(2007/11) November MTBs

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Harbourfront
Date: 12th Oct or 19th October (3pm)

1. michviv, hubby & Ethan(both Sun ok)
2. lazykat, hubby & Zee Yann (both Sun ok)
3. Poissons & Garreth (19 oct)
4. kittybride, hb (maybe) & chloe (both sun ok)

can i take the slot if it's still open?

Cindy, tape?? Hehe... Just realised that Claire is scared of something... Now going to get that thing and put it on my TV console... *Evil laughs*
kaye:: haha you loh! ahaha you love tape so much hahah!
Give you some so when u org BP in future got enough tape. ahha!!! what is claire scared of? haha
Weishy, not fair to compare girls with boys, anyway, I'm sure your girl will thank you for keeping her nice and trim when she grows up! =)) Now the only trick is to get her to model height. Netball? hmmm...haha

Twiggy: Noted your interest. Can you make it for the trial class at 3pm on the 19th of October? If so, can you list your name below?

All mummies, going for the trial class, can you please PM me your HP numbers? Thanks!

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Harbourfront
Date: 12th Oct or 19th October (3pm)

1. michviv, hubby & Ethan(both Sun ok)
2. lazykat, hubby & Zee Yann (both Sun ok)
3. Poissons & Garreth (19 oct)

Go Go Bambini: the last time, my hubby & I brought Ethan on a weekend and it was awful! So crowded with older children running around. I could imagine Ethan getting trampled on so we just left. How are week days like?

Sharron, sorry to miss you at the class. Maybe you can organize the class for JG? I'm taking leave on the 24th of October so we can go!

Ueno: Happy birthday to Leroy! haha. Ya, Ethan is really tall. At Hort Park last sunday, one mummy thought he was 12-13 months. =P Just wondering, would you have enough vouchers for all of us at JG?

Catherine: haha. He was a really fat baby. Was breastfed for 6 months then refused to latch on so I couldn't maintain supply. He's now on NAN. =)
Are you still breastfeeding?
Cindy, *sobs* *sobs*... Me just worried that the contents of the box might come out... That's y use so much tape lor....

Claire is afraid of this plastic duster coz its prickly and hard to touch & feel... My Mum discovered this accidentally... so she put this duster to her wardrobe, so that Claire can't pull the clothes out.

Michviv, i went to Gogobambini (dempsey) on a weekday... Not very crowded and i think its just nice. But, imo. i wont bring Claire there again coz of the smell of the pl.. Cant be avoided as its indoor....
haha!!! kaye:: ok la.. understand la.. hee. why should I complain? u also no charge me for tape haha..

hmmm, maybe can go bambini playclub at kallang leisure park? since newer haha...
If the Xmas bash is still held at my place then it will be on Tanjong Rhu road, near to the indoor stadium.

I think the JG trials have 9am, 11am and 1.30pm slots, but they are very full, so we will have to see if they have enough places for us. I'm ok anyday EXCEPT wednesday.
k@ye: I know what you mean. I was just mentioning to my hubby that I can't imagine how they clean the whole place. Oh, you've staying at Redhill? That's very near me. I'm right next to Queenstown MRT. Claire sounds so cute! Now I need to find something that scares my boy. He likes everything that is "grown-up" like the remote control, my handphone, cabinets and doesn't like his toys as much. Good also I guess, don't need to buy him expensive toys. =)

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Harbourfront
Date: 12th Oct or 19th October (3pm)

1. michviv, hubby & Ethan(both Sun ok)
2. lazykat, hubby & Zee Yann (both Sun ok)
3. Poissons & Garreth (19 oct)
4. Twiggy & Joseph (??)
5. kittybride, hb (maybe) & chloe (both sun ok)

I've just PM-ed Twiggy. Will book our slots once I hear from her.

Mummies, please PM me your HP numbers ok? Thks!
Cindy, ahem... Got charge u $1 for the paper + tape!! Haha!!!

Michviv, now i must find time to bring Claire to outdoors... She also likes remote controls, telephone and handphones... Basically, she just likes pressing buttons!!!

PSst, anyone interested in getting Crayola stuff let me know.. I got one discount code for 10% off. PM me and i pass u the code...
While sourcing for a birthday cake for Luis I found this little bakery in Marine Parade...Some very interesting cakes, this baker is very artist and reasonably priced. I brought one of their cakes to try, and to be honest I'm not impress by the taste. But I just fell in love with the fruit inspired creations of the baker. Its all fresh cream not fondant!

michiv, can I join the gymboree if it's on 19 Oct? 12 Oct bringing ash for baby contest. Poisson u going for the sparkling tots contest?

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Harbourfront
Date: 12th Oct or 19th October (3pm)

1. michviv, hubby & Ethan(both Sun ok)
2. lazykat, hubby & Zee Yann (both Sun ok)
3. Poissons & Garreth (19 oct)
4. Twiggy & Joseph (??)
5. kittybride, hb (maybe) & chloe (both sun ok)
6. langlao , hb & ash (19 oct)
weishy, saw the bib and headband...so cute! I so so love it! U have similar taste like me la..so ok..hehheehe next time can ask u to shop for me! LOL

So u actually enjoyed shopping for others huh...then i next time wont paiseh le ok?
By the way, why u say Thank You to yourself le? kekekeke....ok will arrange with ur hubby to pick it up issit?
Or any kind soul can help me pick them up?
k@ye, when's a good time to collect my stuff?

k@ye, ash also like pressing buttons esp lift buttons.

Ashe lost 0.3kg last 2 days. Had fever after going to infant care on Monday
She's walking quite steadily already. She walks like a drunkard, very funee to watch haha.
Plumsource, got forum comments abt Kyo cake not nice and even got complaints abt it not fresh.

Langlao, u still hv not give me ur bank account to refund u the $$.... U can collect from me on this Sunday (if u going to Redhill mkt)... Will be home in the morning. Or tonight, i will be home from 9pm onwards!

Is Ash better bo? Yalor when they first started walking, they re very funny....

Grace, u also a HK fan? Hmm.... any Snoopy fans?
you mean the contest held by our RC ah? i wanted to sign up but too lazy leh. still can register? if i'm not wrong, it's held at telok blangah right? hee..didn't know you are going, else will join you...next time jio me la.

since so many pple like the HK stuff you bought, why not buy in bulk and sell here lah...hehe..
Kitty, will MSN u later.

S@l, i think u will go crazy when u see HK stuff in HK and Japan! :p

Yalor, Weishy can sell!! I know Weishy abt shopping for others... I also like shopping for others....
Gets a kick of buying things!
Thanks for letting me know about the complaints about KYO! I didn't expect them to be fantastic in the taste and flavour department, however did not expect them to have complaints about freshness..that is terrible. Oh well....I will have to either go with the big names or bake my own!!!
But I will be getting cupcakes from Crystal jade. Any feedbacks about their cupcakes? please share
poissons, aiya u not gg ah! Garreth sure win something one. They requested for health booklet and we search the whole house, cant find!! Have to pay $23 for a replacement. You can call 67771540 to see if they can squeese u in.

k@ye, sunday morn have to report at 9.28am (weird timing) for baby contest so cant swing by your house. How abt sunday night? usu what time does Claire sleep at night? U pass me cash when I collect la so troublesome to tt. heehee.
I know they have cupcakes at the suntec city crystal jade outlet. I'm not sure about the other outlets, I'm trying to order and collect at my marine parade branch. The cupcakes are $1.20 each, which is quite reasonable since I only want around 30 cakes. I can't seem to find a crystal jade website though.
Plumsource, cupcakes from Crystal Jade is nice.. But dun choose the one with the peppermint flavour... Abit like cough syrup! Crystal Jade cakes are SUPERB!!!

They dun have website one.... u get the brochure and call them.

Langlao, so weird one.. Sunday night can, Claire sleeps ard 9-10pm! U just call me lah... REMEMBER TO get the $$ from me hor!
Cakes: I see that everyone is starting to plan for their baby's 1st birthday. =) I will be going with Pine Garden for their 3D cake. Will probably be getting a 2 tier one with 2 cake flavours. Heard that PG's been highly recommended by other mummies.

For those looking for cupcakes, you can try these recommended sources (but I think they are pricier):http://www.littlehouseofdreams.blogspot.com/

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Harbourfront
Date: 19th October (3pm)

1. michviv, hubby & Ethan
2. lazykat, hubby & Zee Yann
3. Poissons & Garreth
4. Twiggy & Joseph (??)
5. kittybride, hb (maybe) & chloe
6. langlao , hb & ash

All mummies attending the Gymboree Class: I'm confirmed 6 spots for next Sunday (19th of October) at 3pm.

Can you please provide the following details for confirmation?:
a) Your child's name & surname
b) Your Gymboree membership number (Eg: mine is HF816)
c) Your mobile number (PM this to me.)
Hi K@ye,

Oh ya, that's right, I put photos on facebook so my husband's family can see his photos regularly since they are not in SG. We're going back to live in Auckland in December so I'm taking a 3 months break from work. Start work again with my auckland office in 5 Jan. So now I'm enjoying my free time!!

Michviv, got your pm, thanks. 12 Oct is better for me coz hubby is away and i was planning to take Joseph out anyway.

WAh! So many of you kids walking already! Joseph can only stand up if he holds on to something. Maybe he's too fat... haha!

Btw, can you guys share what is your baby's daily routine? Mine goes something like this. Not sure if I'm doing the right thing leh...

7am : breakfast, 120ml milk + yogurt / cereal w fruits
1 hour nap
1130am : Lunch
230pm : 180ml milk
playtime and 1 hour nap
6pm : Dinner
play play play
8:30 - 9pm : sleep
9:30 pm : 180ml milk

I dunno if he's eating, sleeping enough / too much. Should he still be taking so much milk? He's eating his solids fine though...
Dreamer, small thing! Its not even being a SAHM. Its even a tougher job than working full time! I m sure Kaira will appreciate u more when she grows up!

Michviv, the cup cakes so pretty but heng me not a cup cake fan.. If not, will be spending more $$ on Claire's birthday celebration!!
Twiggy, Joseph's schedule is similar to Claire. Going back to Auckland, then it wont be so stressful for u and mabbe more playmates for Joseph?
twiggy:: this is travis's schedule haha... actually similar la! like kaye said, it's similar! ehhe so we're doing the right or wrong things together!

730 to 8am:: cereal breakfast with 90mL milk
9am:: 90mL milk
1130 to 12pm:: Lunch - porridge + fruit
3pm:: 150 to 180 milk + yogurt or cheese (cube)
6pm:: Dinner - porridge

Ok, there's the problem part, usually 9pm, i will give him 180mL milk, but for the past wk hor, he's only taking 40 to 60mL then zzzz!!

the problem and weird part is, he doesn't need milk at night, so when he gets up at 7am next day, same thing starts again.

Wonder if he's eating too little, but canot be right, since he doesn't want milk too even when he gets up at night. AHHAH!!!

plumsource:: SURE! will Jio you If I wanna bambiniplayclub!

a) Your child's name & surname
--> Garreth Goh
b) Your Gymboree membership number (Eg: mine is HF816)
--> not member
c) Your mobile number (PM this to me.)
--> already PM u
coupon expires 31oct.

L is wearing pediped. I like it, i find it v comfortable n light.

i should have enough but i think u will have to book the trial asap as they r really full.
He doesnt seem to need the 9pm feed then. I think around this age, some babies start to refuse the last feed. As long as he's happily sleeping throught till next morning , should be ok, i think.

Yeah, that's right, that's one of the prime reasons we want to go back. To have more work life balance and to have more family around him.

How's Ashe now? Heartache to see them sick right? But losing a bit of weight is fine. They regain very quickly one.
Proposed Date of XMAS Bash
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy OK

Proposed Venue
Option 1. Plumsource pl's Clubhouse => Tg Rhu
Option 2. Kaye's pl => Redhill (opp redhill MRT)
RE: caupcakes for those trying to get fr http://www.littlehouseofdreams.blogspot.com/
http://cupcakedivinity.blogspot.com/ do so fast cos they respond super slow! I had cupcakedivintiy for my gal 1st mth its super sweet but visually v nice lor. Lil house of dreams is pricey I jus got a quote fr them they're still taking inorders for Nov.

Will be using PineGardens & Aimummy.

so fun all of ur going to playgtm tog. too bad not in spore. Hopefully Nov & Dec will have chance to join in.
Leroy's schedule,he is eating 3 main meals with 3 small snacks in between.

7-7.30 BF followed by breakfast
1030 snack
12noon Lunch
2pm snack
2.30pm BF
2.30-4.30pm nap
5pm snack
6pm dinner
730pm BF followed by bedtime

He takes a wide variety of food.
Breakfast- muesli/rolled oats/cornflakes/rice krispies/toast/yogurt/toast

snack- biscuits/cheez dippers/cheese sticks/cheese cubes

dinner- carbs-rice/porridge/pasta/macaroni, protein-fish/chicken/beef/pork +veg+fruit

i've also started him on cow's milk after his lunar birthday. No juice, only water
hope Ash is better already. it's like tat when they first start infantcare. think Jovan having abit of running nose now. but as long as they are still eating/drinking/sleeping ok, they will recover v soon. so dun worry.

Travis doesn't eat/drink after 6pm?! dun need bedtime milk?

Jovan's schedule
7am Wake up
8am 240ml
9am Bath
930am Nap ard 1.5hrs
1130am Lunch - Porridge with fish & veg (ard 3/4 to 1 bowl) + fruit
130pm Nap ard 1hr
230pm 240ml
530pm 7 tbsp rice/oat cereal
815pm Wipe-down & Massage
830pm 280ml & Sleep
Midnight 240ml

i call him the 1L milk baby. i tink time to slowly replace his morning milk feed with breakfast
twiggy, ash has recovered. actually her daddy asked her if she fake fever to get out of infant care lol.

Catherine, I saw the teacher gave Jovan the 530pm cereal. does the centre provide the cereal or u brought it thr? I realise by sending ash thr, she wont have dinner so we either cook porridge for dinner or feed her bottle baby food.

Seems like most babies sleep quite early like <9pm. Mine sleep at 10pm+, issit too late? I dun dare let her zzz early, scare she wakes up at 3am and refuse to sleep.

ueno, I always admire you for feeding L so right!
Ueno, Leroy is such a good baby!

Langlao, that s strange leh... Usually infant care centre shd hv 2 rounds of solid food. Coz Claire has that when she was in infant care!

Langlao, Claire also sleeps late lor... unless we stay over at my Mum's pl.. If not she will sleep at 10pm one.
Garreth's daily routine:

7.30am - 200ml milk (sometimes only takes 150ml)and half cube of party cheese
9.30am - 4-5 tablespoons of cereals (depending on how much milk he takes earlier)with fruits or yogurt
Morning nap - range between 30mins to 1 hr
1pm - lunch + fruits (or + yogurt)
3.30pm - 200ml milk
afternoon nap - range between 1hr to 1.5hrs
7pm - dinner + fruits (or + yogurt)
9pm - bedtime
11pm - 200ml milk (sometimes only take 150ml)

I wanna try feeding my boy with beef but cos my mum dun take so I dun dare to buy back and ask her to prepare together with his porridge.

check with you, what kinda beef shld I get to cook? and how to cook? Is it just like the way we cook pork and chicken in their porridge? TIA!
the 530pm cereal is provided by the center. i know some parents tat bring their own cereal daily.

oh i tot most infantcare centers only cook 1 meal. the previous infantcare sometimes give Jovan 2 meals of plain cereal if the supervisor (yes, cooked by supervisor) has no time to cook!

wat time does ash take dinner? maybe we can "petition" &amp; ask the center to cook dinner for our babies.
Langlao, then i m lucky... Coz the infant care got cereals, snacks &amp; 2 porridge meals.

Poissons, same here.. I can only give Claire forbidden food behind my Mum's back!! HAHA!
ueno , ur following GF mthod rt? Cos Hazel is also on her routine I find it so useful!
How did u intro cow's milk leroy? In his breakfast? Cos so far i use it in the bake gratin i cook for her.
weishy - i will pass SGD33 to your hubby on Sat when I collect the set ok - I will call him when I am there.... Oh I got the exchange rate from www.xe.com

michviv - sorry cant join you guys next Sun.. are you on leave on Oct 24 only or from Oct 24 onwards because I am away that week and can only make it for the JG trial class (if they are available) either on Oct 17 or 31. But yes lets organise some classes and we all can go together

Hey thanks for the cupcakes' website - i want to order for Ashton's birthday too...

Ashton's daily routine is pretty similar to Joseph's.....

<font color="ff0000">Proposed Date of XMAS Bash</font>
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy OK

<font color="ff0000">Proposed Venue</font>
Option 1. Plumsource pl's Clubhouse => Tg Rhu
Option 2. Kaye's pl => Redhill (opp redhill MRT)

I am ok with either venue!! I guess we will hold it in the week of Dec 13/14......

Mummies - Do you or have you given flu jab to your babies? Ash's PD was telling me that if the baby is going for classes or infant/childcare, it is good for them to take flu jab....what do you think?
RE: cupcakes

recently i have ordered some from cupcakemomma for my ex-colleagues. turned out that the delivery person made a boo-boo and delivered the wrong cupcakes to me. Was so mad cos i dun like the designs, the delivery man was apologetic and offered to compensate me when he gets his salary. i wrote to aireen (from cupcakemomma) and feedback to her, she just insisted that they have baked the right cupcakes to me and only apologise if their deliveryman has made a mistake...Till today, I have yet to receive the compensation from the deliveryman..not that I want the money badly, but just felt that their service sucks big time and I will not repeat my order with them again. Bad experience.
twiggy::: haha ya seems like he doesn't need the 9pm feed... Hmm but i find it difficult to tune him into bed time if i don't give him milk ley hahaha!! cause usually 845, i will bring him into the room, off lights, only keep one super dim orange light on, let him play around on my bed, then 9pm give him milk, usually he drink le will get the idea that it's bed time and will flip turn sit, stand, play until he concuss! haah!!

cat:: YEA!! surprising hor! but don't be.. cause he's still 8.9kg ~~ hehh

ueno and poochi:: i tried so much to follow gina but sigh just can't. not determined enough!
cindy- ya must be consistent and stick to it lor. But sometime weekend go abit off la. Hee hee
Tink they r curious lil bb now so they rather play and do everthing else except sit and drink milk! I take my handphone download sesame st songs and let her listen and play wif my phone than she'll lie and drink 3/4 at one go.

Poissons, i think hor ur cupcake experience similiar to another forum mummy leh...

Sharron, it depends on u lor. My PD only told me Rota + Pnenuccomal if send to infant care or childcare. Flu is optional, IMO, these jabs just lessen their pain only, dun mean they wont kena. So, i wont be bringing Claire to do the flu or chickenpox jab unless the PD convinced me otherwise.
