby dust to you!!

my children all dun hv English name.

jz a update on the monster-in-law.

my #1: nai nai, how's yr leg now? (he went up to her without anyone asking him)
MIL: tell u for wat? wat can u do to my leg?
#1 shocked expression.
worst was... MIL went telling ppl ard her tat my #1 asked her how's her leg n the ans she gave (when my #1 was still infront of her)!
end up?? my #1 very shocked expression!

when i heard tat, i quickly told my son to hug nai nai n kiss her. n he was happier aft doing it.

haiz.. this happened on my #3's full mth. obviously she is angry with me again n vented her anger on my innocent child.
Bad news! I think she (tcm doc) went back china for holiday cos hp switched off. Sorry, can't be much help.

Anyone else has recommendation fot tcm doc??
Gosh! How come your MIL like that? Really don't know what to say. It really hurts an innocent child's good intention. You are still so nice to ask your son to hug her.
morning mummies

wahahhaha just take it she barking lor dunch care her

aiyah, at least means she will be coming back since HP is still switched off but not cancelled?

all the best to your gynae visit today

^5 my menses is around 35days, and i guage my O from my eggwhite-like discharge. but strangely, when i have the discharge, i'll have menses 7 days after that. should it be? i tot more than 7 days kind?
btw mummies
who got spare handphone (aka mobile phone) can lend me? i dont mind lousy phone. my hp really spoilt but i am not keen on current models in the market...have to really see the current models and decide...since i cannot sign on my current plan (havent expire yet); must buy no-contract fone very expensive :-(
all coz my boy threw my hp into the bathtub

my friend just recommended me this tcm, maybe u want to try?

re: handphone
if u dun like current models, maybe can consider buying a cheap basic phone on no contract to use first? no frills, no camera basic nokia phone can buy from sim lim for abt $50
