(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


I also checked my girl. No vomit and fever so should be ok... This morning I seen her, she is still playing as usual. Then very excited to see me too.

i heard u ladies say so much abt carousel ..so wana try lor. saw the menu like alot of things to eat leh .. haha

how to? cos going lunch leh .. i tink i catch more mice when in office ..ops .. haha mayb later i go back town ..den tmr u can help me sound horn haha
kitsune, mei,

yup the tent is pretty light so must be watchful. Zander was so excited when we set up the tent so hubby gotta teach him to sit down inside instead of standing up...if he stand up, we'll be by his side watching over him loh. Initially we only wanna get the balls but thinking the balls will be thrown everywhere in the hse by him so might as well get the tent as a package. This tent is big...can accomodate up to 3 toddler!
wah shioks. although never went carousel before but really wanted to try

yesterday went ikoi for buffet lunch. super shioks the sashimi. so full until no space for dinner
haha, if you want to, no problem. Don't think I'm going out tomorrow. Can hear my cuckoo clock chiming, 12 noon liao. Don't know what to eat for lunch. Sian. :p
Can I bring Jayden to your hse to play next time? Heehee ; ) Think he will like it cos' he played at the LNT trial before.

Oh ya, how's the playday trial?
vernon oso ever fall down n knock on his mouth.. and his teeth cut his lip or his gum..
but tat was when he is in infantcare.. the blood usually stop quite fast

i m abit blur abt sounding horns now haha care to enlighten me? if i sound my own horn, n u oso ready to hunt (n same place too), will it auto sound yr horn without me visiting yr site?
mylvera, I also not very sure, but just now Icy sound horn at 1230pm and you sounded horn at 108pm, my horn also gets sounded even though I already switched off my laptop and left to get lunch at 1215pm. Think all must be at same location then can (cos 3 of us are all at Town of Grawnia now). ;)
wanted to tell you abt yen ping. yah, she helped my sis with her engorgement, but the hosp staff keep insisting that my sis uses their ameda pump. the funnel was so small, my sis's aerola area got chafed and started to bleed and crack...then yen ping commented why so jialat, my sis retort that coz kkh force me to use their pump, when she wanted to use her own...in the end let my sis use her own, by then too late. now my sis got prob pumping, all thanks to kkh....
pro-breastfeeding? dont think so. pumps should not be mutually shared if patients opt for their own...
i think my sis was not that vocal to insist on her rights too
and she request for the rental of the pump + bottles not to be charged to her coz she has her own, and they forced this fee/equipment onto her, the hosp say cannot...sighs...i really dont understand their rationale.
Pixie, I find it so strange that now KK insist on patients renting the pump. Last time, when I was there (but I only stayed 3 nights), I borrowed their pump on day 2 and day 3 cos I never even buy pump yet that time cos pp tell me can just borrow the hospital's pump. I just needed to get fresh bottles and sterilized tubings from my ward nurse leh. The pump was not Ameda, it was some Medela hospital pump that comes with a trolley on wheels. Did your sis ask why they have such rules?

Mylvera, yup got got, you sounded horn at 124pm right?
I caught a grey mouse nia. :p

Greetings to all once again!

Finally my Elias slept, Took an hour to make him sleep. Really naughty with a bad tamrum whole of today. Wanting to climb up and down his toddler chair. And almost fel. When told NO and stop, roll all over floor throwing tamrum and throw my things around.. Hiaz. this age, so hard to control toddler tamrum at times.. Finally he know that Mummy is angry, came pat pat me and finally slept on my lap, Somtime after scolding and beating him I really do have mixed emotions men.. :p


ANy idea which webbie good to book just Batam ferry tix as tot of brining my boy and maid with us for a Day trip to Batam?

Also, any boy knows if there's a way to book coach tix up to malacca alone and book hotel trip seperate? Not sure if thats cheaper then going through agent?

RE Playschool

I also wana check if any body got good play school to recommend? Intend to send Elias to playschool when he turns 3? Looking around Sembawang area? Heard Sun plaza has the school using the Moterssemi syallabus which is supplosedly good but more ex? Need some recommedation here.


My boy has really bad ezemma cum prickey heat. Went to the Dermalogist and was told he has bad priky heat all over his back and neck. Was given some mil steriod base cream. Really bo bian as its pretty bad. Hiaz. Dr say short term ok not for long term based though. Being so helpless my mum ask me turn to this snake prickley heat power. which kinda of helps soothe a bit more.. As now getting better. Hope its safe as Elias is barely 2 and the powder seems more for adult kind lor.
i complained. they stepped up on their care towards my sis. thats all i wanted from them...
the rental of pump is $15, and buy the bottles; $25 for 10. crazy right

different class perhaps? sorry its either an ameda or medela, cannot remember.
yes, i asked for their rationale why. the qs officer told me that the hosp recommend this pump for mothers bfding first time. but i am very very sure, there will be mothers having #2, #3, #4, #5 etc, depending on what race you are (sorry, a bit racist, but true). so cannot be all the mothers delivering are bfding for the 1st time. cannot impose ONE rule onto all patients mah, right?
only after i make noise then they say they have assessed my sis and confirm the hosp pump not suitable for my sis, then can use her pump. yen ping was the one who assessed coz she came over to help my sis's engorgement. not yen ping's fault but i dont know why the nurses, sisters all so insistent about this rule of theirs.
hi fern, long time no see you here
my boy is displaying the same behaviour as elias. for me, i just ignore his tantrums. it works for me.
yesterday he smacked away a bowl of soup i was feeding him, scalding my leg, his feet, and the rest all onto the floor. i gave him one big glare and he knew he did something wrong. he looked at me nervously and started to bury his head onto my lap...then i started to scold him in firm voice, he started crying liao.
they are very smart now so dont let him control you ah...
just my 2cents
I see, ya, KK has their stupid rules. One of them is the bcg injection, if want to jab on the butt instead of the arm, got to sign indemnity form and only a few nurses can perform the procedure. Really stupid.

But I have faith in Yen Ping, ask her sis to make friends with her, she's really nice and has a real passion in being a LC. Sometimes, I see her arms also full of 'gor hyuk' plasters but she still insist to be LC cos she wants to help mummies to BF. I told her I'm expecting no. 2 but will be going to TMC because of hubby can't claim even at KK, and she agree to help if I really need to as long as I sms her first.

Pixie, LOL, my gal will pout when I pout. I think she learnt from me. Sometimes, she's so funny that I scold her also no 'real fire' wan. ;P
Hi Pixel,

ya.. I seldom go forum these days.. too busy with Elias. You can check my blog at [email protected] for more updates yea?

Yes men.. they can one mintue throw tamrum and ya. when refuse eat porriage he will shake head and use hand and hit it till it spill all over floor. And when he know he is wrong he will look down and bury his head on my lap and sayang me...
and the next min love all my remote control and hp (I usually off it as no good radition mah) And when I dun give he will scream and beat me sometimes or when i beat him he will beat back and bury head again and sayang me.. How to scold lah.. and he will cry if you raise voice.. they like soft way of talking .. ya 16 month but very smart la these day these babies..
Just sms me if u wanna drop by...Jayden & Zander can play together. Maybe in June...to get the things (nipple cream/breast pads etc) from me ya. Got something for yr little gal too!

Here's the update on the trial class...
<font color="0000ff">Re: Trial class ($45 for 1.5hrs) at PlayDays</font>

Beach Theme for Mini Bubbles (12-18mths)
Teacher in-charge: Michell
- 20mins of free play to let our toddler warm up to the new enviroment
- music time (sing &amp; dance)
- mystery box (sensory based on concept theme)
- sand play/water play/art craft-paint
* prepare to bring additional clothing for the child as it may get dirty &amp; messy.
Date: 30th May, Saturday
Time: 3.00 to 4.30pm
Note: They need min 10 toddlers to start our own pte trial class (only on weekdays - no wkends slot) BUT this saturday time slot, they can accommodate us (min 5 toddlers) to have a trial class. ON boh? i need to confirm with them asap but cannot no show last minute leh!
1) steph77 (Zander)
2) Mandy (Jayden)
3) cheryl (Vernon)
4) janbb (Jayden) ON??
I wanna join leh but this sat got a family BBQ lunch at 12pm. Got to give it a miss!! Faint, the weather so hot dunno why they want to do lunch BBQ >.<

Maybe we arrange a westside mummy gathering at in June. Heehee, can become a big playground if we combine their toys!!
Steph I also wanna go. But Celeste just took her MMR on Thurs / Fri.. so I'm afraid she will have fever on Sat.
Haven't been able to join anything. So sad...Celeste has been missing out on all these trials!
Not yet leh. Hubby still haven arrange agent to view hse yet.
Did i tell u b4 that i got a nasty chinese neighbour? There are 3 units at our corner. Recently the 3rd unit sold out to an indian family. Wah piang, they are so noisy men. They ON Loud Indian music during weekend. Luckily our unit can't hear much if we close the door. And we are laughing at that nasty neighbour, cos really affect them a lot. The best part is my hubby very naughty told me that we shld try &amp; sell to another Indian family, hahaha... Think that nasty neighbour will be very "Gong"...surrounded by "bollywood" Music, kekeke ; )

Btw, u going scan this fri is it? Hope #3 gender will reveal soon ;p all so excited to know.

Within 10 days. Mine got slight fever on 8th or 9th day.
oh...all the babies got fever? this mmr so deadly. my ger hasnt took yet, almost forgot coz she was sick few weeks ago. will bring her this weekend or nex.

mine developed fever on the 10th day.


ahaha serve yr neighbours rite :p


erm..wat's yr id in FB ar? cos i sound horn very frequently when in office haha
i m so sleepy today... hope times passes soon.
any of u hav recommendation for massage ladies? i tink i wana try slimming massage, feel so fat now.

Hahaha.. the part abt selling your house to another Indian family is very funny...
Finally completed my detailed scan with the Indian doc. He never said much, only said baby is ok, never bother to explain which part of the body he was scanning for (for #1, he explained alot leh). Then the scan like not very clear, I think.. #1 detailed scan was much better. Standard dropped. So my #2 is confirmed to be boy
i have lobang. she did my post natal massage, now she doing my sis who just gave birth, and my colleague who just gave birth. she told me she do weekly massage for mummies who want to stay trim. keen? pm me if keen

i oso very sleepy. yest my boy wakie at 6am-ish, then all the way liao...go out meet frens, then come back take over from hb, then finally, reached home liao still need to wash up my boy's clothes, pickup the pieces of the tornado my boy left behind...by the time hit the sack...oredi 1am....damn shag
my eyes are closingggggggggggggg
Address : PlayDays Pte Ltd
41 Sunset Way
# 01-01 Clementi Arcade
Singapore 597071

no prob. This sat also Safra open hse, might drop by...wanna go swimming with zander cos it has been 3mths+ since his last swim. Wanna bring him to JW st 93 swimming complex...there got kiddy pool &amp; lazy river
Anyway if hubby is interested to go for the trial at playdays, we might also drop by...aiya so many things to do on my list...sleepy &amp; tired nowadays...#2 still not able to sleep thru the nite *Yawn*

Westside mummy gathering...gd idea! Pot luck maybe?

Re: Nasty Neighbour
1)Put the broom facing our main door directly
2)Place dead lizard at our door mat. (we saw the lizard lying at their door yez &amp; next day became our "asset"!!)
3)His children saw us at our door, quickly close the lift door.
4)Purposely avoid us if we at the lift first &amp; they will wait at their door until we left.
5)The husband &amp; wife never smile as if we owe them $$$.
6)Plant so many plants all over the corridors &amp; leaves all scatter at my door. Never clean them up. Then my hubby use his legs &amp; "sweep" back to their plants. The next thing they saw him, scold him bad words...but my hubby act blur &amp; ignore.

All these things started when we told them nicely to put the broom away not to face our door as was advised by our FengShui Master. Who knows, they not happy until now...faint, 4-5 yrs liao leh.. their broom still outside...face still as black to us >.<

your nasty neighbour izit the broom neighbour??
my guess was right! Yr little doggy is useful leh...haha:p

are u in FB too? i never see yr pix b4 did i? Oh...the mmr jab, mine got fever on the 9th &amp; 10th day.
