(2007/11) November MTBs

anyone compared pampers active and mamypoko? Matt has been using Mamypoko since birth. Thinkg of trying pampers active. But dun want to end up with an entire pack if not that gd. Any comments?

wahaha... at least u got 4 months to strike it while it's HOT.

mine this year end can start engine liao, so now have to oil & fine tune the machine first! :D

I heard that mamy poko is not as snug as pampers and its costly cos of the royalty. I think you wont go very wrong getting pampers active. at very most is you will not buy a second pack. But shouldnt be case of ending up not using it. Plus ever since using pampers, i didnt change kiros's diaper middle of night unlike Goon or Pet Pet. Pampers can last like 10-12hours during night time.

Hi Langlao,

Ya pampers active. Kiros been using XL for past 1 month.. eerrr..Ya, he a bit on the big backside end.. haha.. he weighs 10kg..Rightfully XL is for 12kg and above. But i see that he is more comfy in XL.
he used to be using Goon. But i calculated that for Goon XL will comes up to $0.50 per piece also. So in the end i decided to buy Pampers which usual price is $0.60 per piece.

Hi Mambobb,
I count regardless of whether birthday passed or not. Eg, Just minus year you born from 2008.
I used to swear by this chart until 2 of my friend's result ain't correct. However, since we dont really really a control over it, at least we try to make it happen la.
I have been using pampers active right after pampers new born.. .lol. I find it fantastic and I have not change kyra at night since she was 3 months old (if she did not poo), about 12 hours. No sign of diaper rash at all too! It has my stamp of approval anytime!
She's also using XL at the moment.
you are funny... lol. I find betty crocker too sweet... that's why now making my own ;) I can reduce sugar and add good stuff into it
. I prefer the taste of butter and tend to use that a lot more than oil.

You are so welcome on the cheddar biscuit recipe. Its always a winner at home and soooo easy to make! Only one complaining is hubby as he cannot stand cheese!!! hahaha
was browsing the last 2 days threads... wow, so many postings!

heehee, realise u all talking about my clan ah... but me haf past 6 hainanese... ;p only thing i can say about hainanese men.....i think most of them can cook quite well ...heehee
Hi Tinkabel

For my gals they can't use mamy poko cos they have inherited the mama's thunder thighs...cos mamy poko tends to be quite tight esp after it's heavy with urine.....for me night time, it's alwats Pampers Active...it can last like 10-12hrs wihtout leakage and nemo's bums are still dry.....the leg space is better for fat thigh bbs....
Hi Yany

my vanilla sugar cookie turned out quite well....buttery and crispy....glad i'm able to make crispy cookies finally.....anwyay here's the recipe to share....i got this out from the vanilla extract box from betty crocker....you may wan to reduce the sugar as i found it far too sweet even tho i have reduced 10g already...i did not dip in sugar before baking too...omitted this.....

225g butter, softened
300g granulated sugar
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
325g flour

Beat butter until light and fluffy. Add sugar, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt. Beat until well blended. beat in eggs and extract. beat as much flour as possible with mixer. I had to use spatula to finish up.

Refrigerate for 2 hrs or more until dough is firm. shape into 1 inch balls and place them 2 inches apart on baking sheets. bake in 375F oven for 8 mins or lightly browned. Cool per normal
gloomybear:hummm thnk not so advisable to keeo too long ,1 day should be oki if still keot warm in those slow cooker etc...may turn sour if other ingredients are added ma

Yany;i think u hv great hands!!!my MIl did banana cake in hkg with me and the frist attempt failed cos too little baking soda added,didnt raise,2nd time oki kekkekekek.
Did blueberry cheesecake(chilled)once under my friend supervision turns out oki hehehheheheh,i went work for a few days out of hkg and my helper hv the pleasure to finish the whole cake kekekekkekekek

My girl jus started using "L" only....she's on the small size type i think.

How tall arte all ur babies now?just wanna keep track hehehhehe,roughly tried to measure her that day and was about 70+ only.....forgot the actual height...bad mommy

i think porridge is best consumed the same day or asap. I heard from old people hor, overnight porridge or if consumed too many hours later will induce wind/air. Then eat liao no good for tummy and body. Like a lot of hong1 (hokkien).
hey gals,
any idea what tolerance babies 8-9 months have for altitude? Thought of bringing matt to Yunnan area. But it's like 2000m above sea level, not sure if he can take it at this age. Any idea? I need to check wiht my PD here as well
Tinklebel, you need to be consentious in using sunscreen & limit sun exposure. At high altitude, fluid requirements are increased. Unless the baby is anemic else shd be fine but you better double check with PD.
thanks mummies, i ended up eating the porridge myself.
Anyone tried the Bellamy baby pasta?

Some photos to share, taken this weekend


Arielle having fun with daddy


caught in the act


@ four seasons hotel kids playground


@ Four Seasons Hotel
tinkabel:think not advisable cos of the water.hot water cannot be of boiling pt,meaning not too hot and adults too fall sick like my parents during the last time i brign them but we went up to shangrila too la.......they eed to eat medication and oxygen looooo.
hehe, i also noticed that this thread is always quiet during wkends... all mummies busy bringing babies out to shop, i think ;)
haha... me dont hv net access over the weekend and I doubt I have self time too.. I cant have a single step away from my girl

weekdays, now i have been busy with work, so only read read the thread and didnt do and posting..

oh btw S@L has been MIA for very long liao hor~
Morn ladies!

Ya, weekends usually bz with Claire also! So sianz, went to my hubby's fren pl over the weekend and on Sunday, Claire broke out in rashes!

At first, we tot she ate the wrong thing. Then my Mum pointed out she could be allergic to the dust/dirt in my hubby's fren pl... Ya, i recalled his fren's house quite dirty & i let Claire crawled.... Grr, so angry at myself!
gloomybear.... I like the picture of Arielle "caught in the act"! too cute!

I am now officially a free woman! woo hoo! No more exams!!!!!

Perhaps now I will have more time to bake. I'll be heading off to Pasir Panjang wholesale market later and then off to Woodlands to buy frozen seafood and maybe some bacon and sausages. Looks like my freezer is going to be full!
hahah heloo mummies, morning, MC today cause monster travis is SICK!

this is the first ever time he is sick and he's having fever. GAHHHH!!! so upset. so staying home with him today, hope he gets well soon.

arielle is soo cute gloomy bear, what is she standing in? her playpen?
Hugs Hugs Little Travis... Hope you gets well soon. Cindy, still being able to play is a good thing.

Ya I know. I asked around, they say yunnan area should be ok, prob not shangrila, cos that is much higher. Now we are thinking how we can handle logistically...

ya, arielle so cute la and she can stand up without support for long?

hope travis gets well soon!

totall hi-5 on that.
even when hb around, he only sits with chloe while watching TV but anything chloe needs (water, nappy change, etc) during that period, he'll still ask me to do it. wah... no time to even take afternoon naps now!
morning mummies!
hope no one is having monday blues like me. yday i added cereal to Jovan's bedtime milk. AND this blur mummy added brown rice tat comes with Si Shen! (yes, some1 pls slap me!! hahahaa) in the end, Jovan keep waking up & we slept only at 1am+. *pengz*

RE: Diapers
wow, qute a few babies using XL already! Jovan is still using M (Nepia) & L (NTUC)! somemore both are cheapo brands =P

RE: Weekends
i rarely access the internet on weekends. dun even have time for myself. now my time = baby time. even when i pump, i am either reading books on baby or tearing cotton wool pad for Jovan. i sneak in here only during ofc hrs.

oh... hope travis gets well soon. u take care too. dun over-exert urself esp now u r preggie. wow he can sit v well in his toy car.

i'll ask yany to give ur HB 2 tight slaps! hahaha. u should get him to help out & let u have more rest! at least i can take weekend afternoon naps after my HB wakes up from his sleep.
Cindy, arielle's standing @ the stairways of Four Seasons hotel.

Kittybride, arielle can stand quite long holding on to something (without our support). But can can't stand without holding on to anything.
RE Diapers:
Arielle just started using M not long nia... Pampers Active... I think she can wear M for a long time... cos... she haven't reach 7kg yet. HEEeee

its difficult when they are sick but things will pull through. Take care all the more as you are pregnant.

Re Diapers:-

my gal using L too on pampers dry. thinking of changing into pampers active also.

Baby A can stand well. Kiros will attempt to stand when he managed to grab something. However, Kiros cant sit unassisted for long. I am worried that something might be wrong with his muscle.

Being able to play while being sick is good. Take this chance to rest also bah. Is he on medication? If he is, you can catch some sleep when he is sleeping. Do take care and dont forget your folic acid.

arielle got very strong legs wor.
my gal to-date still plain lazy to even flip!! grrrllll... but prefers to stand instead. and need "human" support instead of holding on to other things for support!
and she can't stand for long coz her legs still wobbly. hee hee...

yany got strong steel palms ah? eheeheeheee... maybe one day i will need her help when i fed up oredi. only time when he's FULL TIME is when i'm terribly sick... guess he got no choice lor.
even when i got time, it'll be housework, etc... seems like never ending. so sian... can't imagine if got no. 2, think my hair will all turn grey!!
any1 got remedy to reduce grey hair?? i buay tahan oredi...
kitty: i color my hair just to cover the grey hairs... wanted to try beijing 101 but dont know the result is it good anot.. heehee..
Re: Diapers
My son is using L Size Pamper Active too. Find that its good at least its doesn’t leak overnight. I used Nepia for overnight and the next day I knew the bed is wet cos its leaked.

Re: Weekend
Normally, I don’t have time to access internet on weekend. Only access on weekday…haha.
i dun know how to cover my grey hairs coz it's hidden everywhere...

have to do the whole head but where got time??
Kitty, have to find time lah. My hubby has ECA every Wed. So, every Wed Claire & I will stay overnight at my Mum's pl.

During the weekend, we take turns to do our stuff and at the same time settle Claire. Yesterday, my hubby napped the whole noon, when he woke up then i went shopping with my Mum.

If we dun do this, no personal time for our own!
kitty: I took one day leave during weekday and cailyn was with the nanny, so i went to salon to color my whole head.. haha.. that's the only way lor. Last sat I just went to msia to do rebounding coz my DH's co claimed its cheaper and qaulity is not bad. So gave it a try lor. Put bb with the nanny again.

I used to go facial every 2 weeks or once a month before pregnant. Now no more facial liao.. sigh..
only manage to DIY at home (fast fast one) before fetching bb.
hi mummies, talk about babies falling sick.. my boy was sick 2 wks ago with fever then he receovered on sunday and started cough last Tuesday. And Guess what! He FELL off the car seat cos his daddy didn't buckle him and didn't ensure the handle was secure before carrying him out of the car in teh car seat. We're using a maxi cosi. And there was blood coming out of his mouth. So poor thing ok? Sleeping and woken up in pain. I really got a rude shock. Couldn't take it lor... cried from Sengkang to TMC to Raffles Hospital cos the doctor at TMC was so lousy and I didn't feel comfortable after seeing him, so I paged for his PD at Raffles Hopsital. Paid a bomb but what to do? For peace of mind it's all worth it. Traumatised after the whole saga. Super angry with my husband but he also feel guilty lah but V V V V careless... I told him if he drops my baby again he better jump down himself. So now I always hold him tight tight.. Super Heart pain
at least your hb only ONE day ECA.
my hb is like at least twice a week!
he got training lah, then league lah, then sometime dun know wat last minute ask him to play league as well.
then no choice every nite is chloe n me at home.
i guess that's y chloe stick to me like glue when it's her zzz time. she'll just reject her daddy and cry for me to carry her. sigh...

last fri i finally DESERTED both of them for 5hrs... muahahhaa... went for gathering with my ex-coligs; put this off for the longest time since my pregnancy till now, so cannot escape liao :D then my hb said he have to bring chloe in and out of the bedroom so many times until she also blur and tired so conked out around 930pm! so poor thing! she usually sleeps at 830pm. but lucky she didnt cry like crazy else i'd probably have to rush home again.

we did left chloe with nanny when hb n i have to run errands and 2 wks back we went for massage and left her then. probably will take leave again next month when my boss goes for his overseas trip; at least less stress!
and good idea, i probably should go JB to do my hair coz they did a beta job than some of the saloon here! and cheaper too! :p
Plim, hehe of course my hubby takes care of Claire then i can go shopping with my Mum!

Suzanne, aiya... Is your boy ok? I can understand how you feel.

Mambobb, i make it a point to go for facial every 1.5mths. That's the luxury i indulged myself in! As usual, hubby will stay home & look after Claire. HAha!
k@ye: ahiyo.. my hubby always scare to handle cailyn alone at home. When cailyn was just 1mth, i went for rebounding for 1 full day by the time i reached home, my hubby was totally knocked out and wont want to handle her by himself alone at home for too long. -__-".. if I want to go shopping, that would be bringing her along liao.

Suzanne: ahiyo.. so heartache arh after reading it.. what did the doc say?

kitty: i would not say its better coz the product they use might be not so good thats y cheaper and also the coversion rate lor. anyway since now budget budget, so go there and try.
aiyo, ur boy so poor thing, hope he's ok now?

yesterday, my elder gal also was playing with her daddy and fell face down to the floor, ended up with a swollen upper lip and cut lower lip. haiz...
Suzanne, Hope your boy is ok. What did the doctor say? Babies are actually very tough so I'm sure he will be fine

I remember my second son fell at 9mths old and hit his head on a sharp object, he had a 1 inch gash on the top of his head and when I looked at it I almost fainted because it was a gaping big hole!!!! 5hrs waiting at the A&E in UK with no choice, the doctors just 'glued' this hole in his head and sent us home!!! So, I would count myself lucky to be able to choose to see a private doctor at a moments notice if an emergency arises.

I just got back from the dentist! I went to Le Mints on East Coast rd. They charge me $25 consultation and $70 for filling, $75 for cleaning. It was sooooooooo pppppppppppainful!!! (eventhough I ask for my gums to be numbed) I have to go back for 2nd round of cleaning next week, because I couldn't take the pain so we stopped halfway!! hahaha
The Dr was nice, the clinic is clean and apparently they do 'everything' to do with dentistry. When the dentist was cleaning my teeth I felt like I was tortured, I would have agreed to anything and confess to crimes I didn't commit during my session!!! They should offer this as punishment for criminals, I swear it would halve the crimes in the city....
suzanne -- hugs .... hope your boi is OK! my dotter also had blood gushing from her mouth the last time she knocked her face on the floor (and it was me looking after her!!) ..... i can understand the fear, anxiety and guilt.

she was Ok after a while even though i also brought her to KKH A&E.

take care and if u dun mind me saying this... don't blame your hubbie too much....i think he is feeling very guilty already. for me, i already felt sooooooooo bad that she hurt herself under my care!! the last thing i needed was others commenting and making me feel worse
pig, no worries, my cousin-in-law's kid (boy) sits unassisted only @ 9 months. Walk only at 14 months.

RE: pamapering ourself
I always take office hours off to go do my things... paint nails, facial, do hair etc.. and BB will be with my mother. That's the perk of doing sales. heheheh initially i feel guilty not fetching baby earlier as i have freee time but do my own things instead... but now, used to it liao... need some time for myself also mah.. heee
But if shopping, i will surely bring her along, cos i feel there's no excuse not to bring her along. hehe
Dreamer, hehe... If our babies got hurt under our (Mummies) care, we will feel the most hear pain and comments from ppl will definitely make us feel worse.

BUT, if its others who re careless, our Mothers instinct will make us flare up at them! I think its human lah...

Plumsource, u so funny! Most dentists have everything under one roof but must know how to single out experienced ones. I like my Raffles Pl dentist coz he is very honest with me. Meaning if he can do it, he will do it. If he can't, he will recommend someone else.

Eversince, gone thru some much pain for all the dentist. I prefer someone experienced & I dun mind paying for it!

Mambobb, to add... When Claire was younger, my hubby dun dare to take care of her for long alone & my heart is also not at ease when he has to take care of her alone.

Now Claire is 9mths liao, he can manage her better and i m at ease shopping too!
