(2007/11) November MTBs

RE: 2nd Child
I think it depends on the individual child personality. Like me & my 2 siblings, we re 5 yrs & 10 yrs apart. I dun like to play with my sis but rather i m ok with my bro. Now, the 3 of us are very close! I guess regardless 2nd child is boy or girl, i will just close my factory after no 2. For me, i will try for the 2nd one when Claire is 2 yrs old bah.

Shane, u must be iron heart. My Claire also dun like her Papa to feed her and cried.... After a while, i let her cry etcc (no choice), then she no choice but to let my hubby feed her!

My Mum told me that Claire cried when she saw my Mum eating oranges and dun give her any to eat!

Hi S@L,

Do you mind if I order the Angel Brush even though I'm not active here? Looks good...Pls let me noe. TIA.

1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12) tinkabel - 2 pcs (will email you my mum's address)
13)Sharlynn - 2 pcs
wow! so far apart ah....when Claire two years old, will be difficult or not har? I heard about trouble twos ...don't know can manage or not leh...too close also very siong hor?
my heart very iron liao leh ....I let him cry when my hb feeds him and he die die also doesn't want to drink ...I see him so "sam po" liao still don't drink ...my iron heart also melt already ....haiz ....tried a few times liao leh ...he rather be hungry than to let his Daddy feed ...cannot tahan him .... sometimes he can cry until fall asleep ..I also don't know what to do leh ...if he sleeps then that means he has no milk for that feed, and he will wake up two hours later...so whole day feeding also never meet his minimum required feed amount ...sianz...so no choice got to feed him ....now he is so attached to me liao hor, and when he sees other people, he cries ...like that day, I brought him along for my medical check up and the doctor "talked" to him, and he cried so loud that he was actually screaming on top of his lungs from beginning of my consultation until the end...yo....until I also cannot hear what my doctor said and she has to repeat ...can you imgaine ...that LOUD!! Wow piang!! he sees other as Alien liao lah ...I think next time when we go back Sin visit ...he sure cries like crazy if he sees my parents ...haiz.....now trying to bring him out often liao ...thot of putting him in child care for a day or so to let him get use to people ..but hb said waste money since I am SAHM ..Agrrrhhh...
wow! Claire, so clever...can show emotion of crying when your mum doesn't let her eat ah? ...clever girl liao
dreamer: which part of euro you are going huh? I long to go euro but I dont think i have that chance to travel there now..

2nd child:
All the while me and DH always want to have 2 kids.. if can afford, then 3 kids.. haha... but i think after the 1st child, i think 2 is enough for me liao.. too tiring.. I also want to be SAHM but due to single income is not sufficient to feed 3 mouths.. sigh.. here I am.. in the office right now lor...

micviv: wow.. really arh.. ur bb so fast teething liao.. i have been observing my bb whether she start teething.. but so far no have leh.. but i know she keeps sucking her finger when there is no pacifier.

yest just went to Shop&Save to look at Rice cereal from Nestle. Any mummies giving this to bb already? any commentions?
shane/mambobb, moving to holland
next time come visit visit k? :-D

actually when i wanted to have children, i tot, mebbe 4 ....hahahahah : 2 boys, 2 gals juz nice...each will have some company! hahahaha... but i know not very possible cos i old liao ... and now, don't even need to think! how to handle 4 kids i wonder?

that day, i met my fren who brought her 3 kids for our lunch appt .... i see her 2 yr old... i a bit worried about the "terrible 2" stage...hahahaha... guess will have to take one step at a time and manage it when it comes along! ;)
Mambobb, try to give the rice cereal w/o milk first.

Shane, Claire is greedy lah... Her mouth always moved when she sees us eating b4 we gave her solid food!

I think u must train Ethan leh and must be more iron heart... If not, very tough on u!

ya, i read abt your horrific labour... now i consider myself lucky coz i had C-sect. thnk for the 2nd one, probably i'll opt for it as well. the only con i thk is unable to see bb during birth coz oredi knocked out on the op theatre ZzZZZZzzzz...

i heard nestle a bit sweet coz i tried the brown rice for my gal n tasted it myself, consider sweet. now i give frisocrem (mix in milk) n also both Bellamy rice cereal; it's organic n from Australia. Will try it out on sat for my gal... she is guinea pig now, try out diff types of rice cereal.
K@ye: There is one comes with milk right? Not good? Y? So, give the rice cereal w/o milk and mix with our FM?

kitty: Can let me know once your gal has tried? =D.. I am thinking intro the rice cereal to her once she hits 6mths.. heehee.. of coz have to wait till weekend when I am free.. how many times per day huh? so exciting.. heehee
hi S@L,

would like to place order, can email me your account and total amt for payment, thanks. [email protected]

1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12) tinkabel - 2 pcs (will email you my mum's address)
13)Sharlynn - 2 pcs
14)happy74 - 2 pcs
hi mummies,

bb food:

do mummies steam or cook the fruits ( pear, apple) before puree for the bb to eat? my sister don't but my gf told me to steam the apple before giving to my boy, wonder will the vitamin be lose if i cook the apple? (i use my sis double boiler to cook the apple, very easy to puree, just press and mixed into the rice cereal) but worry about vitamin lost leh.

EYS brown rice si shen fen:

any mummies using this from Eu Yu sang? I am currently using Hipp baby rice but thought of letting my bb try the brown rice si shen fen too.

My gal like yours leh, dun want papa, see me cling on to me tightly. She also rather not drink when she knows i'm at home but not attending to her. When I not at home, like yesterday, she bo bian but guai guai drink...

Is it? exercise more will look younger? Me lossing steam leh, been feeling very tired lately. Also feeling a bit low, getting weepy sometimes also dun know for what.


yalor, labour day must labour ma... actually i need to work on all holidays except for 1st Jan... From this year, maybe christmas also must work... no choice la, got to earn a living...


You are now based in HK? Can you give me your address and I send the bag to you? Thanks for your support

I wanna be SAHM to see how gal develops ma, I think I a bit "xin li bu ping heng", my mum also takes care of my brothers daughter, so I always feel she will neglect my gal... i very bad hor, got mum to help out still grumble...

I actually wanted 3 also, but now like what you say old already, dun know can or not. If want 3, must start now.

And everyday got to wake my gal up at 7 am when she's sleeping soundly also upsets me... Now I gets upset abt even minor minor things.


Friso also abit sweet isn't it? I also give Friso and Heinz at the moment to my gal, Heinz, I'll mix with her milk though...

Heh all mummies,

My gal is 6 months old today
hi S@L,

Im not so active on this forum but i would like to place order if dats okie. thanks. can email me your account and total amt for payment, thanks. [email protected]

1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12) tinkabel - 2 pcs (will email you my mum's address)
13)Sharlynn - 2 pcs
14)happy74 - 2 pcs
15) ttl - 2pcs
Gemini: congrats to your bb =D.. 6mths liao... me still looking forward to 15th may..

you have mama to help you to look aft your bb.. now me headache liao.. this week my DH relative is sick so cannot look after cailyn.. then have to send to my SIL place for help.. but she can only help this week coz next week her DD exam liao... sigh.. if by next week DH's relative not recovering yet.. i guess we have to take turn to take leave to look after her..-_o"
Hi dreamer@hk,
shifting again. Your baby will be expose to different culture which I think it’s good. :)

Re: 2nd Baby
Wow…you all are talking about 2nd baby already! I only have my first child after 2 yrs of marriage cos mentally not prepared to handle a baby and don’t want to lose my freedom of going out with friends. Now most of the time, I will go back after work to play with my son.

Re: Teething
Not sure my son is teething but he like to suck his finger or anything that he can grab, he will put inside his mouth too. Don’t recall seeing any teeth yet.

Re: Rice Cereal
I was giving him Nestle Rice Cereal with Milk. There is two different kinds, one is rice cereal without milk but you must mix it yourself. To save hassle, I bought the one with milk. I heard Nestle is sweet so I tried it myself and I also tried my niece one cos she is taking the Frisco one. Also sweet leh.

Hi gemini19,
My son also 6 months old today! :)

i hv been giving my gal Nestle brown rice cereal (already comes with milk) as well as the one w/o milk.. once a day, cos i hv been giving puree like pumpkin, sweet potato, 1-2 times a day. i also find both types of cereal a bit sweet, so far, think she prefers the puree than to the rice cereal.. proceeding with fruits soon

My gal also turning 6 mths soon in 5 days time, same as S@l's Mischa! =P
Hi S@L,

1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12) tinkabel - 2 pcs (will email you my mum's address)
13)Sharlynn - 2 pcs
14)happy74 - 2 pcs
15) ttl - 2pcs
16) zzz - 2pcs

Thanks Thanks!

Not sure if you remember me as I bought some stuff from 2 of your BPs. =)

Actually I am also a Nov 07 mum and have been reading this thread, just that didnt post...hehe

Can I join in to buy the Angel toothbrush as well? THANKS!

1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12) tinkabel - 2 pcs (will email you my mum's address)
13)Sharlynn - 2 pcs
14)happy74 - 2 pcs
15) ttl - 2pcs
16) Goober - 2 pcs
gemini, i now in sg until June ...
i email u my address already

your weepy mood, may be juz a phase
take some time off, rest, talk to hubbie ... hopefully u will feel better soon. i think its the prolonged tiredness that can get to us ....

But must monitor hor... don't let it worsen.... i was also in weepy mood in the initial phase... and sometimes, juz feel like crying for no reason. and sensitive to things people say etc. now better
altho days when i lack of sleep, i will be very moody especially now hubbie not around ..... heehee
still have about 1 and half year before trouble two, don't think so far yet, enjoy the wimpy one first ....heeee....wait till I strike powerball then I visit you ...heeee.....

cannot tahan him everyday cry whenever he never sees me near him .... everyday I am so exhausted playing with him and carrying him ....even when my hb bought the jumperoo for him, he never sits more than 15 mins.....

c-section is it painful after that? Take long time to heal or not ...I was thinking if I have another one, I will opt for c-section ....but hor, when I had normal birth that time, I lost a lot of blood and I needed blood transfusion... don't know c-section will lose a lot of blood or not ..... I thot they only numb the lower body and still can see the bb, no ah?

wow! you not at home she will guai guai drink ah/ I haven't tried leaving him with my hb yet ...maybe I shoudl try and see how my hb handles him ....maybe let him cry until sleep...
...why ? could you be pregnant again ??? homonal changes ....or post-natal blues ah? don't know leh ...Dr Oz from Oprah says leh ...encourage at least exercise 2-3 times a week leh..congrats to your 6 months bb ...mine still has 1 more month to go ..born end Nov ..so yours must be 2 Nov.....
Mambobb, Claire's nanny told me to give rice cereal w/o milk so that she will eat tasteless stuff. We made the mistake of letting her eat apples first, now anything that is tasteless, Claire will give the Yucks look and not eat!

Gemini, i also weepy mood and it gets worse during PMS. Will cry or rant frustrations on my hubby for no reason or good reason. Machiam like become another person which i hate!

Shane, wow Ethan so sticky! Actually i think boys are more clingy leh based on my limited observations, my bro super clingy to ppl, my SIL's son also super clingy to her. In my case, Claire is only clingy when she din see me for a while.

Thanks. Will check tonight as cannot access in office.
I think could be due to stress at work and at home, plus no time to do my own stuff like baking, piano etc...

I guess I need to re-shuffle my thoughts and priotise what is important now (which is my baby)


Never exercise how to be pregnant? yes yes, my gal is born on the 2nd nov

I think C-section is ok, only problem is my tummy still flabby flabby, never exercise though I tell myself must do it. I dun see the blood though can see baby immediately. Pain, of course have, but think after the first few weeks, pain subsides. I still feel numbness at my wound though


yalor, I dun flare up but keep quiet when I'm weepy. When Hubby tries to find out why, I'll just cry none stop. I try to dress up to cheer myself up but most of the time in the morning, always very rush for time so any oh how dress.

Finally, took half day on wed and went shopping and highlight my hair
Angel Brush :Sorry mummies, I cant take in anymore orders as GST will be incurred.

ORDERS PLACED! Pls do not add on: this is for my ref only
1)S@L- 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12) tinkabel - 2 pcs
13)Chia SL- 2pcs
15)Lilian Liong -2pcs
16)twinkle pods- 2pcs
17)twinklepods -2pcs

BElow are the mummies whose orders came late. I cannot take in your orders unless there are more demand then i will order another round.
I will move this to the overseas thread cos nt suppose to conduct any spree within MTBs thread.

Sharlynn - 2 pcs
happy74 - 2 pcs
ttl - 2pcs
Goober - 2 pcs

pls refer to thread:
Hi Mambobb,

Didnt realise that yrs is a 15nov baby too. I always think of yours as 14nov. I admitted to kkh on 14nov, deliver on 15nov only.

In this case, poisson's, tinkabel's and yours and mine are 15nov babies.

My sis had c-sect at KKH and only lower half was numbed. She can see her babies immed. As for my sil whom had c-sect at TMC, she was asleep thru out the whole procedure. Her first qns when she woke up and saw us was, 'have i delivered?'.kekeke.. So i guess different hospitals practise differently? I ever read tat semi is better than full as it's of lower risk and mummy can regain consciousness sooner.

Me also thinking of opting for c-sect this time. But before tat i will defintiely ask John tee why i had such bad pain down there toward the final 3 hours when others don't. Is it tat they switched off my epidural? And also will i run the risk of tearing again this time?
hi mummies, pls TT S$22.90 to my acc for the Angel brush :

POSB savings 172-38260-6

ORDERS PLACED! Pls do not add on: this is for my ref only
1)S@L- 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12)tinkabel - 2 pcs
13)Chia SL- 2pcs
15)Lilian Liong -2pcs
16)twinkle pods- 2pcs
17)twinklepods -2pcs

pls drop me an emailonce done. - [email protected]
hor lang very nice leh ...before bb came, my hb said tour europe until now also "pi bo" ...haiz ...maybe has to wait bb grow up liao ..so "leh chey" bring bb tour around ...big bag small bag ...

I was complaining to my hb just now, that one day I "ki xiao" hor, he should know why ...

so the wound is long cut or short cut ah? my friend told me she also c-section and put plaster on the wound after delivery..then hor, when she sneeze hor..the wound "pi cha" ...yoo...so gross..as to stitch back again ...twice some more ....so scary ...you mean wound numb, now your lower tummy you can't feel anything liao? the morphine still there ah? got check with doctor or not? ...how long does it take for the scar to completely heal? will still see any scar after healing? kind of worry about scar leh ...I cannot wear bikini liao if c-section ...haaaa....(me old vain pot -- heee)...
yo..must try ways to cheer up, otherwise hor, it build up will explode .....

didn't know got semi and full conscious type ..can choose one ah? your SIL so funny ...I think the first thing I will ask will be "where is my bb?" ...heeee...I didn't feel so much pain down there but more on the lower tummy ..must be very painful for you then ....ya...I also worry will tear again if got 2nd one on natural birth ..wow! if tear on the same place ...die lah ....mine up near to anus liao ..then sure backside pain again ...very siong ....haiz ...I still got to get second opinion to check down there again because of scarring tissue ...sianz...

mine was semi conscious kid... aiyo, your friend one very serious leh, but I know initially, i got to control my cough, laughter, sneezing etc...

Now heal already, but sometimes when cough a bit harder, can feel wound pulling abit...

my scar still ok leh, the massage lady actually says my wound heals very nicely though I got keloids. not that cannot feel anything but more of the numb numb feeling around wound. Dun really know how to describe. Can wear bikini, cut very low one, you will not wear your bikini so low i think, heeeeeeee

yes, trying to cheer up too

sure or not the wound picha after ur fren sneezed? her doc never stitch n put plaster for her properly izzit? really very scary if like dat... initially i oso scared coz wound still fresh but so far quite HENG dun hv infection so healing also quite good; jus hv bit of keloids on one side.

the cut is not long and like wat gemini says, no prob if u still wana wear bikini or g-string, can cover! hiak hiak hiak... :D

i really regret never go for massage coz i heard c-sect beta not massage... so now hv to live wif the ugly "like 5-month pregnant" flabby pouch!

Re: Full/Semi GA for C-Sect
for my case, my doc suggest i go for full GA coz of my low placenta. she say since i 1st pregnancy, will be more kan cheong/scared if listen to all the on-going stuffs happening in the OT and worst if i move here n there when she do the stitching, etc...

for #2, i will opt for regional GA n get my HB to be involved too - coz we both missed the birthing process of our gal!

when i first woke up in the OT, after confirming my name i tell the nurse i very sleepy n zzzz... then 2nd time she woke me up then i ask whr is my baby... ahaha...

ya, friso crem a little bit sweet so i make it quite dilute; more watery type. so far my gal can take about 3 spoonful (the bb softspoon) after several tries of pushing the cereal back into her mouth coz she kept pushing it out with her tongue... she still learning it lor.

tmr i will try giving her the bellamy rice cereal. i thk at the moment, she will probably take watevery brand we give her

so far i've only given her steam carrot, potato (actually is for adult coz i simmer for soup n mash it a bit for her, she likes it!) and egg yolk. and heinz pureed pear which she only took 2 spoonful n spat out the rest. end up i throw away the whole bottle... wasted.

trial and error lor, each baby reacts differently. good luck on starting semi-solid for your baby!
tmr can start liao... hee hee..

one thg is impt; make sure your baby is in a happy mood than give, else both you and baby will be super stressed and disappointed! dat's what happen to me 1st time... so disappointed my hardwork gone down the drain coz bb only took 2 spoonful of the cereal i prepared! wasted a lot oredi...
Kitty, advisable not to give egg yolk till they are at least 8-9 months old coz of the possible allergic reaction to eggs.

Based on the elders' advice, it takes babies at least 1 week (must feed everyday) to master the art of swallowing the rice cereal. So, dun be discouraged okie!
wanna share some pics with you all here... we're in tokyo now~!


baby slping in airplane bassinet


in airplane

Basically, tokyo's not very pram friendly. so end up using beco carrier..


having fun in her Beco


slping in her Beco in the subway


in her "sam seng" dress
glommybear: wow... me envy leh.. want to bring my ger for trip too.. but will be carrying big bag small bag de.. all her FM and bottles lah.. diapers lah.. pengz~.. 3 cheers for you =D.. ur ger ger very sweet and cute.. btw, you are using 4th Gen or Butterfly version?
gloomybear;ya man tokyo......alot of stairs around esp acess to their subway......better bring alot ur small luggage if u hv so u can trolley around ur shopping kekkekekekke.

dreamer@hk:me will be bring hayley to hkg on 7th till further notice hehhehheheh,simply hv to keep her around.wanna meet up afetr u come back form sin to hkg some day to go yum cha?
weishy, good that u won't be missing hayley anymore
heehee... me not going back to hong kong anymore ....

me going to stay in sg until mid-june, then move to holland.... so byebye hong kong liao ... :D
gloomybear...u make me misssssss Tokyo soooooo muchieeeeee ..... haizzzz...wish i am @ hotspring and eating the superfresh sashimi!!!

u very good leh ... bring ur ger ger go japan holiday... i think about it, i already tired .... how to enjoy the holiday??? hahahaha..
Re: Solids

Hi there! I also just started jaydyn on cereal for 2 days. I bought Heinz rice cereal. Actuali I dunno how much cereal to mix with how much milk. So I hv been mixing 1 teaspoon of cereal with abt 30ml of milk. Can give me some feedback whether I'm doing the right thing? Jaydyn will at times stick out her tongue and push out the contents. Sometimes manage to swallow. Today slightly better than yesterday.

I actuali intend to let her get used to the rice cereal till next wk then intro other veg. Am I doing the right thing? Hope to get some advice. Reali quite blur and fuzzy with this solid thingy. First time mum lah... wat to do... blur sotong...
I also started Matt on Nestle rice cereal for 2 days. Gosh, it was messier than I expected. i think prob make it more liquid 1st to get them used to it. Then slowly can make more cereal in with less milk. As for the tougue pushing out, I think we hv to give them some time, it's many firsts for them. 1st time, eating solids and using spoon to feed, learning how to swallow etc. Yes, shd intro food one by one, in case, touch wood, kena allergy then we can pin point. I also intend to start Matt on some veg puree next week
i started my boy with 2 tsp of rice cereal + 30ml of milk then after 2days i increased it to 4tsp + 30ml and i increased the amt every other day. After 1 week, he was taking 6tsp of rice cereal. after which i introduced veg n fruit gradually. by the end of 3 weeks he's taking 6tsp of baby rice n 2 cubes(1oz) each of veg n fruit.
It really depends on yr baby. Let yr baby guide u on how much he needs. My boy loves his solid food n has tried a huge variety of food already. He is now taking 4 tablespoons + 2oz of fruit n veg. abt 3/4 of a chinese bowl.
Hi Mummies,

Re nestle rice cereal.

I realised that kiros doesnt like nestle rice cereal whether in bottle or via spoon. However he likes the heinz sweet potato very much. So my verdict for kiros is not that he doesnt know to eat cereal via spoon. More so probably its not as tasty.
When I started her on cereal, also very messy. But I found it quite cute. hehe! Yah, tt's wat I read on the internet. To intro 1 food item for a few days n c whether there's any reaction to tt food item. Even if i wanna start her on veg puree, I dun even hv a food processor! No blender/ grinder,etc. Wanna get e U blender as some of u hv.

Wow! Yr boy reali has a huge appetite!Can I ask... when we intro other food like veg/ fruit, do we mix it with e cereal or give it separately? At each time, do we give cereal n e food item? Or at separate meals? So what's yr feeding schedule like now? I mean, when we intro solids, still need to give milk ya? How do all these work? btw, do u freeze the extra food into the baby cubes or jus ordinary ice tray?
RE: Travelling

Whenever I read abt u mummies who bring yr babies overseas, it just makes me feel so envious. I'm jus so worried abt Jaydyn's reaction on the plane,etc. And whether she would be able to sleep well,etc. Cos whenever I bring her out, even if she's tired, she wont sleep. She'll jus be so curious and will look ard all the time. Wish I was more gutsy to travel with her!
i want to make sweet potato puree. went to NTUC and they only hv the japan sweet potato. not sure if we can use this to make baby puree. anyone know?
mine was c-section semi conscious too. so far my scar look ok leh, the cut is about 13cm and is slightly below the bikini line area, so u still can wear ur bikini. i think the stitches on the cut area is also depend on ur gynea. my wound was quite nicely stitched and i dun have any keloid on my wound. some ppl might feel numb on their tummy after c-section, but mine is ok leh, i dun feel numb on my tummy area. actually i feel pain after my c-section, but the nex day the pain had lessen and i can even got down from the bed and go toilet myself.
i got a few friends who r also c-section told me that if u ever delivered thru c-section nex time ur 2nd bb c-section again u dun feel pain at all, cos the gynae will cut on the same area.
ueno:so u still wan the old wives biscuits?i got 2 boxes,one is order from another fren,so if u wan then i pass it to u if not then i ask her to take 2 hehhehehehe.
seems like leroy enjoyed his seesion of gymboree le

dreamer@hk:eek:ic.....i like holland,nice ppl.a great place to be.loved to retire there or germany hehhehhehehheheh.

Jay, travelling with baby is not as bad as u thought to be.

Gloomybear, which airline did u take? As least, Ariel is okie with sleeping in the bassinet. Claire simply refused to sleep, she already protest when she is put inside it!

Looking forward to Claire's return from HK tomorrow!

Ladies, u have a good weekend ahead!
