(2007/11) November MTBs

k@ye: thanks.. got all the info needed. so the invoice showed on BDL is the shipping cost only right? The shipping weight really scary compared to the weight showed on Fedex and DHL. Totally different

k@ye, not true for me le! hehehe...i wan to make it a speciak bday for Mischa as well...and in fact Favian's bday wasnt really BIG affair too.. didnt really know how to plan.
Thanks for sharing Weishy, Langlao3 and S@L - Ashton still very naughty when come to feeding for the last two days....so will follow what you guys had advised

K@ye - Oh i see...hope Claire is feeling better now! Are you joining us for the high tea on Oct 3?

Langlao3 - Did not see your name on the list for the high tea....not able to join us??

High Tea - Ladies I will book Lobby Court at Shangrila Hotel because their Rose Veranda will only reopens in late October. Shall we take the first seating which is at 12pm to 3pm? It costs $42.40 nett per person. Let me know your confirmation by end of this week ok...Thanks!
morning mummies,
if anyone knows where to find baby pooh/piglet/tigger birthday party stuff, please let me know. TIA!

all the talking abt food made me cooked over the weekend. i always cook for Jovan but me & HB always tabo or eat outside. so yday i cooked rice, steamed threadfin & boiled soup (chicken fillet, potato & onion with no seasoning at all). i poured the soup over some rice, mashed the potato & threadfin & gave it to Jovan. the soup tasted yummy to me but Jovan doesnt seem to love it leh. he just eat it like normal lor. baby's taste bud is really different from adult's.

in the end, i bought 2 lanterns in NTUC - one for HB, one for bb

i just hope Jovan doesnt get bitten again. he got bitten on thurs. the marks are still visible yday! so poor thing. dunno if he was traumatised.

i'm sure cactusnah will forgive u for tagging my cute Jovan to her. hahaha. oh u r not alone in the preparation for bb's birthday party, i STILL haven do ANYTHING yet. just keep surfing net to find ideas. i wan a baby pooh theme but i cant find related items leh. most stuff are those "adult" pooh. so sad!

my mother's method of weaning me & my bro off the pacifier even worse. she put chilli on it!

it's like tat one. no matter how good the teacher-infant ratio. they never have euff attention for each baby. tat's y Jovan got bitten. hope claire recovers soon.

ash is so pretty! S@L, great work!
Sharron, not joining u ladies for high tea coz i got month end closing!

Catherine, can find the pooh theme from the spree i m organising!! Hahaha!!! Jokes aside, actually u can browse this url www.kidspartyworld to see for ideas or any of the spree threads too.

Mambobb, its like that coz BDL charges by volumetric weight or actual weight based on whichever is heavier. So, i always keep fingers crossed that the merchant packed the items as compact as possible! Like i mentioned earlier, i m willing to pay for actual weight than for volumetric weight!
<font color="ff0000">Oct Gathering - High Tea, 3 Oct (Fri) at Lobby Court, Shangrila Hotel, $42.40nett per person</font>

1. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L
3. skye skye
4. lazykat
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)

They have 2 seatings - either 12pm to 3pm or 3.30pm to 6pm. I am ok with both. Please indicate your preference besides your name ok...
can teach us how to make ballon weights?

eh, wat's SKP?

i know y u wan a special bday for Mischa. becoz u wan a hello kitty theme party! u cant do tat for Favian mah. hahahaa

u r v innovative in the highchair deco idea. but i same thinking as langlao, i always tot i'll be carrying Jovan during cake-cutting. actually the mother is also another lead when it comes to baby's first year birthday party. it's always the mother carrying the baby ard. i always look at the mother &amp; check out her figure/looks after 1 year of giving birth. so ladies, dun forget to look pretty on your baby's first birthday!
catheine, Pooh theme quite easy to find. Check out Toyrus...or join the sprees ..still in time.

and for balloon weights, i actually hvnt started making for myself la..but i though of jus using some decorative fabric/paper and wrap up some stones and tie with ribbons-Viola....guess what u need is jus something heavy bah...no need to buy.

SKP- not sure what the complete name...but its a shop selling party wares, disposable packgaing materials etc..a good plc to hunt for party supplies in bulk. but i m not referring to part favours though, cos they dun seem to hv much selections.

thanks for the info abt the partware. i still haven find chance to go bugis area to see see look look.

can PM me the contact/blog for the cake maker too?

ash is SO CUTE! she must be thinking - who is this CUTE baby? kiss her *muaks*

u reminded me tat i still haven source for Jovan's birthday outfit! must get a few incase he doesnt like or it gets dirtied. on his full month celebration, he changed 3 rompers cause he kept poo/pee &amp; dirtying his clothes. must be too excited.
oh why i mentioned abt the highchair decor is becos i saw this from the Prty supply webby :


interesting right? i know most ppl will jus carry bb and cut cakes. but i wan tot it will be good if they can take individual pics too and guest can also take pics with them on their 'throne' for the day! LOL..

i m gonna make one for my girl..hehehehee
<font color="ff0000">Oct Gathering - High Tea, 3 Oct (Fri) at Lobby Court, Shangrila Hotel, $42.40nett per person</font>

1. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L - 12-3pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)

They have 2 seatings - either 12pm to 3pm or 3.30pm to 6pm. Please indicate your preference besides your name ok...
Paging for S@L,

missylan is trying to contact you to collect her pom pom powder, but wondering if I passed her the wrong email add. Can you PM me your email add or something again huh? Thanks!
S@l, the high chair decor is possible if the baby is cooperative.. Like my monkey Claire, i think she will tear down the house if i put her inside the high chair!!!

Catherine, i already decided on my outfit on Claire's celebration.. Hehe... I must look pretty also!! Coz got ppl take pix one!!!
sherl no le..she did contact me a week ago...i will contact her.thanks

k@ye, hahaha ya lo..a while should be ok. they are so hyper active now. my princess will nt stay in one position for a long time...lol..
k@ye / S@L,
those in the sprees are "adult" pooh. i wan "baby" pooh. maybe i din search hard enuff. i go c c again.

u decided on ur outfit already?! tat's fast! where r u holding the party?

thanks. i forgot to search at toys r us =P
i like the idea of baby sitting on his/her throne &amp; getting people to take photos with him! but HB is going to kill me if i overdress Jovan. i got a baby Tigger outfit for Jovan but he refuse to let Jovan wear it! maybe i do a simple deco lah. hehehe
finally am back in SGP after a week's of 'battle' in penang! been reading the posts at night when am back in the hotel last week but no chance to post anything!

Jovan looks so 'grown-up'! he actually pose in tat manner for u to take pic! hehe

for those who looking for this shop, this is the URL: http://www.partyware.com.sg/

haiz, last week, starting monday, Bevis was down with high fever (up to 39.9!) and flu/cough as well... she got well on wednesday but when friday i came back... that night (saturday morning) she came down with fever again! and lasted till last night again... sigh... poor thing, can see that she's very lethargic and sian... but once u put her standing, she almost wanted to cruise all around the table! haiz... juz hope that her fever will not come back again (she got this bout of sickness from her sister lor)... geez, it's a nightmare when u know they are sick and yet can't do anything to help them!
catherine.. haha ya but boys got nothing much to dress up in ley!! ahha i wanted to get a family outfit but aiya, by then my tummy definitely showing so maybe i just settle on same colour theme... haha. how is jovan and his sleep pattern? Improving? Travis is doing better, at least doesn't get up that often and when he gets up, letting him zzz with us will do the trick MOST of the times. unless he cry and can't be settled then i will make him milk... hehe!!

langlao:: okay, i will try to take a photo of travis today! he just went for haircut yesterday, now look like ah gong ahha...

and kaye:: i hope claire is better already? is she back at the infantcare today?

plim:: hugs to bevis. it's really terrible to see them suffering. I hate it when they kanna FLU! want to clean also difficult, also cannot ask them to blow out. sighs.
Hi Catherine,
Aiyo, Jovan seems to hve grown up overnight.. like a big boy liao.

Ashlyn is so cute. hers eyes are so big..
Cindy, I had withdrawn Claire from infant care. My Mum seeing her in such a state, told me that she will take care of her from today onwards. My Mum's back is actually better and she wants to rest more so that she can help my sis to prepare for her UK trip.

Plim, thanks for the link.. Then i know where else got SKP then i can go look for those curling ribbons! Is Bevis better? I hate it that kind of helplessness when i see Claire sick!

Catherine, holding Claire's celebration at my hubby's cousin condo clubhouse. My outfit is just one of my fave dresses and the color will match Claire's dress!
Cindy, jus read ur blog! Hahaha u will regret it...trying to instill Thomas &amp; Friends to Travis now? LOL!!!...my pocket burnt big holes...and is still burning now cos Favian loves Thomas!

i m trying to 'instill' Thomas to Mischa.. kekeke..so that I dun need to 'invest' in anymore toys!
S@l, hehe.. U shd!!!

I told my hubby that i will TRY MY BEST not to let Claire be near to BARBIE &amp; those girly dolls like Bratz or Winz?

Somehow i dun like these dolls and i think they sent out all the wrong values...

But i dun mind Dora the Explorer!!!!
thanks for the contact!

i searched the whole kidsparty but no baby pooh lah.. i also juz gonna settle for pooh and frenz in the end.

DH not working, so i got him to tapao or we juz go out to eat, in worse case, juz cook maggie mee with lotsa vege or pasta since ZY only eats that little..

thanks for the link! I juz saw many fan covers @ Bishan, tho design more piangz.. i went to Daiso last wk to buy liao.. but i still cant a super duper big one that can accommodate my floor fan..

my no no is Barney, and guess what.. ZY already has one - gift fr cousin.. i think she will be confused over one "bunny" and the other "barney"..
s@l: haha!! really!!! not me hor it's my hubby. At first we just bought him a super small set, those that cannot build on type, he LOVES to see the train moving!! - in contrast we also bought the remote control car but no interest sparked.. so we bought another small set and when the train derailed, he will Move to catch the train so hubby decided:: ok let's buy the sets.. so we bought more and more grrr. But now it's more like hubby playing rather than travis playing cause each time he wants to pull the tracks or the trains, my hubby will say:: NO!! u sit back and watch!
Sharron, I will try to take leave on 3 Oct provided it's the 2nd sitting but pls go ahead if more mummies prefer 1st sitting.

Oct Gathering - High Tea, 3 Oct (Fri) at Lobby Court, Shangrila Hotel, $42.40nett per person

1. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L - 12-3pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao (3pm)

They have 2 seatings - either 12pm to 3pm or 3.30pm to 6pm. Please indicate your preference besides your name ok...
s@L, I am not having the bd party at home and won't be lugging the high chair ard. That's why I din bother to buy the high chair deco tho I like it ver much.

Cat, have PM you. Jovan looks like he has put on weight, ya?
I am hving a mini celebration on 7th juz like yrs, but actual one with frenz n extended relatives will be on 15 Nov (also can celebrate our wedding ani.. haha)
1. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L - 12-3pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat - 12pm or 3pm also ok
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao (3pm)

They have 2 seatings - either 12pm to 3pm or 3.30pm to 6pm. Please indicate your preference besides your name ok...

Oct Gathering - High Tea, 3 Oct (Fri) at Lobby Court, Shangrila Hotel, $42.40nett per person

1. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L - 12-3pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat - 12pm or 3pm also ok
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao (3pm)

They have 2 seatings - either 12pm to 3pm or 3.30pm to 6pm. Please indicate your preference besides your name ok...
i actually wanted to take pic him playing with the ball. when i snapped, he just happed to look up. yah i agree it feels v heartpain to see the little one sick &amp; u cant do anything. hope bevis recovers soon. *hugs*

yalor. he suddenly looks so grown-up already.

this is definitely going to be one of my fav photos of him. hehee =)

yalor, boys' attire are so boring. just now i want KP also dunno wat to get as his birthday attire. Jovan's sleep habit still v bad leh. actually 2 weeks ago, he slept thru from mon-fri! bedtime feed 830pm, next feed midnight, then next feed 8pm. but he wakes up at 615am lah. then on sat (2 weeks ago), i think we broke his routine by bringing him out past his bedtime. *slap myself* now these 2 weeks, he's back to waking up at least 2x at nite. sometimes for milk, sometimes not.

good for claire. at this age, grandma's care is still the best (beside's the mother). too bad my mother doesn't think the same way. sometimes i think Jovan is v ku3 ming4 (bad-life). when i tell people tat Jovan goes to infantcare, they will respond by saying "huh, so young go infantcare?!" sigh...

hahaaha. u v farnie leh.

u also having a pooh theme? hehe. just now i saw a v cute pooh/tiger/piglet door curtain at mini toons. it costs $40 just for a half-door length! maybe can DIY. hahaha

i got ur PM. thanks
yah i think he put on some fats. weight-wise feels the same. his apple chin got so obvious tat one auntie tot he hurt his chin. hahaha
I am the same... not into those girlie toys. I never had a barbie... but may let Kyra have some ;). But having 2 older brothers, she's into playing toy cars (hot wheels), bionicle legos, etc. Then again, we don't have any girlie toys around... lol.

I have a feeling she might like girlie stuffs. She likes having clips on her hair. She likes wearing hats too.... and will ask us to put it on her! gasp.....
mine is a chap-pa-lang theme.. haha, cos cant decide on which one.. since she also din hv preference, and is quite familiar with pooh n frenz, so juz decide on that lor.. then saw a lot of girlie decor, also get lor.. K@ye, u've got mail again

how i wish mine likes clip and hat.. nowadays she will juz pull or take off anything that we try to put on her head.
All those clips that i bought hvnt successfully placed on her yet..

I also let ZY play cars already.. tho she is biting most of the time
Lazykat, me HATES BARNEY!!! So NO BARBIE, BARNEY, BRATZ or WINZ! Okie, will check again.

Yup, i dun mind Lego too. I must go and buy Lego liao... Cindy, sometimes i also wonder isit me that loves the toys or our babies!!!

My hubby has to stop me from buying toys... Haha, one thing give Claire a basket of clothes peg and she will play happily with it!!

Catherine, sometimes its no choice one lah. If, the nanny is not reliable, i rather throw my child in the infant care or child care centre.
Thanks S@l. I can't offer any things on cooking cos I am a bad cook. Your gals are so good at it!

Re: Birthday Theme
I don't have any theme in my mind yet. Can't decide and have concrete plan on how to do about it. Guess I better act fast too. Its really a motivation everytime I saw your input on how and what you all going to do.
. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L - 12-3pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat - 12pm or 3pm also ok
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim (after 2pm)
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao (3pm)
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="aa00aa">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$21.25
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$32.04
5. Langlao - US$6.70
6. Kittybride - US$10.40

Amount left: US$82.48</font>

<font color="ff6000">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$7.28
6. Kaye - US$14.35(still want to buy some more!)

Amount left: US$119.71</font>

Now waiting for Dokie, Weishy &amp; Tweetie orders!! Remember the deadline is this Friday, 19 Sept 08, 10pm GMT(+8)!
Guys!!!!!Hayley can walk unassisted....well 2 steps kkekekkekek

Tooo bad cant join the high tea session

Nowadays those high teas in sin are quite ex le.....even Hk pennisula is only $168hkd(but of cso a little bit of scones etc and tea)

S@L:the igh chair deco's really cute le.saw alot of kitty stuffs at narita's 100 yen shop le.....
I am the same... not into those girlie toys. I never had a barbie... but may let Kyra have some ;). But having 2 older brothers, she's into playing toy cars (hot wheels), bionicle legos, etc. Then again, we don't have any girlie toys around... lol.

I have a feeling she might like girlie stuffs. She likes having clips on her hair. She likes wearing hats too.... and will ask us to put it on her! gasp.....
Weishy, congrats!!!

Talking abt Hi Tea, i wanna try the HK Peninsula High Tea if my HK trip is confirmed in Oct. Actually, i think SG std of living is catching up with HK too.
Congrats to Hayley!!! Way to go Hayley!
Now... be careful as they will be running soon!!! hahaha

Jovan is getting to be pui pui
Very nice picture as the twin of Michael Jordan! ;)
Grace: Liren my make-up artist. Check out my wedding blog under "Others". I like her coz her make-up very natural. She was from Milan Bridal.
Langlao/Grace: Yrs gals look sweet in the outfit. Still dunno what to let E wear.

Toys: E never like soft toy since young. MIL tried offering him Pooh but he'll not take it. Give him cars, planes, remote and hp and he is all smile.

Catherine: J pui pui hor, hair also quite alot now

Langlao: I bght the play gym last Sat. E likes it but i find it warm staying in there for too long. Thanks for yr info.

yany:eek:hh i think if hayley can run she'll be all around man!!!u havent seen her like the rest...she's a non stop robot heheheh

catusnah:hehhehehehhe maybe can walk withinthe next few weeks???dunno le.

K@ye:no la high tea there not nice le.....food and service so so only
