(2007/11) November MTBs

kittybride: ya lor.. cailyn still bo gay till now.. she is going to 10mths coming MOnday.. people is surprised when they see still bo gay at 10mths liao.. haha.. don't think we shd worry right? haha.. just like one of the mummy mention.. can walk before the tooth sprut out will have better life.. ohohoh.. crossing finger.. haha..

S@L: can send me the pic of the bear clip? heehee.. i think u are busy in ur kitchen, might slip out of ur mind.. =p
Hi S@L - Rose Veranda has 2 seatings - one at 12pm to 3pm and 3.30pm to 6pm (if i dont remember wrongly).... I am ok for the lunch session...ladies please confirm your attendance by end of next week so that i can make the reservations.....
my MIL (she's an avid fan of BiLi)was telling me 2 days ago that he is writing his will and preparing his "due" date now..apparently the relapse is quite bad this time.
Mambobb, my younger sis sprouted her 1st tooth when she is 1 yr old! So no worries for Cailyn. But the PD says, it s due to lack of calcium that s her tooth came in late.

On 2nd thought, which baby is lack of calcium.. So many milk feeds!
Hi S@L

I work half the time from home and I mostly cook my own lunch...scared of outside food...sometimes my hubby will also work from home too...save petrol la hehee..

My lunch dishes are mostly steamed stuff..trick is to buy good quality soya sauce, like Guang Xiang Thai ones...like their light soya sauce for $4 ++....jus pour over anything steamed is good...

Steam any fish for 10 mins and I add in veges like beans/sweet peas/leafy ones on top of fish after 5 mins and steam for another 5 mins...so far, good results...i normally will boil porridge or rice....if not at times, i'll cook japanese soba noodles, then put it in the fridge while i'm steaming fish....tear some fresh lettuce to go with noodles....

U have oven, can bake beef steaks/fish steaks or chicken thighs....oh ya, i bake my chicken thighs together with pumpkin chunks for 45mins at 180 degrees.....very very good...you can drizzle sea salt and olive oil and some chopped garlic on the pumpkin.....oh ya if lazy to cook rice, can bake french fries..frozen ones for 30 mins.....

Today i marinated some chick wings for steaming...i put some fresh shitake mushrooms on top and steam for 15 mins...then followed by another plate of fresh shitake and sweet peas for 5 mins.....ate with porridge and preserved black olive leaves...very good...comfort food...

if not cook cantonese porridge (chok)...personally i like cabbage carrot porridge..once left to simmer, the porridge turns so sweet...for stock use dried scallops with ikan bilis.....add in rice to boil, then later with chunks of cabbage and carrots...an hr later, throw in minced pork or diced chicken thigh meat....then flavour according to taste...i buy this fresh handmade fishballs with tiny minced pork added in from the mkt...boil yr porridge with them and it really flavours the porrdige so well until dun need to add salt or soya...

i wan minimal fuss when cooking on a weekday cos i dun wan clean up big time....plus maid at pil place, so i have to do everything myself..
oh yes...for baking fish, i normally will sprinkle Lemon Pepper onto the fish steaks...turns out very well, buy the Masters brand cos it's not so tart compared to other brands...very good for dory and salmon.....for cod, i prefer it plain, jus before serving drizzle some soya on top....

hahah u're cranking my memory skills on wat i used to cook when i was living overseas...but i'm having fun...

now i cook jap currry too...you can buy the powder cubes from most major supermkts....got many choices, have fun choosing....jus fry chopped onions, then fry chicken thigh chunks with potato and carrots.....add water and bring to boil and cook till potato and carrot are done, add in 1 cube of jap curry cube and it'll thicken the mixture...continue to cook over low heat until curry mixture goes into the meat.....goes well with white rice...
kittybride, mambobb, my gal also still bo-gay! so ur gals have more company =p

have a good "mooncake festival" this weekend ladies

for one dish meal, i like to cook fish meat+tofu+tomato+veg soup .. simple and easy...heehee.

S@L -- ur baked rice really looks yumzzz....i shall try it soon!!
Wow....so yummy!

S@L: can teach me how to cook Hong Zao red wine chicken soup & your chicken and potatoe stew.

The first time I tried Hong Zao Red Wine Chicken Soup was when I went to Malaysia 1st half of last year. Miss the taste!
count me in too, so that makes 4 bo-gay gals! I hope what the PD says abt lack of calcium is not so true..

I am ok with either seating for the Oct 3 session. Only mummy going, so can go shopping before/after that!
sharron: ok, great.. see u this sun at MyGym ya
.. heehee

dreamer: welcome to the 'bo gay' club.. haha.. so now we have 3 little princesses with bo gay..
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="aa00aa">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$21.25
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$16.18
5. Langlao - US$6.70

Amount left: US$108.74</font>

<font color="ff6000">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$3.36 (excluding ribbons)
6. Kaye - US$11.55 (still want to buy some more!)

Amount left: US$126.43</font>
when you baked the chicken thighs, did you have to marinate them? or juz rub some salt will do?

to steam fish, i usually rub little salt onto it, place it on the steaming plate with tomatoes and sliced chilli and ginger and dazzle some sesame oil on top..taste good.
mambobb - they are full for the 4.10pm slot. so got to check out next week's class either at great world city or marine parade branch again..
Hi Poissons

I got 2 methods, western and chinese style.

Chinese one is oyster sauce, light and dark soya sauce, sesame oil, pepper. Sometimes i throw in crushed garlic and ginger too. Can add honey too but got to watch for burning effect.

For western style, i rub olive oil, minced garlic sea salt and black pepper onto the chicken. I was told to rub some butter beneath the skin, between skin and flesh area for better roasting effect.

You have to roast the chicken thighs with skin facing upwards. Dun need to turn or flip the chicken and they will brown nicely. If you have grill function, in last 5 mins, turn it on to give it a more burnt look.
ashlee has great fun at the little gym today, basically the routine is the same for birds &amp; bugs class. She is the youngest thr and all other babies can walk liao.

s@L, i ordered the buttercream cake $120 only! cupcakes $3 each. phew! off loaded one item.
K@ye: im thinking of getting the tableware for the party but they are too nice and cute to use leh.. shd i get hello kitty or princess or care bear? haha.. now cailyn only has hello kitty mug. I doubt she has nothing to likes particular.. they dont have baby pooh bear hor..
.. so difficult to decide leh.. haha
any mummies went to bugis area to look at the party ware? is it really cheaper and better to buy from spree? k@ye, no offence hor. i just to check out which one is a better deal.
FOOD!!!! 1st was Yany, now's S@L tempting us with fd. I like both, and potatoe is one of my fav food. My sisters and i used to take turn and wake up at 530am in the morning to cook for my dad before going to wk. I like to cook chicken + black fungus + jing zhen gu in seasme sauce. My dad has high blood and is diabetic, so we will usually cook celery, steam fish and soup for him.

S@L, u know what, aft seeing the pic, i really got hungry and went to buy a cup of soya bean drink + pancake:p

Kitty: Jovan not my boy, he is Catherine's. Think u need to meet up with us more often after which it's easier to staple the bb's name and face to the mummy's
Catherine: My MIL got 2 lanterns for E. Shld be able to buy from neighbourhood stores or even large supermarts. She paid $5.50 each. But be careful, the music cld be quite loud, so we tape the speaker area.
cat, I'ver been to the party supply shop in Rocher. I would say I have no regrets buying from spree. However for party flavors i buy from the shop in Rocher. To add, I also went to party city at raffles city, the same thing they sell thr compare to spree is much more ex and they have limited themes to choose from.
sowie, wow thanks for the run dwn in all the possible dishes to whip up a good nutritious meal. ya me too prefer simple but nutritious meals.though once a while will whip up sinful dishes!

I shall try the lemon pepper some day. i have quite a good collection of <Masters spices, shall go and get a btl of it later

Kitty, ya both my kidos sprout teeth really early..dunno why too.

GElyn, yes i will share the recipe with u tonight cos gotta run out to pick my son now!

langlao, can u sms the baker's contact? i need a few on hand..should my fondant class fail i better call and order...lol...cos the price sounds reasonable. thanks!

catch up with u ladies again tonight!
mummies, have a nice weekend ahead.. and enjoy ur mooncake festive too.

any mummies have brought ur kiddo for flu jab liao? Know roughly how much per jab?
errr, all the topics are on food! makes me hungry. Does anyone know of a makeup artist to recommend? i have a gf's wedding in oct and we want to "ZING" up... heehee

your ideas are very good leh, makes me hungry now.
I'll cook them tomorrow.

Curry seems nice, can pack for work. Guess i just need to prepare one day before.

thanks, tink the cheena method is easier..hee..dun have to buy garlic seasalt and black pepper. i shall try soon and post pics here if succeeded!

waiting for S@L's recipe for chicken and potato stew..hehe.
Hahaha... food again! Drooling at the com now..

Oct Gathering - High Tea, 3 Oct (Fri)

1. sharron
2. S@L
3. skye skye
4. lazykat
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)

The lesson will be modified. Poissons, mouthing will happen. Just try to take his attention to the toys or something else with the sand. and, keep it short... like for 5 minutes,. Then wash his hands?
I will modify it.

Biters in Childcare settings: For as long as the child does not have language, the child will continue to bite, push, hit and do anything within their means to get their toy back. This is innate and the teachers can only try to catch them before they sink their teeth in. Once they sink their teeth in, they will hold and even when asked to let go, most wont. The teacher can only release the grip by holding onto the jaw of the little one.
Look at the child -teacher ratio and the frequency of this. Normally, if ur child gets bitten a few times more, he might become a biter too. Tell the teacher this is the concern. She also dun want biters in class.

Teeth for our babies: How do u gers count the no of teeth for the babies? J keeps moving, i cant count.
Catherine, what offence lah! Free market okie! In general, the balloons definitely cheaper. As for partyware, i will say more variety, can't guarantee the price!

Mambobb, just choose the theme u like lah... Claire also no prefence, i choose the theme for her! S@l, going on the Hello Kitty theme!

Langlao, Eatzi not bad. Had their catering b4, i even got their membership just to get the transportation charges waived (my hubby not me!)

Grace, if u re an IPSA card member, they also got the free make over.
If not i recommend u my wedding Make up artist but i dunno what re her charges now!
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="aa00aa">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$21.25
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$16.18
5. Langlao - US$6.70
6. Kittybride - US$10.40

Amount left: US$98.34</font>

<font color="ff6000">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$3.36 (excluding ribbons)
6. Kaye - US$11.55 (still want to buy some more!)

Amount left: US$126.43</font>
grace, can recommend u my makeup artist that did for me when I got married. His name is Dexx... Not sure what his current charge is now.
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="aa00aa">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$21.25
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$16.18
5. Langlao - US$6.70
6. Kittybride - US$10.40

Amount left: US$98.34</font>

<font color="0000ff">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$3.36 (excluding ribbons)
6. Kaye - US$14.35(still want to buy some more!)

Amount left: US$123.63</font>
ahaha, paiseh ah, tag baby jovan to the wrong mummy!

princess bo gay club ah? hahhaa... dats a cute one!
but wrt calcium deficiency, i dun thk so too coz they drank loads of milk since birth liao leh... maybe just destined to have 'good life' gua... ahahhaa (self-comforting myself!)

but there's one thing i'm a little concern lor, is the constant sucking of pacifier! my gal's like almost 24hrs on her pacy; esp when she's abt to sleep. it's like comfort sucking and even when she's sleeping, i tried to pull it out and she'll suck it in again. i have to forcefully pull it out quickly sometimes and she will still mouth for it but since overly tired, she will give up n continue to sleep.

your chicken + potatoe stew started the foodie trail running hor... hehehe... do email me the recipe as well; wana try it out too!

wah... you make cooking sounds so easy! and yummyz too! i thk i should buck up to learn some nutricious yet easy to cook meals!

can also email me the blog of the cake baker?
could be the same one i have in mind too!

re: bday cake/celebration
ohh... getting a little nervous liao coz my ideas all chapalang here n there. not sure if i can get the theme straightened out by 3rd wk of Sep! argh.... and still yet to decide on the venue, guestlist, etc... xiong!!
Kitty, my Mum's mtd of weaning my younger sis on the pacifier. She will cut the teat till almost nothing for her to suck, then my sis LL no choice gotta give it up!
Think i very lorsor here.

Balloons Spree-Ribbons &amp; Weights
I need to get some ribbons also and saw Kat &amp; Cindy wants to get it too. If u all re game enough, mabbe i want to separately order the ribbons &amp; weights and get them ship here. I m also testing the shipping charges, i dun mind if i have to pay for it based on actual weight but not volumetric weight!
Nice pictures of foodies!

you are really good with those easy but nutricious food.

I'm lucky as I do not have to worry about food. My maid who is with me for 8 years do all the cooking at home. I just dable here and there when I feel like it
When she went home for 2 weeks, I was busy cooking and later found that I forgot to boil rice... hahaha!
okay i jus came bk...now sharing my recipe. most of the time i derived these recipes myself, or modify others' here and there. so pls try out and feel free to comment.and as u all can see/read, ,my instructions not as pro as those in cookbook la....so jus bear with me here...hehehe

Chicken Stew- serves 3-4pax

1kg of chicken (chicken thighs or mid-joint wings preferred)
3 medium sized Russet Potatoes
2 big onions (white)
2 carrots
4-5 Tbl spoon Oyster sauce or to taste (Lee Kum Kee brand)
300ml Chicken broth / hot water (or as desired)
Sesame oil
Premium dark soy sauce ( as required)
Hua diao jiu (HDJ - Chinese wine for cooking)

1. De-skin and slice potatoes, onions and carrots thinly
2. Heat sesame oil in wok, add onions and fry till fragrant.
3. Add chicken and fry for a few minutes (not fully cooked)
4. Pour in oyster sauce, and fry a while more before adding in carrots and potatoes
5. Fry till all ingredients absorb a good portion of the oyster sauce
6. Pour chicken broth, blend well , turn to low flame and leave to simmer (cover wok)
7. When chicken is almost cooked, and gravy becomes starchy, pour dark soy sauce and blend well. Turn to medium flame
8. Let it come to a boil and when about to turn off the flame, add in small amount of HDJ and its ready to serve

<font color="ff0000">Tips: Russet potatoes turns soft easily and makes the gravy thick, other types of potatoes might take longer to cook. I prefer the potatoes/ gravy soft and creamy.

I sometimes replace chicken broth with plain hot water instead. But will add more oyster sauce for stronger taste. This dish, I like the sauce really thick and rich, since it will be served with white rice, so the saltiness is palatable. I always make lotsa gravy for this dish otherwise it will not be enough to go around. So control your liquid amount as desired.

No need to add HDJ if you do not like the taste or if its for children’s comsumption.

Imprtant: Frozen chicken parts tends to release more liquid during cooking, so decrease the amt out water/broth used in this instance.</font>
kitty bride, its too young for bb to give up on paci...my son was almost 24/7 on paci too...bo bian...its a kinda comfort. For Mischa, she doesnt take paci...but she also comfort suck ON ME! well..

but to my surprise my son kicked this habit without any tears or tantrums. i heard alot of advices from frens, elders etc to try many kinds of tricks...I was so demoralised and kept delaying that. but i nvr attempted any in the end cos jus one fine day i decided to stop him...i asked him to pass me the paci, and he did.
aft which i 'pretend' to throw it out of my balcony...then i told him 'no more'...he jus looked at me with a ? on his face..aft that he stopped looking for it!

YES! jus like that. i couldnt believe it. I guess he was ready by then cos almost 2yr old liao (ugly la!), jus waiting for someone to stop him...LOL
Langlao!! Super cute!! *Muaks* for Ashlee.. Now u just need to find the hairband &amp; shoes~!!!

Actually, u dun mind me saying... Ashlee will look good in those clothes with smocking and sleeveless dresses coz she got flesh...

I wish Claire can wear such stuff too.. but its simply not her when i let her wear that!

k@ye, it's ok, hv to admit ashlee is pui pui haha.

We bought her a pair of shoes today, ended up with a broad shoe cos her thick feet can fit into most cuts even tho the length is long enuff, hiaz.
