(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

mei, shannonbaby, krystle
if i have time, and all the necessary equipment, i will sure do too. inspired liao. go daiso this sunday liao lor hurhur.
but we all are bz working mummies, no time for all these...and my boy wont appreciate too, too young for him to know that is a thomas the train or mickey mouse...
she SAHM, i FTWM leh *excuses*excuses*

sorry i wanna cook curry fish head, can check what kind of fish head to use? pls use english. dont gimme chinese names of the fish, thanks ah
i tot your fil made PRATA and CURRY few days ago?
pls lor!!

are these confirmed ones or your guessing?
curry fish head always need fish head mah. meat is secondary

tis preg i love curry haha
he made that last fri.. 1 week ago liao haha

mei is so good to u ..even surf web for the ingredients... u shd invite her over for yr fish head curry :p
if its good, then i'll invite mei and mylvera over ok
i think mylvera will faint from curry, durians etc etc...all the power food leh
ntuc selling Friso3 (2x900g+free900g) for $44.45 Gd deal! i just stock up mine

Re: Trial Class at PlayDays for our toddler
Anyone interested?
Steph, thanks for the tip off. I'm waiting to buy Friso3 for long time liao. Miss out the Sheng siong offer a few weeks ago, 1.8kg selling for $31+ only. :p

Mei, Bedok where? When I'm better, also want to eat Curry fish head.
pixie, sure sure...ur hb wants family time. So we'll give it a miss loh..dun wanna spoil ur fun.

Grumpus, yes we can meet up certainly. I'm now trying to find something for the two to do tmr coz my older one childcare off. Game for anything? I'll be moving to tpy central though next wk...whampoa alot of good food. Fisher also stays at whampoa. Dunno she's back or not from her trip.
here's another swim school but not sure any free trial.

nowadays i try not to stock up so much cos every month you'll find ntuc having different package promotion for Friso 2, 3 & 4. Sometimes guardian pharmacy, Giant & sheng siong selling different package at different price too! We buyer lugi so must do some homework to chk & compare prices!
no prob, gd lobang must share
I am waiting for NTUC on PetPet offer...wanna stock up L size diaper cos they always run out of stock whenever there is offer!

I am not stocking up too. Always wait until my tin @ home is running low then I will buy 2 new tins (1 for my and another for MIL). Of course if got cheaper then shiok. I saw the Econ near my home got sell 900g Friso 3 @ $19.00!!! Cheap right? But hoh, it looks like has been on shelf for very long and I don't dare to buy even if expiry date is ok. Kiasi.
i'm ok for something tomorrow morning before my girl's nap....but must see how also cos she had a fever yest and has a mild stomach bug...
tpy central also ok for me
i go there fairly often too cos of the ntuc and huge kiddy palace...
yup fishia stays whampoa, a few blks away from me only..
Kam, thanks for the good piece of info! I stay very near the custom, so I should be able to reach before 9. oh yea, I should go for car wash too haha! I think JJ is good enuff for me. I like to shop at JJ midvalley, and the supermarket! So many things to buy lor. So I guess JJ tebrau shouldn’t be far away off?
i always remember the yu tou lu in whampoa. my fren bot me there once. i was hmmm 8mths preggy...nice fish steamboat yumyum
yup it's still there and still long queue as ever...i find it ok only lor...not worth the wait...got as nice one at amk
your #1 is boy or gal? sorry seldom follow thread. u going to stock any Friso 1 for your #2 unless u tbf? $19 is cheap but JW medical hall here selling $18 but i still find it ex compare to other brand of FM...cheapo mummy hor!haha...

Let me know when NTUC offer for PetPet is on again. Only bought 3 packs during last offer. Your #1 still using L size huh? My boy using XL, very jialat, need almost 3 packs per month :-(


JJ Tebrau is reasonable (can grade as good for JB standard). Of course not as big as the Midvalley one lah. You know car wash in Malaysia right, always including the vaccuming and cleaning of the interior. Those on the street one (if you know what I mean) costs about RM10, that one in JJ costs RM14 if I remember correctly, but the outcome is very satifactory.

my sons taking neslac. seems cheaper den friso n tt's y my MIL insist we shd changed to neslac for #2 when he reached 1 yr old.
sure no prob
Don't know why Zander don't seem to put on much weight for 2-3mths still at 9.8kg leh...he eat alot too but definitely not as much as HaoRe
During his last visit to the PD for MMR, the clinic oso didn't take his height measurement so i am not sure how tall he is now. The PD only say he is average size & growing well.

My #1 is girl. #2 will be boy. Think for #2, will give similac. Coz hubby insisted said #1 drank similac for 1 year and very clever. Got logic meh??? Don't understand men. Hahaha... I hope to bf longer for #2 coz #1 I only tried 1 mth and gave up (surrendered for sleep).

You think Friso is exp? I thought like what pixie said. Friso is one of the cheaper... And quite happy to change for #1 coz it helps to ease her constipation problem.
of course lah
dumex and friso is the cheapest liao. if you move up the ranks to similac and enfa....faint liao lor...thats why i am thinking of switching my boy to DUMEX when he turns 2 yr or what haha saves $$...aint we all grow up on dumex when we were young?

No worries, as long as Zander is growing well. Sooner or later he will pick up on the weight gain. Now Hao Re is like reaching the "peak" and gaining weight very very slowly liao, even though he still eats a lot :)


Your hubby is funny. In fact, all brands of formula are no better than breastmilk :) But then drinking either formula of breast milk would not contribute (even if it does, maybe very very very little) to the "cleverness" of the child lah.

I, too, failed breastfeeding for #1, only breastfed for 6 weeks. For #2, I promise myself to try harder. That time I didn't join this forum. Now I knew so many mummies here have successfully breastfeed, I believe I can too!

if u need encouragement for BF ... look at wendy!! she is very successful! i rem another mummy oso very successful, was it mom2nat or mandy? both of them still bf now.
wah so nice, can close shop liow. Actually all FM brands same to me cos they are pack with the DHA, AA & SA etc. But if yr hubby the pay master & prefer similac then why not?hehe...
When i choose Friso for my #1 to start with, i didn't know they are the cheaper FM around cos that time blur blur.

The Avent manual. Yes, if I can get stable supply this time round, will definitely get a pump that works for me. I am very lazy leh with the manual one. But wendyg used Avent manual and she loves it lah.

Let's both of us "jiayou" for bf. Hahaha.. I hope to do it longer to save on some milk powder money.


Yes, I want to close shop but hubby wants #3, #4.. I faint and pretend not to hear. Hahaha.. He is not the paymaster. Everything comes from joint account one so I am also the paying party. That time when delivered #1, Glen E gave me similac. So as 1st time mum, I also blur blur gave that too.

I also don't believe that our kids' cleverness is due to milk lah. I believe they are inborn with it, already in inherited DNA liao.
dont regret liao. avent manual is the best. after few days, your fingers will get used to the pressing motion and you wont feel pain anymore
avent manual is better when you just delivered and want to establish bm...then slowly move to the duo when you already have established supply
i also used manual for the 1st 3 months, imagine pumping like every 3 hrs using manual...but manual really does help to build up supply..
after that my friend gave me her electric pump then i switched...when i switched can really see the supply drop, but fortunately i had built up a really good supply by then so the drop was still acceptable

thats why i interchange both...electric at home, manual at work. like that keep my boobs "on the toes" (not literally anyway, dont want my boobs to be on my toes haha), then the supply wont drop. constant same pressure day in and out my brain gets lazyyyyy
my 1st pump out of the hosp (bb got jaundice, so cannot latch), 100ml from manual leh!! that was on my 3rd day after delivery

so kam, jia you ah
