(2007/11) November MTBs

heee. plumsource:: sorry ehhe i also vote kaye's place since nearer to Jurong too. haha!!

michviv:: haha i also let him eat organic but so far only, carrots, broccoli and pumpkin, and apples are organic.. the other meats and other veges, normal loh. hehe! so mix mix too! yea. girl for me pleaseee!!

Poissons:haha...ya la. We're all not used to our usual names. =) Ya, he drinks a little after a few spoons. Sometimes, he can't finish his milk so I just feed him half an hour later. No choice la, my boy drinks very little water. Dunno why. Trying to train him now.

Garreth is such a big boy! Looks so handsome & sturdy! Lots of hair too! I like the studio shots you took. Told my hubby abt it and he told me he rather take photos of Ethan than pay for someone else to do it. Hai...what to do? =P

I'm thinking of starting him on pasta soon. Going to introduce pork this week since he just turned 11 months.
Hi mummies,

saw the topic on training our lil ones to use cup..
my boy till now doesn't even wanna use the sippy mug leh, how huh??

k@ye, is cactus away for her holiday??

poissons, where r ur studio pics??
i wanna see leh...
yup, time flies!

will add you to my FB as well later.

cross fingers 'boy' for me... so can close factory liao! ahaha...
my hb kept refering to my bump as 'didi' when he talk to chloe... ahaha... i dun wana say too much lah, boy or gal doesn't matter; health more impt lor! :D

can share wif me your gratin recipe as well?
i've run out of ideas liao...

re: milk after lunch/dinner
wow, i admire u all for good training!

my gal prefers her meals to milk. at most, 60 - 100ml during the day and that's after coaxing her for the longest time! only time she will drink the most (160ml) is the mid-nite/early mrng feed. sometimes i give her 90ml before bedtime and she can drink all, sometimes only take 30ml then dun wan liao... sigh, waste milk & $$$!

can share which part of beef u buy for cooking L's meals?
i intend to start chloe on beef too; else she like weakling; no energy to push herself up to crawling position. arms v weak!! so far she's ok wif fish and chicken/pork (meat r mostly for soupbase)
btw mummies,

i'm leaving for my US holiday tomorrow..
what is worth buying there huh esp for our lil ones...
dun have time to go and research on prices in sg leh..haiz
ZZZ, buy Leapfrog!! HAha...

Ya hor, forget that Cactus going for her hol. Nvm, gotta wait then!! HEhe

Kitty, ur hb so funny ah! Can see the gender so soon meh? Got to wait till when ah? Haha, last yr pregnant now forgotten so soon!
Poochi: Haha. Yes, my boy drinks quite alot of milk thats why I have to buy 1 carton of milk each time! =P He finishes 1 can in 6-7 days!!! I told him that he's drinking mummy & daddy out of house & home and he just smiled at me. =) But it took us quite awhile to get to this "optimised" state. Ethan used to hate bottle feeding & preferred to latch on. Now, he ONLY drinks from NUK Latex wide neck bottles! I told my hubby that he has an "Atas" (ie: Malay for high-class) baby.

zzz: I think you can buy the First Teeth toothpaste. I'm using that for Ethan now and he likes it! You can go & check out the outlet malls to see if there are any gd brands on sale - Osh Kosh, Carters, Gymboree etc. I bought alot of nice clothes there on sale! Have a gd holiday!

Mambobb: added you as a friend on facebook.

Proposed Date of XMAS Bash
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye grace OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye grace OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv OK

Proposed Venue
Option 1. Plumsource pl's Clubhouse => Tg Rhu : Sharron
Option 2. Kaye's pl => Redhill (opp redhill MRT) :Sharron, Kitty, Grace, poochi, Cindy, michviv

I prefer Kaye's pl cos its much nearer to mine! =)
Hi Cindy, Poochi,

I read in one book that babies should learn to stop using the milk bottle by age of one because it encourages tooth decay. I think it's the Ann Douglas book. Drinking from beaker and cup means less milk trapped between the teeth so less likely to get decay. Think I better try to switch my boy to drinking his milk from sippy cup. But he sometimes choke when he drinks from cup leh.. how ah? I tried the Avent and Bfree ones, both same same. Poochi, Joseph also swings the cup around like watering plants, haha... that's why i dont dare put milk in it.. Sure damn messy one.

Poissons, Joseph hates the star pasta also. Dunno why. He always gag and spit out when I feed him that. Sigh...

Michviv, it's great that you've exposed him to so many fruits! My hubby has been asking me to vary Joseph's diet a bit. Everytime breakfast is only yogurt or oats w fruit, lunch is fish, chicken or beef, and dinner is always rice and veg. I think I need to let him try more stuff.

Do most of your cook food in bulk and freeze or cook everyday? Now that I'm SAHM, I'm thinking of cooking for him fresh food but dunno how to cook in such small quantities. Isnt it very troublesome?

My maid has gone off for home leave this week. Quite nice to have the house and baby all to myself but can be quite siong stuck w baby 24 / 7. Somemore hubby out of town.
hmm yes i read it too twiggy!!

drinking from sippy cup is sit up to drink? or can also lie down to drink? twiggy:: Goooo out with your little Luis! hehe!
Hmm..how come my name suddenly disappeared from the list ah:

Proposed Date of XMAS Bash
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye grace OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye grace poissons OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv poissons OK

Proposed Venue
Option 1. Plumsource pl's Clubhouse => Tg Rhu : Sharron, poissons
Option 2. Kaye's pl => Redhill (opp redhill MRT) :Sharron, Kitty, Grace, poochi, Cindy, michviv, poissons

photos are in my FB, add me: [email protected] go chiong factory outlets lah..many things to buy, rem to bring extra bags (like ueno) to lug your loot back!
Twiggy: Really ah,so serious? My boy just mastered the straw. Thinking of buying him a sippy cup this weekend. haha.

I'm a working mummy so my maid does all the cooking but I instruct the 1st time so I teach new recipes only on the weekends. =P Just boil the fish/meat in some water, remove to cut into bite size pieces and use the stock to boil the porridge. add in the vege and meat/fish and then you're done! The trick is to try diff combinations of food. You can try adding ikan bilis powder or egg yolk to increase the protein content and change the taste. My maid cooks 1 small pot of porridge in the morning and that is re-heated in the evening for Ethan's dinner.

As for fruits, sometimes I cut the fruits up and let Ethan feed himself. Let me think of the fruits he has tried: Apple, pear, papaya, starfruit, durian, grapes, jackfruit, kiwi, mango, strawberries, watermelon, rock melon, plum, prune, banana...

We've not started any citrus fruits cos we don't want him getting a cough.
twiggy ya GF also recommends drinking fr cup after 1 yr old. I find the pasta stars abit hard and starchy wen I cook, have to cook quite long. Now I use the ABC shaped pastas and its softer and easier to eat. Maybe u can try?

Kittyb. - ok I will update my blog wif the full recipe. Beef can buy mincebeef (weight watchers) I will add some water to the beef before cooking so that it doesnt clump up tog.
Seeing u all talk abt food makes me feel that i m a lousy mother.

I just cook normal for Claire, pork stock with porridge + carrot. Nothing much and yesterday i let her hv some egg yolk and she loves it!!!
K@ye: you are far better than me lor.. cailyn everyweek is the same from me.. cereal with broccoli.. sigh.. me get her different kind of cereal only. Don't think I have the time to cook for her.. weekends are busy bringing her out.. haha
wow, your fruit list really long leh!

good that Ethan can self feed.
my gal only know how to use index finger to POINT at the fruits; stil way behind in her pincer grip skill... so we have to hand-to-mouth feed her every time.

yeah, girl girl dust for you!!!
and indeed can close factory after that! :p
k@ye, mambobb
dun feel bad bah, we just do our best coz we working moms lor.
and i'm sure our gals also wun complaint (at least they dun know how to now. *v*) and still enjoy watever we give them. so long it's healthy food, can do oredi bah.
Kitty, teach Chloe the pincer grip skill by giving her snacks. The infant care center gave Claire the star puffs. Its a way to train them...

Plus the Gerber star puffs melts in the mouth and wont be a choking hazard.

Poochi, no lah.. I cant cook to save myself... Just envious... Hehe, mabbe i can buck up and cook something for Claire! MY Mum also "lecture" me on dunno how to cook also!
k@ye: dun feel bad! You're doing a great job! Alot of my colleagues in US just give their babies bottled food so we are really doing great in Singapore! =)

Kittybride: haha. I know what you mean about all the "pointing". Pincer grip training takes time. I use the small round biscuits from pigeon to train him on that. So cute when he picks up and puts in his mouth. I swear all you mummies out there will melt when you see your babies do that! haha. My hubby will say "Aiyo, so cute la my son!" and rush to buy more biscuits. =)Practice makes perfect and it gives my mom-in-law & dad more things to do when they take care of Ethan.

We introduce 1 new food/fruit a week so ya, the list has gotten quite long but its interesting for us to see if Ethan likes this or not. He has 2 more teeth coming now so he likes to munch on things. (Teeth count now: 8)

Poochi: What's your blog address ah?
tried it oredi. she will only 'grab' with her palms those 'stick' biscuits but for those smaller ones (like the wang wang rice-balls) she will only POINT and open her mouth...
hv to take it slow wif my gal bah.

hooray for kaira... liked her 'walking' vid!
so cute!
my blog - http://littlemshazel.blogspot.com/

kitty- ya try wat k@ye says. I also started her wif gerber puffs and I force her to hold it & guide her to out in mouth each time she wans it. If not she always opens her mouth wait for the food! Nowadays she will auto put her hand out wen u offer her food!
Kitty, must train slowly... If she point n open her mouth, dun give it to her... Put it there and let her grab it herself.

Michviv, Ethan can fight with Garreth on the no of teeth! Claire only 4 visible and got 2 upper ones cutting thru!
S@L:sure do sms my hubby(andrew) b4 coming 8223 7103 of cos mention hello kitty la

Ueno:confirm hayley will be coming back form 31st oct too late a guess...any others?

ladies any dates hehhehehhe line them up pls kekkekekke
poochi, yes will appreciate if u can email me the recipe!
thanks very much in advance!!!

my email is [email protected]

yesterday nite kaira keep waking up like every hour...dunno isit "pi sai" irritating her or what... only abt 5 am then she slept to 8am ... now i blur blur....
dreamer could it be teething? There was once Hazel also did dat. We rub some teething gel & she wen back to zzz till am.
gerber puffs ah? ok later i go get one.

we tried to let her grip the biscuit herself. but end up she decided she DOESN'T want it anymore... sigh. so lazy rite?
there r certain food when i 1st tried on L n he rejects but i keep trying. I think u should try at least 10times.

i buy either the beef fillet or the weight watchers fresh minced meat.

everything there cheap cheap cheap! now recession even cheaper!

u can use it for both ctrs. but im at The forum so i can leave the voucher there but if u wana go to Evans, u will need to come n pick up from me.

L is also using the straw too. i read that using straw is better for their muscles n it will help them talk earlier compared to a sippy cup.
kitty: i think both our girls can really hi-5 leh.. she also grab the little round biscuit and throw away.. dont want to eat.. but if i place it on my hand, she will open her mouth lor.. sigh.. i always tell her she is a lazy bum.. o_O"
Proposed Date of XMAS Bash
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye grace OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye grace poissons OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv poissons OK

Proposed Venue
Option 1. Plumsource pl's Clubhouse => Tg Rhu : Sharron, poissons, ueno
Option 2. Kaye's pl => Redhill (opp redhill MRT) :Sharron, Kitty, Grace, poochi, Cindy, michviv, poissons , ueno

I am ok with any venue
ueno, ya I saw those animal shape ones so cute! I saw the recipe for bb applepie wan to try it.

ok goin off fr work liao.. talk again later
when i started kaira on self feeding, besides gerber stars i also gave her cubed soft pears (very soft type) ...she likes so much that she will want to grab the pear from the hands! so mebbe that's another thing to try. bread, banana, cheese whatever is soft and easily mashed i let her try... initially she juz plays with the food with her fingers and i let her play. think it helps her to "know" what she's eating...hahahah.

after that she got the hang of self feeding. but some of these very messy...so i don't too it often...hehehe...too lazy to clean her up. ;p

o i also gave her grapes (cut into bite sizes). but grapes abit slippery.

and i give her different sizes, some smaller some bigger ... think it helps her practice....

now, i am teaching her how to "bite" .... err, like biting chucks of the banana and chew...she likes it man! sometimes bite such a BIG chunk i so scared she chokes!! so i only let her practice a few times when i feed her the banana. dare not let her do it too often. but think she's getting the idea that to bite in small sizes.... so will continue to let her practice.

on babies not liking certain foods, my experience same as ueno, if initially she doesn't like it, i stop and try again another time. like brocolli, i stopped for 1 month, then try again and now she loves it! then recently i introduced tomatoes to her...i juz de-seed and steam it and feed her...but think it was abit "sourish" she gave me the "face". but i tried a second time, then she ok liao...
thank you ueno!
hehe okok then i think i continue giving him the straw! ahaha... So far he only drinks water with straw.. other liquids like juice and milk is bottle loh.... don't know really when to stop giving milk in bottle man. don't think he'll know how to drink from cup by 1 yr old. AHAHA!
Wow! cool, you've really tried a lot! Even durian! haha. And good that your baby knows how to self-feed. I try to get Joseph to do so but must cut into a strip. If not, he'll grab in his fist and get frustrated coz he can't eat it. Hahah.

Poochi, thanks I'll try that.

Dreamer, you can try buying Dentinox. Not sure if need prescription but i dont think so. I got mine from doctor.

Hey gals, watch silly Joseph laughing in this video. Cracks me up everytime I watch. :p

Has anyone done a baby first aid course yet? I'm doing one next Fri at this place a Katong Mall. Hope its good. Hope I never have to use what I learn but it's always better to know and not need it than need it and not know.
Dreamer, I also use Dentinox for Ethan. Works like a charm! You can purchase from any pharmacy as an OTC (Over the counter)without a prescription.

Twiggy: Joseph is such a cutie! =)He must have been really amused with daddy's antics. Happy learning at the first aid course.
Cindy & Kittybride
Congrats to both of u! Indeed, salute both of u for being so brave. hehe! I also wanna hv 1 soon but wonder how to look after jaydyn when pregnant. Till now, I still need to carry her to sleep. So if preggie, how am I gonna put her to sleep? I'm e only one who can put her to sleep. I also dunno how to train her to sleep in her cot. She also loves to play on our bed. She likes to sleep on my pillow too. So she will head butt me, lean agst my body. Sometimes to e extent tt I nearly fall off fm my bed! haha!

Re: sleeping
Anyone has success stories on how to slowly train our babies to go to sleep in their cots?

Re: Cooking
I only give Jaydyn lunch and dinner. Cos usually when she wakes up in e morning ard 7am, I'll give her a milk feed and put her bk to sleep. Then she will wake up ard 11am. So no chance to give breakfast. I also hvnt been very varied in my food selection. Always cook porridge for her. 2/3 types of veg n root with fish/pork/chicken. usu brown rice n white rice lor. I think im not very adventurous leh.

Re: Milestones
Though I'm a SAHM, I hardly do anything with Jaydyn. Only let her explore ard e hse, read to her. Tts all. Very bad hor. Nvr educate her like doing flash cards, teaching her body parts, things ard ,etc. Till now, she still doesnt know how to call Mama, Papa. She also doesnt wanna clap, wave bye bye. It makes me feel tt I'm not doing enuf for her. Can u guys share w u do with yr babies?

Re: Facebook
for those of u with FB a/c, pls add me [email protected] Thks!
Re: JG trial

Plumsoource, Sharron, I finally get thru their line but the lady says its quite heavily booked for the Forum one (I requested for 3 slots if possible). And her colleague is supposed to call me back, and as expected, no one has called me yet.
So u might wanna try on yr own as i doubt its poss to get 3 slots @ the Forum unless we opt for Evans one?

Poissons, Mambobb,
added u in FB too.

i understand wat u mean, even tho now i am SAHM, but i also feel i din do more than i ought to. To teach them bye bye etc.. needs a lot of practice and repetition. I think wave gdbye shld be the easiest so u could start off with that. I am trying to teach her gongxi gongxi to be in time for CNY now.
Kat, ur FMNK items on the way to SG from US. Will update u again.

I think hor being a SAHM is more bz than a working mum leh... So dun feel bad lah...

In fact, i think u all are doing fine!

Jay, i teach her all the nonsense... Peek a boo, shake butt game, sing silly songs and bring her out! Hahah
lazykat, jay, its funnie how some of us SAHM always feel we not doing enuff.... i feel exactly the same way too! ;p

but i find for kaira she also has her own mind .... altho i try to "teach" her things, through repetition, only if she feels that she wants to do it, she will do it. and sometimes when i am least expecting it, she does it! i dunno u know what i mean. personally i think don't be too concerned if she's not doing "things" that u think she shud be doing. think juz continue to speak to them, show them stuff, sing songs, play games.... they absorb very well now and one day they may surprise us

lazykat, quick go and teach ZY gong xi gong xi! hehehe, i also taught kaira liao .... all ready to get ang pows come CNY... =D
k@ye:share more about your shake butt game leh...sounds very cute! haha. =)

Poochi: Have checked out your blog. Aiyo, you have no idea how long I've been trying to find a "baby" swing like the one Hazel likes. Brought Ethan to the Zoo and its there where we 1st discovered the "baby" swing. Then we went all over Singapore - West Coast Park, Henderson Waves and could only find another "baby" swing at Pasir Ris!!! Where's the one at Telok Blangah?
Proposed Date of XMAS Bash
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye grace OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye grace poissons OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye cindy grace michviv OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy grace michviv poissons OK

Proposed Venue
Option 1. Plumsource pl's Clubhouse => Tg Rhu : Sharron, poissons, ueno
Option 2. Kaye's pl => Redhill (opp redhill MRT) :Sharron, Kitty, Grace, poochi, Cindy, michviv, poissons , ueno

Thanks everyone for casting your votes.

It looks like you will be hosting the Xmas bash at your place, so good luck!

Dates will be on the 14th dec sunday most likely so far, unless there are those of you who have yet to decide.

I guess we have to book it ourselves then, soo sad, I was hoping for a mini get together too!

hi nov mommies,
i'm actually a dec mommy but noticed there are quite a no. of SAHM here (compared to dec thread).

what you guys described your days are totally what i'm going thru now!!

too cos sometimes i feel 'useless' to the society and feels so out of touch.

that's why a group of us staying in the East (marine parade/kembangan area meet up regularly each week. to keep each other company and the babies to socialise. anyone interested can PM me

re getting babies to sleep. Nowadays, my baby doesn't want to be rocked to sleep. She prefers to have me or daddy sleeping together with her on the big bed. Within 5 mins from lights off and she's asleep by our side. Then we'll just move her into her cot.

Jay, perhaps you could try this? :)
