(2007/11) November MTBs

your girl looks steady too leh ...can kind of sit liao ...mine still cannot sit leh ...normal or not?
wow, the beco does look good
can anyone advice me on how it compares with other carriers eg the ergo and baby bjorn in terms of back support? i notice that it's bot the conventional cross back design.. thanks
shane, actually when i was in hkg, i use vaseline (that's PJ rite?) on her diaper area. but when i came back to sg, and was talking abt PD about keeping her diaper area clean, PD suggest not to vaseline in SG as sg too hot and humid.... she say may cause rash???? so i kwai kwai listen to her lor .... after 2mths+ then kena this rash ....

yany, i have desitin creamy. i also use drapolene (given by PD) and i recently bought diaper rash cream from california baby ...which i am using now.

anywayz, this morning, it looks better, but still abit red and "rough" to touch ... will c how.

thanks everyone
yany, your DD has quite a nice head of hair and a very sweet smile!! heehee, i did think of using "kyra" as well when we were choosing the name
yany, ur DD looks familiar, did u bring her kai kai yesterday??

Shane aka ShenDiao, so funny that i lol

Ashlee cant sit up for long, have to quickly take pic b4 so fall, heehee.

I think pram and stroller are the same. The one we had was light weight and can collapse by pressing 1 button with 1 hand but cant hang heavy stuff at the back cos will topple once bb out of pram. The new one is more sturdy and weigh 8.5kg. Now baby sit business class instead of economic

PD says it's ok to poo every other day so dun worry too much.
i haven trf money to u..sorry. will trf tomolo can? today i need to stay at home for whole day to look after bb jadon cos my mum go kai kai every weekend.
oh really ah?..my friend and I use the vaseline here so haven't tried in Sin, don't know if it works in Sin though..but as you said Sin is hot and humid may not be suitable .... so far use here never kenna rash ...see if during summer use o.k. or not ..but the summer here is hot and dry not humid though.....
5 years! wah..what if you have another baby..then the more can't go holiday le. i wanna try to squeeeeze (and convince hubby to go for) a holiday b4 no.2 comes. hehee

no worries abt sitting up. Eliza also can't sit up on her own...(same age as yr Ethan, 30nov!) always bend forward and plop down. the photo i posted was taken like few seconds b4 she started to bend forward and head for the mattress.

Beco carrier's weight distribution is more at the hips. ie. like those huge backpacking backpacks. last time i went backpacking i could carry 12kg bag and walk all day. Beco has the same concept..juz that you're carrying bb. the shoulder part also holds some weight but i don't feel much of the pull down as much as my prev carrier, will carry till shoulder and back ache, esp when i walk up stairs!
skye, only bb need to wait 5 yrs. we can always lv bb at home and travel. Hv not tried, dunno if fang xin de sia or not heehee.
hello i am new to this topic. my bb was born on 23/11/2007. 5 mths lo going 6.. but she always have this cough that wont go away then will have no appetite n vomit.. what to do?
Shane, your shendiao also made me LOL. Your Ethan like his mummy, so cheerful, will jump and laugh. I haven't heard my boy laugh in the jumperoo, but quite fun to see his fatty legs hopping around. I think by the time they know how to walk, they dun want to be trapped inside the jumperoo liao. Also depending on baby's weight and character bah... mine fat and xi xin yan jiu leh.

Re: Sitting
If Ethan knows how to push himself up with his arms when he is on his tummy, you can try to put him in sitting position, then put both his arms infront of him, pressing against the bed for support. My boy can sit for a few mins in that position.
he went for the trial on Thurs, at Gymboree Harborfront. Feel he's too still small to enjoy the activities. At the end of the session,I feel more tired than him.
Hi Shanediao,

now that you mentioned about backside pain after the tear,i am beginning to recall if my backside pain is caused by tear too. I couldnt be on sitting position for too long, i hve to lie down after a while cos the pain is very comfy. When my friends came visiting at the hospital and after they left, my bum hurts.. must have seated too long.

Hi Yany,
Yr daughter has suck dark hair. yes yes, she does look like mischa. i almost thought is S@L's daughter.
btw, when was the pic taken? I saw tat she still has the mitten on.
Hee, i tink i am vrey kpo. always asking about things appearing out of somewhere in the picture.
Heh heh.. just finished reading the prev threads:

Re: 2nd baby
I also wanted to try for 2nd baby at the end of the year. This time hope to get a girl. My first one was a boy and I "do it" just 1-2 days before my ovulation date. Heh heh .. Next one I prolly try it 3-5 days before my ovulation date for a girl.

Re: feeding
I am feeding my baby with purees this week. I steam all the purees first. Then blend it. My baby now can take 2-4 tablespoons full of cereals or purees or mixed. Does he still need to drink milk when he take so much puree?? Dunno if I should give him milk when I feed him puree.

Also I don't really warm my forzen fruit puree to lukewarm.. I only ensure it is all melted and not so cold. I feel its more shiok eating .. like sherbet like tat.

Most likely next week I will start feeding him porridge.

Re: Poo
My baby poo today is like toothpaste texture. Green in colour. He had carrots and sweet potatoes. I thought should be orange instead of green. Anyway, must feed baby lots of water when u start puree.. i realised his poo is drier than before leh..

Are you following the Gina Ford schedule? Heh heh I am starting to follow her schedule for 6 months today. I hope he can adjust to it.

How are you now? Any morning sickness? For my next kid, think I wont go back to John Tee already. Lazy to travel all the way to KKH.. I will just choose a gynae nearby me, I think this gynae delivers at TMC or MAH.

Have already send you an email
u very observant leh...

Hi mummies,
like to know r u all still drop a lot of hair? i have been dropping a lot of hair for the past 3 months, i so scare i'll become botak head. any way to stop the hair drop?
Hi Rast,

My hair is better now. Maybe about 1 month ago, I will clog up the drain after I wash my hair. Nowadays, it takes abt 1 week before it gets clog up. I guess my hair fall problem is over.

I am using those Anti-hair fall shampoo and conditioner. Dunno if it helps.. But it was after I started using it then my hair drop problem gets resolved. I hope it dun come back.. *cross fingers*
Yany, yes yes ur DD looks like my Mischa! ahahha...so cute...hmmm *me thickskin*.....I like her thick dark hair!

RE: payment for the Angel brush.
sorry mummies i forgot to inform tt the price does not incld local postage. Hence might need to trouble you all to TT again when items come and if u wish to receive via postage.
For those who have nt TT payment, maybe you can send to me together with postage aft i weigh the items. no hurry . thanks}}
Hi Sstarlight,

Yes, i am still using John Tee this round. Not too sure which other to go to since i am still sticking to KKH.. Unless i intend to switch to Benjamin Tham (in fact i shared with my hubby on feedback given by mummies here whom used Benjamin Tham and he is quite keen to switch to him as he finds John Tee a bit 'nua nua'..hee hee'. I am still ok with its location. My checkup usually falls in the evening at the TPS and waiting time is still pretty ok.

As for morning sickness me still ok except that i have not much of an appetite and slight nausea seemed to kick in in the night. Very much similar to when i wear preg with Kiros. I hope it stayed this way if not better.

My hairfall seemed to be under control now. not as much as like 1 month before. But its still dropping.
<font color="ff0000">URGENT!</font>
anyone knows where is this mummy ICYSTARZ? i cant seem to find her name anywhere..wants to PM her/email her also cannot. anyone?

or did i get her name spelled wrongly?
I use cheap brand :p

Now using Silkpro.. I think nowadays alot of hairfall control shampoos available.

Good to hear tat. For me, I lazy to travel.. Ya but John Tee.. think my sis will kill me if I choose him again. Cos mine was emergency c-sect. My sister blamed it on John Tee.. cos my labour was pretty long. and after so much waiting and suffering then I emergency C-sect.
Hi S@L,

you can look for her at oct06mtb.. she is pretty active there.

I think her name is iczystarz.. something like tat.
Hi sstarlight,

Ya, sometimes me also thinking that if john tee had arrived earlier, would i not suffer from all the tearing? But then i was told that gynae would only appear at very last minute to 'hope' the baby lei and the cord thingy. all else done by midwives. But i do hear some gynae helped by 'cutting' down several times thru out the whole process, and wouldnt that mean the gynae actually visited the mummy pretty frequently to check on her state? i always thot they have so many cases each day and also seeing other mummies in the clinic. I also dont know lei.

if the norm is for gynae to visit us more frequently and then i really think john tee had let me down. cos he only came in morning 8am to see me, came in at 3pm to break my water bag, and then i didnt see him until 12midnight when he came to 'giap' my boy. i was stucked at the labour ward for 16hours and in the end has to use forcep to 'giap' him out.
ueno, how many babies were at the class? I went thr for sunday trial &amp; only 1 other baby &amp; i suspect was one of the staff's baby. That day not tired cos just sit down for the activities. At Little gym, very tiring, need to carry baby here n thr. Luckily DH thr to do those tiring tasks

sstarlight, I gave DD cereal mix with sweet potato &amp; apple yesterday. I realise her poo was very dry &amp; dark green today. Nx week then can try other purees as DD at babysitter till nx Fri nite.

rast, i was dropping a lot of hair but lately i realise not so much already. The drain no longer clog up even after 1 week.

Ya lo. I also feel he is not so proactive leh. I waited for more than 24 hours then send for emergency C-sect.. So you can imagine how i feel. But also good lah, cos by tat time, I was so tired that I dun think I have strength to push.

Now, I really had a phobia of natural birth already. I will opt for C-sect for next one. Its so much easier. 15 mins cut take out and kao dim. No more waiting game for me.
Hi Sstarlight,

i am also keen to go for c-sect this round. But my mum keep saying i shouldnt opt for it unless bo bian. As recovery is very jiat lat according to her.

But hor, i am really scared to go thru again what i had went thru and what if it turned out worse. Wa lau, dont want to take the risk lor.

Plus if its like yr case, had known that need to c-sect would hve gone for it 1st minute rather than go thru all the water bag burst la, epi la, pain la etc etc.

But some mummies really recover very fast from their c-sect..also dont know lei. I have a few qns on c-sect. Such as for those scheduled c-sect, is epidural necessary? Is it very tough to express milk as the pain on the abdomen makes it hard to sit up straight?
pig, i had c sect and recovery was fast. i could also breastfeed and express so no prob. could stand and sit straight by the time i leave mt a. however, i still feel vaginal birth is the best cos we really dunno how long c sect will take 2 heal. if possible i 1 2 try for v birth next time... if gap not too near la...
I try to put him everyday in the jumperoo, and he seems to love it
...yo....your Ethan fat ah? wow! must be very cute and chubby lo ...hee... I like fat fat bbs
haiz...mine still "san san" ....take some pictures and show your fat fat Ethan leh ...heeee.... Ethan doesn't like tummy time leh..everytime I put him down he will cry very badly ....and he will lie down on his tummy and try not to use his hands and legs ....can't use his hands to even push up ....I see some of the bbs so advanced liao, kind of worried why mine still "nuah nuah" leh ....haiz....now he rejects bottle milk liao but still like my breast milk but never drink as much liao ...don't know is it because he is ready for solid food or what ....but not yet 6 months I try not to give him solid food due to his eczema ...hopefully when he starts solid food he will be fat a bit ....

Lin Pei Yan
... yo.. cough, no appetite and vomit...better go see doctor liao...vomit leh...don't play play...and bb still so young...find out with doctor why like that....have peace of mind....

yo..mine was tear until near anus...so pain when sitting...I have to sit on the boppy ( the round pillow kind for breastfeeding)...cannot sit too long too....I get in and out of the car also pain....my backside pain for very long especially when sitting le...about 3 months I think...

yo...you're not kpo lah... better word to use is "curious" lah......kekekeke...

pig07: agree with you ...my Gynae also appeared last min to ask me if I wanted bb to be vacuumed out, and when I said not yet I wanted to push some more, she left and midwife took over the "pushing" job...only when I bo bian got to vacuum liao, then midwife quickly call Gynae to come back in to do the vacuuming ...I don't think my Gynae visit me leh during the 16 hours of pushing ....only at 14 hours, my Gynae came in to check I give birth already or not, and when she saw bb not out yet, then she suggested vacuuming ...otherwise like you said it's all done by the midwife ...

I understand GF schedule is 7-7am...but my boy can't sleep that early leh ...now he sleeps 10.30pm till round 9.30am ...is it o.k. ah? trying to get him sleep at 7pm but he wakes up at 8.30pm, and then can't sleep until 12.30am, and wake up at 6am ....so bo bian ...stick back to his old schedule sleep at 10.30pm ...and then he will sleep through ..otherwise he will wake up very early ....last time, Ethan slept at 10.30pm and would wake up at 6am...I realize as he gets older, he sleeps longer and better ...is that true for all bbs ah?

wow! sstarlight: your labor is 25 hours ah ...very long ....like you..phobia of natural birth liao ...pig07 same here very scared to go thru' again..but hor I kind of agree what your mum says leh ....doctor also advise me to go thru' natural birth, and c-section is only bo bian then go thru' ...afterall, it's natural for bb to come out thru' down there cos' hole already there mah ..it's a matter of big or small hole only ...heeee....if cut the tummy ...not joke leh ...it's considered a major surgery liao, more or less got some risk ....but so far ..all who went thru' c-section are o.k. which is good...but if like me ..loss a lot of blood one ah?? if I go thru' c-section..blood cannot stop flowing how ah?? I will die of lossing too much blood ..I also scared leh ....I remembered when I was back in Sin during Feb this year...the news reported this mommy gave birth to twins, and through c-section, and she died cos' of loss of too much blood??or complication ...so scared... I think hor ...maybe you should discuss with doctor ....

me 2 me 2 ...hair dropping and now I feel my hair very little and my head looks flat liao .... used to have lots of long nice hair ..now bo liao....before birth, already cut short, and still drop hair ...haiz...no wonder hb never look at me liao ...haaaa.....
Heh heh.. C-sect was quite tramatic for me lah. That time I die die wanted natural birth.
But tat time really bo pian. I just wanna get the baby out.

Oh Csect is thru either selective GA or full GA. Mine was selective GA. Quite scary too. Can feel the doc tugging and pulling then suddenly hear baby cry.. so fast. Seriously I think it was less than 5 mins he took the baby out once he cut my tummy.

I was like (@)*$&amp;(*$#%@#.. so fast baby come out. Why I suffer so long previously? But as I was unprepared for csect, I didn't know what to expect. (cos i prepare for natural one mah).

For me.. first 2 days was horrible. Cannot walk. So painful to move about, even when I laugh.. my tummy hurts big time. But slowly slowly after 1 week I can walk slowly.

BF is a bit uncomfy cos you cannot support baby on your tummy. But still can BF lah.

To me, both are scary but I opt for c-sect still. Cos i dunno if i try for natural, dunno how long I got to wait again.
Morn ladies,

Din check the post for 2 days... So much things to catch up.

Claire is finally back in Singapore! This little brat of mine cried when i tried to carry her. My heart really pains when she does that. After that, i try to pat her to sleep by singing her fave son... Then she remember and "ah" me as if telling me, how come i dump her alone in HK with my Mum!

Re: Nappy Rash
I applied the Mustela Diaper cream on Claire and also sometimes Olive oil. After a while, the skin will be okie. Try to air the butt lor, Claire loves it most when she is diaper free... But problem is peeing everywhere!

Re: Travelling with Baby on board
The plane toilet got a diaper changing station. I prefer to change inside the toilet rather than the bassinet!
re: hair drop
yup, me also still dropping hair... so ystdy went to cut shorter n now wif a bob hairstyle, less chance for bb to grab/pull my hair as well.

re: hard stool
my gal experienced pretty bad case of hard stool. last fri she only poo one little bit at the nanny's, then sun evening another 1 small poo; which is a littl hard but still pressable (like plastercine/blue tag texture) but i guess too hard for her; coz she cried like no tomorrow n sweat buckets on her balding head!
then early dis mrng at 3am she poo'ed another 1 small bit and again, cried n sweat so much that HB &amp; i hve to take turns carrying her and pacifying her... very jialat... i thk we sleep when it was almost 5am!!

one bad thg abt my gal is dat she kinda refuse drinking water; at most she will 'entertain' you and drink about 10ml max then will start to push out the teat wif her tongue...

so far over the weekend i only gave her bellamy rice cereal with water twice a day; apart from her normal milk intake. is it too heaty oredi?

any mommy also giving bellamy's can share your feeding routine?
good monday morning everyone !

haizzz....nappy rash for kaira seems to be better... BUT ... she rolled off my bed mattress this morning!!
turned my back for few seconds and she is on the floor liao

only saving grace is my mattress is on the floor, i no have bed frame.. so the fall is not from that "high" ... still a fall is a fall ...

i know from other mummies' sharing that i need to monitor her...see if she drink well isit? or become sleepy? and got vomit or not isit?

i beating myself up now for letting her roll off the mattress *&amp;^%$#*(&amp;^%
wow... the threads here do move fast. Since there were so many questions, I will just answer here... lol. I've not seen Mischa so... hmm. Maybe we could take them out and pretend they are twins ;) That photo was taken when she was 3 months old. Now her hair is long and cannot go without hairclips! Her hair is like mine... very dark! Born with a head of hair (like helmet) and cannot even see any scalp! My SIL saw her for the 1st time in hospital and ask me... "what fertiliser you used?" lol. She took a picture of the back of Kyra's head... and showed everyone her hair!!! I thought that as soo funny. Its the first thing people notice. Been using "baby shampoo" since she was born and can massage her head like in hair saloon... hehehe.

Yes... staying at home with 3 kids can drive me up the wall. So... hence, the reason for wanting to join the work force again
Worse now with DS's closed for 10 days. Every few mins... mommy, so boring! (faints) Don't want to take them out since HFMD still so prevalent.

Since we were on the subject of hair, I'm still shedding! lol. I use the term coz I leave a trail wherever I go. Was like that with all my kids, so to me, its a natural evil. It grows back. Mine drop so much that when it grows back (especially on the front), I look like I have a natural sun visor! Its so bad... people ask me, why I cut my fringe so short!

With regards to giving birth the natural way, the labour time is 1/2 the second time round. I was asking about doing some errands after bloody show with no. 2. Dr said, no and have to check-in. Good thing too coz he arrived 4 hours later! My gynea checks me a few times before I deliver... with all 3 births. Even tho the nurses at the delivery suite were great, it is still comforting to talk to my doctor while waiting for baby to come
By the third time, I was sitting and reading the newspaper in the delivery suit in labour.. lol. See... it gets easier ;)

Ok... this is what Kyra looks like now. I realise the photo I had is a little dated.

Don't worry too much. My older boys rolled off my bed before... and my head is high. Ryan cried the moment he fell... Dylan was so quiet I didn't know until I saw him on the floor... lol. Guess his rolls of fat protected him!

But I know its no laughing matter. I can laugh coz it happened so long ago. Just turn my back for like 30 seconds... and plop... they are on the floor. When they start turning, they can do it pretty fast, so need to be vigilant at all times. Now, I put Kyra in her cot with the raillings up... lesson learnt!

Just monitor and see if she is lethargic. If she hasn't vomitted, its a great sign. Anyway, if she didn't land on her head, its fine. I'm thinking, 6 inches... not bad compared to mine, 2 1/2 feet!

Sory... posting so much!
. You could give her a little prune juice (those in baby food jars from the supermarket). Or you could boil water with 1 or 2 prunes... and let her drink the cooled prune water. It helps.

I find with my boys, I gave them baby apple juice or pear juice. That helped! Usually, when they start solids, their poo would be harder. If she doesn't take water, give her watered down juice... It has a little taste and not too sweet!

Just a suggestion!
Tks for the added info on the stroller. Intending to hop on to SQ flight. Thot of giving Chloe a good 1st flight experience, so hope SQ is a good choice? Any other recommendation?

Tks for the info on the cream for rashes.
wow... i always have alot of catch up after a weekend.. haha.. anyway here it goes:

S@L: will transfer the $ to you in the afternn.. thanks

Hair loss:
Me still shedding as usual.. but compare to 2mths back.. its lesser.. but still dtropping like no business...

I have just bought all the utensils from Kiddy palace and realised there was 20% discount at BHG Tampines.. bangz~... sigh.. and I also bought the Nestle Rice Cereals w/o milk and some Heniz puree.. decided to let my girl to try 1 or 2 mouths first to let her try swollening.. haha.. very excited..

Roll Over:
My girl also rolls over very fast.. the moment my eyes off her, the next sec she is on her tummy liao.. sometimes off her bed.. and ended up on my bed.. need to go and get some bumber pat for her just in case she really falls off one day.. heartache arh..

Baby travel:
Just managed to bring my girl to Malacca but its own self-drive.. so far ok.. but poo when on the way home on the expressway.. so have to clean her up in the car... want to bring her out to other country too but hubby said very troublesome and heard alot of comments from his colleagues' experiences.. better to bring them when they are older... sigh.. but I can't bear to leave her behind and go travel without her.. sigh..
Air Flight:
May I know is there any charges on air tix when bring Baby on the flight? Some airlines do charge for baby.
sounds like your gal is having constipation..Ethan had constipation last month for a few days, ans he was exactly acting like your girl. cried a lot, cos poop cannot come out for a few days... doctor recommended drinking prune juice-1 tablespoon dilute with some water everyday until his poop is smooth...but not effective on him leh....when he tried to poop, we helped him a little by squirting warm water on his butt to relax his muscle, and it helps...we also insert suppositories and it helps too....now we try to give hin fatty water everyday, and so far so good...

yooo...lucky got mattress below to "hope" her...she can turn so many round to roll down ah? must put pillows round her man.... Ethan also sleeps on the bed, and even though he can't roll yet, I am very scared he suddenly xiao xiao starts to roll hor, will "pong" and fall...my bed is quite high ...I always make sure I put body pillow on his two sides before I left him alone on bed.....ya better monitor her....

you make it sound so easy on natural after having 3...I am so inspired to make the 2nd one liao ...haaaa.....wow!! Kyra looks huge, very chubby and bah bah! got double chin some more ...kekeke
Flight for bbs and charges
I understand that most Asian airlines are quite baby friendly, when we went back Sin, the airline charge tax for my boy ...so his ticket was like US400++
yes, SQ charges 10% of the air fare for the babies. Better ask. I almost brought Matt back to SH without a ticket. lucky last min, i decided to kapo and ask
hi yany &amp; shane,

yup, this is the 2nd time she's got constipation problem liao... so i'm a bit gan cheong. i've given her some apple juice diluted with water but she always cringed when she drank it, maybe a little to sour.

is fei chai sui (fatty water) good? last time i heard beta dun give... can't remember why liao. maybe i'll try the prune juice instead and see how.

wah, super envy ur kyra n her crowning glory! i wish my gal had the helmet hairstyle at birth coz dat was the case for her mommy!
unfortunately i thk she followed her daddy's genes...
Here's my naughty boy at his 1st go at solids. I just gave him bigger and bigger bibs by day. Finally on Day 3, Mummy had some success. Haha...


matt's so cute in his bumbo!

his last bib looks like a poncho! hahaha... maybe i shd also get one for chloe coz she caused such a mess last sunday when she wanted to be 'involved' in feeding herself by grabbing the spoon and bowl and shaking them!

my boy is on GF's method since he was 1mth old. It worked well for us.

there were 12 other babies at the trial, its organised by the Oct mummies.
