(2007/11) November MTBs

chinese version(original)



























Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="119911">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$9.80
3. Cindy - US$36.19</font>

<font color="119911">Amount left: US$143.07</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Amount left: US$141.34</font>
wat kind of cheese does ur aunty give ashlee? Jovan still haven try any cheese yet. i think i lousy mummy. he only tried a few types of food before.

he just had his growth spurt at 8.5 months. he glurped down 300ml of bedtime milk for tat whole week. is there a gowth spurt so soon again?
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="0000ff">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$9.80
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$16.18

Amount left: US$126.89</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$3.36 (excluding ribbons)

Amount left: US$137.98</font>
fwah..300ml is alot..my boy never reach that mark before. i think bottomline is if he can drink, let him drink lor..milk is good for them anyway, i wish mine can down as much..but porridge wise, he can polish off 3/4 rice bowl each time.

1. For both the URL, will close the spree once hit US$200.

2. For the balloons spree, ribbons &amp; weights ' order wont be taken unless you ladies are willing to pay for the shipping charges. I will get them shipped by BDL.

3. Let me know your decisions on it!
Bread: I started giving E bread abt 1 month ago. Initially i gave him those Sunshine/Gardenia bread, but my sis advised me to buy from those freshly baked confectionary coz they dun add in preservatives (usually can only last abt 2 days for freshly baked ones where Sunshine ones can last 5 days).

Meat: We'll feed E the meat (fish &amp; pork). Weekdays he'll eat fish porridge+vege, weekends with me usually pork+vege. I'll wash and mince the meat at home. Dun buy those minced meat from market coz they usually dun wash the meat before they mince, even if they do, the pail of water is very dirty. Also, not sure what kinda meat they use. They might add in those fatty parts and sell to u. Have yet to offer him chicken meat.

K@ye: I'm fine with the arrangement. Thanks. Will tt to u now.
kaye:: i'm also fine with arrangement, do let me know how much to TT you as well as your UOB acc no!

and bread:: i also started giving travis bread like 1 wk ago, small small pieces..

Meat, langlao, yes we do scrape the meat to mix in porridge to give him, esp for chicken and pork.

so far he eats fish (salmon, codfish), chicken, pork, corn + carrot, carrot + potato, pumpkin, PD also advise say can give chicken liver porridge, but we only tried it once, so far still can take it.
Hi all, today busy busy in the kitchen...whipped this for our (hb &amp; myself) lunch....yumm yumm.


And this baby:

Langlao, hehehe inspired by ur baby on the cake. I tried to make more MMF today and modelled this ugly looking baby. No tools used (cos i ordered a set for my fondant class already), jus bare hands and some toothpicks...looks yucky right? but what i m trying to say is its nt that dificult to make la, jus needs more practice...hehehe. BUT it's really tiring to make this!
And I was right, Mischa was super cranky over the weekends cos she was teething again. till date she has 7 teeth at 10mths old!

This is my lil princess at 10mths:

Finally her hair is long enough to be tied up

and Mischa enjoying her car ride:
s@L, your sugar baby very scary haha. U need more practice but at least u tried, give u 5!

Cat, my aunty gives her the party cubes, I'm not sure if ok to give but so far i was told she looks forward to the cheese every evening.

ashlee doesn't like gor hee (threadfin). think i'll try cod fish this weekend.
langlao, ya scary right? hahaha of course the one u posted is loads nicer la....i m so looking forward to the class and hopefully aft tt my skills improve!

Kat, i used to be in the modelling class when i was in my 3rd yr of ID course. but modelling a figure is really challenging.
Hi all, I am trying to finish the employer orientation course now...

langlao3: I ordered the cake from Glad ages ago. So, i dun think it's me.. hee.. Regarding meat, my dr told me to feed J meat long time ago.. just make sure the consistency is right. Bread also fed at least 2 - 3 months back. He's a greedy baby.

K@ye: since no one's interested, i might just get it from someone organising the spree. It's easier this way.

The lesson will be planned in a simple way. The company of babies is more important.

Objectives: Babies will explore the different textures and practise their fine motor skills.

Tune in (5 mins)
Babies will have a music and movement session with action songs. Some suitable titles include itsy-bitsy spider, I'm a little teapot.

Main (15 mins)
Provide big pieces of various types of clothing (rough vs smooth) as floor rugs. They can be anything that anyone does not want but clean. The pieces can be placed on the grass to make a big huge picnic rug and babies can explore the textures with their parents. Here, parents should talk with the vocabulary "rough" and "smooth" to ensure that baby understands the vocabulary. With each experience and each sentence, the words and the idea is reinforced.

Closure (5 - 10 mins)
Let children draw or explore on sandpaper. mummy and daddy can help baby with creating something.

Outdoor Time (15 mins)
Let baby crawl in the sand or grass. Explore swings, slides, everything and anything that can be found at the playground.
More importantly, let babies have time to observe the other children or babies around them. They can't share or play together yet. Leave them to observe and take time on their own.
Prepare water for washing hands and legs.

The "lesson" takes around 25 - 30 minutes. I will research some more and modify the plan. Then, I will finalise, get everyone who's interested and prepare materials for it.

Food/ fruit can also be incorporated at the end with everyone for bonding, especially for the babies and for the babies to practise self-feeding as well as their pincer grip.

Any ideas or views?

Sounds good. But I will only be back in Singapore from 25 Sept onwards to 12 oct. If can, then happen during this period. I can join u gals.

high tea on 3 oct still on? haha
The lesson sounds interesting!

I'm not sure about other babies, but mine is one who puts everything and anything inside his mouth that is within his reach. So I fear that letting him crawl in the sand or grass, he might put them in his mouth, and not forgetting those textured cloth too..Other mummies, any comments?

Can share your recipe for the baked rice? I've tried once but it turns out to be too dry..
Morning mummies

Poissons, my gal is exactly like yours. everything inside her mouth, licks the floor and playpen, and bites her books too. everywhere also got her saliva. Any remedies huh?


Lesson sounds good
Gillian, u can create a spree thread what!!!

Payment for the spree
Dun worry about it! Will ask for it when i order the items and delivered to you!

Coz, very troublesome to keep on checking the bank account~
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="0000ff">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$9.80
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$16.18
5. Langlao - US$6.70

Amount left: US$120.19</font>

<font color="ff6000">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$3.36 (excluding ribbons)

Amount left: US$137.98</font>

<font color="0000ff">1. Deadline for the sprees are 19 September 2008

2. Will ask for PAYMENT when the order is placed and items collected from me. Dun worry, i will PUT a O$P$ when u forget to pay me then! *Evil laughs*

3. Let me know if you need to revise your orders!

4. Might combine orders with other mummies if the orders are not enough to justify shipping charges!</font>
Grace/Gemini/Gloomybear: Babycenter has already shipped the items. Waiting for BDL to receive.

gloomybear: do you still want the station? have not heard from you..
Sharron: do you still want to go for MyGym trial class? paisey, I do not know ur bb's name, so didnt register on ur behalf. They still hv slots this sun 4.10pm. Call 64409916.
mambobb : yes will bring Ashton for the trial class this sun. I would call them shortly. Thanks!

If you have a spare Brightlings set that in case any mummy doesnt want last minute - i will get it from you ok....

S@L, Tinkabel - Yes yes yes high tea is on! 3 October 2008, Friday. I will look for the list and confirm with everyone again....

Pillows for babies - Mummies, how high or how many pillow is your baby sleeping on? Where to get proper pillow for them? Ashton's seems very thin leh and i put double for him to sleep on...
Poissons, check ur email!!!

Sharron, dunno who tell me not to let our babies sleep on the pillow if possible. But it depends on individual babies, Claire dun like to sleep on pillows coz her head perspire alot so she will roll off the pillow.
mummies *sob*
yday Jovan came home with a bite mark! acc to the teachers, a 14-month-old gal bit Jovan coz he tried to take the toy she was playing. the incident happened in the morning but the bite mark was still v red &amp; visible when we fetched him in the evening. i'm so upset. woke up at 1am yday nite to write down some notes in the comm book for the teachers. this morning also purposely went to the center (usually only my HB send him) to talk to the teacher.

yday we were talking abt biting. then it really happened to Jovan. is it coincidence or wat?!
sharron, i m using the Babysafe pillow , the rectangular flat one. its very good cos the ht seems jus nice.Mischa loves sleepin on it.
there is another contour pillow from babysafe range, i prob will move on to that when she is older.

Poissons, not exactly a recipe le..cos i jus 'aga-aga' one...hahaha..i like my bake rice/lasagne wet wet too...so here goes:

(per serving)
1 bowl of cooked white rice
2 slices of ham (any kind will do)-shredded
100g of minced beef
half can of tomoto paste (small can)
150ml of chicken broth
chopped onions (white)
olive oil
1 packet of shredded mozzerella cheese

1. sautee onion with butter, add in cooked white rice and fry till fragrant
2. pour into baking bowl/tray, place a layer of shredded ham on top.
3. mix tomoto paste with chicken broth and some olive oil and spread some over
4. add minced beef and spread the rest of tomoto paste mix over
5. sprinkle shredded cheese over the top covering the entire bowl/tray

I preheat my oven prior to that and using convection mode at 160 <font face="symbol">º</font>C to bake the rice. Note that i did not incld salt or other flavourings cos usually i like my food less salty. so u hv to add as desired.
some ppl use raw rice to cook, but i prefer to cook them first so that my bake rice comes out jus moist and nt dry (cos uncooked rice will 'steal' the moisture from ur gravy.) I also love them cheesy cheesy..so if u think that the amt of cheese i recommended is too much, jus reduce it.

I jus kept this simple cos didnt want to cook up a storm. but if can add some mushrooms and herbs, will be great!
thanks for the recipe! keke..i know what went wrong, I never add chicken broth nor did I sautee the rice with onion and butter..haha..no wonder taste not right! gonna try it one of these wkends..heee..

Btw, minced beef no need to marinate?
today i made this for lunch - one of my fav!

mummies who are SAHM or cook for small family like me, care to share tips on interesting recipe?sometimes i find so hard to make meals for huby and myself. cos my MIL rather picky abt food, so sometimes i dun incld her when i cook (long story!) .ended up not worth all the trouble cooking for 2, i mostly buy takeaways...but eat until Sian....

thats why most of the time i whip up those all-in-one meals like the chicken stew for instance. but i need more ideas.
poissons, u can marinate. but i didnt wan the taste to clash with the tomoto paste. oh btw, u can sprinkle some oilve oil aft all is done before sending into the oven...
hmm sorry the 1 pk of cheese is actually for 2 persons...kekekeke..alternatively u can buy the cheese in block form and cut into thin slices. doesnt matter cos in the end all suppose to melt down.

and the chicken broth actually is salty enough la..so u can try make one and see how.
Oct Gathering - High Tea, 3 Oct (Fri)

1. sharron
2. S@L
3. skye skye
4. lazykat
6. plumsource
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim
9. ueno (after 2pm)

Please add your name if you are keen to join us for the high tea
Preferably only mummies without the babies so that we can have more time to enjoy the high tea....BUT of course babies are also most welcomed!

I am thinking of either Rose Veranda at Shangrila or Marriot Hotel for the high tea..Any suggestions ladies?

Thanks S@L and K@ye for the pillow advice....
thanks Sharron, for sure i m nt bringing my baby! i opt for Rose Veranda.
oh but i jus realise one thing. High Tea starts at 3 pm...

any chance it will be a lunch gathering instead? what was our previous discussion?
Catherine, this type of thing cannot be avoided when in a child care center. But must highlight your issue to the staff there about it.

I also will teach Claire that she cannot bite ppl. Coz now its the time that they starts to understand things and we must teach them things. Sometimes we very evil also, she is a curious cat and likes to touch things. So, we will bring her to a hot teapot (not super hot) and let her touch it... Then next time, she sees the teapot, she wont go and touch it!
K@ye, oh ya this is like what my MIL cooks..she likes to cook fishballs soup...but i dun really like...cos like not nutritious.

Dokie, but u cook? i tot u working ma...only weekends? for us usually weekends we will eat out.cos no time to cook with 2 kiddos..also bring them out for a nice cosy meals once /twice a week.
S@L, do u try simple chicken soup? Just buy herbs eu yan san or hockhua and boil with half chicken. Simple and good leh.
For veg, I just blanch it and stir in veg seasoning. I don stir fried. troublesome
ha ha ha, i am the menu planner. My mum or maid will cook. As my mum don like fried stuff as it mess up her kitchen, my menu is restricted to healthy food.
Weekend, we try to eat at home whenever we can. So the maid will cook.

By the way do u know how to freeze chicken stock? I feel like buying organic chicken and prepare it as stock for cooking.
dokie, ya tried tat as well...i also make my fav Hong Zao REd wine chicken soup....running out of ideas

as for chicken stock, i guess u can jus pour into ice cube trays and freeze then transfer to ziplock bags...grab a few cubes to make soup.

wah your jovan is really a DRINKER!
my gal's intake after starting semi solid is pathetic; she's drinking like a 5month old!
now wasting a lot of FM coz each time can't finish and we have to discard the balance; sometimes around 50ml! sigh.

wah, mischa is growing fast! 10m n 7 teeth

i think mambobb's C and mine are still "Miss Bo Gay of the Month!"

aiyoh, your chicken and potatoe stew looks yummy; if easy to cook; pls let me have the recipe so i can try out this wkend. ya, totally agree, i also sian oredi to cook for me &amp; Hb during wkend, been eating porridge (chapalang stuffs thrown in! kekeke) for almost a month till i jelak to my bones!! :D

RE: Eating Meat (chicken/pork/beef/etc)
so far chloe's tried pork and frog leg apart from her usual threadfin and silverfish. i guess mainly coz of her lack of teeth, i'm not giving her too much red meat yet; so the pork/chicken used in her porridged either gets eaten by me or discard.

mambobb; sama sama lah... i also a bit lazy and usually the nanny more 'adventurous' in letting chloe try different food - she's the one who introduced BREAD w KAYA/Butter to my gal and sometimes just plain bread; and my gal can eat almost one whole piece!

now we also let her try other soft bread like butter crossaints (esp during wkends when we go for BK Breakfast! :p) she seems to love it! will "eh eh eh" asking to be fed QUICKLY! argghh...

wait for me ya for the party world spree; still going through the list, dun know at to get la coz yet decide on the theme.
Dokie, Tweetie &amp; Kitty, take your time till 19 Sep 08!! Hahaha!!!

Dokie, those canned baked beans lor.. Basically just throw the minced meat together with the canned baked beans in the pot and wait till the minced meat is cooked!

S@l, or u can cook "mao gua" with pork. Its also another simple soup!
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="aa00aa">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$21.25
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$16.18
5. Langlao - US$6.70

Amount left: US$108.74</font>

<font color="ff6000">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$3.36 (excluding ribbons)

Amount left: US$137.98</font>
