(2007/11) November MTBs

hi all, i'm on mc today n tmr... doc says its due to fatigue. Actually my hubby is very nice to me all the time and always offer to take over some duties. He will do everything except bath the baby cos he's not confident enough. I'm always the one who's not assured and wanna do and check everything myself. Cos my health has not been the best all along. now, with insufficient sleep and stress at work, I had dizzy spells and everything related to stress. Thank goodness I'm still happy inside.
I'm changing to a half day job and completing my studeis in September. So, just another 2 months and I'll lead a better life. I'm just so prone to stress n i'm a person who really dun take that well enough. Very lousy at that in fact.
My mummy does a great job looking after my kid, my hubby is always nice, my aunties come and help with chores when they want a workout and i have a part time helper. Really think my life is quite alright.. just need to destress properly. my hubby likes to say i'm a person without pressure valve, so i dunno the pressure is so high, its exploding... so, its either i'm perfectly ok, or i explode..

Regarding standing, Javier can pull up and stand on his own liao. He likes to challenge himself and let go of his grip at times and he can now hold on for up to 10 seconds, unaided.

He called me mama yesterday.. though i think its accidental and he does not know the true meaning, i am still soooo happy. his daddy is trying to train him to say PAPA now.. hahaha... evil plan..

He's on Huggies L size cos hes 9.5kg now,not very fat, but tall, i think.

I am also suposed to cut my hair.. in fact, i'm going on Wed or Thurs. I dunno where to do it in JB, anyone got good contact?

Also going to Vietnam for a short hol with hubby end of tis month, for 4 days cos i cant bear to b away from Javier for too long.. Anyone been there? Got good shopping spots?

[email protected] ... i know what u mean abt the instinct part... but i try to control ... cos i know i am very naggy and will keep harping and harping on the same issue .... hahaha... think my hubbie also sianzzz sometimes listening to this broken record....

plus he never once blamed me for all the "accidents" that happened to kaira....hahahaha... and there were so many of them under my care!! so i try to do the same ;p ....
gillian: me just went there once and it was recommended by my DH's colleague.. its quite far in, the area I know is Taman Perling, that's all... heehee.. i nvr been vietnam too.. let us know is it fun

Diaper: my girl still using 'M' size wor.. her weight i think still less than 8kg bah.. haha..
My boy is ok now but still heart pain lor. He got better on the 2nd day and was able to drink and eat more than the 1st day but I v stress lor cos scared he lose weight, scared his mouth painful, scared he hungry.

Kaye and dreamer i also feel guilty for not checking lor. I was the one who lifted up the handle without locking it. But hubby feel worse so everybody stopped talking about it at home cos they know he feels v bad. My FIL scolded him for being so careless.

Plumsource, one of the things that ran through my mind was that it's a good thing i am still in Singapore lor, I think if I'm already in the states now i will probably have to wait v v long at the A&E and also get sent back with the matter not being much of an issue.

Learn my lesson on taking things for granted lor...
k@ye:went to my in laws place in penang 2 weeks ago too she broke into rashes.....they hv a dog in the house too.....haiz but no choice.....luckily only satyed fro 2 nites.got mossie bite too me and her
kittybride:some babies wont flip and walk 1st le so.....all babies different bah.hayley can stand about 1 min or so with one hand supporting herself on something.....then she gets tired,sat and stand again kekkekekek

suzanne:aiyo poor thing if i will be very tramatised!!!!!take good care of him ar,he's very very young still.
suzanne, hope baby is better. my heart also ached when I read your posting. what is done cant be undone. pay special attention to him next few days and monitor closely.
suzanne, i'm from the dec thread. read your post about your boy's accident. don't worry he'll be fine. my girl KONKed her head on the floor when i slipped and fell a few weeks back. my silly hubby went to mob the floor early in the morning, left it wet so i slipped and fell. i hurt myself and side of bb's head hit the floor. lucky no bumps or anything. cried for a minute and smiled after that. i also kan cheong brought her to the PD. luckily all is ok.

i'm sure your boy is strong too. just monitor for lethargy and vomitting. if everything is ok, then he should be fine. i know how u feel but remember baby is strong. try not to be angry wif ur husband ok? i know it's hard. when the accident happened, i think i said similar things to my husband
Suz: Glad to hear that yr boy is ok nw. I'm sure everyone in the family will be extra careful aft the incident. Bumps and knocks are unavoidable, there's more to come once they start walking and running.

Standing: My boy still cant stand unassisted for too long. 10secs at most. But he recently learnt to drink from straw and he's been drinking lotsa water which makes me very happy.

Gillian: I've been to Hanoi and Hoi chi minh city abt 2 years ago. I was there for a 5 days work trip. But sadly, i didnt have the chance to travel around at all! Attended meetings aft meetings. Wanted to experience the back lane kinda dining where the locals sit/squat on low chairs and tables, but no chance at all! Only dine at restaurants and went to sleazy karaoke pub in the hotel with my bosses. Imagine abt 10 men and i was the only woman amg the crowd. But it's an eye opener for me. Hee..

Hope the trip will act as yr pressure relief valve and u can get refreshed and complete yr studies come Sep.
Boy passed the 48hrs critical observation period oredi so nothing wrong oredi. But kan cheong lor when it happened. I have to make sure i am extra careful when i take care of him alone when we go over to the states cos there the A&E department will not be as efficient as here.

dreamer I'm departing on the 8 Sept. Taking the Sing LA direct flight (16hrs!) and the another hour and a half flight to Phoenix via UA.
suzanne:better get urself prepare with loads of bb stuffs in a trolley bag(diapers/formula/toys/blankets/change of clothing/jacket etc.......)airline dun usually hv extra or enough and maybe there's more tahn one bb on board.(i had more than 10 babies on my sfo flt last month.......imagine tat!hv to offer my girl's toy to those bbs crying.....parents didnt bring any at all!!!!!but nice cos my girl's already sharing b4 she knows how to kekkekekkeke)
Weishy, 10 babies!!! How u and ur colleagues handled?

The thing abt babies is that, they like to play with anything except their toys! Claire likes to play with our shoes!

Suzanne, all ready for your trip? U flying alone with ur son?

Cactus, my bro told me abt the same thing on Hanoi. Eye opener on those clubs & bars. He told me that the gals will try their ways & means to offer add'l services.
Come on mummies! We need suggestions for our venue!!!
Any ideas??

From the list below, most likely we will hold the bash on 1st November Which is a Saturday.
We need to establish a venue first then we can start to organise. Start brain storming

Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion!

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy
8. Teng_Family
9. Gemini19

15th Nov 08
1. Mambobb
2. Kaye
3. Queenaire
4. weishy(TBC but really loved 2,hv 2 wait til nov roster out :p )
weishy, I dunno how many diapers to pack on board! 16hrs leh.... Will have to plan the toys to bring cos i don't really want to bring bulky items on board maybe small toys and some books. But hopefully he sleeps his usual 10hrs then i'll be left with 6hrs of entertainment. Think I might get brain fart on board from all that entertainment for my son.

hi tub, i've got a gal friend who has twins born in Dec! You oso like me rush to PD kind? haha!

dokie and Wei, ya lor... bo pian, wouldn't chose to go there leh... so super boring! Plus, i have to sacrifice my career to be a maid. But on the bright side, I get to really spend time with my kiddo. Anywayz... once i get settled down, maybe can organise sprees haha!

Kaye no lah not flying alone. think i will peng san. Going there with my mum. Initially was supposed to be with my grandma but my grandpa got ill recently so I thought now isn't a good time for her to go. So she'll go up later in Nov and come back with my next yr in Jan in time for CNY!
yes, plumsource is right.. maybe we should really start thinking... erm... what about go gabambini? we, mummies can enjoy pedi whilst our darlings roam the premise?

Vietnam: hee... guess I can charge my hubby for being his 'bodyguard' against the sales people... hahaha..
I also heard that of Vietnam. Got friends who loved it (they are gers) and went repeatedly and got people who think its just ok.. but since i've not been there b4, could be an eye opener.

Combi Stage 3 cap:
May I know where to get the straw for stage 3 mug? I have bought the cap but it doesnt come with the straw -_O"
hi mummies, yes me hv been MIA for real long..actually I read this thread daily, but always speed reading thru....and no time nor energy to post...cos of the tons of work piling on me....i hv also been struggling with my milk supply...seems like pumpin very often...very stressed cos daily output is jus enough for Mischa's day feed...night and morning i've got very little chance to pump, can only latch as often...

sadly Mischa's still waking up 1-2x a night...im kinda used to it. Good thing is she is more willing to eat now. I cooked porridge for her over the weekends and she took them quite well. Just that at the end of the meal, she tends to get less willing to eat and will cry, struggle but i still feed her till the last bit.

Mambo, u should be able to get the straw where u bought the cap from. anyway someone doing a Combi spree now...can check it out.

re: Birthday bash

I doubt I will be joining u gals cos i hv 2 birthdays to prepare - one for Favian (end Oct) and another for Mischa's actual day. Hence I will be most busy during that period. Hope u all enjoy urselves!
pig07, finally got time to try your spreadsheet and to my horror, it says B for the rest of the year haha...I don't want another monster in the house. One is enough. Matt's latest and the worst habit he ever picked up now is he likes to tear and shred tissue paper. He managed to grab hold of some tissue last night and he was shredding them into really small pieces. My bed was full of tissue. Gosh... I was telling my hubby, next one definitely has to be a gal, else close factory. But my menses not back yet, can't even count. Still thinkg whether to try anot.
Hi Tinkabel,

the chart is not 100% accurate mah.. Got chance for gal la.

I think cindy was also bf-ing when conceived with her second one. Perhaps not the very exclusive type. Think TrAVIS on partial FM also if i remember corectly.

Haha, shredding tissue papers?? maybe you should start watching out that he doesnt shove the tissue into his mouth. My fren was saying she found sides of newspapers missing and found them on the roof of his son's mouth..
tinkabel.....gals are not much better...my Mischa also puts everything into her mouth , inclds cables, remote controllers, calculators...etc...and shreads any papers, tissues in her sight...hahaha...in fact Favian was a much easier baby to handle. He could sit still and behaved well.

Actually aft some thoughts, I m quite keen to hv another baby - my initial dream was to hv 3! But nt now..and HOPE it wont be that soon....I do hope for another boy actually...1 girl is enough cos then she will always be the PRINCESS mah! hahaha
Matt is so active. His daddy is worried he might be a hyperactive kid. He can't sit still for more than a short while. Now he grabs onto anythg and stands up. Then keep jumping. Else even when he is sitting down, he likes to bounce up and down like a little chick. Last Sat at the gymboree class, he was bouncing and overshot, landed on his lips where his lower teeth cut the upper lip and he bled. Cried for a while and then, back into the classroom, start bouncing again. I give up.. haha...
haha tinkabel, pig is right, I'm still Bfing Travis but then my case is different cause my M came back like SO LONG AGO! the moment i dropped one feed it came back liaos! that was like in jan, u can imagine how sian I was.
and ahha

the tissue part is travis's fav hobby too! The worse thing is his hands is sticky so the tiny pieces will get stuck inside and when i pry open he buay song already! Aiya! hahaaha.

s@l, travis also is still awking up 1 to 2x too. i guess it's like i'm so used to it already. even if he doesn't wake up, i wonder if I will be the one getting up? hahaha.... it makes me so don't want to stop BF cause of the waking up - i don't want to make FM in the middle of the night... haha by then making and washing, i'd be awake! i really hope he learns to sleep through soon before tummy gets bigger!
S@L: Don't be too stressed. My milk supply also dropped 1/3 over the last 2 months cos was very stressed at work. So I dropped to only 3 pumping sessions a day. No choice la, better cut to maintain my sanity. My milk supply also just nice for Matt's daily consumption. Luckily he also taking less milk now due to taking more solids. Hope I can hang on for another 4 months. Intend to stop breastfeeding when he is 12 months.
Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion!

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy
8. Teng_Family
9. Gemini19
10. Cactusnah

15th Nov 08
1. Mambobb
2. Kaye
3. Queenaire
4. weishy(TBC but really loved 2,hv 2 wait til nov roster out :p )
5. Cactusnah
suzanne : remember to bring a pillow or bolster, whatever...i find the bassinet very hard and altho the airline provide the pillow... errr...not sure of hygiene lah...the first time we used the pillow, kaira had some rash on her face, thats y the recent flite, we even brought our own blankets/pillow. ;p

heehee, i know its alots of stuff to bring... but i don't wanna deal with rashes on her in a new place. ;p

r u feeding solids on board? u bringing your own or using airlines? i dunno y the last time i requested for baby food KLM din provide. anyway, i also forgot abt it...cos kaira was asleep most of the time and drank milk otherwise. only after the flite then i remembered abt the food...

and yes, on my flite to holland, there were alot of babies and toddlers too!!!! so many i lost count.... thankful we got the bassinet...some slightly older babies didn't get their bassinet and had to be carried by their parents throughout the flite...

as for toys, kaira was more intrigued by her new surroundings than her own toys! they were of not much use....heehee
K@ye: Abt the add'l svcs. Hee...one of the vietnamese gal knocked on the wrong door and came to my room. Supposed to go to one of the supplier boss's room but came to mine instead. She was so scared and asked me not to tell the boss. We briefly chatted, she just gave birth to her bb and becoz of her bb she got no choice but to wk in this line. Hmmm...

Eagan is also still waking up 1x for milk. Thot feeding him porridge will last him longer, but apparently not lei. The 3/4 - 1 bowl porridge can only last him 2.5 or at most 3hrs. Try to feed him bread and fruits in between, but still not enuff. Oh ya, and he recently learnt to drink from straw and has been drinking lotsa plain water each day. So happy coz used to worry he doesnt drink enuff H2O:)

Matt sounds soo mischevious and full of energy. A typical boy! Salute you for working full time yet still able to BF!!

Just come and join in the fun for the birthday bash. Just make sure you have that day free to join us. It will be fun.

What language did you use to converse with the woman? Just curious if a lot of ppl speak english in Vietnam. I love vietnamese pho and spring rolls, I have a great recipe for vietnamese spring rolls handed down from my family. I don't make it often here because I don't like to deepfry...the smell lingers all over the house.
plumsource: I used english + sign language. She could understand me. Oh ya, always love vietnames pho and spring rolls. U have vietnamese blood?

BF: I really salute the mummies here who are still BFing. Jus curious, do u all still need to wear breast pads? One of my gd friend who is still BFing her boy who is coming to 2 years old says no need coz her body cld regulate. Anyway, she is more like pacifying her boy. Offer him her breast middle of the night when he wakes up. It now becomes his habit.
Dreamer, I predict i'll be like lugging quite alot of stuff on board. I'm quite fussy about cleanliness so I intend to bring my own blanket and pillow and bedsheet/blanket to lay over the bassinet.

SQ can reserve bassinet so i am already on a confirmed bassinet seat but i am a bit worried that it'll be too small. my boy on solids already but he can only take those that's very smooth so I always have to puree his porridge. He dosen't like texture sigh...
Tried giving him those bottled food but he hates them dunno why? Plan to give him cereal on board, if not then milk but i'll just request for baby food lah my friend says SQ's baby food is usually heinz and gerber.

Ueno, when are you coming back from LA? Then can advise on how's the 16hr journey like.
i only now pump once a day... intending to stop soon... supply dropped drastically after i came back from my europe trip... i'm happy enough that i managed to BF her for 6 mths :p
btw, i never had to wear breast pads wor... from the beginning... never had 'leakage' problems... mayb my supply wasn't that much to start off with!
Realised that i did not put in my name for the birthday bash! Opting for 1st Nov...

Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion!

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy
8. Teng_Family
9. Gemini19
10. Cactusnah
11. Plim

15th Nov 08
1. Mambobb
2. Kaye
3. Queenaire
4. weishy(TBC but really loved 2,hv 2 wait til nov roster out :p )
5. Cactusnah
cactusnah, I will wear the breastpads cos sometimes I drag the pumping sessions so long, so just in case. Haiz, when I was so stressed at work the last 2 months, I really wanted to stop. That's Y I had to cut down one pumping session to keep my sanity, else I go mad. But then I thought of other practical issues, formula milk powder in Shanghai has a lot more sugar content. That's y China babies are so huge. And we only hv 3 tins of Dumex on standby. If I stop BFg, we dun have enough FM to0 last. Mine's opposite problem from your friend. I think I latch Matt so seldom that he kinda forget how to latch already. And he seems to not want to take milk anymore. Last time, can finish 200ML at one shot. Now give him 150ML, he finishes it in 2-3 tries. He's too playful, always want to play, feed 50ML, play another 10 min, then feed again etc. This habit is driving me mad.... Sigh....
Cut down on pumping or not, u mummies are still keeping it going. Gd job. Hee hee...i very bad. I teased my friend that her milk turned "sour" (cao seng) and not fresh coz she's been feeding breast milk so long. Her boy been sleeping with her since birth EVERYDAY. My friend is nw planning for a holiday trip and she is getting v.worried coz her boy is nt going with her.

Feeding: When Eagan drinks milk, we try not to walk abt coz he "kay poh" and will stop and look then make the "er er" sound like asking us why KLKK (kia lai kia ki). He'll usually leave abt 40ml and i have to heat up and offer him again aft 5-10mins. It's ironic, when he drinks too fast and finishes all his milk at one go, we also worry coz sometimes he'll merlion all the milk out. This happened yesterday. Dunno why, probably he drank too fast and there's air inside, i think. And when we feed him porridge, i try not to play with him, offer him toys or turn on the TV. So far he is ok. Only coming to the end of the feed will he turn here and there as if getting bored and buttock pain.

It's also getting more difficult to carry him. He nw likes to arch his body and "stand" on my stomach when i carry him while walking. Very "siong".
Tinkabel: What happens if u stop BFing in 4 months time? Can get yr HB to lug some back from Spore whenever he comes bk. Din know the milk powder in SH has higher sugar content.
halo mummies,

must tell u all something. Jovan drank 300ml of FM for his bedtime feed last nite! then he still keep saying "neh neh" after tat. i din dare to feed him more. scared i overfeed him. Grace said Ash has been waking up at nite for milk as well. i tot it might be growth spurt. any other mummies facing the same thing?

btw, i'm extending my "notice period" to stop BF. now pump only once a day. can see supply dropping everyday. Jovan now on 1x fresh BM, 1x frozen BM, 1x FM. midnite also give him FM. last few nites he woke up 2-3 times for milk although he had at least 250ml of bedtime FM! *pengz* if continue like tat going to burn big pocket. just realised tat FM quite ex now!

k@ye / kittybride,
my HB also has ECA. every tue it's me & Jovan only. but at least he make it a point to fetch Jovan from infantcare b4 he rush off. sometimes he'll also last min wan to go gym, meet his frenz etc. for me, i gotta give him many days of advance notice if i wan to go out during weekday evenings. even my colleagues will tease me & ask me if i got my passport stamped. ever since Jovan is born, i went for my personal gathering for only 5 times. all during evening/nite time when Jovan is about to sleep. good thing is my HB can settle Jovan to sleep. but HB got prob during the day. weekends when i nap, i can hear Jovan crying & crying & my HB scolding him coz my HB dunno wat he wans. *sigh* never left HB alone with Jovan during daytime before. cant imagine wat will happen. ok enuff of complaining. hahaha

oh...really can feel ur heartache. when Jovan was hospitalised, i was also so heartpain. dun blame ur HB anymore, he must feel v heartpain & guilty too.

the way u describe ur dental visit is so farnie! u remind me of my primary schools days. when some1 comes into class with a white card. my heart will pump real fast coz it's annoucement for some1 to go to the school dentist. i hate my school dentist. he does our teeth as if he cutting some animal bone or something! =P

RE: babies standing
Jovan is able to stand with support 2 weeks ago. he can do it with one hand holding onto something. now he's trying to do more tricks while standing - remove the other hand & try to balance or cruise ard. now he "walk" from the middle of his cot to the end.

wow ur boy can stand unassisted for 10s. tat's not bad at all!

wow matt is such an active baby
can post more pics of him pls? i always love to see his fotos coz he's so handsome. Jovan also likes to tear tissue papers into pieces! when he's crying & we dunno wat to do, we just shove him a tissue paper. voila! instant peace for at least 5 mins b4 he tries to put the pieces of tissue paper into his mouth.
catherine... mine gal was like that for 2 nites a one week ago! before she goes to sleep, she had 2x6 ounces of milk feed within like 2 hours! i tink that's abt 300ml of milk! i also scared of overfeeding her but she kept crying and so "cham" like that when i didn't want to give her the milk ! then after 2 nites, went back to normal. i also dunno if its growth spurt.

kaira like jovan also like to stand with one hand. then sometimes she forgets, release both hands and "piong" sit down and gets a shock and cries... =p but also dangerous, cos scared she knocks her head or something....so always have to keep an eye on her.
Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion!

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy
8. Teng_Family
9. Gemini19
10. Cactusnah
11. Plim

Venue suggestions:
1. eXplorerKID
- Downtown East
- $24.40/child
- minimum 15 kids
- http://www.explorerkid.com/bdaytrips/bdaytrips.aspx

2. Gymboree
- Tanglin Mall

3. The Little Gym
- Forum Shopping Mall
- http://www.thelittlegym.com.sg/parties.htm
- Sat Dinner only: 530pm - 8pm

4. Go Go Bambini
- Dempsey Road
- http://www.gogobambini.com/party_terms_conditions.php

anymore suggestions?
Cactus, yes I am still wearing breastpad. nt that i have alot of milk la, but its becos of the let down reflex,milk will stil leak...Plim, urs wont at all? hmmi hate to wear it cos sometimes it jus gets so warm with the exra layer

Tinkabel, ya me too started Mischa on 2x solids a day and luckily she is nt taking huge amt of BM, so far still can manage to 'squeeze' enough for her. Weekends i will be latching her the entire days' feed, only can pump 1x in the night for next day's feed when she goes to my mum pl..

I share Cindy's tots too and dun wish to give up BF yet cos i m so used to the convenience of feeding at night. furthermore i intend to go for a trip next Jan and will be bringing both kiddos along, hence if i can TAHAN till then will be so good...i m trying to increase my pumping frequency now - so weird right? most are dropping feeds and reducing pumping but i m trying to increase...hiaz....

Oh btw, I went to pick up my float frm your MIL jus now....so drama.she was actually waiting for me at the void deck cos she tot she can 'spot me'. we actually exchanged glances at the void deck, bt i did nt dare to ask and kept staring a the plastic bag she was holding...then i headed for the lift. when i reached her unit, she was the same lady whom i saw at the void deck...hahaha..she also didnt dare to asked if I was the mummy coming to pick up the float. Thanks again for helping me to get the float. I hope to let Mischa use it in the new swimming pool near my neighbourhood this coming weekend!

Plumsource, thanks for that...i will try to see if i can make it..cos weekends usually rather packed for me....i would love to join if i can.
hi all, mia very long, caught a deadly flu virus for more than a week & still not recovering. Work also very stressful this period. DD is also having running nose, she must have caught it from me

k@ye, you are the 1st to leave a comment in my blog, a pat for you
Hort Park is at Alexandra Road, Opp Gilman Heights. Their function rooms rates are very reasonable.

S@L, din hear from you abt the party supply spree. I have ordered directly. Now have to source for party favors locally. Anyone know whr those shops at concourse locate to?

plim, I went to party city at raffles city, they only have 1 helium tank for rent, I'll prob get balloons from Poisson's contact, let the expert do the job

weishy, my girl tear newspaper intead of tissue.

suzanne, lots of hugs for DS!!

Weigh ashlee & got a shock, she was abt 9.5kg for a long while & last week she hit 10kg!! We actually stock up lots of Huggies Ultra L size at a sale & also wanted to exchange the play tent, hope wont go wasted.

Ashlee put everything into her mouth. She even attempted to "eat" the blue lamb on the yellow bear mat. The strange things is she will only "eat" the lamb and not other animals on the mat. At first we wondered why she keeps banging her head on the mat then we realise, she actually wanted to put the lamb into her mouth!
Mega Birthday Bash Dates Suggestion!

1st Nov 08
1. Plumsource
2. Kaye
3. Mambobb
4. Langlao (prefer)
5. Poissons (cos 15 Nov is my boy's exact birthdate, need to celebrate for him with my families)
6. Grace
7. Mandy
8. Teng_Family
9. Gemini19
10. Cactusnah
11. Plim

Venue suggestions:
1. eXplorerKID
- Downtown East
- $24.40/child
- minimum 15 kids
- http://www.explorerkid.com/bdaytrips/bdaytrips.aspx

2. Gymboree
- Tanglin Mall

3. The Little Gym
- Forum Shopping Mall
- http://www.thelittlegym.com.sg/parties.htm
- Sat Dinner only: 530pm - 8pm

4. Go Go Bambini
- Dempsey Road
- http://www.gogobambini.com/party_terms_conditions.php

5. Fidgets
- Turf City

anymore suggestions?
ya i think growth spurt lah.. drink drink and drink.

i thinking of dropping the night feed and substitute with 1 formula. wat i pump now only can feed exactly. only pump 2 times, both at work. latch on morning and night. so not enough to store freezer liao. can see supply in freezer dropping haahaa..

mummies, can i get your opinion please...
may i know what formula u are feeding. i am so confused by all the formula, dont know which to buy.
Hi mummys! I am Sharron and have been reading all the threads for the last two days...so informative and so interesting! My son Ashton was borned on 20 Nov last year and i guess we have many Nov'07 mums here! I am working full time and we got a Myanmar nurse to look after Ashton. He turned 8months 9 days ago....still recovering from his cough (pd said he has mild brochitis! OMG!)
Lets keep in touch and hope to meet up with all of you soon. Take care!
Thanks Langlao! Hope you are also recovering from your flu! Hi Grace, Ashton is feeding on NAN Hypoallerginic 2 now... my younger sister's 2 babies also been feeding on NAN and thats y i use the same powder for Ashton too.

Grace, no stress abt FM. Most FM's nutrients are almost the same. The main thing is Ash's reaction to the milk powder and her poo.

Claire's "bf" (her nannny's nephew) can only drink soy formula coz he will get constipated drinking the normal FM.

Claire is on Nestle Nan HA2 coz of her eczema. Before that she was drinking Dumex Mamil Gold which is good.

Langlao, thanks for the info! Small thing to leave comments lah, just to highlight coz nowadays alot of strange ppl online!
