(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

the only diff is the same sex relationship. a bit incredulous in the middle of the show where gong yoo started to love Yoon Eun Hye...their society will accept meh? i still prefer good old man-woman love like MMIKSS.
just watched finish last episode of queen of housewives. you should try catch it. all the leads wear damn fashionable, bae tahan makes me wanna chiong out and revamp wardrobe leh heehee

Haha, just finished last episode of BOF. Phew! <font color="ff0000">Warning! Spoiler ahead for those watching BOF.</font> Must say the last episode a bit of let down, a lot of things 'chao chao dai guo' eg. how the evil witch change? How did Jandi manage to raise $ for university? What happen to Ji Hoo's Grandpa? Did he die? Is that why Ji Hoo is reopen the clinic? And I thought the memory loss thing and introducing a new gal is a waste of time (1.5 episodes for that?)

Not going to start any korean dramas liao cos I'll have tendency to 'zui zui zui', end up too tired and no time for my gal. Guilty guilty. :p

But today, I did break away from the laptop so that hubby and I could bring her to the Pasir Ris beach. The outing was short though cos she hates the sand. She didn't cry when we took out her sandals and set her on the sand. It was more like, the more she felt the grainy stuff between her toes, the more she don't like. The more she realised she can't get rid of them cos they are everywhere, she'll start whining and want us to carry liao. I let her step on my bare feet to walk to show her that sand is ok plus hubby making sand moulds for her also no use. Hubby said she's a city gal. :p

The funniest thing that happened was after the beach, we went to the New E-Hub (at Downtown East) to have our dinner and feed RaeAnne's porridge. And an Indian Lady with her husband and 19 month old gal approached me and said. "Hi, I read your blog a few times. Your gal's name is RaeAnne right?" I was like dumbstruck. I told the lady yes but asked her how she found out about my blog. Turned out she was googling about bumbo seat and was directed to my site. Haha, told hubby I suddenly feel so famous and honestly very flattered. ;)
how the evil witch change?
>>i agree that junpyo's mum like so easily "settled". but bear in mind that what she wanted for her son was to take over the reins of the company, which he eventually did. so maybe she was 'appeased" in that sense? and moreover, she really knew that jandi was the one for junpyo, she LL accept liao...
How did Jandi manage to raise $ for university?
>>not shown; but being jandi's hardy nature, viewers would've known that she'll find means and way to do that rite?
What happen to Ji Hoo's Grandpa? Did he die?
>>yes of course. jihoo in a scene was holding the pic of them fishing. clearly meaning his grandpa died liao lor...
Is that why Ji Hoo is reopen the clinic?
>>yes. after jandi bridged jihoo and his grandpa together, jihoo was very close to his grandpa, so would definately take over his grandpa's clinic...to "fa yang guang da" i guess
Pixie, aiyoh he really die ah? Poor thing, I like the old man. Hehe, got more questions if you or Cheryl can help answer. Paiseh, think either I very slow or I need a literature guide to BOF. LOL.

1) I still don't know the connection between the old man and the porridge shop boss though. Did they explain? Why he keep asking the boss to cook different dishes? He said something about the boss's father.

2) I still don't know what 'yi4 qi2 yi4 hui4' means for the pottery jigsaw puzzle. Is there a Chinese idiom that I don't know? And why Yi Jung go and throw away the envelope, only the newpaper got wet mah, the envelope is not wet. Just because his mother called him before that and he bad mood?

3) And how did Ga-eul know where to get clues to find out which building it is. Yi Jung didn't even bother to open up the envelope mah.

4) Oh and what happened to Jun Pyo's sister? Why married liao, still always hang around at 'niang jia', somemore become the President? She got divorced?
Hi Mummies,
Have been mia for a few days cos' busy watching the korean drama "Likeable or Not" online...haha. It's currently showing on channel U but since it's more than 100 episodes, decided to catch the shorter "edited" version first.

And boy, so much happened during the past week. My boy reached so many milestones!! Here's his latest developments:-
* Can climb up the sofa independently (he could only get down previously).
* Knows how to shake his head to indicate no (I was just saying that he can't do it last week).
* Will hold out his arm with a closed fist to indicate "Good"...he's still trying hard to do the thumbs up sign but a closed fist is as close as he can get now.
* Able to stack up blocks rather than destroy them
He will stack them up until it collapses!
* Able to follow simple instructions. When we went for his gymboree class, teacher wanted them to drop the soft balls in one container and the hard balls in another container. He managed to follow the instructions and persisted to drop them in the "correct" containers when it was clean-up time. Eventually he understood it was time to clean-up and returned the balls where they belong.
* Able to self-feed...kinda of...he can eat with a fork but still doesn't do well with a spoon. He can sit at the table with a bowl of biscuits and eat them one by one without creating a mess or dumping the food on the floor. He managed to finish a whole tetra pack of apple juice with a straw at MacDonalds this morning...no leakage at all

Really glad that I was able to witness all his developments

We brought him for breakfast at the AMK garden MacDonalds this morning and he fed himself the hotcakes and apple juice. Also let him try to the swing which he loved! Wanted us to push him higher and higher...haha.
Hi, Yvonne, congrats, enjoying the perks of being a SAHM. ;)

Oh ya, Wendy, forgot to answer your question. Still haven't gone for the tour. Aiming to join the tour this coming Sat since I need to go to TMC early for my Oscar. They are so full that I have to walk in, all appts full. :p
Hi mummies,
Haven't posted for a while..The only K drama that I'm keen now is the Korean F4..still haven figured out which actress commited suicide.. The next one is the 7pm K drama on Channel U.

I'm really out of touch with K drama.

Don't know when would I take the plunge to be a SAHM..

oh yes..here's my friend's web blog (updated)..do take a look if u ware interested.
Yah, guess that's the biggest consolation for not having an income...haha! But I really feel that our kids develop much faster when we care for them ourselves.

Anyway, has anyone tried D'Story Club at Pat's Schoolhouse? It's a 1hr 30 mins weekly programme consisting of the folllowing:-
* Dramatised Stories
* Music &amp; Movement
* Fine &amp; Gross Motor Play
* Arts and Craft
* Baby Gym
* Phonics / Reading
The cost is $321 for a 10 week term and is suitable for children aged 15 to 30 months. There's a Pat Schoolhouse near my home so I'll try to attend a trial class.

Will also be attending a trial class at Bibinogs this friday for the PowerTots programme.

Lynn - Saw your FB!! U are so pretty in the latest Mum Fashion show ; ) Why didn't u join the contest, u sure can be the top 3 ;p

Yvonne - Your boy is so smart!! Can self feed w/o making a mess. Btw, where is the D'Story Club at Pat's Schoolhouse? East side?
hi any mummines interested in a pair of Crocs Athens fitflops? Size w:6, base colour black n yellow .
willing to sell at cost coz my friend bought wrong size for me.
i also hav a pair of brand new uniqlo turqoise blue platforms, size L, also willing to sell at cost $20 or cheaper .
Janbb: thks.. u also v pretty, we join together next yr okie..

kitsune: wen's ur edd? thot u juz pregnant not long ago? or i remember wrongly...
i could find fish head, so i did curry chicken
it was ok lah. the paste is ready-mixed so just fry, add chicken, potatoes, coconut milk etc, really no brainer...
my hb likes to dip with the bread.
i cooked the whole long weekend until very tired...sweating like crazy in the kitchen...

I have JLPT 1. Got it around 3 years back. So you also know a bit of Jap lah? Good! I was studying in S'pore until JLPT 3. Then came JLPT 2 which I flunked. So upset and I made up my mind to go Japan to improve my Jap. And true enough, after I returned, I managed to pass JLPT 1 and 2 with 1 shot. For now, I have no problems communicating with native Jap speakers. I also get to use the language in my current job. I hope my girl will pick up Jap too but now she is still babbling baby lang!!!

Very sad y'day. Coz I caused my girl to fell down in toilet while taking her bath. I did not managed to hold her properly. Now she has blue black on her forehead and some scratches under her left eye and on some parts of her body. I felt very very sad. Bad mummy. This happened on the very 1st day when hubby went for biz trip in Japan. I thought I can handle her but turned out like this. I think I overlooked that I am 5 mths preggie now and there are some things that I can't do now...
haiyoh, when i threw the paste in to fry, it was so smoky that my hb tot i set fire to the kitchen, and everyone was coughing like crazy...
not very nice, not very good oso lah...the paste says serves 4pax, ask me add in 150ml of coconut milk and 100ml of water...seow leh, thats very little gravy..........so i added more water and coconut milk, the curry not very thick in the end. just good for dipping lah
krystle, dun blame urself. accidents happen, and sometimes its beyong our control. if u cant manage, can consider putting her is childcare. preggie tends to be more emotional, cheer up
Wendy, what does the doc tell ur sis about the cause for autism? Anyway, I think austictic kid being a gifted kid who is very intelligent can give ur sis some consolation?

Thanks for your comfort. Although preggie, most of the time I am handling my girl alone. Everyday after work, I will take care of her by myself coz hubby is always busy with work commitments. So I assumed that even with hubby not around, I still can handle as normal. Haiz... Overestimated myself. Childcare is not possible now coz my girl still doesn't know how to walk. Also MIL very against to put her in CC too. Since hubby will not be back for 1 week, my girl will stay @ MIL's place for the rest of the week. I think they don't dare to leave her alone with me liao. Very sad...
yes, i tink it is a gd idea. let ur inlaws help u, dun be shy to ask for help. ur job is to look after uself n bb now, let ur family help u with ur ger!

tell yrself .. yr #1 still has ppl to help to look aft but yr #2 only has you to help. i oso tend to forget i m preg, esp with this small tummy. i even played running/jumping with my #2 till my hb say "bb. kick yr mummy hard. she forget she has u in her tummy now" haha
krystle, dont be sad. my son fell down before too when under my care. he stepped on his own toy at nanny's house and knocked his forehead again. now big bllueblack and baluku.
Oh dear, hope your gal is alrite. Understand your pain, preggie tend to be more clumsy. Cos Me TOO!! My boy kept falling down when he was learning to walk last mth &amp; i saw him fell right in front of me but juz reaction too slow to run &amp; "rescue" him. In the end, i was shock to see his mouth was full of blood when i got to him. Luckily, it was only minor cut at his gum by his teeth. Or u get your mum or MIL to help u to bathe her? If not, use bathtub? Think is safer for you &amp; your gal.

even if the paste comes with pre-mixed ingredients, i always add in those items .. haha so tat i can cook a big pot of curry ...

btw, which brand of pre-mixed ingredient u bot?

You are right. I missed out the point that #1 still have my MIL and my mum to help out. But #2 is only relying on me. I will be more careful now and will ask for help if I cannot cope.


Oh your boy also fell down too?? Hugs for you and him. Got bring him see doc? I brought my girl to clinic late last night. Doc gave antibiotics and painkiller. But he said she should be fine.... This morning went to check her, her baluku has subsided but still blueblack. Then got scratches but to me, still my cute little pretty princess. How I wish not to come office and stay at home and hug her the whole day.
Hi mummies,
i'm on ML today. Haiz.. sick.

Anyway, any of you sending your babies to any playgroup or whatever you call them? Anyone stay in AMK got good playgroups to recommend?

Your boy's mouth full of blood. I think I will cry if I see that scene!!! Hope he is ok now. I think being preggie at this period when our #1s are learning how to walk is tough!! They can't support themselves well and we can't react fast enough to save them. Actually everyone already asked me not to bathe her, just sponge her will do but I did not listened. Y'day was hot so I thought giving a bath is cooler for her... Naughty mummy. Next time will put her in tub liao. Cannot bear to see her hurt again...
hehe, mylvera cos I can't wait to upgrade my trap to swiss army, so I sell off all my cheese and travel back to town to buy it. Refund my old trap then use to buy marble lor. Don't think I'm going to travel to Harbour anymore. Stay in town bah since I got the whiskers wood map long ago.

Lyn, I'm 11 weeks and 6 days now. Tom will be 12 weeks. Does it seem fast? For me no leh, cos first trimester is miserable. :p EDD is 8 Dec, during hubby's school hols.
woh hup. i bought few kinds of paste last time coz on offer in ntuc

i did that once to my boy too. went into changing room in vivocity's marks and spencer, he fell down, cut his gums, and mouth full of blood, on shirt, dripping on the floor etc....stopped bloodflow liao then half hr later came back again and it was dripping everywhere. i was really worried sick...luckily hb never scold me much.
the blood kena my bag, my clothes, used up a hanky oso cannot stopped the blood from flowing.
and another time i scalded him by accident...got red burnt mark on this thigh
krystle &amp; pixie,
Yes, I was shocked &amp; panic at that point of time. Hubby ran to us &amp; very heartpain &amp; made a comment that i did not take good care of him which made me more guilty. But after i realise juz minor injury as i manage to stop the bleeding using a wet hanky. And dunno why i "kee xiao" &amp; suddenly switched back very fast to the comment made by my hubby...told him off "if you want to hold your son forever, he will never learn how to walk independently". Hahaha...then he kept quiet. After that, i told him we shld not blame each other when accident happen cos they are so active exploring. Is juz a matter who is more "suah" to be with him when things happen &amp; shld be fair to me.

Haiz, Tummy so big now, i need support when trying to put on my panty after bathing. Not to say how to catch up with my active boy now..Heehee.
Krsytle: I din bring my son to doc, cuz he stopped crying after I comforted him. And I asked the ladies here, and got the feedback that I have to monitor whether he got vomit or any odd behaviour..

Pixie: wah blood dripping, that means it was quite serious! I scalded by son on his knee before too ( it was obviously my fault, so now I’m very careful liao). I quickly run his knee under tap water and brought to GP. Luckily no blister, if got blister need to take med. No blister need to apply the bactoban external only. a few days later, his scalded area became black ( chao tar), and peel off.. now can still see the mark lor.
Hugz...not easy for u...i've been in that predicament too. There will be more to take care when #2 arrives so right now...take gd care of yrself

Recently we bought this for Zander cos he love playing with balls!
i forgot much of BOF liao coz i watched it while it aired in korea concurrently so it was quite sometime ago...BOF run from feb to mar...

1) I still don't know the connection between the old man and the porridge shop boss though. Did they explain? Why he keep asking the boss to cook different dishes? He said something about the boss's father.
>>i oso dunno. maybe cheryl knows? i know another mummy watched it 3 times heehee...maybe that mummy knows?

2) I still don't know what 'yi4 qi2 yi4 hui4' means for the pottery jigsaw puzzle. Is there a Chinese idiom that I don't know? And why Yi Jung go and throw away the envelope, only the newpaper got wet mah, the envelope is not wet. Just because his mother called him before that and he bad mood?
>>i oso dunno leh, i sux in chinese.
for eg, in goong 宫S, the idiom used by the paeha (bi4 xia4) is 风来君相忆. oso dunno what it means oso?? muahahah

3) And how did Ga-eul know where to get clues to find out which building it is. Yi Jung didn't even bother to open up the envelope mah.
>>she run through all the bldgs leh. literally searched building by building. she very chi1 qing1 hor?

4) Oh and what happened to Jun Pyo's sister? Why married liao, still always hang around at 'niang jia', somemore become the President? She got divorced?
>>yes got divorced or not ah? wahhh forgot....but she didnt liked her marriage at all isnt it?
Haha, pixie, ya, Ga eul very chi1 qing1 but I think the pottery teacher more compatible to Yi Jung in terms of looks. But bo bian, she ended up with the bro so he can see but cannot touch. :p Yup, only know that Jun Pyo's sister married a hotelier at her mum's command though there was another man she loved. They never show who is her husband.

Steph, my cousin lent me something similar but smaller tent with balls but my ILs don't like to let RaeAnne play cos instead of crawling into the tent, she'll try to walk in and the tent is very light, they are afraid she'll slip and fall. So, end up returning to my cousin. :p
me also a similar one. but once, #1 bumped her head cos too excited when she dashed inside the tent and fell down. so u be careful zander hor.
