(2007/11) November MTBs

that was what happened to my gal last night, cry and cry. i think it's partly cos she was running a slight fever and sleepy but can't sleep. today also like that even w/o e fever.
so i have no choice i'll carry her and rock her to sleep. tho nowadays she doesn't always like the sleeping when i cradle her, prefer falling asleep upright. weird. then if she pulls her pacifier out, she gets more frustrated and cries even more, even when she's almost falling asleep. gosh sometimes wish i have another hand! (2 to carry & pat her, 1 to hold her hands frm scratching her head or pulling out her pacifier.

and Eliza also have time out frm daddy after a certain time...weird..she'll happily play until suddenly decide she doesn't want daddy & cry. nowadays it's a lil better. i tell my hubby spend more time with her & carry her. but then he's sick now..cham.

ueno, so far i hv not tried to make puree from the blender. When I bought the u like blender, it comes with the free juicer so i use that to make juice and quite tough to extract any juice from my pear & apples till i gave up. maybe cos i neh add water??? oops!!
pig, while peeping at the oct thread, i think i saw any mummy oso preg liao. u hv company

Not easy for me to get preg so may hv to try fr now if i really wan ano bb....
langlao: me too me too.. also not easy for me to get preg.. need help from medication -__-".. hopefully will get better this time round.. oh ya.. I tot gemini got something to say on the no.2 bb? haha.. tot she has some tips/recipe wor~.. =p
Blender: Will go check it out over the weekend. Any idea if Metro Paragon sells blender? I've more $130 worth of vouchers.

Langlao3 & mambobb: U mentioned not easy to conceive, how long did u TTC? We tried more than 6 months for Eagan, not sure if it's consider long. Many said no.2 is easier wor, so dare not "play play" now. Planning for a trip to Aust end of this year, hopefully can get an Aussie made bb no.2
cact: i have tried for 6mths without any medication then go KKH for checkup and used another 9mths to conceive.. so all in all 1yr4mth lor.. u lucky.. only 6mths niah.. now also heavily busy looking after the current DD liao.. wonder got time for no.2 anot.. haha
cact, we try for abt 1 yr then gave up and suddenly out of the blue got gd news. we neh plan to hv initially so after 10 yrs marriage then pop baby.
langlao, u and me sama sama...i also almost 10 yrs of marriage then pop baby ... surprised everyone...heehee.

u all good ah , planning for #2
Jia You!

as for me, my maternal instinct very low .... ;) i have no desire for #2 after baby kaira! i luv her, but one is enuff!

if i have #2, then one of the situations muz have occurred :
1) accident
2) i suffering from amnesia (forgot the pain of looking after baby...heehee)
3) moment of insanity ....

hhahahaha .... i better don't say so much..."sekali" slap myself... :-D
We tried abt 7 months. But i pressed the panic button aft 3 months. Most of my friends 1-2 months and got preggy. So thot mine was long too.
the free gift that came along with the blender is a soya milk maker rite? i use the 4blades to make milkshake n juice.

U-like is available at Tangs or Isetan only
Hmm, compared to u ladies then i m very lucky. I was pregnant like 1-2 weeks after my customary wedding!

Dreamer, i think even if u got the 2nd child hor.. U still will persist on taking care even if it takes up a lot of ur sanity!
1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
Ueno :hummm the one at the airport i think is wing wah
personally like hang hueng too kekekkek but too far to buy la(oni like their century egg pastry)

sorry i was out today but left computer on so msn cant reply u.How many u wanna buy?u wanna meet at the airport on 2nd?about 1230pm?flt arrives at b4 12pm.cos ur place is nearer to airport mah.how le?want me to call u?
i am, i am..planning for no.2..but will only try at the end of the year. so they're abt 2yrs apart. actually i didn't plan to hav Eliza so early (abt say 9mths early) but it was a lil like accident. heh...still we're happy lah. i found out i was pregnant the day b4 my 1st day of work in my new job. so i was more worried how i'm gonna break the news to my new boss!
dreamer, my maternal instinct oso super low. last time i always tink if i hv a baby, i'll put at baby sitter and bring back after 20 yrs lol. my DH on the other hand feels that not healthy for baby to face the 2 of us "lao ko ko" so we'll see how la.

weishy, i muz hv miz many posts, u coming back ah?
ueno, i use the 4 blades to make juice too. i put the fruits inside the silver sieve thingy so that the pulp will remain inside but i neh put water. is this correct?
langlao3,yup me coming back on 2nd la,then will bring bb to hkg for a few months......wan her to be with me hehehheheh

I use whitebait to cook with rice like congee, then blend until smooth. I've only just started to add the fish. Before he had rice cereal and then after a week we promoted him to congee with root vegetables. I cook it fresh each day and he will have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He has about 3 tablespoon of puree at each sitting. But it is up to him to decide if he wants to finish it and sometimes he would be licking his tongue for more! In between I let him 'taste' different fruits..which he loves.
WAHHHHH micviv ur boy so fast teething already???
me will only feed my girl veg and fruits now,will let her be a vegetarian firts then she can decide later to eat or not eat hehehhehe stuffs like macdonald's.....any food ideas to make her not vit B defficient?
weishy, HK airport also have hang heung ... but its before u pass through the immigration. its actually a restaurant called Hang Heung Zhan or something...they sell the fresh Lao Bo Ping and other pastries...

o, by the way, located on 2nd flr, same floor as Maxims if i remember correctly.
langlao.... bring back after 20 years...lol ...y didn't i think of it?? hahaha.

but good lah, good to have another child or more if both of u OK

me, i convinced my hubbie through the years that its best not to have kids...then suddenly i u-turn, he also ?????? but now we both are convinced that 1 is enuff....lololol. u know, my hubbie lost 6 kgs after birth of the babe and me, lost my pregnancy weight and more!! can imagine how stressed we both were.
hello mummies

on half day today to go shopping, heee....

no la, me no recipe, i was thinking hard whether to have a 2nd one or not. I know my hubby wants 2nd one, but I quite apprehensive.

1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
1)S@L - 2pcs
2)Langlao - 2pcs
3)mambobb - 2pcs
4)plim - 2pcs
5)cindy - 2pcs
6)deepdreamer - 2pcs
7)kittybride - 2pcs
8)Gelyn - 2 pcs
9)Poissons - 2pcs
10)rast - 2pcs
11)Gemini19 - 2 pcs
12) tinkabel - 2 pcs (will email you my mum's address)

Sally, S$22 is inclusive of the shipping right? Let me know what acct to trf to.
wow!! Gone for two days, kind of lost liao ...threads so long .....

Thanks for the recommendation

eliza "swee leh...."

agree with k@ye about Beco not being able to face front... I had Beco but Ethan didn't like it cos at this age 5 months bbs are very curious, and if we bring him out, he loves to look around to explore new things.. we put him in Beco and his neck kind of strained cos turning one side for long time, and has to change side...he keeps turning his head, curious mah....if not then face my chest feel sleepy..... I prefer to put him face front when he is alert cos I don't want him to be deprived of looking at new things around him with ease that's the main thing......however it's very useful when he falls asleep which he seldom cos I guess he doesn't like it....he prefers to sleep in the sling instead.....so I have to give the beco away as he will fuss when I put him in
....anyway now we seldom bring him out, so no carrier for him at the moment

#2??? maybe wait till I strike powerball.....heeeee
wow!!! 10 years ah? it's really a blessing ....I almost give up after 2 years
.... wow! you guys 10 years ...."pei fu, pei fu" ....

nice clips and bows leh ...too bad, no girl girl
to doll her up ....

I haven't started my boy with cereal yet, but I read that the first time, don't expect them to finish the cereal... they may only take half tablespoon...I am kind of nervous when my boy turns 6 months...cos' worry he will dislike the cereal....I wonder if bbs will actually hate eating cereal???
shane, i didn't try for a child for 10 years lah ... heehee ... cannot imagine the "Stress" if so! didn't want a kid for the longest time....changed my time only in 2006 i think ... that's when we started trying ....
time = mind .... blurr liao ....

yesterday woke up @2am and 4am and baby kaira fr 4am was awake until 6am, wanna play!! aiyo....
OIC, married 10 years ah..I thot try 10 years ...heee.... wow!!...Kaira woke up twice ah? very "siong" neh .... last time I woke up once already "buay tahan" liao .
thanks for your sharing your bb's congee recipe. 3 tablespoon is about 5-6 bb's softspoon, rite?
ur son is oredi eating 3 semi-solid meals a day ah, very good liao leh...

i tried giving chloe cereal dis mrng, i made it a bit more dilute than the pureed/creamy texture but she fussed n 'kaboom' my hand with the feeding spoon, end up her cereal landed on my lap, the floor, her bib, romper and rocker!

wah piang, i only use 1 scoop of rice cereal plus 20mls of water, can splash until so much!! *faint*

anyway, with the cereal gone, i ended up just giving her milk and after less than 30mins, she dozed off liao... i thk my timing a bit salah liao... otherwise, she could probably take in a spoonful or two....

i read yesterday's papers on weaning baby. we're suppose to give them 1 type of food for a week then change or add the next item. last wkend i oredi mix rice cereal w steamed&mashed carrot, she only took 2 spoonful n reject liao... i guess she still not used to it. i too gan cheong maybe. guess just have to take it slowly.

really u strike by just eating bananas and cereals ah? hahaha... i guess dats y i had chloe instead coz i dun really have those for breakfast! LOL...

for my case, 2 mths after our wedding, we conceived liao... actually we WORKED HARD once we got our LICENCE so the stress was there from the start. we used the BOM method and only wanted to STRIKE so gender wasn't an issue at all. but for the next one, we're both hoping for a boy; but even if it's another princess, we'll close factory after that

me too, just wanted one baby, so tried hard after wedding. I had my gal 3 months after wedding also.

me hitting mid 30s soon, so dun know should i continue to wait or try one now. Scared too late, want also dun have.
I used to skip breakfast and after trying for 2 years, no news hor, then we went to see gynae, and doctor said must build up my body and gain weight first cos that time I was underweight, so "bo bian", cannot skip breakfast liao, must put on weight mah.....so everyday cereal, banana, eggs, bread, or waffle lor. here got no cha kwai tiao, chai tao kuah, mee pok da leh....I think it's due to my diet lor...and my hb wanted a boy leh so always "do" during ovulation only....understand that do during ovulation, the condition is better for the male sperm..don't know true or not....

yo...wait ah?..I also think so leh, but I heard that usually 2nd one will come pretty soon if you already have 1st one....my friend tries for 7 years don't have but out of sudden bb boy popped out,and after 1 year, now another boy just popped out too....like you said, wait ah want also don't have....

same condition, i oso due to age so speed up the process = no honeymoon period. hee hee... planning for #2 dis year end when my gal turns 1. but not sure 2nd time how fast it will happen. sekali hv to wait 1 year! ahahaa...

i not a breakfast person but after conceive, bo pian have to eat lor. nw yet get bk my pre-pregnancy wt n my 'pouch' still hanging there like 4-mths pregnant!! super sianz... nid to reduce the ugly tummy 1st before i try for no 2...

my understanding is if you do on the PEAK day, higher chance of getting a boy. but if u do 1 day before or 1 day after the PEAK, likelihood to have a gal.
for us, we hantam all 3 days coz heck care boy or gal, just wana a baby! ahahaha... very xiong after that! :D
ya, now already abit tired out with my gal. Heard alot of people say the older you get, the more tired it will be to take care of baby.

also, another baby also quite "siong" right? physically, emotionally and financially. haiz, let me discuss more with hubby again.
yo..if planning for 2nd one, don't need to reduce tummy liao lah ...if reduce then secali, pregnant, then waste effort liao ... my "pouch" is smaller but don't intend to reduce liao cos' once my doctor say go ahead (due to my dramatic and tramatic labor-went for check up again and was surprised that when doctor check my "V", still can see pinkist flesh which means not yet recovered ...yoo...alamek, I heard already almost "peng" ...so long liao leh ..and also there is scarring down there due to my horrible tear during labor, and doctor said if do hor, must use tons of lubricants....sianz...I have to seek second opinion on the scarring part ....once all these issues settle, hope it won't take long ,,,then my hb and I will try for 2nd one ..hope this time round will get girl girl : ) ... yooo during the two years we tried hor, also like you continue do a few days ..but hor ...cannot get leh even do so many days ....so tiring man ....I think also due to stress ...do so many days , my hb actually very stressed haaaa....maybe sperms weak liao ...and true enough hor ..went for check up on his sperms...they are swimming in circle ... "gong gong " liao ...haaaa... they should swim up and not round and round ...then we have to resort using ovulation kit to test the peak day, and only do that day ...if not ...very siong leh ...

agree with you ...but hor one bb very lonely for the bb you know...my brother has a girl and my niece hor, now very selfish le, she has all the things she wants hor, and when she goes child care, she doesn't want to play with other children, and she doesn't want to share things also ...she doens't make friends and she only talks to teacher,and herself and not other kids ...don't know why leh ....only child, don't know will be "kor tak" or not next time ...I told my hb must have at least 2, the most 3 ...I think I don't want my son to feel lonely .....
today like very quiet hor ..everybody busy at work ah? I think I better zzzz.... now 1am liao ....talk again ....
Dreamer, if i had knew that the Hang Heung is on level 2 at the HK Airport, i dun need to lug those old wives biscuits and egg rolls from Mongkok to the airport!

Shane, today is public holiday so hor... Must be all out kai kai!

I agree that usually being an only child is quite lonely as seen in my fren. She is not selfish but she longs to have another sibling so she is actually envious of me having a sis & bro!
Ladies, I recommend another US Courier service. That is the Borderlinx, i find the charges are cheaper than vPost if the items are more than 3kg. Plus the delivery time is faster as compared to my other shipments using vPost.
shane, 10 ys is er ren shi jie not 10 yrs trying to hv bb hor lol..

Today is labour days dat's y so quiet.

dreamer, y so stress? u take care of bb FT? aiyo me neh lose any weight

kittybride, gemini,we all in same boat, age is catching up hiaz. i dunno how to manage if hv 2nd one leh but my DH seems v keen, *peng*
k@ye, if i hv 2nd child, i still hope it's a ger. two gers easier to get along and i dun hv to shift to bigger house cos they can share 1 rm
all the clothes i buy now can still be worn by #2
wow shane, everyday try cannot leh, very tiring one. Now, we dun even "exercise" like once a week. Been a long long time since we "exercise"...

ya, labour day today, me labouring in the office now. Heehee, my hubby taking care of my gal today...

langlao, my hubby also keen but me sian sian, got logistics problem to resolve leh, if only i can be a SAHM.
gemini, labour day stil gotta work, so poor thing. we went kai kai now bb napping. bought apple, will try make puree later.

even if i hv 2nd bb, i also wont be a SAHM, looking after bb not my cup of tea.
langlao,yea, i SAHM cos nobody to help look after the babe when we were in hong kong... after these few months, i can tell u i am ready to go back to WORK!!! but cannot lor .... aiyahzzz ... moving to europe next month ... think will be SAHM at least for a while ... and see how things go over there.

on being an only child :
i have seen good examples of only child ...
so not too worried about that
plus if have 2 kids, 1 boy and 1 ger ... i personally don't think make much diff to the kid cos i have a younger bro (2yrs younger)... i don't remember particularly liking him or playing with him....lolol...in fact, i remember playing more with my neighbours, relatives etc who are gals , than my own brother! and when go to school, life revolve around frens, not brother lor ... hahahahaha

OIC ...May 1st labor day hor....no wonder...

wow! er ren shi jie for so long ah? your in laws must be very thrilled when you have your bb

you got the point, two girls in one room, no need to upgrade...can save a lot on clothings too

no lah ..now never try lah ... when we wanted a bb that time we tried continuously for couple of days during the PEAK time, now after birth liao, also never try already ...due to my trauma labor...so got to wait lor...actually I was watching Oprah show (Sin also got Oprah show I know) , Dr Oz said hor...."exercise" hor will make us look younger leh .....the best exercise ever ...heeee.....

wow!! Move to Europe where? next time your nick will change to dreamer@euro or not ...heeee....I guess you are right hor ...1boy 1girl they don't really play together ...
two girls not so bad ... two boys they may fight like my friend's two sons ...haiz...I don't think I want another boy...so boring ...girl better next time can go shopping with mommy
...heee...actually I have two younger brothers, now I think back, I also never play with them .. but I guess I just don't want two boys...sianz.....if have another kid, at least...my boy will not only see me and my hb all the time ....at home he will see his sibling, and learn to play or interact with each other ...

Haiz....now..my boy never sees me he will cry ...haiz ...he doesn't want to drink milk when my hb feeds him...when I take over from my hb, he will "guai guai" drink ...haiz ..now very "bo eng" ...drink milk also I must feed .....
