(2007/11) November MTBs

share the pics (facebook or here) - me still hvnt decided on the cake, phowaa! Choc-a-bloc sounds gd to us too.. gonna check pine garden, in worse case ecreative. Patissier out of my range for 3-d cake but i really like their cakes tho.

Like many mini gym outing ah.. lost liao. For a start, will go for the JG one before expire end of this mth.

hahaha poochi:: 14hrs ah! for 24hrs a day? i am sure mine don't have. HEHEhE!! at best probably a total of 12 to 13 hrs. hehe!
Mini Birthday Bash - 2nd November 2008
Time : 1pm - 5pm
Venue : Clubhouse at Plumsource's condo

Mummies - Please confirm your availability by this Sun as we left only about 2 weeks to get things organised

1. Sharron, Hubby, Ashton - [email protected]
2. Plumsource, hb,2boyz + luis - [email protected]
3. Ueno, hb + Leroy - [email protected]
4. SusanY, hb, GyAnn (todd) & Jaxten (bday boy) - [email protected]
5. Lazykat, hb, Zee Yann - [email protected]
6. S@l (50/50) - [email protected]
7. K@ye, HB (w/o Claire maybe)- [email protected]
8. Jaclyn
9. dokiesim(50/50 :p)
10. Langlao, hb & ash - [email protected]
11. gloomybear, hubby, and bb - [email protected]
12. Gillian, hb and Javier - [email protected]
13. Plim, hb, Bella (todd) and Bevis - [email protected]

23 adults 9 babies and 4 kids
With s@l, dokie, jaclyn and plim are still on standby pending their schedules.

So, turnout is not as good as expected, which is quite sad.

I have a suggestion that maybe we can postpone the Mini bash til nearer Christmas and hold a Christmas bash instead. I think there will be a greater turnout. Its such a shame that soo many mummies can't make it this time round.
What do you all think?
plumsource:good idea also but dun think i'll hv off days on X'mas too
Plumsource - I agree on the change of birthday bash to xmas bash since the response is not so ideal.....

Ok lets do a vote on the following proposed dates and see hows the response?

Proposed Date of Xmas Bash

Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron OK
K@ye - I can collect the exploration set from Weishy this Sun and pass it to you when i collect my party stuff.... when are you back from HK?

Weishy / Plumsource - Lets do lunch at Furama hotel? Not tried there so I dont mind. If not, we can do lunch at Liang COurt since it is also quite near to Furama.... 12.30pm good for you?
Plumsource, I'm all for the idea of postponement till christmas. I was just telling my hubby how busy the Nov will be. Also, I'll be holidays from 20 dec till 5 Jan so I'll be more relaxed. Think having it in Nov is an event too much for some of us?
Sharron, i will be back in SG on 27 Oct. HEhe, in fact hor, i din realise 12 Oct is Sun... Can actually meet u ladies up and get the things!!!

Weishy, Hayley party in SG or HK? If in SG, then i might as well pass it to ur hubby?
tinkabel, u've had a session with Ben for photo taking right? How do u find him? I am now thinking of whether to take the package with all the pictures in hi resoluation or just the std package will do.
Hi Mummies, anyone else interested in going for the Gymboree trial class?

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Tanglin Mall
Date: 18th (4.40pm) or 19th October (11.20am)

1. michviv (Sat/Sun)
2. sharron and ashton (Sat, Oct 18, 4.40pm
3. weishy & hayley(sorry i tot its nov hehehheheh,blur blur)

Weishy, are you ok for either day?

There's still space for 1 more mummy so let me know! I'll be calling to reserve tomorrow. Thanks!

K@ye: Glad to hear that Claire's birthday was a success! I agree with you that its quite costly (especially with the recent downturn in the financial sector) so all of us have to budget properly. I'm setting aside 1k for my boy's birthday but I don't intend to spend all of it. =P

Cindy: Let me know how the Babyjumpergym goes. =) I didn't know you're expecting another little one! Congrats!!! How far along are you?
Proposed Date of Xmas Bash

Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno OK
im ok to postpone it but i think the turnout for Dec should be also abt the same. it has always been like that for our thread hehe...
If the venue is conventiently accessible it shd no problem for me.

Proposed Date of Xmas Bash

Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb OK
Cindy, got your payment liao! Thanks!

Sharron, i confirm with u again. Will u ladies be bringing ur babies?

Ueno, hehe.. coz Nov Mummies all bz ladies!

Proposed Date of Xmas Bash

Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye OK

If we do it on a Sat, we can have it in the evening.
Sharron, I'm ok for the lunch..are you driving? can give me ride :p

So I guess we will postspone the mini mega birthday bash. Since it defeats the object if soo many mummies can't make it.

Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsourceOK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsourceOK
sharron, rachel c,

my boy attending friday 4.15pm slot, there are no other slots available in Springleaf so no choice lor, but after this term, will change to other slots if any possible.

sharron, usually got to wait for long queue if you want weekend, unless you dun mind weekdays and you need to check with them on availability on and off too else they usually need to clear the waitlist queue first.
can i join the gymboree trial too?

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Tanglin Mall
Date: 18th (4.40pm) or 19th October (11.20am)

1. michviv (Sat/Sun)
2. sharron and ashton (Sat, Oct 18, 4.40pm
3. weishy & hayley(sorry i tot its nov hehehheheh,blur blur)
4. lazykat & Zee Yann (Sat prefered)

Can both parents attend or they only allow 1 to accompany the baby?
Option 1 - Dec 6, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye OK
Option 2 - Dec 7, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno kaye OK
Option 3 - Dec 13, 2008 Sat - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy OK
Option 4 - Dec 14, 2008 Sun - Sharron ueno mambobb kaye plumsource cindy OK
kaye:: i received your package today!!
YAY!! heheh thank you so much!!

michviv:: hehee I'm already 18wks already!! time flies!
michviv:both dates cant make it la cos me and hayley not in sin :p.....cos i tot it was in NOV sorry :p

DEc X'Mas Bash:will try to make it as i need to fly hayley back provided i hv off days to do it too......anywya hk will be cold so maybe will brign her back also la....hv to discuss with hubby first
Sharron:hey guys sorry i mistaken la i should arrive on 10th midnight and leave on 11th...sat....so can change lunch appt to 11th?if nto then the station collection can be collected at the hotel's concerige and payment too....they'llknow its for u la
Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Tanglin Mall
Date: 18th (4.40pm) or 19th October (11.20am)

1. michviv & Ethan(Sat/Sun)
2. sharron and ashton (Sat, Oct 18, 4.40pm
3. lazykat & Zee Yann (Sat prefered)

Cindy: Wow! I really take my hats off to you girl! I can't imagine how I can handle another one now. =P Let me know how the baby jumper gym goes? Looks interesting.=) I'm also into trying out trial classes. Though its a little more expensive than signing up for a term, Ethan gets variety. He has attended Gymboree Level 2 and growing up gifted so far and has enjoyed both. I'm thinking of letting him try Julia Gabriel one of these week days when I'm on leave. Oh, I forgot to ask earlier, are you expecting a girl or boy?

Weishy: Hey, no prob. Was a little confused cos you put your name down. I'm sure there will always be next time.

lazykat: it really depends. The last time I tried the level 2 trial at Harbourfront, they allowed both parents cos it wasn't so crowded. Not sure if it will be the same case in Tanglin mall cos it depends on the class size.

Mummies! Don't forget to bring a pair of socks or else you need to buy one at $2. =)
no prob, can PM me your contact number so its easier should we need to exchange info? Likewise Sharron too.

I also just gotten a trial for JG from ueno but expiring in end Oct, so I will try it out next wk.
michviv, i guess u are not trying out Little Gym on 18th.

Anyone interested to attend Little Gym on 18th? It's bring a friend week and ash can bring a friend for free.
i almost forgot tat i haven got the balloons from u! must get it from u before u fly off to HK. when r u flying off?

Jovan can hi-5 Travis! he sleeps ard 12-13hrs only. nighttime 830pm-7am (10.5hrs) & daytime nap is extremely erraric. sometimes only 1hr+. i hope he dun become obese like wat the article mentioned.

i dunno if i can join the xmas bash. it's still abit early to tell. but so far i have no appointments on those weekends. need to check with HB & let u all know soon.

wow u all v onz in bringing baby to those classes. Jovan neber been to any yet. will it be too late if i bring him to those clases after he can walk?
aiyoh, this thread moving superfast again...
hee hee... like plim, i also read whenever i hv the 'energy' to do so before bedtime.

can't make it on 2nov coz planning my gal bday on 1nov then wana rest on 2nov lor. then suay2 today found out the venue not available so hv to postpone 1 wk later. sigh!

now end up the mini bday bash oso kena postponed to Xmas ah... i not sure can make it or not, may balik kampung for xmas coz almost 2 yrs never go back liao... will update again nearer to the date lah.

wah, how many trial classes you tried out oredi? i haven't even gave chloe the chance to mingle with babies her own age, scared she also end up cry buckets like travis... :D

i'm also booking the concourse as venue but it'll be a bit far from my blk lor. nearest is another friend's blk or the nearby market for 'toilet' breaks... ahahaa... lucky u brought this up coz i didn't even thought of it!
i'll b ordering more first teeth toothpaste for myself and friend from drugstore. Anyone else interested to order also, please let me know. will put in the orders by thursday bah...
same lor, i was thinking of using the concourse just downstairs my block also... but the tot of pple (esp. kids) needing to go toilet etc. and hv to go up to my place, like so mah-fun leh...
gillian, think ben is quite good at making matt smile and laugh. i think no need to take the high resolution. Too big, normal shd be ok. Save the $100...
Cindy, okie! At least, u got it!! Got fun unwrapping the parcel or not? Haha!

Grace, wow!! Ashlyn so smart!! Claire still hv to walk with assistance!

Catherine, me flying off on 18th Oct.

Weishy, orh... Nvm, i call ur hubby to get the stuff... coz i got to work on this Sat. Poor me!
Sharron, u can get the party supplies from me at Bedok if u want to. I will be at Bedok after work to pick Claire up and every wed, will be staying overnight there.

U just sms me and let me know okie!
how many first teeth u ordering? I having a drugstore spree and closing soon -- most likely today. u wanna squeeze in your order to make the shipment more cost effective?


That day i kei kiang buy the leapfrog phonic bus from toyrus without getting more people to chip in, ended up the shipment cost super horrible. May as well get from Sgp even better. The way toyrus pack things.. sigh..
michviv:: haha i don't know if's a boy or girl yet loh!! haha! sian hor!!
courageous or not i don't know la ahha but definitely, i do prefer having kids of closer age gap. hahaha... so now this and my monster will be 16mths apart. thinking about it, it's not that close too. HAHA!! i mean, now can have, then have loh, got siblings, next time got a talking ear ma. hehe!!

kitty:: not many la, i only been to kindermusik, just that this and next wkend gg to trail mygym and babyjumpergym. hehe!!

Grace:: congrats!!

cat:: sighs. jovan and travis.. same same lah AHHAHA!!

kaye:: yayaya! so many tape loh! travis and I open until he pek chek liao ah!! ahha!!
Weishy, so i pass all the balloons to Andrew also lah... To reduce ur stuff to bring back from HK for Hayley;s party!

Btw, which Furama> The one at Chinatown or the other one?

anyone going with ash on 18th yet? if not can i bring my boy, wanted to try out my little gym cos thought of holding his birthday there :) can sms me at 90925010 cos seldom got chance to come here often :)
Gymboree Level 3 Trial lesson

Sharron & Lazykat, I've just called Gymboree, Tanglin and they mentioned that only 1 parent can take part in the lesson as the class there is pretty full (i.e 14 kids).

Then at Gymboree Harbourfront, their level 3 classes are at 10am and 1pm on Saturdays and 3pm on Sundays. But they allow BOTH PARENTS to take part in class! As such, I would prefer to switch to Gymboree Harbourfront.

Let me know if you gals can make it on the 25th of October instead?

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Harbourfront
Date: 25th (1pm) or 26th October (3pm)

1. michviv & Ethan(Sat/Sun)
2. sharron and ashton
3. lazykat & Zee Yann

If you don't mind, can we postpone to the week after (25th of October)?

Cindy, can you join us now?
I would like to join if it's at Harbourfront, but can only make it on Sunday:

Gymboree Level 3 (10 - 16 months) Trial class
Venue: Gymboree, Harbourfront
Date: 25th (1pm) or 26th October (3pm)

1. michviv & Ethan(Sat/Sun)
2. sharron and ashton
3. lazykat & Zee Yann
4. Poissons & Garreth (Sun)

Have actually attended one class with Grace before there, be prepared to be physically strained out at the end of the class cos' you're required to carry/hold your kid around throughout the 45mins. I think I perspired the most among the mummies there cos' Garreth was super active! Haha..

Weishy - This Sat no good leh cos got lunch appointment already. Ok i will collect it from the conciege and how much do I need to pay please

Plumsource - Seems like the xmas bash response is not very warm yet....

mishviv - Sorry we will be in Tokyo that weekend (Oct 25) so cannot join you ladies.

k@ye - Okie I will collect from you when I get back from Tokyo, on the night of Oct 29 can? I will sms you on that day, Thanks my dear!

Grace - Wow - Ashlyn can walk liao...i think boys may be a bit slower...Ashton only know how to stand up with support..heehee
