(2007/11) November MTBs

langlao -- compared to your DD, kaira seems to be drinking alot of milk still! aiyo .... still 5 milk feeds a day + 2 solids + fruits .... dunno if i overfeeding her... her total milk intake a day abt 700-800ml. her solids abt 4 tbspn of porridge eah time.

for the lentils, u grind them dry isit?

my gal also puts everything into her mouth ... hope this phase ends soooooon....

dreamer, i wash the lentil & grind immed but i realise they will be clumpy as the lentils are still wet. I will try to wash early so that the lentils dry 1st before grinding nx time I cook. I tried semolina last week, it is easy to cook. I din wash the semolina.

Oops my DD only drink abt 400ml a day. She takes more solid, nearly a rice bowl porridge each feed.
i paid the $300 deposit too. it really depends on u whether u want to get in fast. cos the $300 deposit can only be refunded to u after u complete 1 yr with them so many parents chose not to put the deposit, they felt that it was too commercialize.

there is another centre u can try. its Trio. Some oct babies r attending classes there.the programme is very similar to SM but 30% cheaper.
wah this thread is going real fast. Have been very busy with my gal as she is getting more active each day. Got to put her in the playpen most of the time. If I put her on the floor she will try to lick the floor and if put her sit in the high chair she will try to climb out after a while. Does any of your baby does that?

kitybride, tinkabel, langlao3
thought only my gal puts everything into her mouth so every baby does that. What a relief its just the growing up phase. Dunno when issit going to end. She even try to swallow parts of an envelope yesterday lucky I a hole in the envelope and wonder Y then force her mouth open and saw parts of it inside and dig it out. Goodness I think I'm going mad soon.
Haha..it's juz a passing phase..my boy also licks the floor, sometimes juz feel like leaving him on the floor and let him lick the entire house so that I dun need to mop the floor..haha. He also reach out to anything and everything and put them into his mouth. He bites his daddy's shoulders when he carries him, jumps on my tummy when I carry him and does alot more terrorising stuff. The whole house is in a mess and tmr, we need to go ikea to get a close-door shoe-shelf cos now he likes to go to the shoe rack and lick his daddy's shoes and throw them all over the floor. Can faintz.
ueno, I'm pissed cos I asked if I need a deposit & the person thr say no need. Later then I got to know can have priority booking.
ya my gal will climb on the body of the person who is carrying her. Today she actually stand in her cot when she wakes up and didn't know that she would stand up I did not pull the gate all the way up so scary when I saw it. Really must keep a lookout 24/7.

My friend also told me abt this shichida getting very commercialise can even jump Q if u know someone working inside.
Poissons, Claire can hi-5 with Garreth on the shoes liao.

Everytime Claire saw our shoes on the bench, she will crawl with glee and touch it. Heng, so far she has yet to bite them. In the end, i clear away the shoes & put inside our shoe closet!
Poissons, K@ye,
hi-5! Mine especially likes the male leather shoes, and i caught her once almost putting into her mouth at my PIL place! So now we cordon off certain area so she can't reach it so easily.
yea, we too tried cordoning the "dangerous" areas and seems like there are more and more of such areas and walking space in the house is getting smaller and smaller..haha..dunno what's gonna happen when they walk! My mum was joking that we have to tie all our items to the ceiling so that they are not within my boy's reach!
k@ye, lazykat, poissons
I put her in the playpen with some toys inside or else she will do the same too. Cannot tahan last resort. But she will want to come out once a while.
ya but she will get stuck in between the mattress and sides of the playpen then she will scream and you hv to get her out. Not easy also....
ur mum is so funny! but it's a v innovative idea.

RE: Mouthing Everything
Jovan also puts everything in his mouth. think tat's the reason he got the gastric flu virus & got hospitalised. hope he pass over this phase soon, else he keep mouthing everything in infantcare. oh, yday the infantcare teacher said Jovan can now walk ard the infant area while holding onto something. so exciting! but tat means we must watch him even more strictly...

RE: Milk Intake
Jovan's milk intake is abt 600-840ml. if i rem correctly, i read in GF weaning book tat their milk intake (for 9-12mths) should be at least 600ml. tat includes the milk used in their semi-solids.

i wanted to ask these few questions for the longest time, but always forget.
1. for babies who sleep in cots, do u still put cot bumper now tat they are ard 9 months old?
2. Jovan sleeps ard 830pm. he always wake up within 1hr later & crys (sometimes for milk, sometimes not). any mummies facing the same prob?

you are so funny, lick the whole house. my gal also literally putting everything in her mouth also.


1. Yes, I still use the cot bumper. My gal very rough one, her legs will get in between the woods.

2. Yes also, my gal sometimes wakes up abt 2 am (only recently started, she sleeps at 9 plus though), but most of the time if I give her milk, she'll continue to doze off. I try not to give her milk and she will start crawling about, and knock herself and wakes papa up also.

aiyo, i discover a strand of white hair on my gal leh, do you think its a sign of not enough nutritions?
ueno : thanks for the info! will check out the website later.

catherine : Ashton now sleeps at about 9ish and he will wake up say either 1ish or 2ish am for milk. Last night he slept at about 930pm and woke up at 12:40am for 8oz of milk. He slept through till about 730am this morning. His total intake of milk over 24hours is approx 650ml.

Yes we still put cot bumper in his cot cos he will stand up shouting for 'rescue' if we put him in there toooo long! The nanny put double bumpers - like one overlap with another because my dear boy sometimes just do free fall and he hit his head! OMG!
Think now our babies are starting to get vocal on their likes & dislikes.

Claire super smart, yesterday she was misbehaving. My Mum gave her a smack on her butt, wow she showed us how powerful her lungs are.

Once she stopped wailing, she dun dare to look at my Mum and I told her that she deserved the smack coz of her misbehaviour.

Actually, trying very hard not to laugh seeing her pout after she stopped crying~
catherine, why do ilove you so.. ahah!

travis does the SAMe thing too. He zzz at around 830 to 9 and about 1 hr later, also wake up crying or if not looking for ppl and then i have to give milk. then depends again, will get up around 2 to 3am and 5 to 6am. And then finally at 7am. The problem with travis is once he cannot find his sleeping position he will get up and sit up and then cling onto the cot railing and LOOK AT US. this is terrible!
Hi mummies, i want to share some pics i took yday.

I handmade some Tu-tus for Lil Mischa...planning to make nicer ones for her coming birthday

This is my grumpy Princess in her pink/white Tu-tus.

and this with a matching Princess Tiara hair clip

- looks like i need to find some matching shoes for her too

very nice tutu!

mischa seems to enjoy the pool so much ya!
and she's still as adorable as ever.

yup, i still use the cot bumper coz my gal still like to bang her legs before she sleeps and now she will raise high and bang down both legs wide open; like ganster like dat.. sigh...

and she sleeps around 8.30pm, sure will wake up around midnit or pass midnite for her feed. lately she wakes up extra early around 545pm for her next feed liao. guess i need to increase her last feed intake; she's still struggling with 160ml.
kittybride, thanks

initially Mischa was crying away when I first put her in the pool with the neck float....then coax her into this mushroom float...sing song, drag her by the feet ard the pool then she started to enjoy it. Guess it was too cold at first (cos i vain la wants to let her wear this swim suit instead of the thermal suit she has..kekeke)...this is her first time swimming in the public pool
i thk neck float difficult lah, my gal sees the float straight away wana cry.
the pool float is much beta, they can really enjoy splashing in that.
Tinkabel: Matt is really the shredder. He can shred the tissue till so small pcs. Hee...Eagan is not so "patient" and gentle, he basically tears the tissue into half and throw them on the floor. Typical litter bug.

S@L: Mischa is so adorable in the tutu. Like a little ballerina. She doesnt seems to know where to place her hands or perhaps she was afraid to dirty her new dress. Kee kee...U're good at these. Nice nice:)

U bght a matching float and swim suit ah
I also bght a very sweet swim suit for my niece from Fox sale recently.
Yup, we're still using the cot bumper to prevent him from knocking the cot and also to avoid the chances of his leg stuck in between the railings.

Can i check with mummies here. Does yr bb sleep in air con room? If so, do u cover him/her with blanket? Recently we've been turning on the a/c for him (26 degrees) but my MIL is worried that the blanket might cover up to his face when he sleeps, so we dun use it. He used to wake up for milk in the middle of the night, but these few days, we wear another layer of sweater/jacket over his long sleeve pyjamas, he sleeps very well and skipped his feed. Observed for 3 consecutive days and it's been like that.Wanna know how mummies here "wrap up" yr bb in a/c room. TIA.
cactus, thanks for ur compliments

the suit not matching to the float la...hehehe...

as for bb sleeping in air-con, Mischa has been sleeping in a/c room since birth with me. usually i will put her in the sleeping bag - i bought 3 pcs to rotate washing. Sometimes I do use blanket, but like u said, i also feel quite insecure and still prefer the sleeping bag.

Otherdays if she is sound asleep and i didnt get a chance to put her in the bag before that, i will use leg and arm warmers so she does nt catch a chill. usually my a/c is 24-26 degree C.
We also turn on the aircon lately cos' it's really hot in the night, same as you, 26 degrees. Usually we wear him a short sleeve tee then a long sleeve top over it as well as long pants with socks. Used to cover him with blanket but he will toss and turn the whole night until the blanket got kicked to the corner. Sometimes will dress him with the long PJ jumper from Mothercare too. So far he is ok..cos' he's one who is afraid of heat, he can make noise in the middle of the night feeling hot when we used the fan..haha..sama sama as the mummy
S@l, Mischa is so cute in the tutus!!! U need to get her cute pink shoes!!! *kisses* for Mischa!

Cactus, Claire also sleeps in air con room with us, our temp is ard 25degree. She is clad in long sleeves PJ. We dun really wrap her coz she will kick away all her blanket. Oh, Claire will wake up bet 3-5am for milk feed. Somehow i m used to it liao... These times she dun wake up for milk is when she s super tired!
it sure looks hot! But I'm sure Mischa has her fun by splashing the water. My hubby also sneak out for a swim upon telling him that its opened!

I like the tutus too.. too bad mine still not much hair, will sure look weird in this.. ha.

My gal can still perspire even tho we sleep in aircon room (24-25) and she will move abt so much that blanket is useless, and even for socks, she will pull them out. So we just dress her in long pj.. so far she still sleeps thru the nite.
K@ye, ya man...was actually eyeing the cute high heels for babies...but a tad too small for her la...maybe will get her ballet shoes..hahaha....i m quite carries away i know..my hubby buay tahan me already.

my ger gag when i feed her porriage. I already cook for 3hrs... should be soft enough for her... really dunno y... any bbs here oso encounter such problem?
his room is 27 C n he wears long sleeves n pants plus socks, no blanket.

Mischa has grown alot! very sweet..
S@L - mischa so fortunate to have a mummie who's so good with her hands!
she's gonna be such a princess during her birthday bash !

langlao -- i juz re-read your post...then realise...wow, ashlee can eat quite alot of solid at one go! does she guai guai finish it up? mine, sometimes towards the end, muz coax and let her play with her toys... one of the reasons y i didn't try increasing her solid feeds...otherwise, very tiring for me to try to feed her! ;p

catherine : me still using cot bumper also. otherwise my gal sure got alot of "balukus" on her head! she's always knocking into the cot rails.
S@l, could u let me know abt the toilet seat trainer too? Thanks!

Ueno, does L perspire in his sleep? Like Kat's case, Claire also perspire like crazy esp for the head.
catherine, thanks for the milk info. I guess I'll put 2 scoops of milk powder in the cereal instead of just 1. This way ashlee will get enought milk for a day.

We also have the cot bumper, I find it more useful this phase as she spend lots of time in the cot (also her play pen) so when she fall when standing, there's something soft to fall on.

Nowadays, we let ashlee sleeps ard 9ish to 10pm so that she get one last milk feed and also sleep thru the night till 6ish to 7am. However she'sll cry & toss a few times during the night but will fall back to sleep, DH will pat pat her.

S@L, ashlee also rejected the neck float, wasted my $ on it. In fact when she sees it, she cry liao.

Looking at Mischa in the tutu makes me regret buying one while in bkk. The one we saw is quite skin tight & I feel will show off ashlee's big tummy lol. I forbid DH from buying it, now he will tell me "I told you to buy liao"

cactus, we turn on air con 24deg and 2 fans! ashlee will be in her long sleeve pj and we cover her wif blanket but she toss & turn a lot so in the end she also not covered by blanket liao.

S@L, I dunno how to use a sleeping bag. Also ashlee moves a lot so I am afraid the bad will restrict her movements.

dreamer, yes she eats a lot. when she's full, she will spit out the porridge.

This evening, we let ashlee try the Gerber graduates biter biscuit while we eat dinner in the food court. aiyo she ate till her hands & face so dirty & stain her stroller and toys. After finishing half a stick, she threw the biscuit away, very suay kuan. After dinner we went NTUC & the cashier saw her & laff, then tell her " Girl, you ate something ah, face so dirty haha".
Langlao, at least Ashlee spit out the porridge. Claire even more suay kuan, she will vomit everything out!

S@l is it difficult to sew the tutu? Really feels like getting one for Claire!
Mischa is so pretty in the tutu. You are really good in handiwork. She looks great in that swimming picture.

Yes still using cot bumper as her legs will get in between the woods and when she wakes up she will try to throw whatever on her bed thru the woods for fun.
i'm sure u can easily get tons of such handicrafts too in Holland since alot of Angmos like to do that. If only i had more time + more money i will sure go full time into this cos really enjoy making handicrafts. Next i m attempting to sew her a dress. hahaha hope it'll be a success

k@ye, ok actually there are some issues with supplier cos my website which was suppose to be up by now is still not up due to some issues. so supplier needs to see my webby before supplying more to me..hiaz...super busy nowadays so will be putting this plan aside for a while..paiseh for the long wait.

and for the Tutu, its actually up for sale in my hairclips webby already hehehe.

Gemini, thanks for ur compliments

langlao, u mean the body suit or the tutu is skin tight? cos the top Mischa is wearing is just a normal romper. Actually tight also cute ma.,...then all the fatty belly can show...so cute!
As for sleeping bag, usually the leg room is big. I bought the Dreambag, but u must get one the bigger size. I regretted exchanging for the smaller one cos now Mischa has almost outgrown it.

lazykat, dun forget can put hairband la....i always make it a point to put clip for Mischa when we go out cos she does look like a boy without a hair clip even though she has quite a bit of hair.

Newmummy, thanks
Crystalz, jus saw ur Qs...

I use slow cooker to cook the porridge also ard 3 hrs but sometimes it doesnt really turn smooth enough.What i do is press the porridge thru a metal sieve so that the consistency is smoother. I intend to do this till she can really chew well cos Mischa did gag and throw up once...hope it helps
S@L:misha is so cute and chubby!!!!!!!!my girl is lean hehehhehe i prefer her chubby too but she fusses about her solids daily.....only like her biscuits and wat i eat
(which i didnt give her kakakakkaka)
i bought this Miss november with tutu set for her (USD $4.99 too but cannot fit liao.luckily we stayed home and took pixs for her only hehhehehheh.will post it up soon kekkeke

crystalz:issit the 1st/few times feeding her?usually starting they'll be like that or jus like my girl testing 1st see if she likes thetaste or not :p

In hkg its too hot in the day(nap time ) and nite so no choice hv to on th eaircon if not she cant sleep.usually 24 degrees.i dress her in her jumper(those one piece type with feet covered)sometimes if i feel her cheeks or hands cold then will change to 25 degrees,depends.

I hv only 1 fan in the house so i let my helper use it :p(sanding fans in hkg are really expensive....those "our" time fans(round type) can cost more than SGD$100 le......heart pain le and flat is small so......
Weishy, HK no space to put standing fans... That's y expensive!

S@l, okie i go to ur website & peep peep at the tutus!

Ueno, i see...
S@L,the one i saw is like a romper with the tutu attached to it and the romper is those soft skin tight material. It is very sweet but cost ard S$40 that why I din buy. Now hoping my hubby will get to go business trip to bkk in sept then can buy.


HAyley's Miss november
she was 6.5 months old then ,we hv to make her wear it....too small for her already

MAybe can try to copy this design too kekkeke
