(2007/11) November MTBs

Gillian, hmm no idea yet though i recomdd the TOAST at TAKA. But doubt they have enough space for prams and our babies. Maybe ask Dokie and cindy the 2 cake champions where is bigger more comfy for us and babies.

BTW mummies, any of u have contact of Piggy Piggy? i tried to send her an email but no reply i guess she in confinement so didnt log in often. can someone email me or sms me her contact? Her drugstore stuff still with me, tx!

rast, u mean tummy massage like the post natal massage? Can massage around yr wound area? I tot u have to wait till like a mth or so for c secion.
Let me consult my sil and ask her to advise you via this forum. She just returned from States after staying there for some time.

By the way, I have to go parentcraft tomo. I have a white blister on my nipples. Mrs Wong said it shouldnt interfere with bf or expressing out but I am concerned.It should clear by itself or not go and see her next week. I am worried . So I better go tomo with my baby.

Rast, don wear scar plaster when u massage. How many sessions are u having?
Yah think the bb doesn't have time concept when to poo poo. Usually it's after a feed. I am so fed up with my boy. Feed him from 8 plus and then he obviously looked tired and wanted to sleep. But everytime I put him down, he cries again. Gosh, this happens almost every nite. Then just now, I was changing his diapers, then guess what? He poo pooed again, then kena my hands as well. Haiz, so frustrating...
oh ya, today i learnt how to bathe my baby & change his diaper... hehehe
this mummy v jialat hor... till now still learning how to change baby's diaper =P
Let me consult my sil and ask her to advise you via this forum. She just returned from States after staying there for some time.

By the way, I have to go parentcraft tomo. I have a white blister on my nipples. Mrs Wong said it shouldnt interfere with bf or expressing out but I am concerned.It should clear by itself or not go and see her next week. I am worried . So I better go tomo with my baby.

Rast, don wear scar plaster when u massage. How many sessions are u having?
yup, is postnatal massage and i dun think she will massage on my wound area, although i already past one month from my c-section. hopefully the massage can flatten my tummy so that i can fit into my pre preg clothes.
rast, i also bought this corset whole suit from wacoal. it works for me to flatten my tummy. it looks better but still can feel loose skin. This corset works from the back till yr thigh. I find is gd if u can tahan the tight fitting. I heard fr the sales lady oso it can help to tighten the womb. I am still struggling w my weight loss.

sian man, suddenly gt client in town want to view houses. got to work tml.
How's your breast? Hope they are ok now

Any mummies here have maid ?
May I ask how to arrange maid to take care of baby at night? My maid can sleep from ~10pm till 6pm soundly and yet both of me and hubby need to take care of baby at night. I feel that something is wrong. I can do that now but what if I start work? Can share with me how you arrange with your maid? This is my 1st maid.
Gals how about cedele bakery depot at wheelock place? They serve nice and healthy (no trans fats) cakes.

Rast, binder helps.

my fever was due to the engorgement i think. Maybe because my breasts weren't empty each time, even after baby latching and manual pumping. I got the Ameda pump, and voila! the fever gone, breast lumps also gone and after each pumping can feel my breast really soft and flat (NO! I am not promoting on behalf of Ameda..hehe!). Now i know what empty breast means.... heheheh!


I use the MIM sling when I go out with my little one for clinic visits. I could breastfeed even while walking, doing payment at counter etc. I use the long end of the sling to cover the baby. But the use of the sling need practice la especially when switching sides. Wearing a nursing top and nursing bra also make it a whole lot easier to breastfeed in public.

For nursing tops, can try www.moms-rus.com or www.motherneeds.com also.

sometimes when changing diapers i have to use 3 diapers at one sitting!!! Change once, she poo poo. Then change again, she urinates. So in the end, only get to clean by the 3rd diaper. This baby thinks her parents print money.

My baby poos at every diaper change.. so that means she poos both day and night, and A LOT!!
Hi Gals,
Thinking of buying a sling but not sure to get it from MIM or Moms-rus.com. Which product is better? Can advise?
Actually I already owned a baby pouch. Since I like it , I just buy a sling to interchange it.
Today I feel good. May be my white blister in nip had shrunk. :p
It brightens me up.
I fee that I give myself too much pressure to produce bm and bf. It is actually no good because I believe it will affect the quality of my bm..:p I must learn to relax.
kaye:: think it is not advisable to stop suddenly ley. you have to do in stages. once engorged, express out to relive but not empty. or you can get some pills from gynae. I heard eating malt can stop milk supply. why you want tp give up? I also feel like giving up soon. so tiring. already tahan for almost a month exclusive BF. think maybe good enough already? sighs.

dokie:: glad to hear you're better!! i have the sling from MIM but i haven't got about to using it yet hahaha. it was passed down from someone.

can i ask if those ppl giving FM, does your bb have problems with poo-ing?
Hi K@ye I was told that but putting the cabbage leave in the freezer than wear it inside your bra to soothe your breast when engorging will decrease the milk supply.
K@ye, sad to hear tt u intend to give up..maybe can try partia like i did for my son for 6mths? but if really its causing u too much stress then bo bian...dun let tt affect u and ur bb.

Dokie, i also had a small white blister-like bump yday..like pimple..but i ignore and applied some calendula cream...now ok le...i think its prob some clotted oil glands cos bb contact with our breasts all the time...sometimes her face also have such pimples.

Superhappymum, personally i dun trust leaving bb to maid overnight. cos they also need to do housework the next day, if there are tired out and no one at home in the day, i wonder what will happen to bb in their hands. Jus my opinion cos i nvr trust maids handling kids (only a small fraction of maids are ok with kids) as they are mainly employed to do housework. Like for my case i also didnt let my maid handle my bb except bath/feed my 4yr old toddler.

I guess sleepless nights are very common once u have a bby. hb and myself also had to work when we had our 1st bb. no maid then, so we basically depended on ourselves. this went on for 1 yr plus co my son wakes up for feeds every night. Still we survived ...



It depends on the brand of FM. Those with high iron content, baby might have problem pooing e.g harder stools... (like Enf**** A+ and Sim***c). I have tried so many different brands for my 1st kid so more or less i know something.. heheheh! I used N*n or N*n HA. I heard this FM closest to that of BM.
haha thank you sabrina! what about F*so? you know? hehehe... What is N*n or N*n HA? haha i don't know ley hahaha... oopps!!

dokie:: yes my function is Noon time! hhehehe.. Just one more day to bear with!
yoko, the body suit u bought from wacoal is available at all department stores now? was checking the SG wacoal website and there's only 1 body suit available but it says only in on Jan '08, how did u manage to get it so fast?

i've been wanting to get one also but mayb now not a good time as the bra portion might restrict BM flow if one is still doing BF...

Superhappymum, so far, i dun feel comfortable having the maid to take care of my kids... even before my 2nd one was delivered, i did not trust the maid to take care of my older one during night time as several incidents proved that she will sleep like a log at night even though there are noises/commotion in the house! Besides, if your maid is taking care of your kids during daytime alone, they will need the energy to take proper care of your baby, unless u're allowing her to nap when ur baby naps in the daytime.
hey sabrina, i'm using the same FM brand as you for night feeds! Was told by the lactation consultant last time in GlenE that it's closest to BM as the taste may not b as strong as other FM...
dokie:: I eat normal food tomorrow~~

Ladies, can I ask if we can combine the milk we pump at different times to store together?
Cindy, yes. I do combine. If within the same day is fine. If separate days to me it is also alright as long as not any of the day had expired.
I express out for my elder son to drink.

Cindy, I know u can eat because u fully one month mah. S@L and I still have 5 days to go than considered a month

Finally had time to come to this thread again.

Hmmm....... looks like i m backdated abt all the mommies who popped.

My little princess popped on 19th Nov 07 and weighed abt 3.3kg and 47cm long. I was shocked when gynae tld me abt her weight, didn't expect her to be so heavy. Haha!!!

For feeding, I also hv a lot of problems latching her on as I hv inverted nips on both sides and oredi bled the 1st day latching her on. Feelg extremely stressed when i c latching on which is y i decided to express out instead. Although a lot of hassle on sterilising n wakg up to pump, i dun feel tat stressed.

Mommies, if u tink yr milk supply is low, try drinkg papaya soup cooked w fish bones, it really helps.

For me, I had my massage lady to do lymph drainage during day 4 and drink papaya soupy ev alt day, I cud pump abt 1 litre or more a day. So nw, freezing surplus for her growth spurts. Since my therapist has gone on a holiday, i prob can only arrange appt w her when she is back on 2nd week of dec only
Then hopefully, will lose the excess flab away.

Although weight has gone dwn, I still got 2.5kg to lose and I can't wear back any of my pre-preg clothes also
Bones seems to got bigger and waist line as well. Sob .... Sob....

Some updates
Hallo ladies!

Its quite a hard decision for me to stop feeding my baby breastmilk. She has very bad reflux when she drinks breastmilk, be it expressed or latching on as compared to formula milk. The min, she has the reflux, she will fuss till very jialat. My heart ached for her everytime, i see her cry like that.

Plus, my hubby isn't supportive in helping me to take care of my baby. I cried so many times liao till i know that if i dun do something. I might really kena serious depression. Furthermore, i m those type of person if i dun have enough sleep. I can't work properly or do things.

Cindy, if give formula milk, must feed the baby water to prevent constipation and hard poo.
congrats Elaine & Tweetie
do post ur cuties' pics soon!

wow Tweetie, u can pump 1L a day! tat's quite alot. u pump every 3 hrs? hmmm u only have 2.5kg to go... so many of us would be envious of u. i still have 6kg to go. i dun even dare to bring out my pre-preg clothes to try
compare to few weeks ago, now i'm not so hot and sweaty, how about u?
i feed my bb with FM so far no problem in poo-ing. but remember to feed ur bb some water. initially i din feed him water his poos is very hard.
Cindy, my son had hard stools when taking Enf**c, but when i switched him to Simi**c he was ok-soft normal stools. Till now he still taking the same range milk powder (GR**)

Dokie, i have 1 more day than you...
yes my mum ok not so strict or rather she kinda give up on me.....tt day too lazy to cook i asked hb to buy char siew pork rice for me...when i go gynae / PD visit i also eat outside food.

BTW anyone opted for immun at Polyclinic? i m still quite blur on te diff betwn the free jab+oral a Polyclinic, 5-in-1 and 6-in-1. anybody can enlighten me?
ya..i agree. initially, i fed my bb with Sim***c my bb suffered constipation, so i changed to du**x, now he can poos 2 times a day and his stool is soft.(i changed to du**x cos KKH are using this brand.)
S@L, huh u cook your own food? I didnt know that.
Anyway I also eat normal. Nothing special even though it is catered confinement food. I sianz liao.

K@ye, why not seek advice from PD rather than decide on FM? I also don understand why reflux lesser on FM. Shouldnt it be the same?
Does it help if u feed in smaller quantity?

My hubby also not very helpful because he has exams to take and finishing paper this Monday. I was telling him, he helps but not INSTANT HELP. It is always delayed response.
Free also go and play golf or surf internet. I give up liao.

We want to encourage u to bf. Let me ask for u on reflux when I see PD this coming Friday? BM will do her alot of good. Hang on!
Did you eat or drink anything to build up the milk supply before you deliver?
BF supposes to be a natural thing to feed baby but nowadays I always hear people saying not enough milk supply for baby (including myself of course). I wonder is it due to our diet during pregnancy. I was so stress during my 1st baby is born as I can only pump on 20-30ml in total. Luckily, this time round, it's better but still not enough for my baby as she drink 120ml per feed every 4-5hourly. The only thing that I am glad is that 2nd baby is drinking more BF (in percentage) than her sister already.
Did you eat or drink anything to build up the milk supply before you deliver?
BF supposes to be a natural thing to feed baby but nowadays I always hear people saying not enough milk supply for baby (including myself of course). I wonder is it due to our diet during pregnancy. I was so stress during my 1st baby is born as I can only pump on 20-30ml in total. Luckily, this time round, it's better but still not enough for my baby as she drink 120ml per feed every 4-5hourly. The only thing that I am glad is that 2nd baby is drinking more BF (in percentage) than her sister already.
S@L & plim,
Thanks for your feedback

Everybody seems to be so happy about the end of the confinement. I don't know why I am down these few days especially when I know that my lovely aunt is going to go back this Sunday. She is like my mum. Besides, I am also having flu now.
I am not sure if I am having the so call post-natal depression now. Sigh !
Not sure if u have came across this?

How does reflux affect babies?

Reflux is the word used to describe what happens when the stomach contents come back up into the gullet or even into the mouth.

The medical name for gullet is oesophagus (spelt esophagus in the US). So the long name for reflux is gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, shortened to GORD in the UK and GER in the States.

The diaphragm is the muscle which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. As the oesophagus passes through the diaphragm, the diaphragm acts like a valve - stopping stomach contents from going backwards up the oesophagus. Doctors refer to this valve mechanism as a sphincter.

But sometimes the valve action isn't as strong as it could be - when you are pregnant, for example. In fact, one of the reasons you get heartburn in pregnancy is due to your baby pushing up onto the sphincter - it forces acid back up the oesophagus.

This also happens to babies, but in their case it is because the sphincter action of the diaphragm isn't fully developed. During the first year of a baby's life, the sphincter action gradually gets stronger and their chance of having reflux decreases. Around 50 per cent of babies will get some reflux but in only a small percentage of these is it a real problem. At the age of 10 months the number is down to about one in twenty babies.

What are the symptoms of reflux?

Your baby may regurgitate a little milk after a feed or have hiccups. He may occasionally cough a little after regurgitating the milk if a little has gone "down the wrong way". This is normal and as long as your baby is otherwise well, you don't need to worry. Just make sure you always have a tissue or muslin cloth to hand. Both formula-fed and breastfed babies may be affected.

Should I take my baby to see a doctor?

You should speak to your health visitor or doctor:

If your baby's reflux is happening more than five times a day on a regular basis

If your baby cries excessively after feeds

If there is regular vomiting

If the coughing becomes a regular occurrence.

Simple measures like holding your baby in an upright position for 20 minutes after each feed should always be tried first. It is worth trying smaller but more frequent feeds - although babies don't always agree to this!

Are there any other treatments for reflux?

In more severe cases it can be worth trying antacids or feed thickeners. There are products which fulfil both functions and these are available on prescription. Only use them on the advice of your health visitor or doctor and stop them every once in a while to check whether things have got better.

If you look at websites from other countries you may see drugs such as cimetidine or ranitidine recommended. These are drugs which have been used for many years in the UK to heal stomach ulcers in adults. However, they are not licensed for use in babies in the UK, even though they are used in other countries. Your GP is likely to be reluctant to prescribe them without advice from a specialist.

Your GP may refer your baby to a paediatric specialist in the following cases:

1. If there is doubt about the diagnosis

2. If the condition does not get better with simple treatments

3. If there is blood in the vomit

4. If your baby becomes anaemic

5. If there is persistent coughing or frequent chest infections thought to be due to the regurgitation

6. If your baby fails to gain weight or begins to refuse food

7. If there is difficulty swallowing.

Thankfully these symptoms are rare, but do see your doctor if you are worried about any of them.

Try not to worry

Most babies will suffer the more minor symptoms described earlier, and without complications. Reassure yourself that things will get better as your baby grows.


Answered by Dr Morag Martindale, GP and family planning doctor

Morag is a doctor and mother of three young children. She works part time as a general practitioner and family planning doctor. She is a contributing author to the NCT Book of Baby Care and author of the NCT A-Z of Child Health. She has a particular interest in women's health, breastfeeding promotion and early parenting.

kaye: my bb also have reflux after eating ley! sometimes it's really a lot. almost every feed will have some regurgitation. makes me really so heartache. waste my milk.

dokie:: thank you for the info!
hhe on both combining EBM and reflux.

and yes, okay i will feed water if give FM. is it in between feeds give water?
guess the brands of FM varies from bb to bb. hehe okay! i'll keep those in mind! maybe try fri** first cause he took that in the hosp when he was first out. ^^ thank you ladies!
