(2007/11) November MTBs

langlao.. u know how much they charge at the counters? for anna sui? btw, ashlee look very cute in the outfit. i actually got the tutu from sally. have yet to model for her...heehee

kaye, tinkerbel --- send me the contacts of yr makeup artist.. me and my colleague hiao loh. i was surfing web and i saw this website. her style we like but the price is also very GOOD. http://www.lirenneo.com/

kaye - with regards to balloon weights, if u just need a few pcs, can buy from this party shop at Valley point. its 50cents per weight. i know its cheaper to order but if its only a few pcs, this may be the alternative. by the way, the weights at Bugis party shops are $1 each.

sally..ok ok i know... i haven dress her up yet. have been sick for almost 2 weeks now. started after the playdate lah. mummy coughing like mad dog and half dead too. only better today....
mambo, i droppped u an email
k@ye, curling ribbons at SKP have! and Spotlight...i guess aloads at Chinatown...

mummies, i m making some High Chair Decor for Birthday! Ever wondered where the kiddos will be sitting on for cake cutting? kekekekee

Let me know if anyone keen to place orders k? Jus let me know the theme and col scheme. i try to come out with something for ur Prince and Princess!
Langlao, actually Ashlee not pui pui leh... U & ur hubby all tall and slim... Her current size like that is okie... Once, she starts to lose her baby fats... Hehe, she will be slim and tall like u lor...

But, just a word of caution... Dun let her eat too much of cheese and stuff coz scared that u build her a big appetite now... Next time she grows up, will eat too much... Then becomes weight problem.
Thats what happen to my cousin.
S@l, i went to Spotlight and can't find the bloody curling ribbbons. This type of ribbons is like those they used to type cake box lor...

Just dun understand y can't find...

I want something like this type one:

k@ye, u can alwasy curl them urself ma....the good old way

i get these from craft shops...go check out SKP..they hv. what col u wan? if i come across i help u buy. i think i see it like every morning when i pass by the SKP near my mum pl...but nt sure if they hv many col
k@ye, i also feel ashlee is eating too much. My nanny feed her 2 porridge meal a day and each time 1 full rice bowl. I feel it is too much but hor when she is full, she will reject food.

S@L, I always think I'll be carrying her during cake cutting kekeke.
S@l, i dun need to curl the ribbons lah.. I just want the ribbons in the similar texture/width as seen in the photos.

Langlao, the URL dun work leh...
Hi all
I am new in this thread

Hope to learn more from the mummies here!

Yany, saw your pict in the achives...does the number 156 rings a bell to you...hahaha
uh oh..... who is this wwmum? IT sure souds familar.... so is your number around there too?

Do tell!!!!

Now... will be wondering the whole day...... grrrr.....
can PM me the contact/blog for the cake maker too? I hv yet to decide on my gal's bday cake leh.. so late oredi. TIA.

din know u are such a good cook.. i cant even whip out such dishes, cos my house din hv HDJ and all those stuffs as we hardly cook, cos hate to wash up! Btw, where is the nearest SKP outlet in SK ah?

i think i will check out the SKP outlets first, co i may want to get a few colours, so may check out those handicraft shops next wk. Btw, i hv some more additions to both spree.. will finalise soon. Can't resist to buy more!
Ya huh... S@l, I never thought of where to place J for the cake cutting, But he doesnt have a high chair. so i guess, i gotta carry him... hehe..

Pacifier: My mum says that a way is to cut the pacifier so that there's no air inside... then after some time, they give up.

Food: Another easy recipe is make minestrone. I like it cos its simple and can feed the whole family. sometimes, I just fry or steam fish to go with it.

caterers: My friend told me that Lavish dine is not too bad. Maybe can try?
I'll be trying them for J's 1st year.

Birthday: I am not going to have lotsa balloons and stuff for it cos its happening at home. So, I was thinking of going to the bras basah shop a day early and get the designs and pump up all the helium then get them home. Any advice?

Some of u r really fast... even got the attire ready.. I haven't.. really need to buck up when I'm done with the helper.
grace, last time anna sui charges $80 for makeover, I think they give u a certain amt for redemption of product. U can juz pop by their counter to enquire.
Hi wwmum

langlao3;so cute ashlee in her costume hheheheh
hayley's wil be red outfit...yet to fnd a nice one le......no flts to nice places
Sharron, the diaper cake is actually a hamper of diapers & baby clothes.

Gillian, (not adveristing for the balloons spree), me also not a lot of balloons lah. Just 10 foil one and the rest are the normal ones.
They buy from the spree coz its cheap and got more design for the foil ones.

Talking abt attire, my Mum bought one for Claire ages but she has outgrown it. So my Mum has sewn one for Claire and she looks like a gal in that!
Lazykat, the SKP i mentioned is actually at Pasir Ris. I pass by there every weekday morning.

which day are u holding the party? I will be celebrating Mischa's bday with immediate family on the 7th. then on the 8th will be the bash!!! ZY's bday is the same day as Mischa right? thats why i ask!

no me nt exactly a good cook...jus that i m rather particular abt taste so i like to try and improve recipes! since getting sick of eating out n hb likes home cooked food, i hv to learn to whip up meals quite often.

then what do u usually eat/buy for lunch now that u are SAHM?
Langlao, i think its the website problem. This morn when i tried, it dun work... Now it works!

Warrao, only 6 days in infant care and Claire is sick. So heart pain!
Grace, Ashlyn is so cute!!!!

Langlao, Claire;s hairstyle also cannot make it for her outfit too! Haha

Just realised that Claire is born vain by nature. When we praised that she looks pretty in some outfits... She will give us a megawatt smile! Buey tahan!
k@ye, ah ya actually ashlyn's hair also little. sama sama lah. if only she has mischa's hair or yany's little girl's hair... heeheee

s@l, i havent buy the pink romper, this is one of her pink tops only. she is wearing only diaper underneath the tutu...ah yo, she refuse to take picture, u know how active she is. wah, so difficult to take. here, show u.
this is her screaming NO>>>
grace / langlao3 - aiyo ashlyn and ashlee looked so pretty in their outfits! So nice can dress the little princesses up! Limited for the boys... : (

k@ye - how come so fast Claire get sick?? Other babies also sick in the infant care? I will be heart pain also man.... thanks for the heads up on the diaper cake!

Mummies - do your baby get cranky when they are eating (lunch, dinner)? Ashton seems to be refusing the porridge today!! He just dont want to open his mounth after a few spoons...how ah?
sharron, ashlee also behave the same today during lunch. Before tasting the porridge, she shaked her head and refused to open her mouth. In the end have to distract her and let her play with different toys. Finally she finished all. Same thing happened at dinner when my mum fed her.
sharron:ya hayley's been like that for long time looooooo......hv to swtch on her VCd then can eat a little....sometimes only 1 tablespoon......

Grace:think ashlyn's outfit also looked very nice le......
sharron, its very common. Mischa always looks so hungry for the first few spoons. when abt to finish, she will start to get cranky.

but there will be stage whereby they totally refuse solid feeds, like what FAvian did. It was terrible but luckily he did nt refuse milk, so we still try to give him more milkfeeds to replace the solids he missed.

like langlao, i also hv to find lotsa things to distract her , most of the time she can clear her bowl

also try to intro variety every other day if possible so that bb dun get sick of it
kaye: take care! don't worry. Claire is getting stronger!!

langlao and grace:: TRAVIS BLOWS WHISTLES at your pretty babes! hhehe
sorry to intrude

I have following to exchange for 1 tin 400g enfapro. Pls PM or email [email protected]

Mamil Gold 3 - 4 sachet (40g each) expire Mar 09
Mamil Gold 4 - 4 sachet (47g each) expire May 09
mamil mama-4 sachet (48gram each)expire aug 09
Hello Yany (Y F)
I am also from 156!!! Looooong Time no see...will keep u thinking.....this is fun

cannot let u think without hint...me short and scrawny years ago..heehee..have put on 10 Kgs...kwa kwa
Hi ladies

Glad I had chance to share my fuss free homecooking recipes....I can only do simple fare like this, can't do anything fanciful....sometimes when we eat out so often, we just crave for a bowl of hot porridge with preserved cai xin or black olives

Today my bro taught me how to make kimchi jigae soup....so simple somemore and i experimented it my parents' place.....ok this version is the ABK (american born korean) version...haha...heat up a soup pot with some oil, and stir fry yr kimchi vege (1 fistful) in it together with 2 rashes of bacon....later stir fry pieces of chicken chipolata (white chicken sausages), ham slices....pour in chicken stock and hot water to taste...bring to boil and you can serve liao....very tasty and good...oh ya, can throw in some maggie mee noodles....

I was thinking of adapting this recipe as I don't want to eat preserved meat or use ready made chicken stock if i can help it...most prob i'll boil own chicken stock first using chicken thighs then add in kimchi later....maybe it wont taste as good...but alot healthier....you can adapt by using pork ribs????
since bb is already asleep, let me share my beef stew recipe....

basically same ingredients like S@L's chicken stew and method...i don't use hua diao jiu...insteead I add 1-2 pieces of bay leaves,,adds a new twist to a chinese dish....i use Shin Beef from ntuc...which can be stewed to perfect softness...and i use Local potatoes, not russet..cos i prefer them a little firm..oh ya i add in carrots..

my chicken stew, i use white radish, carrots and chicken thighs with onions and stew them.,..veyr tasty

hey... not fair. Tell me, who was fat those days? I can only recall myself

Need more hints.......

Ashlyn is soo cute! Nice dress S@L!

You ladies are so on the ball. Already have theme, costume, catering and venue all planned. I am still taking my own sweet time.... as I know, 1st b'days are more for parents ;) Subsequent ones, they tell you what they want... lol.

Talking about stew, I love having stew for dinner too. I like oxtail, beef stew, goulash, etc. My BIL makes a mean beef goulash... best I've tasted around! I usually have soup daily... more the cantonese type of double boil soup. My helper knows how to do this already and now taste better than restaurants ;)
morning mummies..

wow.. every monday morning I need to read thru all the threads which posted over the weekend.. took me 45mins wor~.. haha.. if my boss knew it sure kana shoot again..

I brought Cailyn to MyGym yesterday. She was ok with the swing previously at JWTKids but not at the Gym leh. Is it to due they are more clingy to mummy now?

Anyway I have signed up the package and will be heading down every Sun.. happy about it but when my DH knew abt it, he is totally disagreed and we had a short cold war after that.. *hmmrf*
Sharron, Claire is teething and usually got a bit of LS but in infant care, not enough water parade. That;s y got sick!

Langlao, will post pix of Claire's dress.

Yany, usually i think the 1st child will have more time & effort to plan... Once u have the 2nd or 3rd child, i think u just wanna have a hassle free birthday!

Mambobb, did BDL provide u with the tracking no from the merchant?

U used that tracking no to check the status of the items within US. Usually bb center items will take 1 week to reach BDL.

Once the items reached BDL in US, BDL will inform u abt the delivery charges and u just click ready to ship etc (Brace yourself for the possible expensive shipping charges)

There are 2 routes for BDL items to reach SG. One is USA=>HK=>SG and the other is USA=>SG. And this usually takes 1-2 days to reach u.

My advice is once items reached BDL and the DHL tracking no is provided. You can actually call DHL in SG to arrange for the delivery timing.
