(2007/11) November MTBs

grace, kaira was on nan ha 1 & 2, now on friso ha 2... like k@ye said, most impt is ash's reaction to the milk ..

langlao - take care and hope u and ashlee both recover soon

hello sharon - welcome

langlao I was waiting for u gals to email me if interested le....but no one did...i dun think i will be ordering anything online cos i jus ordered some balloons and stuff from the BP for party supplies. for party favours, I get them randomly from supermarkt (for party packs snacks etc) and u can try SKP for selected party stuff. I also buy the favours /toys from a shop at my neighbourhood. I believe there are many such shops ard.

Plumsource, oh u still remember and like that nachos chips! I hv stopped eating those cos they are extra sinful! ehhehe..oh u should also try the Elcairs from the BPs too..they are super nice!
Hi Sharron,

Hi Grace,
Kiros has been on mamil gold from birth. On stage 2 now. We tried to switch him from mamil gold stage 1 to friso gold but he seemed to 'reject' it. He merlioned after drinking friso. tried twice. failed.

we had no choice but to stick to mamil gold which the hospital provided during his first few days in hospital. But i dont think its so much of friso content or what as my frens' kids are taking it well also.

Anyway, i didn't follow the instructions on number of scoops according to the tin. I make it less concentrated so that wont feel so ni4. As he was on partial bm and fm. Bm so watery then suddenly fm so thick i scarEd he merlioned again. That's why until now i still have the habit of making it less concentrated even though on full fm liao.

My neighbour's daughter was on full fm. When she tried to introduce partial fm-similac, her daughter cried so hard that we can hear her from our unit. Then she tried to swop to mamil gold after asking me what kiros drinking.

So there are many choices for you to try out. Buy the smallest tin to try. Even the smallest size one is going to cost at something like $16? Or ask for sample?
Grace, u can call the FM companies or go to their website & request for milk samples.

Pig, true FM can be ni and i also made it less concentrated for Claire too!
glad that yr boy is ok now, really must be more careful. I am still on waitlist but i have already confirmed the car n hotels. will be away from 1 mth, will try to update when i get to LA.
U can request for post weaning meal, usually its porridge. My boy definitely will not fit into the bassinet so i will let him play in it when he is awake, when he is sleeping,i will hug him n sleep sideways. thats my plan. hehe..

I am still wearing them cos they still leak sometimes and i dont want it to stain my clothes. i used to change 3times a day, now 1set can last the whole day.
Garreth is taking Enfapro now. Sometime ago I've received a sample tin (400gm) from Similac and also one (900gm) from Enfapro (very generous!!). Found that similac produces ALOT of bubbles when drinking, so changed back to Enfapro. My boy dislikes NAN cos' of its bland taste.
Hi Mummies,
Those who have already booked venues for your bb's 1st birthday, can share your choice? At first juz want to have a small affair with close family members, but think my in-laws wanna sponsor the party, so now gotta crack brain for ideas...thanks in advance!

you're so funny, 1st time i hear pple's menses come back will get so happy one... hehe...
mine not yet, but i suspect soon la, cos my milk supply already very low since 1 mth ago...

re: milk powder
my gal is taking NAN HA2, following what the elder one had previously...
but now also very puzzled, got a newer 'design' of the tin for NAN HA2 (got some purplish words/pic)... i checked the tin contents seem to be the same, but the new one costs at least $4 more! anyone knows if there's indeed any diff?

recently, someone called (i think GlenE) and asked if i want a free sample of milk powder and i said yes... and few days later, i found a BN tin of EnfaPro (i think), hanging on my grills (i was away that wkend)... it's a 450g tin wor! dunno to let my girl try or not...
i wana try for 2nd baby thats y..wanted to stop bf cos menses not back, now that it is back i might consider bf longer. i dont mind bf even when im pregnant.
Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion!

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy
8. Teng_Family
9. Gemini19
10. Cactusnah
11. Plim
12. ueno

Venue suggestions:
1. eXplorerKID
- Downtown East
- $24.40/child
- minimum 15 kids
- http://www.explorerkid.com/bdaytrips/bdaytrips.aspx

2. Gymboree
- Tanglin Mall

3. The Little Gym
- Forum Shopping Mall
- http://www.thelittlegym.com.sg/parties.htm
- Sat Dinner only: 530pm - 8pm

4. Go Go Bambini
- Dempsey Road
- http://www.gogobambini.com/party_terms_conditions.php

5. Fidgets
- Turf City
hi ueno, i feel fidgets is better because they are bigger = more space compared to go go bambini. My colleague's son had his 2nd birthday in fidgets few months back and i was there. Their private room is spacious - except that the food that they provide are not so fantastic. Not sure if they allow outside caterer. I must say that place has 90% of expats when i was there.
i heard that BM taste changes when u're pregnant? not sure how true it is cos never been thru tat stage b4.. hehe... u let us know ok? ;)
hi ladies,

I am back.... my gal down with a bad virus.. flu, cough, fever, vomit and diarrhoea... went to see dr 2 times last wk... haiz.. now got better.. fever just went down yesterday..... she is not eating well (drink half her milk and not taking her porridge at all)

ueno, haha CONGRATS!!! can try for bb #2!!! hehehe.. quick quick so we can have a cow baby together. haahhaas...

And yes i'm still bfing too. want to stop but don't know how to stop. haha!! night time give him FM sometimes he is ok, but sometimes he just refuse the bottle.. so i also dont know how...

you and K@ye are lucky, your hb only got 1 ECA outing per week... mine is at least twice during weekdays and and every sat is confirmed. so sian lah.

wah, you're potentially no. 3 to get pregnant ya
jia you ah!
Grace, my son is drinking NAN HA 2 not becos he has sensitive but I rather prevented it from happening. Let me know if you want sample, I can pass it to you for your gal to try.

Plim, I think there in a milk price increase recently cos the formula is the same.

Ueno, may you hit the jackpot soon for getting BB #2. :)
ueno, I agree with Sharon, Fidgets is more spacious & cleaner. However their cafe selection sucks. Both time (weekday & weekend), I went Fidgets they have BD celebrations. I guess the venue is quite hot so ave to book early.
hi all,
many many thanks for telling me abt your choice of milk powder... from the tiny survey here..it seems most are giving Nan Ha 2. so i just have to call the milk companies and ask for sample... ok ok my next job over weekend is to go super market to look...haahaaa.

ueno, congrats on the coming back... haahaaa u so happy right. now can plan.
Mambobb: Yes, its possible to get pregnant during BF, even when menses not back yet. its the matter of how high the chances are.
I am also trying for a second bb hopefully i will have a baby ox next year! I stopped BF since Ashton is 3months old, menses back as per normal and my gynae told me i am ready for the next pregnancy as i went elective C-Section for Ashton.....

BTW, any mummies out there have brought babies to Shichida or planning to try out the class? I heard it is very good but time consuming as you need to practise it with your child at home. Any feedback so far? Thanks! Sharron
Plim, the new NAN HA2 comes with dunno what improved formula. That's why $4 more expensive.

On the FM, the HK PD told me hor, HA or non HA, no difference as if babies who re truely allergic to cows' milk. These babies have to take a special FM that is super bitter.

Kitty, my hubby also has ad hoc ECAs too! Anyway, we all worked ard the schedule to have our personal time!
grace: i am giving similac to my girl. my DH wants to give Gain to her when she is 1yr old so i get similac for her lor.. haha.. he heard from his colleague Gain is good so opt for this. Previously we were using Mamil Gold Stage 1.
be prepared to wait for a few wks, 6-8 wks for the sample to arrive. The last time I called Nestle hotline, it took so long to arrive by then i hv given NAN 2HA to my gal as well. Like Gelyn, I also choose to play safe tho she din hv any obvious allergy, and yes, the milk can be a bit bland/bitter in fact.

i was told they added some "new ingredients" to the NAN FM hence the slight increase in price, tho i also din compare the actual ingredients yet. I still have quite a few tins since i usually order by half a dozen at 1 go.

my cousin actually bf all the way till she is pregnant with her second boy, so yes, u can do it too!
Hi Grace and mummies whose kids on Nan HA,

i heard from my cousin that her daughter whom is on nan HA gets hungry faster according to her PD. And it doesnt taste as nice as NAN. not sure how true tat is.

Her daughter is 1.5 month old and drinking like 120ml at less than 3 hour interval. She taking NAN HA as her daughter has eczema and PD told her can switch to normal NAN when reaches 1 year old..
not sure leh, whether kids on NAN HA gets hungry faster than NAN... but for my elder gal, i switched her to NAN when she started on stage 3...
actually if u look at the powder, both looks very different... the HA one looks very coarse while the non-HA one looks very fine...

re: milk in-take
seems like most babies here are already taking at least 180ml every 3-4hr?
gosh, my girl has been drinking 130-140ml every 3hrly niah... has been like that since almost 3rd month leh! very little right? she gets a meal of porridge and a meal of cereal on top of the 5-6 milk feed of 130-140ml everyday... considered little or a lot ah?
Kat, where did u get your milk powder from? Cheaper than NTUC?

Pig, Nan HA2 tastes a bit bitter. I will console my PD again when Claire turns 1 on the FM switch.
Plim, normal lah... As long as Bevis is growing well!

Now Claire's feeding schedule is like
3am-6am: 180 ml of FM
8am-9am: 180 ml of FM
11pm-12pm: Porridge
3-4pm: 180 ml of FM
5-7pm: Rice cereal
9-11pm: 180 ml of FM

So, i think her schedule abt the same as Bevis.
Plim, Mischa is the same at Bev...also taking very little and feeds abt 4-5 times a day + 2x porridge. dun worry la. my gal also behaving normally and weight gain is still consistant.
yday was watching the ch8 variety show at 8pm and they were featuring Lee Guo Huang's wife delivering the bb gal in Glen E. Surprise surprise, Dr Chan was their gynae also, his whole team was in the delivery suite after she gave birth..now he becomes Celebrity Gynae liao..haha..fees will go up again..
actually my PD says I can switch to NAN2, but i waited so long for the samples that i decide to play safe and go on to NAN2HA, since afterwhich no more NAN3HA, so can switch back to maybe NAN3 or even other brands?

My DH's fren refer us to "this fren" of theirs and we get some "special rates", so definitely cheaper compared to buying from the stores. But hv to order MOQ of 6 or 12 tins. How much is per tin in the store now?

u hv to look at the total amt of milk intake per day to be more accurate, cos Bevis seems to be of a small eater so may need more feeds. My gal can drink 200ml at 1 go, but her other 3 feeds will be 180ml only. So total per day approx 740ml?
poissons: in the first plc, his fees is not cheap at all lor. I went to him before and only consultation is already $100+ ... cannot afford, thats y go to KKH instead. =p

oh ya, his waiting time is also super long de...
i called Nestle n i received my samples the very next day, 4packets of Nan3. That was before my menses came back..hehe

i heard abt that too, some babies wean themselves off the breast when the mummy is pregnant. But i also heard successful stories abt nursing throughout pregnancy. The advantage is that yr milk is ready when the baby is born. I dont mind tandem nursing. hehe..

my boy is with Shichida and yes, i practised with him at home too. cant tell if its good now as he is still small but he seems to enjoy it.
so my girl drinks about 750ml per day... so still considered ok... hehe... but juz worried that she seems to be on this 'schedule' since so many mths ago...

wa, u save so much per tin... can i tap on to you when u next order NAN HA2 ah?

so u bringing ur kiddos to the new swimming pool! hehe, plan to go sometime also, but needs to wait till BV is totally well first, she's still coughing occasionally and hving occasional running nose!
Pig, I am not sure about getting hungry faster but my son drink every 3 to 4 hours interval. After dream feed, normally he will only wake up in between 4 to 6 hours late for his next feed.

Re: milk in-take
My son takes about 170ml to 180ml every 3-4 hours. He normally has one porridge and 6 feeds or one porridge & one Cereal and 5 feeds.

Agree with lazykat that Nan HA is abit bitter. I heard that NAN HA taste is close to BM. Is it true? Is BM bitter too?

Lazykat, I was thinking the same way too. So I just continue feeding him NAN HA 2.
Maybe will change him to NAN 3 when he is older.
thanks for the feedback ueno, appreciate it. My hubby and I are planning to go down to their office this weekend to check it out.
for Nan3, they will give only sachets, Nan2 they will give 1 tin but u need to go to their office @ changi to pick it up yourself
they have a long wait list, my friends who registered their names in Jun are still on waitlist for next yr.
mummies, who have cooked lentils before, can i ask, after u boil the lentils -- they become soft and their "coat" comes off rite? do we feed babies the coat as well?

i wasn't sure... so altho i tried the other day to cook, seeing the "coats" i tried sieving it, but abit time consuming...in the end din feed kaira.
Kat, wow... Can i tap on you for the milk powder?

Plim, mabbe Bevis is more active that's y consume more milk + solid food?

hi ueno - no i am working full time - but i get to work from home every friday ; )

the last time when i called the school, they told me the next intake its in Oct'08. Wow your friend got to wait till next year...maybe a good idea for Ashton as he will be over one year old by then which means he can understand slightly better.
