(2007/11) November MTBs

Jay, just go. Go Travel~! k@ye is right, it's not as bad as u thought to be. to me, the only diff to being in singapore is travelling on the plane, and bathing bb without a bb bath tub.

k@ye, we took ANA. She was really ok with the bassinet, can play and slp inside. Only time when i take her out is take off/landing, feeding, and stretching.

k@ye and Gloomybear,
Just wondering, how do you bath your little darlings in the hotel? Use sink or bathtub ar?

I'm same like Jay, will worry abt baby crying on the plane, disturb pple... if go on tour.. then poo poo on bus how? If change him in the bus, everyone will faint leh ;p including us
Haiz.. I missed out this thread for almost 1 whole week. No tks to the hot weather, causing my Chloe to be so cranky...

Here's my replies:

Re swimsuit for Chloe:
I m still waiting for HFMD to be over, then get a decent swimsuit for her to wear to the pool! She will outgrow it very fast leh.

Re. Waist & abdominal pain
Better check with your gynae what causes the pain. Now that u r preggy, muz b more careful. Dun let old injury haunt u.

Langlao/ Gemini,
Tks for sharing on the benefits of CB calendula cream.
Who is Nor? Can send me her link in BP selling CB calendula cream?
I did not buy any neck float for Chloe. She was juz lying on the inflated sides of the baby pool.

Pls gimme the website link for the roasted pigeon again…cannot open the last time.

I bought Pigeon feeding spoon sets. Good for starters – v soft tips.
Yr baby may be feeling v hot. Try using the fan on her, blowing at her back. Not the front, in case she ‘swallows’ the wind. Seems like our babies are tossing n turning in their sleep at this stage.

Tks for sharing the good bargains! Keep it up n keep us posted!

I juz bought the pool leh! Meant to let her rest on mah.

Yr gal is so lovely with that clip on!

I m happy for u!!! U will enjoy many more family outings to come =)

Eliza looks elated in the leggings. Nice colour! Where u get it?

Dec mummies seem to swear by Pikkolo carriers leh.
My Current Qns:
Mummies, do u face problem with your darlings with little red bumps/spots on the hands/ legs – like mosquito bites? I m wondering if these are heat rashes…

My Current Sharing:
BHG @ Bugis is having Great Sales! Just went this noon with my gf. Really worth it! 20% discount storewide n some has further 15~20% discount on sale items! (Babies’ items included) There is also a Big Nursing room at level 3, children’s department, with a play area next to it.

Also found a great deal for custom-made leather shoes, located at Bugis, done by an old & experienced cobbler. I just made 2 pairs for $180! Leather is real soft.
sounds like you have very good experience with c-section ...heee...

ya..she told me she "picha" twice some more..and said her sneeze quite hard leh ...kind of scary, and she had to go back to stitch ...that time I was pregnant, so when I heard the wound will "picha" when sneeze hor, I scared of c-section liao ...but after my traumatic normal delivery, I also scared liao ....but I think tummy pain still better than down there pain ....haiz ...worry will tear badly again if pregnant again ....
you mean c-section , hb cannot be in the Operating room ah? my another friend also had c-section in US, and her hb didn't want to be involved cos' kind of gross, so her mother was there to witness the birth...then hor she told me, her mother told her that the doctor actually cut the tummy, then take out the organs like intestines and placed on the tray (of course still connected to the body lah), and then take out the baby..once bb out, doctor put the organs back into the tummy and stitch...When I heard that, I almost "peng" ah ....that was before my delivery ...and that was why when my boy got stuck in my pelvis for so long (16 hours), I die die also don't want c-section cos worry what if the doctor forgets to put back some organs or leave some gauze or scissors inside my tummy how?? It happened you know ...don't play play ....heeee... so in the end got to use vacuum ....haiz ....

regarding : massage after birth
I did massage after I delivered 2 months later ...I was told by the massage lady that it's good to have a massage cos' when we have bb the womb is kind of low cos' of gravity , and after birth, the massage will actually helps pull up the womb so that it's not dropping ...she actually push up my tummy when she massaged me, and my tummy was kind of 80% flat after 3 days of massage ...Results will be better if do 1 or 2 weeks after delivery .Mine was 2 months when I went back Sin .but still effective ....my SIL did for 7 days and her tummy totally flat ...not flabby ...if you have 2nd one, make sure you do ...or else will regret like now .....stil can make it lah ...don't worry .....

regarding swallowing
I haven't given solid food to Ethan yet, I was worried too about him not swallowing,I actually train him since 3 month to drink water with spoon instead of bottle...especially when I feed him the Fatty water ....I don't know if it helps him to learn the art of swallowing though....

agree with k@ye - not egg for bb, and also nuts ... my friend's DD got eggs and nuts allery..
and she cannot sit near to kids who eat nuts cos' her whole body will itch ...so she has to be careful of her diet ...it can be deadly ..don't play play .... one of our friend's DD was born in US, and also kenna nut allergy, and when they went back Sin after 2 years in US, he told the childcare teacher that his DD has nut allergy so make sure there is no nuts in the snack given ...The teacher looked at him like "what nut allergy, never heard children will have nut allergy before in Sin" ....Now he has to make sure the reads the labels before he gives his DD anything ....haiz ...think about it ..kind of troublesome too if kenna allergy ....that's why I guess bb kind of always start with rice,oat or barley cereal as these has the least allergens in them ....

cute girl and nice "sam seng" outfits ...heeee..

your work is relocating to Holland or your hb's? how nice to keep relocating ...heeee.....

wow! Leroy looks firm and steady leh ...Is he 6 months?
meeok, first time i bathe her in the hotel, i got myself all wet cos have to use the bathtub to bathe her. I got to climb in as well. The sink is too small. Now, I just undress myself when i bathe her. after bathing and dressing her, my turn to bathe lor.

Don't know how it will be like changing diapers on the bus... but in the plane, we can't change in the bassinet, the air-crew will ask us to bring bb to the toilet to change. So far, I think their poo poo not so smelly yet (i can still smell without fainting) as they have not start on solids yet.
maybe u can bring a small bottle of air freshner? haha
Hello. I'm new here but have a Nov 07 DD. She started solids when she was 4 months old and now takes rice cereal 3x/day (with BM). I started with heinz and find it a little sweet. I am now giving her organic rice cereal instead... not sweet. She loves her solids too much and would reduce BM... faint!

DD is no. 3 for me. I have 2 older sons and all through natural birth (NB). After reading about some of your NB experiences, I would like to share mine. MY 1st baby was 3.8+ kgs... so had to have episiotomy. With second baby, 3.6+ kgs, I tore a little but healed much faster
. With DD, 3.6+ baby, I tore again but didn't need much pain killers coz not really painful. Its a good idea to use sitz bath coz it heals with the healing!

Oh... there's this website with really good info on introducing babyfood.

Nice to "meet" all of you!
its ok, u can give it yo yr gf. Thanks! How long will u be in sin?

I think jap sweet potato is ok. I am feeding my boy organic food only.

I delivered on 17oct, 4weeks earlier. He is now 6.5mths old. He can sit unassisted already.
my boy is TBF, total latch on so i dont know how much he is drinking. His daily menu looks something like this..

730am BF bothsides
1030am BF 1 side followed by lunch- 4tbp of cereal+2oz of veg or 1 potato+2oz of veg
2pm BF both sides
5pm BF 1side followed by dinner- 4tbp of baby rice+1oz fruit+1oz veg or 4oz of fruit medley or veg medley
630pm BF bothsides then Bedtime.
He sleeps through till next morning 7-730am

Initially When i intro new food, i let him try different textures so i give separately. After that i mix them up. The books advised for 1st stage weaning u can give abit of milk b4 feeds, for 2nd stage weaning 7-9mths, no need to give milk b4 food so that they can take more solids.
ueno, where do u buy your organic stuff ? juz supermarkets like NTUC, COld storage? or specialty stores? can u find organic avocado in sg?
Yany nice to meet u too :p

Yvonne;maybe u go search shatin roasted pigeon,forgot which link already le me

changing diaper in the aircraft lavatory is more considerate.....some passengers even get veyr irritated by baby cries,even though we dun care really(used to it maybe kekkekek)but it'll be nice to be considerate

i always hv passengers,after changing their babies/childrens' diapers etc and pass it to me to dispose(my response is of cos telling them we do hv a lavatory for them to dispose.)

One sugguestion will be chking and changing their diapers b4 boarding...they'll feel more comfortable anyway right?

having a some milk/juice or water in hand to feed them during take off and landing helps to unblock their ears in case(they cant suck a candy or chew gum mah)

extra set of clothing and blanket,formula milk etc that u need(airline dun provide my dear friends unless requested during ticket reservation,oni diapers though)

bassinet only for certain seats(usually 1st row of economy and near the row near the wings)may run out some times cos more than 2 or 3 babies mah
infant seat belts must be worn whilst seat belt sign is on for babies under 2 yrs of age(for their SAFETY)

baby stroller must be chk in at the door of the aircraft and returned after being retrieved back frm the cargo,after landing(so dun expect it to appear so fast esp seating quite forward of the aircraft)

hope my tiny bit of tips will help u guys travel more equipped
ueno:till 7th.will be going to raffles place on monday.wanna meet up

wah leroy really eating loads le compared to hayley...but nevermind she eating....slow hehehheheh.oni started with sweet potato for 4 days....so far oki.next week pumpkin hehehhehe
i am using freezer cubes to store the excess food.

i buy them all over the place hehe.. cold storage, ntuc, four seasons at GWC, carrefour, L'organic. Yes, u can easily find organic avocado iin sin.
RE Travel with bb:
V comprehensive sharing. Tks!
U mean juz before we board the plane, the cabin crew will check in the stroller? Then once we land, where do we wait to retrieve it?
yvonne, collect the stroller from ground staff at the entrance when u disembark from the aircraft.

weishy, ask u ah, all the aircraft lavatory got changing "Tray" isit for baby? i never noticed before cos last time no baby. when we took the CX flite back from hkg, it was a short flite, so we changed diaper before boarding and after disembarking. but the next flite, is gonna be a 12 hour flite, i also abit worried about baby poo-ing on the aircraft! somemore, my gal's poo very smelly :p

Mummies who travel with bb,
So far how do u keep your bb entertained so that they dun cry out loud? I m worried Chloe may get too irritated by the air pressure n cry too loudly n disturb other passengers.
Hello Yany
...I have very bad tear, and after reading what you have written, kind of not so worried liao, but I guess 2nd pregnancy will be tearing for me too
if I have natural birth again ... Hope like what you said, it won't be that bad as the first time .....I still have scarring issue which need to be fixed ...sianz...so with 3 kids now ...are you working mum or SAHM?

I travelled back to Sin when Ethan was 3 months, and he kept crying, and so "ma loo" , but no choice leh...got bb is like that one lah ...I guess those who have bbs and traveled with their bb before they would understand ...maybe it's those who are single or no bb are the ones who find my crying bb irritating ...haiz ...We had to pacify him, carry him and walk up and down the isles loh...if they are well fed and sleep well, shouldn't be a problem ...but that time Ethan's eczema flared up in the plane cos' the air in the plane is very dry and cos' of the pressure too ...I tried to breastfeed him when landing and taking off to rid of air pressure ....That flight was like 18-20 hours total ...I hope if we are going back this time, he will be better cos' he will be 1 year old liao....
wow!! that's quite early ...a lot of my friends and my mum told me 1st time mum is always late / pass due date ...yours consider quite early compared to mine ...mine was delivered exactly at week 40, I thot will be week 41 ...I think also good lah ...don't have to carry the big tummy for another 4 weeks
do you make the bb food all at one time and put in the freezer? will the nutrients be lost if take up from freezer and heat up? Would it be better to prepare fresh everyday? your freezer cubes is it the one that make ice cube ah? get cover or not? My boy will be 6 month next month and I want to make sure I have what I need to prepare his food, otherwise I will be kallang kabo ...heee... I have grinder/blender, what else ah? I am curious about what to use for storing the extra purees....after eating got left over, do you throw or keep (if excess a lot), so if keep, do you put in fridge or must be in the freezer compartment har? sorry, so many questions ...very excited leh ...preparing food for my bb ...heeeee.....
Wow.. looks like it is gg to be an unknown til I fly with Chloe this June. Wish me luck. hehe.

Re bb food.
U can place the food in small portions, wrap in cling wrapper, then place them in the ice cube tray. When u need to feed, just take 1 portion n heat it up. Better this way to save your time in preparing teaspoon portion at a time n waste the rest. Seems like u r all ready ah.. hehe. Njoy making bb food!
i very sianzzz man ... think my gal is developing nappy rash!! her anus area, red red with little dots. then her vagina lips area also the same... sianzzz man...

already very diligent applying diaper cream and changing diapers every 2 hrs ... still kena.

any advice mummies? how can i help her recover faster? i try to let her air her buttock areas each time i change nappy ... but only 5 - 10mins...
juz now airing that time...she decided to peee... aiyo...wet wet everywhere...heehee.

i hope the rash doesn't get worse.
Hi Weishy!!!
I am a dec mummy, was reading your posts, realised that u are in HK, staying where i used to stay too, i was in block 6 previously and had came back to sin as was giving birth, are u still there now??
yvonne:the stroller can get from the left hand side exit door(usually the 1st or 2nd door depends of airline and aircraft type.

dreamer@hk:yes ar aircrafts usually will hv that diaper changing board.can chk on their websites,usually wll hv the aircraft layout...cos u can choose ur seat online mah :p

ABout the rash.....may i know how do u wash her each time after pee or poop?cos i seldom use those baby wipes unless outside(which is quite often if i'm in town)after she poop me/my warti will always shower her.so far no problems at all......we dun use the diaper cream so often though....cos i think unnessary mah......no nappy rash
nowadays one day shower 3 times hehhehehehhe hot ma.

Hi mel!!!!!i'm living in tung chung crescent now,why are u staying at ung chung area?of work?so u went back to hkg already?me going back on the 7th,we can always meet up then hehhehheheh.need help call me la 61919605
msn [email protected] to catch up with u.
Dreamer, Yvonne, the red dots shd be fungus infection. Mine got it and healed after applying this cream that PD prescribe. Managed to dig out the prescription, it's Miconazole cream 2%, apply 3X a day for 1 week. After applying all the red dots gone within 3 days.
jay, I freeze the balance of the puree in small freezer pots which i bought in Mothercare. I find the pots quite useful, can use in microwave as well
Last night when we fetch DH, we left the pram at the car park and drove off. DH was so absent minded!!! We only realised this morn when we open the boot. Had to buy another one today
langlao3:harrrrrr thats terrible,u guys must be very tired thats why left it behind le.
oh if eat sweet potato will always fart?
Hmmm..thats super blur! luckily baby not in the pram hehe..

wat time r u going to raffles? dunno if i can make it..

i try to prepare his food fresh but on some days when there are extra, i would need to freeze them. there is a cover on my freezer cubes n i keep them in a ziplock bag to ensure freshness. I usually have 2-3cubes so its enough for the next day, i dont really think the nutrients are gone. Just try not to keep it for too long if u can, 1 week max.
re: 2nd baby
gonna start try for no.2 in 4th quarter of this year..so hopefully can arrive during june holidays (hubby teacher la). haa..but dunno how zun or not. actually i thought of having 3 or 4. now i dunno how possible it is to cope. one already kinda xiong but v.fun & rewarding too.

re: weaning to solids
Eliza's only 5mths 3days old...so i'm eagerly waiting for her to be at least 5 1/2mths to start her on the Bellamy Rice cereal.

you i peifu you leh...can tahan yr baby the whole day. i wonder if i can be SAHM even tho i want to be one...i get easily bored being home. then again there's lots to do at home + housework :S

i bought it frm Grace who was selling some of them some time back. i actually got 3, one for Eliza and another for a friend's bb. but i'm stuck with pink cos 90% of her clothes are pink. heh.. Eliza quite fun to play with actually...so easy to cajole her to squeal and get excited. i can't remember what i did to get it out of her then..haha..

wah!! you're in Tokyo!! so exciting! have fun :D
i wanna travel but hubby said too mafan, bring baby go and do what? baby also can't appreciate.

re: baby carrier

phews..my saving grace for this week when i bring Eliza out for errands & outings etc etc. when i'm on my own. i gave up thinking of lugging a pram & 8kg baby, esp since i don't drive.

Eliza looking like boyboy. she looks like her dad lah....S@L, next time gotta get some clips frm u when Eliza grows mo hair. i also realized she looks like bursting out of this romper. oops!
thanks langlao for the info. guess if the situation doesn't improve by Mon, i will bring kaira to the PD... assume the cream is a prescription cream. anywayz, will go guardian tmr to c if have or not?

and aiyo, so sayang to lose the pram and have to buy another one

weishy : thanks for info on the aircraft...k, me go check with klm
as for cleaning kaira, yea, used to use the wet wipes every time i change her diaper except POO POO which i will use cotton wool + water. since this evening, when i notice the redness getting worse, i switch to using cotton wool + water when changing her, hopefully it will help .... juz now, i checked, it looked better. but from past 2 days observations, i realised that the redness is worse in the afternoon/evening ... mebbe hot sia. haizz.

everytime kaira "kena" something ... like this rash, or cough (previously i was sick, then she caught cough from me) , i will feel lousy ... like i am not doing a good job like a mother like that. like this rash thing, how come never clean properly, how come never think abt using water + cotton wool earlier, how come this how come that. me think me sometimes think too much... ;(
I have been experimenting solid food on my boy, somehow he seems to develop rashes around his mouth, not sure if it's eczema (he had it when abt 2-3 mths old) or allergic to the food I gave. He's ok to the heinz rice cereal, but when i gave him the heinz organic puree, rashes around his mouth started to appear...then I stopped. yday my mum gave him some barley water, again got rashes, and it's MORE. sigh..like that how to feed him with more food?
weishy, we were too engross fixing the car seat n forgot abt the pram. It's DH's job to put pram in the boot & he very absent minded one

My mum says by eating sweet potato, bb's poo will be v nice. Whole day DD no fart nor poo leh.

Ueno, ashlee attends little gym every Sat. In fact we attended both gymboree (vivo) & little gym trial and decided to sign up at little gym cos there are more children thr. It is fun for her, she super KPO, likes to look here n thr but every week same old routine so we intend to skip the next few terms till she can attend the nx stage which is for 10 mths old children. Hopefully by then she'll enjoy more. Which gymboree is Leroy attending?
dreamer, PD says the cream can get fr normal pharmacy. The rash might be due to dampness n not cleaniness so dun blame yourself. We also diligently put barrier cream and still hv rash.

skye, my DH also dun wan to bring bb overseas. Dunno when then I can have a os break again

I'm waiting for both the hairband & carrier from S@L. Today wo pram, we hv to take turns carrying DH and she was so tired she fell zzz while we carry her.
Gloomybear & Weishy,
Thanks for sharing tips on travelling with baby

Are there any mommy interested in getting the rainforest jumperoo? The sale at Tuas (Lok Yang Way) is selling at $180 only, stock just came in today and tomorrow is the last day. I just grab mine today, and Ethan loves it!
mine's the butterfly series, there's that extra fabric which is meant for NB. feels hot at times tho but still bearable, esp when we're in and out of air-con places most of the time.

ya lo...must slowly psyco hubby...hoping at least 1yr old can bring her holiday somewhere near.
You sound like an aircrew with all the knowledge on board. Are you one? I was with SQ many, many, many years ago... but the info you gave still stands

It gets better with second one. Stiches would depend on the gynea. Mine did a good job... can hardly feel it ;). She is also very good at clearing blocked ducts as I was prone to mastitis. Got milk like cow... lol. Threw away 1 bucket of milk with 1st kid (Frozen and never used), with second kid, I donated... and now with 3rd kid, still feeding no. 2 (not on the tap)... lol.
Currently, SAHM but hoping to be a FTWM soon with so many mouth to feed... teeheehee.

I use Desitin with every diaper change for DD... and so far, no diaper rash (I'm super kiasu). Also, I use cotton and water to wash everytime. Do not use wipes when diaper rash appearing coz it does have some chemicals which could make it worse. So far... the best nappy rash cream is Desitin and Butt paste (bought from US). Those are super good compared to the rest!... oh, also try to airdry as much as possible.... it helps!
thanks for the info ya...I am all ready already ..heeee....

wow! eliza looks comfortable in the Beco
...yo...before bb comes, I very "kar hway hway" type one ...always go kai kai ...haiz ..I have no choice leh ...got choice sure choose work ...though SAHM got its pro but facing my son 24/7, I will be xiao soon ...but my hb prefers me to stay at home to take care of him
...since I taught before, he also suggested that Ethan be home-school...haiz

About nappy rash
dreamer@hk, I was also very deligent like you, apply nappy rash everytime....still kenna...my friend swear by not using any nappy rash cos' she sad they don't really prevent rash leh....so she swear by using petroluem jelly... she taught me use water with cotton and after that use the petroluem jelly apply the anus area and the pee area, make sure you apply enough to cover all areas....she says petroluem jelly is oitment base so it doesn't mixed with the urine when they pee so when she use this since her bb born, her DD never ever kenna nappy rash at all.... so I tried using petroluem jelly on Ethan everytime after cleaning him, he never kenna liao....so I save on nappy rash cream...cos PJ is quite cheap and I get one big tub...you can try applying now or wait till she recovers from her rash then try also can...but always wash with water using cotton...like weishy, go out I use wipes but I raise the wipe with water....see if this works for your girl....don't blame yourself, we all first time mum learn from mistakes and be better mum next time to our 2nd bb ....heeeee....

yo....thank God never forget the bb ...heee...in Sin use pram ..is it the type which is very light and looks like toy kind..not the bulky type right? I have one stroller, the full set that comes with car seat ...yo...that one so dorn heavy man.....our friend recommend us using strollee instead of stroller ......strollee is the hybrid of stroller and trolley ...wow!! what a saving grace for us ...I so skinny also cannot carry the stroller in and out of car boot ...stollee really helps a lot ...we put the car seat on top of this strollee, and it's much much lighter ....when Ethan is bigger, we will use the umbrella strolley that looks like toy type ..is that the pram ?? .I don't think will be able to carry Ethan in the carrier liao ...weight should be heavier by then ...think my bones will break if I carry him ....

regarding poo
by this age, do your bbs poop everyday? Ethan poops every other day...is that normal? my mum says should poop everyday liao , but Ethan no leh ....he is still drinking milk ...no solid food yet ...so is it o.k. to poop every other day? anybody???

I think jumperoo is a great buy...Ethan loves it too ...his legs is like 1 inch above the carpet and he will try to jump and laugh at the same time .....I wonder how this jumperoo will last for them ...don't know can use for more than a year or not ...worry that by end of this year, he 1 year liao, may not be interested in the jumperoo..then feel wasted ...haiz...have to cold storage by then ...

By the way, I am ShaneDiao, not ShenDiao ....ShenDiao is that "Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nu"'s pet big bird ...heeee....it's .o.k. lah ..be big bird also can lah ....heeee wow! Kyra ...super cute and super chubby le (thinking of another potential for Ethan liao ...kekekeke)....her hair is so dark..so you never shave her hair? or is that new bunch of hair? wow!! 3 kids, so you must be super experience liao lah ....your first two how many years apart har? SAHM with 3 kids must be super busy liao ...I one also cannot tahan already ...3 even worst ...I sure "peng" ...
