(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Sore throat likely means start having throat infection. Better see doc. Nowadays bugs quite strong.

That what I meant. People don't want vote yet don't want to be removed from polling list. So they make it invalid lor.

thanks for the links! so kind of u to search this for me!

Yeah! Long weekend ahead!...
Eagerly waiting and counting down.

Lunch date again tomorrow?
No 'gov' at my side this and next week.
i'm back! thank you for the feed back on driving.. ok, me confirm joining school then. now got to find time to go sign up for 1.

that is so irresponsible of your hubby friend! i will be damn angry lor... really too much!
morning all

ariajo... *wave wave*... sure np 4u to get ur licence de =)

dodo... u r welcome =) so u & hb needa vote whilst @HK?

jovial.. oic =D

doobom... 'no garment' meh?? tis morning i stepped out my blk i saw everywhere le (u knw wat i meant lah) =D btw, thks for the liang cha tips.. we do gv watermelon on/off but in slices... hmmm... if i used blender then gotta sieve if wanna get zann to drink cos she v fussy if got pulp (she dun like the 'sua sua' feeling).. like ytd i brew the 'nan/bei xin w chinese pear, i blend the pear tinking not to 'waste'.. end up gotta sieve in order to get her gulp down)... nxt i'll try coconut juice!

totoro.. how r u le??
morning mummies!

dun think we need to vote right? in fact, i also not sure which zone i need to vote as we sold our house and we are "homeless" now! :p we changed our address to my in-law's house at simei though..

just back from marketing.. bringing both boys out to supermarket is challenging! we have to walk 10 mins to and fro, an an is okay to sit in pram and zq is fine standing on buggy board also, so that's okay. but once reach supermarket, my headache starts.. the elder one keep asking me questions, why u need to buy this? why u put this back after putting it in cart? u bought this last week why u need to buy again? why u choose this typr of milk and not that one? what do u mean by "discount"? blah bla blah.. and the younger one is like going for BUFFET! he just grab whatever fruits he can reach and have a bite! he even wants to eat the raw vege! this greedy boy... already 16.7kg and he will turn 2yo next month. i really wonder is he overweight.. on top of all these, i still have to stay focus and get whatever i want to buy by running thru my grocery list fast. then i gonna lug all the stuff back.. tiring! but fun as well, as supermarket is indeed a good place to teach them mathematics, environmental green, cook and non-cooked foods... and zq likes to recall what we bought there.. good training for memory also.. haa
Gd morning mummies...another crazy day at work...

Thanks mummies...T is much better liao. No fever except for occasional coughs & running nose.

junnie, me also gotta keep fingers crossed each time hear abt CP virus. How's zann doing today?

cherry, u r welcome.

doobom, tmr lunch ah? Tink shld b ok for me since boss not ard. hahaha... :p so where n wat time?

ariajo, *wave wave* welcome back...hav fun learnin driving. Will u b takin auto transmission or manual?

totoro, how r u today?

dodo, WAH...an an's weight 16.7kg??? T still strugglin to reach 14kg though he is a glutton -_-
Nowadays T also always ask me y I do this, wat im doing...etc. Guess this is the time when they r so curious wif wats happenin ard them.
Wow, I guess girls are more missy and more particular about preference over food/drinks. Boys are quite ok? Haa...

Next fri, I might not be in the office. Will update again if I can do lunch.

We connect via watsapp?
Perhaps lunch next wed will do gd?
doobom, next wed my boss will b back from biz trip liao...he might hav 交待 for me b4 I go on ML. So perhaps tmr will b a better choice for me PLUS dunno if I will pop by next Wed. hahaha...
yup! he's a giant. zq is 18.5kg, and they looks like twin.
totoro delivered yesterday, so will be ur turn next! must be very excited right
what's didi's name btw? decided?

i was laughing when i read ur "water parade"! same here, i also let them drink lots of water.. besides preventing heatiness, good for their complexion also.. hee
Yes, water parade is good.
For J1, I will be even more strict with more parades if his pee is yellowish (signs of not enough water). I get worried coz yellowish pee may prone to UTI, so I gets quite worked up if he does not drink lotsa water.
I still tell him 'See, your shh-shh is yellowish. It's not good. U've got to drink more water, if not shh-shh will be smelly and you will be sick. Then you cun go out anymore, have to stay at home and rest.'
He will nod and say 'Yes, mummy.'
Good boy rite? Ha... I think it's becoz I am tigeress...

That's amazing for AnAn to be @ 16.7kg before turning 2. J1 is about 16+kg too, though I thought he is very lean. Need to pump up more.
How's ZQ' weight?

I check and let u know. If not, we meet on Tues. I shift my lunch appt next Tues.
u not tigeress la! im also the same :p
keep "highlighting" the consequence of not drinking enough water = sick. sick = no gai gai. at this stage their entire mind is abt gai gai, so it works.. haa. Zq's weight is 18.5kg. I think the reason of J1 looking lean is because he's tall. Dun worry, as long as they are healthy and happy then it's ok. im abit worry abt an an, though he's greedy but i dun allow him to eat alot, if he wants to snack, i only let him fruits and tiny weeny bread, but he seems to put on weight fast despite he's very active.. just wan to make sure there's nothing wrong wi his growth hormones..
dodo.. huh?? hmmm... again.. ur case special =D i tink if u needa vote they'll send notification 2ur local address here ba... LOL at ur interesting supermarket outing w zq & ya =D so do u hv to pay for those food 'tasted' by an an?? kekeke.. i tink bringing our todds to shopping/supermarket is really a 'great challenge'!! hahaha..now an an is sumo =D

doobom.. i duno abt other missy.. mine is definitely "很难伺候" de =D ohh.. i'm really 'slow'.. all along i thot ur 'water parade' = swimming or water play leh!! not until i read ur post again!! hmmmm... v guai of jerry to gulp down 800ml of water aday! i always try to 'measure' how much they drink by giving them a bottle w marking.. but i duno y every time also failed =( now i jus keep gving them in those ikea plastic cup on/off on/off whenever i at home.. other than that, i gotta remind cc's teacher to help ask them drink water..
dodo, haha...muz b tough on u havin to handle both boys. I luv their rosy cheeks. So healthy lookin.

Yup...will b my turn next to deliver. Tink this sat's gynae apptment will decide if me gonna b scheduled for c-sect. Keepin fingers crossed. Didi's name? Most likely confirmed BUT me 卖关子 1st. hehehe... :p

doobom, I also use the same theory on "yellow shh shh" to get T to drink more water. At times he will also tell me himself "mummy u see my urine so yellow, muz drink more water". But he say nia lah, when really get him to drink he will say NO. -_-
re: lunch
Sure...I will reserve Tues for u den.

I understand deeply how is it to handle 2 young kids alone. For the first time, I just now went supermarket when my 2 young kids.. Shag!
I was so blur, all the way travel from home to central supermarket, when in there, then to realise that I forget to bring $$$. One hand carry my girl, e other holding my boy and walk back to Carpark then dig out coin from the car coin compartment n walk back to Ntuc again... Becos I need to get some marinated chicken to bake for tml dinner. Shag.. But I am like u, thou tough or no choice but do enjoy!
Btw, I may be coming to hkg in next another 2 weeks time.. Maybe we can meet for the first time. Will u pm me ur contact n we whatsapp each other.
I wanna do lunch with u ladies on tue!! I will try my best to be there.. Wanna see u before BB is due for delivery.. Just like when u last saw me during my last pregnancy! Keep me in the loop
Gd morning all,

can somebody share what must I look out for if I wanna purchase a ipad2? My colleague told me there is 2 version for ipad1:- wifi only the other is wifi+ 3G. Is my existing USB dongle from my notebook compatible to ipad2???

Saw from yahoo news that ipad is launching today?? Anyone getting it??
Gd morning mummies...wow...today all so quiet ah? Preparin for the long holiday? :p

Cherry, wah u gg hkg for holiday soon ah? so shiok...can 买东西,吃东西 liao...can meet dodo over there go shop ard also.

re: lunch
sure com over join us for lunch...but dunno where also. So b sure to check back for updates. :p
re: ipad 2
Yup got 2 versions similar to ipad 1. Also different is their HDD space. So u gotta decide how much space u need for ur ipad 2. As for the USB compatibility, im not sure abt ipad 2 but for my ipad 1, I can only use the one provided in the box to charge. If I use my iphone USB, it doesnt charge at all.
hi mummies ... I miss u all i want to meet for lunch but i cannot ...
i want to see u all

yesterday was a nightmare ofr me ... sands get into my eye and i dun want anyone to blow it out for me heng i got my brother and SIL whom are trying anything and everything to get it out for me ... this morning i wake up with all the shit on my eye and cannot open hahahaha ... but at least now i feel ok liao if not can die.

C1 is recovering now ... drying up liao but still 37.5 so still giving her liang cha and coconut ... thnaks God ... her thoat is not affected at all so she can eat and drink very well ... haha maybe becos she got a good cook at home too ... kekekkekekeke

C2 ... he has been vomiting every meal and cos his sister is sick ... so poor him ... but other den vomiting he is well and active and keep asking us to go out
he knows that C1 cannot go out so he will remind her but still bully C1 all the time dun let her study ... dun let her sleep ... can only play with him and let him sleep on her lap ??? "shake head"

Muarko ... U turn to the D day soon ...
hey if u are sick of the normal confinment food ask yr mum to cook western food for U ... call me if u need to know how to cook ok
CM, miss lunchin wif u too...glad to hear C1 much better wif her CP. C2 still vomittin his meals ah? *sayang*
I oredi order confinement food liao so dun tink can get my mum to cook western food for me. Thx for offerin. All the counting down is makin me nervous, anxious, excited...etc. Hahaha... :p
Maruko ... so excited for U too
love that moment and feeling
ha i am one that like giving birthday confindment and all
Hi mummies
We're doing fine but I'm in pain!! Doc say due to the contraction! I can't remember having such bad pain the last time! Wed suffered from epi side effect and was vomiting and while body itchy!! Yesterday, started some cough which makes the pain worst!!! Ouch... I don't dare to go home now. Will stay here till I'm much better and can handle two at home!!!
Lewis is another milk monster and I'm waiting for my milk to come in.... Guess not enough milk so now he under the blue light Liao!!
Will update on Fb as I not used to typing this using my iPhone!!!
hi all

totoro..... sooooo happy to hear fm u!!!!! poor ting to hear u suffering... get as much rest as possible whilst u r still at hospital at least got nurses to help look aft bb.. welcome little lewis!!!! hope both of u can go home soon! take care....

cm.... glad carissa's cp recovering... so i read wrongly.. carlson dun hv cp lah?? he so cute... wan his jie jie's attention all time =D yahor.. we hvnt tried ur 厨艺 yet! gotta do so one fine day! =)

maruko.. aft ur confinement.. still can continue to eat confinement food to 补 yourself de...unless u 'tire' of it le lah =D

cherry.. wow.. so nice u can go hk to visit dodo!! envy envy!

happy long weekend to all mummies who no need to work tmr!!
CONGRATS!!! good job mommy. u rest well, update us only when u r better, the mommies here r always here for u.

no lar go on biz trip.. really hopes i wont kena, can bear to part with bb
I got the iPad 1, Wifi + 3G. The price difference is about $200 for the same hard disk space. I took this cos I want to be really mobile and not dependent on WiFi. Some more my home, WiFi signal in my Masterbedroom not strong (think due to the structure column). You don't need a USB dongle for the 3G but you need to have broadband on mobile arrive on a separate micro sim card. if you current have a sim card use for surfing in your USB dongle, you can bring back to your telephone company and ask to convert to micro sim. I remember paying $13.50 for my Singtel one. They'll give you an adapter so that you still can use on your USB dongle.
Hi mummies...YES im still hangin ard :p yest went for gynae checkup. Bb weight now at 2.7kg. Gynae said if wait till due date still no dilation den he will hav to ask me go for c-sect directly liao. Now im keepin fingers crossed. On 1 hand, wan bb to b out on due date. Other hand, worry cant go thru natural den hopin he will wanna com out early. Sigh...

CM, haha...u also gettin excited for me ah? Yest nite totally cant sleep till wee hrs...keep havin flashes of my delivery. hahaha...

cherry, me also got iPad 1 similar to Jovialz except I got the one without 3G coz I tap the 3G from my iphone. Den can save on the mthly subscription for the additional data usage. :p

totoro, aiyo...the way u describe the pain makes me abit scared also. Dunno if me can tahan or not. Take care & update us.

junnie, me actually quite like eatin confinement food coz I like sesame oil. Hahaha...hopefully wont get tired of it since menu will b similar every wk.
Gd morning mummies...so r we lunchin later? Where har? RP or City Hall?

Lunch Date B4 I "POP" :p
Date: 3rd May
Time: 12.15pm
Venue: TBC
1) maruko
2) doobom
3) cherry
4) tiffany?
Anyone else?
Morning mummies

totoro:congrats & hv a gd confinement.

maruko:hang on there. Juz let nature takes its course. Am sure no matter it's natural delivery or c-sect, as long as bb is healthy, all are worth it :D Juz relax & enjoy the last lap b4 bb's arrival.

CM:how's C1? Is she better le?
cherie bear, thanks...my boss juz called from overseas to ask me abt my condition also. Hahaha...tink he also anxious if me gonna give birth soon. :p

cherry, oh u cant join for lunch ah? its ok...tot can meet u b4 me pop. :p

doobom, so r we still set for lunch later?

Anyone got read 联合晚报? T's pic taken wif Mrs Lee was published. hahaha...so surprised to see it when my dad told me abt it. :D
morning all

maruko.. wow.. T 上报 arh?? ok ok, will go & chk it out =D ya, like cherie_bear said.. enjoy tis few days b4 u pop! LOL.. u like sesame?? then everyday can eat 麻油鸡 =D remember to drink lotsa 红枣茶 too!

cherie_bear... u going holiday nxt rite? hmmm.. can start counting down liao =D

cm.. oic... how's carissa? when then can return to schl?

totoro.. go home & rest w little lewis alr?
cherie bear, haha...ya lor. My mum told me muz frame up the newspaper cuttin to show him in future. It's not everyday or very often dat u get to take pic wif 高层 of Temasek Holdings & the pic is published in the newspaper headlines. :p
My DD is 11th. 8 days & counting.

junnie, ya me like sesame oil so can enjoy my 麻油鸡 liao...will try to drink more 红枣茶 also. Heard Milo gd for boostin milk supply???
junnie:yeah...i juz submitted my leave :D Yday went to change AUD. Wow! the rate is so high now
& to make it worse, hb's wallet was being stolen. But a kind soul picked it up & send it back to our hse. We were not home yet & he left a note for us to call him back to collect it. We ask him where he found the wallet & we suspect that the pickpocket unzip my bag but fail to get the wallet & drop it on the floor. Tis kind soul's mum saw it & they pick it up :D Really appreciate their kindness.

maruko: wow! so it's anytime these 2 wks. Enjoy. U bought present for T alrdy? yes, u shld frame it up for him.

ya,i oso heard frm ppl that milo is gd for boosting milk supply. U can give it a try. Most impt is to drink a lot fluid & it muz be hot.
cherie bear, yup anytime within these 8 days...gynae mentioned to me last sat sayin dat if by 11th still no 动静 den he will suggest dat I go for c-sect directly liao. So now keepin fingers crossed. Somehow got a feelin dat its gonna "happen" this wk...haha...
I haven got the pressie for T leh. Each time wanna buy den end up T will b wif me den I can't buy & wrap the gift. Plus me now got a problem. T not so into Thomas trains liao. Gotta find some other items for him. 伤脑精...
Will try out Milo to boost my supply.
maruko.. so ur 6cts tells u bb coming tis week? then u better b more careful when u still going to work if u wanna keep ML till the v last day of work =) jus to share.. tink during 1st confinement, besides soup.. i oni drink red dates tea & milo...till i got uti (duno izzit not enuff 'water' & being too 'heaty').. so for 2nd time... i v scare le.. so i drink warm plain water in between.... re pressie for T... perhaps like cherie_bear said.. try to get it during ur lunch hour... jus to make him happy tat is fm didi & didi luvs him too =)

cherie_bear.. i also hv same encountered! i dropped my purse (with ic, etc) sometime end last year... i even went to stop all cards/ica cos i scare ppl pick-up my ic. then when i rchd home, i saw a note on my gate, it seems a malay despatch uncle pick-up my purse along the pathway & wanna rtn to me but nobody is home yet so he left a note. he even offer to send my purse nxt day even though he might not head my area for despatch.. but i dun wish to trouble him so hb sent me to pick-up my purse fm him the very nite @east side, i offered him some money as token but he refused to take. really lucky to meet such kind ppl, phiew.. re A$.. then perhaps u all jus changed enuff to spend for optional outings/meals besides needa buy necessay souvenir.. nvm lah.. long long one time go holiday =)
cherie bear, I juz got the prezzie at Robinsons while havin lunch at City Hall.
finally settled on it.

junnie, ya lor...somehow felt its gonna b anytime soon. Will b extra careful when comin work.
Har? U mean drinkin juz red dates tea, soup & milo will kena UTI??? Mmm...hope its not the case...
re: lose wallet
There was once I picked up a wallet on the floor and the guy was stayin nearby. So I went over to the blk to pass him the wallet. Wah...hb checked the wallet den saw got a $1k note inside. Tink if other ppl picked it up, might take the $ liao. End up the uncle dun seem to b very grateful when we returned also. Juz very sianz say "thank u" den close the door. Wah piang...so much for returnin to him. Haha...hb said shld hav juz taken the $1k den give his wallet to police post. :p
junnie:IC. But for mine,we suspected that ppl try to steal it but fail, hence it drop out. But very lucky that there's kind soul ard & the wallet is returned in tact.

Ya lor, long long one time go holiday. Go le then decide. Muz at least buy something back. Hehe....
cherie bear & Junnie C1 is much better liao will be taking her to the doc and see if she is fully recovered so thati can bring her for her chinese lesson ... will no bring her to school she will only go back after the GE holiday to take her exam ...

Junnie U got UTI from drinking red dates tea, soup & milo? WOW ... i also took that for my confindment only ... and i am ok ... i guess it depends la ... ;p

Maruko does T like Trucks??? C2 love them too beside Cars and Thomas ... he likes Trucks differ types of trucks ... maybe T will like that too?
cherie_hear.. =D

maruko.. oops to hear u & ur hb met some1 so unfriendly.... re uti... like cm said, may b depends on individual, cos i tink the red dates tea/milo i drank quite 'thick' so caused not enuff water loh... accordingly to gynae, no harm drinking more water during confinement, whereas, i met an 'old fashion' during the 1st time + my mum/mil around.. so everything also 'cannot' =( re trucks, ever since the schl besides my block got major upgrading...lance v into construction vehicles besides McQueen! every now & then will bug us to carry him & c the excavators/bull dozers in action, etc.. my SIL got her some masak masak ones for last xmas gift =D hope T will like his pressie fm didi too..

cm.. glad to hear carissa is getting well & her scar all cleared off nicely... aft GE, very fast mid year holidays for the schl pupils liao =)
junnie, ya lor...dat uncle seemed so unappreciative of our effort to return him his wallet wif the $$$ still intact. -_-
re: uti
I cant recall how much red dates drink I had previously also but I noe for sure I cant finish 1 flask of it. Will hav 2 flasks each day from the confinement meal ordered so hav informed my mum mayb she dun need to boil for me also. Will c how it goes. Will take note on the "thickness" of the milo when I drink to prevent "over-heaty".
So far I observed T lately when I hav dinner at my bro's place & he is more willin to share his toys wif 妹妹 now as compared to previously, sayin dat he will play wif it when he gets home. Of coz it depends on his mood also lah. There r times when he will grumble to me sayin dat he wanna play wif it at dat instant though I told him to share share. Hopefully he will sayang 弟弟 in future & able to behave like a 哥哥...
hello mummies,

maruko & jovialz,
thank you for your kind reply on ipad.. i have decided to get wifi+3G, after purchasing will go to singtel to get my usb modify.

sorry for last minute cancellation, got held up. i am happy that i no need to go hkg alrdy!! my colleague is going instead, if not i think my mum will be so stress up.

nex week boss not in town, i can do lunch on mon or wed.. update me should there be any.

good nite to all mummies n ur lil darlings.

Gd afternoon mummies...WOW...today so quiet ah? Where is everyone??? Me now den got time to com in "eat snake" awhile. Haha...boss juz came back today den me bz wif all the handing over. Will start my ML next wk. So these 2 days gotta clear watever outstanding. :p

Cherry, no prob...enjoy ur iPad 2 when u get it.
Dunno if me can do lunch on Mon since me will b on ML liao. Hav to check wif my "chauffeur". kekeke...let me noe if u all meeting.
