(2007/11) November MTBs


your baby is on AR formula? My baby also has reflux but still manageable as long as she is position at at least 45 degrees inclination.. (even when sleeping). I hope it doesn't affect her spine developement. I agree with you, when reflux baby cries, it's terrible! Once, it got so bad (and i got so mad!!! I must have lost my mind!), i gave her Mylanta, an antacid. She calmed down after that... but lucky there's no repercussion, coz Mylanta meant for adults, not babies! I got a earful from my husband.

another tip, you can add "Thick & Easy" into your BM......

Hi mummies
hope everybody is doing well...

I have given birth via c-section with epidural on 26 Nov, my boy is 3.4 kg and we just went back home yesterday. Just "steal a little time to do update as my little one is sleeping now....
and I really find it hot hot hot... esp when I am bf my boy..Ya, I am TBF now, hopefully can keep this up..

yah, FR*SO quite good also. hehehe! ok, ok, i be direct. hehe! It's NAN or NAN HA(Hypoallergenic) by Nestle.

I hope my baby will outgrow her reflux soon.. Very sianz.. coz when feeding time, after every 5 mins must burp her.
thank you sabrina! haah yes i searched online le! NAN or NAN HA!
i also hope bb will outgrow reflux soon. a little bit still okay. sometimes really a lot i worry. and yes each time bb unlatch i will burp him. Sometimes you can watch for cues, when he feeds halfway, he'll suddenly unlatch and arch his head backwards and face turn red. then this really calls for burping. hehe.

tweetie:: 2.5!! so envious. ya i think even if we get back to prepreg weight also cannot wear back prepreg clothes! don't know what happened man. how did the bone in crease in size by so much. and haha wow, your milk supply is A LOT! 1L in a day!! like cat, how often do you pump now? so you're fully doing pumping and bottle feeding only?

dokie:: i just had another CAKE.. but it's pandan CAKE! still yummys. ^^
thank you sabrina! haah yes i searched online le! NAN or NAN HA!
i also hope bb will outgrow reflux soon. a little bit still okay. sometimes really a lot i worry. and yes each time bb unlatch i will burp him. Sometimes you can watch for cues, when he feeds halfway, he'll suddenly unlatch and arch his head backwards and face turn red. then this really calls for burping. hehe.

tweetie:: 2.5!! so envious. ya i think even if we get back to prepreg weight also cannot wear back prepreg clothes! don't know what happened man. how did the bone in crease in size by so much. and haha wow, your milk supply is A LOT! 1L in a day!! like cat, how often do you pump now? so you're fully doing pumping and bottle feeding only? how often does your bb feed?

dokie:: i just had another CAKE.. but it's pandan CAKE! still yummys. ^^
Koala,no problem bf after c section hor...:p
I recalled it was your concern before surgery.

Gals, actually my baby same problem on reflux. He cant take 2 breasts only 1 most of the time if not reflux will come.
K@ye, I think it is a common problem based on postings. Not only your baby lah.
Hi Poissons / Cindy,
Baby stayed 2 days in hospital for jaundice and now back at home. Feel more relieved. His jaundice level now at 9.3. Dr didnt ask me to stop BFing but to cut ginger out from my diet. Apparently there are cases where mothers have to cut out breastmilk altogether until baby's jaundice goes away.

Cindy, I have the opposite problem from you. My baby only takes 8 feeds a day and I worry about him not getting enough. He's already so small, so I stress about him eating enough and putting on weight. It's good your baby is eating often and alot.

Yoko, dont feel sad. I can sort of empathize with you. Sometimes I feel quite depressed, and I think my hubby even suspected if I had post-natal depression. I feel quite helpless and sad when I see baby not eating enough, or puking up. And then I get frustrated with my hubby when he goes out drinking with his friends while I'm stuck at home. He's been a good daddy so I tell myself it's fair that he gets to go out. But I agree women have the raw end of the deal when it comes to childraising and fathers have it easy in comparison.

Sabrina, I'm also using the Ameda and I love it!

Tweetie, your baby's got the same birthdate as mine.
But mine is much smaller, only 2.56 kg because he was 3 weeks early when born.
Wrt to pumping, do you pump every 3 hours even at night? And is it necessary to freeze milk for baby's growth spurt? I am producing more than my baby can drink now and I'm trying to reduce the milk supply by pumping less often and smaller amounts. But not sure if that will cause supply to drop too much.

Question to all mummies who hired massage ladies:
What is the purpose of doing post-natal massage?
I am left with only 2 kg to lose so I'm trying to save money by not hiring a massage lady. But besides weight loss, is there anything else a massage lady does to help? Can they help with engorged breasts too?
Koala,no problem bf after c section hor...:p
I recalled it was your concern before surgery.

Gals, actually my baby same problem on reflux. He cant take 2 breasts only 1 most of the time if not reflux will come.
K@ye, I think it is a common problem based on postings. Not only your baby lah.
Cindy, my baby also regurgitates a lot after feeding. I see also heartache because I try so hard to make him eat. But supposedly, if the regurgitation is not like the whole feed, then it's ok. Even one or two tablespoonfuls equivalent is ok, the nurses said.

Wrt formula milk, I asked my gyne for her opinion. She said NAN is good but she think Similac and Enfalac are the two slightly more superior brands in the market because they are constantly upgrading their milk quality with research. Just another opinion for consideration.

I was amazed when I first used Ameda. Before I was using Avent Isis... wah lau eh!! Sad result, a lot of time taken and hand also pain.

8 feeds a day is ok right...?

Post-natal massage is not compulsory. It just helps to relieve water retention (and hence weight loss) and expels "wind" from the body that causes body aches. Also helps to relieve tension to muscles (and veins?) especially so for mothers who had natural birth coz of all the straining. Yes, they can help with engorged breasts... but once the service ends, the engorgement will still come back right..? So might as well self-massage the breasts.
Hi Sabrina,
I think 8 feeds a day is ok. It seems so from all the books I read and my gyne said so too. JUst as long as the 8 feeds are full feeds. My baby has the problem of falling asleep while feeding so sometimes I try to squeeze in one more feed just to play safe.

On massage, ya, I agree, engorgement might as well massage myself. Then I'll save money and not do hire a massage lady then.
Regarding reflux, just to share that i find it helpful to feed baby in smaller quantities and more frequently rather than at one go. My baby regurgitate milk after she drinks beyond 60ml. So i only give her this amt altho she can drink more. Every baby is different, must try and experiment. So she feeds 2 hourly rather than 3-4 hourly. I will also hold her at 45 degs for at least 15 mins after each feed to help the milk go down. Babies got tiny stomach. Tats why they poo as they feed or after feeding. Cos no space lah.

K@ye - i feel that ur CL may have unintentionally "tortured" baby by overfeeding her to stop her crying in her earlier days etc. As a result, her reflux reaction may have worsen. Dun think her reflux is due to BM. My baby doesn't regurgitate when i BF her. But when bottle-fed, she will regurgitate some milk and sometimes choke.

I am also supplementing with FM on 1 day feed and 1 night feed to add variety to her diet. This is also to accustom her to FM once i stop BF/BM. I am roughly following Gina Ford's routine. Tried to establish standard feeding times per day to minimise baby crying for milk. But quite tough. Her timing still quite irregular. However managed to make her sleep till 6 a.m. this morning w/o fussing by giving her FM at 11+ pm. H/w, i havn't fed water leh. Will observe her stools for signs of constipation.

How come some of you refer to the milk brands with ***?? Like Simil***? Did the forum ban us from stating the brands??
Yah I agree breastfeeding is very tiring. Although I like the bonding with bb by latching him on directly, it's just such a mess. Then if pump out, it just takes too much effort. Me using Avent Uno pump. Maybe the inefficiency also due to the pump.

While we were in the hospital, Glen E was using Si**lac. Seems ok for him. Hmm, have to consider to stock up to bring back to SH cos dun dare to buy milk powder there. I ve been to NTUC to take a look. Si**lac has stage 1 for 0-6 mths and stage 2 for 6-12 mths. Then what happens after that?
twiggy:: hehe thank you! now still trying to continue BF but for sure, 2months + onwarsd think i'll stop le. Don't wanna bring a pump to work. heh. You? i so envious of you. 8 feeds a day. mine is still the full 12 feeds. so tiring. yes massage is not compulsory! just added on to pamper yourself and relieve water retention and improve blood circulation. works for me.

sabrina: yes thank you for the link! seems like most of us also have thisproblem.
cassie, ur baby can sleep thru the nite already? My baby will def wake out after 3 hours for her nite feed. she is abt 1 month old now.

early nov mummies, how was ur baby's full month party?

I ordered from sweetest moments for my baby's full month party and am really pleased with them. My relatives all gave positive comments !
They gave me a brochure that says free one box for every ten boxes ordered (but I cant find this on their website...so do check with them if you are ordering)

buffet wise I ordered from YLS, quality and serving satisfactory. But the food isnt as good as the time I ordered for my wedding. maybe becos i chose a cheaper package this time...?
Cindy: Eagan is only 13 days old. It's my birthday today and registered Eagan's birth cert. The officer in charge saw my IC and said it's really rare and special to have bb's birth cert to be registered on mummy's birthday. Find it meaningful too coz xxyears ago, Eagan's grandpa was registering my birth:)
hahaha thank you cactus!!
and HAPPY bday!
history repeats itself hahaha.i really like the very first pict you posted. SO dreamy and fairyland like.

yes he's grown quite a bit.. becoming more and more like a monster who eats nonstop at night. HAHAHA.
Hi Dear all

I am from the Sept 07 thread.. I have one brand new tin of anmum milk powder for breastfeeding mum to let go.. is fully intact not open at all.. is 900g
Willing to let go at 16 dollars.. thanks to pm me if u are interested.. collection can be done at amk or city hall

Thanks for viewing!
baby eagan is so cute!
wow ur hubby is quite a good photographer

i agree with cactusnah. baby travis eyes are SO big!
just realized today is last day of Nov. all nov preggies should have already graduated to mummies by today. how time flies! when we knew we were preggie & first came together in this thread, we were still wondering how to stuggle thru the long 9mths+
sad abt my BF... failure... bb gabrielle dun seem to b full every feed cry n cry non-stop no choice had to top up wif formula milk... seeing her cry make mi feel shd i give up... she is been fed for nearly 1 to 11/2 hr each feed but seem cant make her full... slp n suck slp n suck once off the nipple she cried... today is my 4th day onli... felt i cant give her the best making her suffering... sad...

Thanks. Hw r u doing?


I didnt hv a special diet but I do eat a lot of fish like salmon, codfish and threadfin as I heard it helps. Other than tat, I drink milk every morning. Tat's abt it.

I guess also coz electric pump did help regulate the supply. If its a manual pump, I doubt I can yeild tat much.

Twiggy, I also didn't hire massage lady...not sure if it helps. I dun even tink I can fit into any of my pre-preg clothes
sabrina, glad that u are feeling better now. can i ask which Ameda brand are u using? i am considering to switch my Avent manual to a better pump. pls let me know asap thanks!

catusnah, Happy Birthday to u!!!
sabrina, as for the BM storage guidelines, here's an abstract from KKH breastfeed info:

Expressed milk can last up to 2 months if u freeze it in a separate-door freezer.

U can keep it for up to 48 hours in a fridge at a temp of 4 deg C.

Breastmilk can also be left at room temp (27 deg C to 32 deg C) for up to 6 hours.
elaine:: that is NOrmal... thgat was what happened to me when I came back from hospital. Because hosp gave him FM, when he came back, BB feeds very long and very often. I almost gave up trying to total BF. It's the way of bb helping you to build up your supply! Don't give up and try not to top up. it'll only be interfering with building and establishing your supply. Of course, choice up to you.
That was what happened to me and it was the advice Grace (also one of us here) gave me and it made me survive till today.

cat:: thank you! and yes how time flies. so fast we're all Hugging our little monsters nonstop. hahahas...

I can't wait to drink some milk again. These confinement days cannot take cold drink... i can't wait to taste some HL amd some Meiji MILK! YUM!

5 in 1 jab only consists of 3 doses (3, 4 and 18 mths)- cuts down on the number of visits to the clinic and the baby only have to endure 3 pokes of the needle. Costs $290.40 at polyclinics. The jab is for DPTP + HIB (ermm..dono wat is it, must check health booklet.. hehehe!). Some mummies also commented that, baby might not have fever ( If have also, not that serious..)

5 in 1 jabs more for parents' convenience actually... less shuttle to clinics.

ermm.. regarding free jabs... I am not sure if they are still given FOC.

One thing that you might want to think abt is the pneumococcal jab and the rotavirus jab... these are the "optional" jabs.

another thing, I have wanted to tell u that, I believe we were neighbours in the same room (Room 328... hahaha!) when we were at TMC.... How's ur gal now?

the 6 in 1 jab is actually 5 in 1 + hepatitis B 3rd dose (yah.. that's all!). Cost $326.10 at polyclinics.

olivetree again,

thanks for the info!
I always have these preassumption that BM must be kept chilled all the time and only thawed / heated just before feeding (super troublesome!). So now I know that actually can keep up to 6 hours at room temp. yay!

I second Cindy. What u r going thru is PERFECTLY NORMAL. The first 2 mths really cant do anything else (frankly speaking, can forget having a life), just have to keep nursing and nursing the baby even up to hourly intervals. BM supply takes 2 - 3 mth to get established. Furthermore, the baby's stomach is only the size of a golf ball or smaller for some babies. On top of that, BM is easily digestble. That's why babies nurse hourly. I have also gone thru it. I didn't BF my 1st child then and i suffered some costly (literally $$$$) repercussions.

I'm total BF my 2nd child now and I couldn't do anything else much. I even have to send my 1st gal to my mum's place coz i couldn't cope having to take care of her too... ( that's y i have more flexible time to post in this forum.. Hahaha!)

give it one more week...?? But if it's too stressful, then u should stop coz HAPPY MUMMY = HAPPY BABY.
thanks sabrina and catherine. any idea if i can rent the pump instead of buying coz i only intend to bf for 6 months only. dun want to invest so much in a pump now. thanks!!!
Hi all,

Is it safe to drink tonic eg Yomeishu when breast-feed? This is because I thou we should avoid alcohol totally when BF baby. Not sure Yomeishu is considered as alcohol to avoid.

Hope someone can advise.
superhappymum, my appt suppose to be today. i skipped cos I need to work. Will re arrange on monday. Currently taking 2 types of antibiotics. It has become not so painful. But lump still around. Actually tot of changing to toml but thinking my son Full mth. Forget it. If really need to withdraw tml i'll look terrible.
Maid-I think certain days i will let the baby sleep with the maid. I will get the baby monitor so in my room i can hear him crying if she never attend to him. Of cos i will allow her to nap in the afternoon when bb sleeping la. my bb timimg quite standard every 3 hrs will wake to fr milk milk. Cos if everyday 24hrs bb with maid, I tin the maid can get tired. dan i tin it will be dangerous. Moreover i still have 2 dogs with me tat the maid need to take care as well.

rast, i dun feel so hot nowadays too. So nt so "pei chek".

Plim i git it before i give birth cos I saw the taiwnese "nu ren wo zhui da" there is an episode of preggie ladies after birth and how they slim down. So one of them brought a similar pc. So i have been hunting round. I went to parkway, i tin roadshow - selling $1400. seow ah, so expensive! finaly i found one of the best at wacoal at $192. the breast part is empty so u need to wear yr own nursing bra or bra. It is very tight jus like binding jamu type. But u really can see the effect. It is one whole pc from shoulder till thigh. Only certain stall sell. I bought mine at the robinson at raffles city. I also saw in taka there are other brands but not so tight and some till the waist line only I find not so effective lo. So yr fats u can see being squeeze out from the corset. I tin u can try if still avail.
yami, i oso preparing for my full mth tml. I order choz for the butter cake and add ang ku and red eggs (self prepared) My caterer i used one of my ah gong's friend 's restaurant. Hope is gd. cake i used decadence. I also arrange ballonist and magician for children.

Dokie and Cindy, u also celebrating yr babies full mth tml. Guess we will be busy tml.
yoko, thanks for the information on the corsett... i also saw something like that in one of the taiwanese show.
so the piece i saw on the wacoal website is different from what you describe... i will go to robinsons at Raffles City to check out! Thanks!

when my bb sleep, she don't really make that much noise lah, only when she's about to wake up or when she starts stirring in her cot then she will start making weird noises...
