(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

qq, enjoy ur holis! TT is suc a gd ger! my notti ger even hav problem staying on a car seat for 10mins. from birth till nw, i always need to hug her tight or watch her closely coz she refuse to sit on the car seat...dare nt try put her on plane, or else she scream or cry, damn malu!

mylvera, oic. no wonder never see her posts! btw, when u r going for detailed scan??? hoping u get a princess,will be real happy for u! gers r so 'neh'...haha

my hb aunties said this to me when i preg with #2.. "if tis bb is gal, we will sponsor the clothes" ahaha so i assume it still stays for #3? haha
Mylvera, I very gian lor but I need to sell my existing pumps first. The buyer for my PIS advance just played me out cos she said her hubby was sent overseas 2 days ago and won't be back till 2 weeks later. So, she ask me to release the pump. If I cannot sell off to recoup my losses then I cannot buy the freestyle.

QQ, wa, you in Japan still active in MH ah? I moved back to Grawnia Town liao, not enough marble cheese yet and can't stand to have the mice stealing my inventory of Swiss cheese (1 piece = 100 gold leh). :p

Thanks, Steph. I like Pet Pet too, good and cheap. But nowadays getting harder and harder to get RaeAnne to stay still on changing table for diaper change so I'm starting to buy more Mamy Poko value pants and Drypers Dry Pants. :p
Ya, mylvera. See how, I may move back to Harbour if Town turns out to be disppointing. Need to stock up on marble cheese first. I stingy lar, only bought 100 pieces, didn't know they will run out so fast. Didn't know must factor in 'stolen' rate. :p

I didn't use the changing table for months already. Now changing of Hao Re's diaper is at standing position. I am not that good with it, my hubby is :) I am thinking to use the pull-up when he is ready for potty/toilet training, maybe 2 more months?
mylvera, wow... so good, hope ur dream come true!kekke
i dun like mamy poko value pullup, it looks like wearing g-string ...prf huggies one, more secure leh.
Kam, I do change her standing up if it's pull up pants but if after bath, then changing table more convenient cos everything I need is easily accessible eg. desitin cream, wet wipes, clothes etc. Sometimes I change her on her bumper mat, that one she also likes but so many toys on the mat all the time. Must clear a space before I can put her down. :p

Aqua, same complaint about the mamy poko value pants, the butt area is too small, like wearing a thong but cheap lar and got offer, so I just buy. :p
my girl tends to get more rash too when using pull ups..realised it's because pull ups is tighter especially at the waist so she perspires a lot more...

same lor, MP value very high cut on the butt area but it's the cheapest so she buy and use lor...anyway she's a baby, nobody gonna complain obsence :p
my friend shared with me that for MP value must buy one size bigger than usual then it's much better around the butt area...
Steph, I think Elaine Ng is the editor of the Motherhood monthly online magazine. Quite a few Jan babies were shortlisted for the top 100 photogenic babies contest in April recently. ;)

No, the Elaine Ng is not the editor. I am not sure who she is.... Her son's name is Natster as in the FB. Any clue who she is???
hi mummies,
my #1's childcare got a few cases of HFMD and my #1 is suspected to have HFMD, coz he got 1 ulcer which was found out by the teacher after 2 hrs in the cc, so i brought him to c a PD who asks me to monitor him in the next few days. Feel so lost as never encounter HFMD b4, so would like to ask for advice from mummies whose kids got HFMD b4, wat should i do now and in the next coming 10 days?

suay suay, my #2 has throat infection, had high fever (nearly 40 degrees) since yesterday, now gotta let him take both brufen and panacetamol coz his fever has been going up and down. haiz!!

Oh, so sad. Hope your #1 and #2 are NOT affected with HFMD. Meanwhile, monitor their temperature and let them drink lots of fluid. Just like any other viral infection, HFMD will lead to high temp. Worse with HFMD is that they might develop mouth/throat ulcers, which will affect their food and fluid intake. As long as you keep the temp under control, and they are willing to eat and drink, don't worry too much.

Last time, the PD (not Dr Koey, but his colleague, the lady Dr Ang) prescribed a anti-viral drug for Hao Re. Seemed to be very effective. Hao Re only suffered from the HFMD for 2 days and recovered after that. You may want to try her/Dr Keoy if (*touch wood*) your boys really got HFDM.

And most importantly, protect yourself from the HDFM. Else, no one can take care of them.
ok thanks, noted. Still duno if he really has HFMD, as his temperature seems ok for now.
Hope no new ulcer will appear, anyway, PD already prescribed gel and spray for the ulcer. Im crossing my fingers!!

take care. i heard fr my sis... kids get lite case of HFMD can usually get well in 2 days times but if spread to adults will be more painful.

my nephew got 1 ulcer. spread to my sis who end up with 7-8 ulcers?

so do keep a seperate utensils for kids n adults.
krystle, tongtong,shannonbb,
my boys cant break the "trend" of fall sick 1 after another, is that wat we call "jie di qing shen"?
#2 was rather weak yesterday due to the high fever, usually he was very active.

alamak, HFMD is really scary! Now i'll try not to let the boys mix so much together.

I heard that there is no medication for HFMD. But since your #1 is not confirmed to get it, just keep giving water to him and let him cool down.
Luca, do take care. If can get anti viral that Kam said, then go for it. At least your boy doesn't need to suffer so much. My gal suffered for more than 1 week when she has HFMD. Had to disinfect the whole house too. :p

Mylvera, I will take it as a compliment, means you didn't put on much weight lar. Not like me, quite obviously pregnant with bulging tummy even though haven't even passed first trimester. :p

Sigh, went to Music junction to exchange my BOF DVD just now. As expected, once open, can only change back the same title. Duh, what am I going to do with this DVD? I'm already watching ep 14 online liao. :p
Shannonbaby, it’s from Taiwan, so they can ship out to overseas? Are there any spree going on for this ah?

Pauline, how did R caught the HFMD virus from last time?
mylvera, tht is compliment. unlike me, my old frens tot tht i was pregnant again... when actualli it was jus my huge tummy.

any tips hw to lose tummy?

got tips in retaining yr wt haha but tat is not a good tip.

i had my gall bladder removed. so whenever i take oily food, i will rush to toilet within 5-10 mins n clear the bowel.

dun learn fr me haha
When is the gathering? Will be nice to meet up after such a long while.

Steph, interested in playdays but in sunset way abit out of the way for me.

Luca, you also have 2? How you coping now?
Tongtong, hubby and I caught it from cousin's kid while we were in Shanghai (w/o RaeAnne) then RaeAnne caught it from us when we came back. :p
i went t3 today, kena conned. the butterfly garden and all the nature-y stuff located in transit hall, so cannot go in. but my boy likes running wild in t3, hardly any people around lah...
pixie my fren
when your boobies reach your toes, u will be great grandma liao.. what a sight! remember to wear bra pls.\

ehhhhhhhhh what was the location/trap/cheese that caught him the Mobster? Did he load with SB+?

re: Neslac
>> check ingredients list... does it have Trans Fat?

> eh i like your MIL.. shouting match with your kids. why they think like that, i really can't comprehend.
> my #1 dun like swimming coz water v cold la. anyway i think husband will scold me if i sign him up for swim lessons, and the rest of my family will think i'm very wierd & i've got too much $$. I think i'd rather let him try music lessons.

#3 liao still invest in super pump? i'm thinking super hard if i shld spend $40 on a new ISIS funnel coz 1 of my pumps crack.. scared it give way and i be STUCK without a pump.

actually i dun think i'm those kind of "successful in bfg" mummies.. i'm just persistent to take supplement to boost supply when it dips.. diligent to wake up to pump, tear myself away fr work to pump etc.

re: Ocean
expensive ley... we eat the curry scissors rice @ the hawker. the uncle knows my husband liao hee hee. but so dam dirtyyyyyyyy.. see the rats scurrying. arghhhh

well.. a thing with new house is always the new paint on the walls.. some lousy brands fresh paint or first few days may give off toxic smells. Moving furniture.. i think the preggie just GET OUT OF THE WAY can liao la. My husband helped my fren to move his fridge coz we had a van. i'm not little child and i knew where to stand not to block them, helped to press the lift for them, rode in the front passenger seat. Common sense la. So what's supposed to happen to isaac?? Become very clever & handsome issit? muahahahaha.

hv u confirmed TMC? when's the hosp tour?

which level JLPT are u? I think for translation, u hv to be 1 or 2 right. I missed level 3 by a few points, so i went to take level 4. that was over 10yrs ago!

re: time out
same method that Super Nanny employs.. 1 min for each year of the child's age. If the kid is 10yr, then timeout for 10min. Husband is the enforcer so #1 is super scared of him & tries not to get him angry. Sometimes, before husband starts to scold him, he will bawl already. He gets scared if he accidentally makes a mistake, eg spill water. but we're ok if he apologises and promises to try not to do it again. But if he does it on purpose, or be disrespectful to elders... then he better watch out. Will get a hard spank on the bottom. Currently we use our hands and stern voice. no cane in my home yet. I remember only getting hit once as a child... when i was throwing tantrum and hid under the table and my mum smacked my butt with her hand. Either bcoz i was an absolute angel, or coz i'm a girl, or coz my parents agree not to hit their kids. Even my husband dun feel the need to buy cane. Whereas my colleagues and frens hv multiple canes for their kids.. one for each child, one in the car, one at home etc...

re: autism
>> both my nephews are autistic. #1 is 5yo this year and is a brilliant child who can sing the alphabet backwards (at 4yo), spell hippopotamus before he reached 1yo... u get what i mean. Nonetheless he's on the autistic spectrum. Example, when other kids in class are all busy with craftwork, he prefers to walk around the room hitting the cupboards and reading out loud the names of the kids.

#2 is 4yo and his autism is worse than his gorgor's. he dun call mama & papa but he can name the planets. he prefers to point and make sounds when he wants smthg (eg cookie), and my sis gotto make him SAY IT before she gives to him. He likes to hide behind the christmas tree. He sings the same tune hundreds of times a day. Suddenly one day he formed P.I.X.A.R with his alphabet letters... and my sis realised it's coz he watched cartoons which at the start will spell out the word.. if u watch disney cartoons u will know what i mean.

#1 got diagnosed a bit late coz their waiting list for public chkup was 1yr long. When they noticed #2 symptoms, they sent him to private to diagnose instd of waiting 1yr. So both of them were diagnosed abt the same time. I still remembered how miserable i felt.. dunno what to say/type (email) to my sis when she broke the news. it's really miserable miserable feeling. but she been strong and very onz abt their therapy. spend lots time and $$. and she will not hv #3 unless adopt.
<font color="aa00aa">mei</font>

SSO Prom...

1st choice: Saturday 10.30am 2 adults 1 child.

2nd choice: Friday 10.30am 1 adult 1 child.

eh, hv to KIV until 1/9/09?! U very long life ley..

cos i wana try bf longer this time but i cannot stand having to carry so many things to office. the tot of carrying PIS, 4 bottles (cos my hb super KS. want me to use 2 bottles in am and den another 2 in the pm so tat the bottles are sterilised n clean for pumping). den nid to bring ice packs for the milk to keep etc etc. i basically cannot go out aft office hrs with all these items!
hi mommies

been MIA for a while...just cannot keep up with the postings. Jus read a bit on and off.

i just finished watching Coffee Prince and i love it. Yah, i know a bit delayed cos this was popular wayyyyy back. But i love the show, reminds me a lot of Kim Sam Soon too. The plot, fashion etc. I kinda like Gong Yu (the male lead), quite cute and in the show he dressed up very nicely and fashionably, reminds me of Hyun Bin in Kim Sam Soon.

it's so sad to hear both ur nephews is autistic. So bright children! But how do u diagnosed autism? For eg, for #1, the example u gave in the classroom, tot that is considered ADHD? Is the key factor to all autistic kids = will never have direct eye contact? No interaction?
coffee prince, really old show liao. yes, it was THE craze in korea at that time. 孔侑 is handsome in this own way. harnor, i agree what he wore is very stylish...
actually in a lot of dramas, the male leads all very fashionable

i dont dare to think if i ever have an autistic kid...and i salute your sis for all the efforts and $$ put in...

can go out after office hrs one lah...just store the milk in the office fridge, tomorrow go home liao take 2 days worth of bm lor...milkbags more compact if i take 2 or 3 days worth of bm back...
about the bottles, get a microwave sterilizer, and then you can pump as many x as you like. if you want mine, can let go to you cheaply heehee. just chuck it under your office table, time to pump liao then whip out the mighty sterilizer
Hi, sorry to intrude. I have 2 bottles of Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser (473ml) for sale at $14 each. This cleanser is recommended for baby's daily bath by the paediatrician, and I overstocked on it.

The Cetaphil website describes this product as "recommended by Dermatologists for years for people with special skin needs like acne, rosacea, or eczema because of its gentleness. Cetaphil® Gentle Skin Cleanser is gentle enough for children, teens and adults. "

Expires in Oct 2009, collection at Kovan station only, interested parties please PM me.

yah i know it's an old show. My sis jus managed to convince me to watch it now. Haha. I like Gong Yu in the show cos he's so cute trying to bring down his own pride and ego to love Eun Chan. Initially i dont like him when the show started, but slowly i find him quite cute lor. I find this show's plot VERY similar to KimSamSoon in many ways. Rich guy, poor cho-lor girl. Work together, fall in love.
