(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Cm and Junnie,

Thanks! Will take good care my eyes cos now got new eyes!
Love the freedom of no glasses and esp at night the eyes feel fantastic...in the past 20+ yrs of wearing contact lens.... Aft 10pm... My eyes will feel very crappy n tired. The fear of premature ageing of corneas is the main reason I decided to go for lasik. And also after hearing tiffany's successful op.

Cm, poor C1.. hope her case will be mild and quick recover!

Jovialz, congrats! Ur hb must be over the moon.

Good Morning Mummies!!

Alamak!!! CM!!! Poor C1 and you, have to cope with CP during this period. Nvm, trust the school will arrange for another exam for C1? Meanwhile, just take care and take plenty rest.

Aiyoh.. so sad to hear you also cant join. Quickly finished up your work and handover, then we can arrange another lunch date before you pop. Hope we can find a day again as this Thursday is my closing deadline and Friday I cant.

Lunch today is still ON!! Where where?? See ya all at 12.15pm. FYI, I have Feed at Raffles, can get discount on some outlets. I am fine with any dining. Totoro, any craving??

Heard earlier that you didnt rest well after your lasik cos Chloe was sick. I also didnt rest well after my op as I sent my ex-maid home in the morning, then I went for my op, and when back, my new maid arrived and I started training and didnt sleep well too. I still love my lenses and specs free days, but the only thing I am not used to is my "imperfect 6/6" vision. Like you, Dr Theng under corrected one side of my eyes to prepare for lao hua, but I feel quite uncomfortable as my vision is not 6/6 which I used to see when I was wearing lenses. Still giving myself some time to adapt and try out, if really still not comfy, I might go for the enhancement. Will see how it goes.. overall, I am really happy with the lasik.

I have decided to keep my current maid liao.. There are few pointers which I had been thinking if I should take my ex-maid back, such as, the risk of her fly me aeroplane after I paid the agent Direct hire fee of $1800 (this amount I have to pay upfront with no gurantee) ie. if anything happens to her, no show/ medical fail etc, this money will be gone, with no replacement. Also, I was also sceptical cos I was worried when she return to me, she will carry high hat and show me attitude etc... There are quite a few factors that held me back from taking her back when comparing her with my current maid. Moreover, now that my current maid is 4 mths with me, she has settled down already, routine work dont need supervision and her housework/ cleaning is pretty good, only problem of her is still her EQ, weak english & super greedy. I label her my "vaccum cleaner" and my SIL jokingly say... she is "eat shit fish" WHY we give her a nickname?? cos she is super duper greedy cos every snack I give her... turn my head, the food is gone within short time! Give her new packet biscuit, can finish within 1 day. Indeed she is a very big eater lor... Give her 1 orange, 1 apple and 1 peach at one go, next moment, only left apple. She does not ration her food!!

Anyway, I am also worried my ex-maid will half way contract tell me family got issue, want to go home etc... This thing, I dont have confident in her lor that she will finish 2 years.. So, decided to keep current maid, though stupid, but I think she is a simple and good girl.

Just on Saturday, my IL maid was sent off immediately. My SIL checked her bag, found Cash, Jewelleries, few handphones, and a PREGNANCY KIT!!! According to my maid, my IL maid has bf, so, I suspect she sleeps with the man to earn extra!! Kenna sent back to agent liao!!...
I think some parents really dont have the responsibilities and practically dump their kids to maid... This is obviously not right. I am considering CC cos Lucas is able to go without nap liao, so, I feel occupying him with full day activities will do him better. After hearing and reading about full day CC, we really need to find the right and good CC. Not all are good too, some will just throw some colour pencil, crayon and pictures and let them do colouring without much supervision one.. so, I am also sceptical lor. Best is got lots of money, I dont need to work, pick ala carte enrichments for the kids and send them everywhere.... haha...

Congrats!!! Daddy and mummy must be very very happy. Well done Caelan!!
junnie, T 斯文 ah? He also can get very 搞怪 at times lor, esp when he noes old hag ard. There was once he purposely tell me he wanna eat bread wif butter. Den he spread himself, bite 1 bite liao den throw into dustbin say dun wanna eat liao. I caned him rite away for wasting food coz I noe he juz wanna play by spreadin the butter on the bread. From den on, he dun dare to do it again until YESTERDAY when old hag ard den he did it again wif a piece of 油条. Bite 1 liao den throw into dustbin. Old hag only say him den even cheekily "played" wif him over it. -_- T also forget I dun like den com into room tell me he throw into dustbin. I scolded & punished him to stand facin wall & tink thru y im angry. He gimme his innocent 可怜 look as usual but I cant b bothered. Sigh...really not ez.

Tiffany, no worries...sure will meet up b4 I pop.
Hopefully by next wk? kekeke...

Mummies lunching, ENJOY!
hi mummies ... my kdis are all chic pox vaccine ... yesterday when we went to see the GP ... he mention that out of 100 kids that took the vaccine ... 15 of them got chicken pox
aND THE % IS very high so now doc will not advise ppl to take the vaccine liao and if kids/bb take it now they will have to take 2 ject instate of 1 ject like last time ... ;(

C1's CP was a mild one at 1st but now she is getting more poxs and also feeling uncomfortable liao just den when i appy hazeline for her ... suddenly i felt tears dripping !!! den i was that she was tearing i asked her y adn she reply that she is tired and dun feel good feel like vomiting
"heartpain" ... but but but yes she still need to take her paper 2 so still need to revise her work ... still got lotssssssssss of things we need to cover for her ;(

i really hope that she can rest well too
yes heartpain but no choice too ... already in P3 liao "SIGH"
junnie .. is chx pox back again? i dun no the GP nvr mention that ... but i know where did C1 got the CP ... just 2 sundays ago my hb's friend's gal birthday so got birtday party ... when we reach there guess what ... we saw a gal full of Cp seating there ... the poor birthday gal and her sister got CP and the parents DID NOT cancel the children birthday party .....
so so so B****less and !#&(*$&(*#!T^$(*@
ecookie, tiffany, totoro, cherry,
A wonderful lunch date with all of you! In addition to my dose of Gongcha Plum Green Tea w/ pearls. Definitely this combi helps with my Monday BLues...

What a gorgeous preggie mama. Hmm... You are looking really good especially in that red dress. Cool!

After seeing you, I am feeling excited for you. Really excited... count down and treasure moments of bb inside you before you welcome him on wed.

a dumb/silly question...
My 1st time to be involved though I wonder how I got through last time round...
Since May 7 is the polling day (offically declared public holiday), does that mean that it will be ghost town here? No one is working? coz spa boutique called me to tell me to reschedule my appt as they are closed for the day.
Are we expecting to receive any correspondence from 'them' to go and Q to do the 'thingy' or we can just laze @ home?
Tot if we can really not be focused on that 'thingy', then a meetup @ Jacob Ballas or lunch date for all of us will do good.
Can we?
doobom: i think polling is compulsory if im not wrong, even u not interested, must go n chose no vote option

lunch: it was good catching up with all the pretty mummies!
we should do it more oftern!
U went through it last round?
This is gonna be my first time. Is it an online thingy or have to go CC to do it manually?
Come to think of it... It's quite lame to go and do it via the 'manual' process.
Lunch? U are coming by to RP, so we can do more rounds next time.
I voted last round.went to a nearby sec sch to vote. It's at schools cos the teachers are mobilized to help. Hence, the following mon will be a school holiday.

Congrats on your new job!
Mbfc right? But I think lunch very headache.... Cos it's mostly restaurants and very packed. And RP MRT quite a walk.. A lot of pp working there having lots of lunch time and parking woes.
Strike off polling list if choose not to vote?! U mean one can have the choice not to vote, thought it's compulsory thing. I din actually follow the whole thingy coz I have no interest at all. Waste of time.
If no opposition party contest in your area, then it's considered a "walk over" where PAP win by default. You don't need to go and vote, can laze at home.

But if there is competition, they send you a poll card to notify you where to go and vote (mostly are community centre or school) within a few days after nomination day.. You must go to vote unless you want to give up your rights to vote (strike off from polling list) in future elections. There are people who deliberately make their vote invalid (I.e. Vote for more than 1 party etc).
hi mummies,

long time no 'see'. Has been a SAHM or more than 1 week... hee hee... officially will be no longer under the stupid company by 2nd may. Somehow, dun have the drive to look for job.. sign


yr hb n u must be v v happy, is a milestone... the ST is eally helping!!! Did the therepist cites any reason to it?


keeping your helper? As long as she is improving, is good la. I have less problem when my helpr dun go over to my MIL place, which we really minimised it. Since im not working now, she dun go over at al. Everytme she goes over, my mil will have sometime to complain till im so sian. She is coping well, but somehow, as a phi, her english is not as good and need reminder now and then. other than that, she is doing fine. hopefully, she dun show new patterns ...
CM, so heartpain for C1 havin to go thru a hard time plus take her exam. *sayang*
So inconsiderate of the parents for not cancellin the party when the gals r down wif CP. My director's son also juz got CP last wk. Tink the virus floatin ard lately?

doobom, wow...so flattered to hear dat from u. Thanks. My temp gal saw u den was VERY surprised dat u r a mother of 2 liao. She said she tot u r still single wif loads of suitors queueing up. Hahaha...
re: Polling day
If a gatherin is confirmed den dun tink I can meet up also. Dunno if me start my confinement by den or not. :p
Tink the rest of the mummies oredi ans ur queries on how to poll liao.

Jovialz, thx for the info on 1st child wif no CDA acc. Dat day I went to OCBC den realised hav to get MCYS letter den can go open acc. Cannot suka suka go open.

chris, since dun hav the drive to look for job den enjoy ur days being SAHM in the meantime.

Tiffany, overlooked u sayin ur SIL sent her maid back. Wow...interestin findings there. So daring of these maids to earn these "extras".
Good Morning Mums!!

Yesterday lunch with pretty mamas was wonderful. Lots of yak yak, sharing our kiddo's milestones, always not enough time. I am very glad that we are still able to sustain our relationship for so long and still going on strong. Yes, we should make it an effort to meet regularly and also arrange for playdates...

Yesterday you mentioned your new coy name, it didnt occur to me until this morning... It sounds so familiar lei... then I confirm with my hb... we know someone there.. she is the finance mgr!! Wonder if we get the right person.. her name starts with Lxxx. Do you happen to meet anyone with this name? She was also ex-Deloitte.

zhenzhen, where are you? havent seen your post for awhile... do join us for lunch yay....

You still look glowing and not puffy. Enjoy your freedom now. Tomorrow will be your BIG day... Rest well today!!

Would love to join for playdate at Jabcob Ballast, but kids still have class on 6th May despite polling day holiday.

Yes, I have always know that my IL maid is daring. She is one cunning bitch, she sort of spite my ex-maid to leave, and now also spite my current maid until I am quite fed up with her.. just about few days ago, my maid still tell me about that how that maid spite her.. I was quite troubled and sort of worried my maid will be kenna spite until decide to quit.. Just in time, her bad actions are exposed and sent off immediately.. My maid is happy in a way that she dont have to see that maid anymore... I am glad too... cos almost every other day.. got story to hear one...
morning mummies!

tiffany: i have friends' sis & bf working there but i dont know ur friend.. i only know my boss and its a he.. heheh...

maisymouse: yah lor, i have a lot of complaints abt the location.

alot of my friends were like wow the building very nice, view v nice blah blah but doesnt matter to me. i can only imagine my self walking in my heels to the office haha. think i will alight at marina bay stat instead of raffles place cos its nearer to MBFC... and lunch is gonna be a headache! maybe i will slim down bcos of limited lunch choices.
jovialz: thanks for the updates! my hb and i still unsure how to go about setting up an acct for yz to get the govt. grant..

polling: so for this time round, opposition contesting in all GRCs? or so i heard? anyone know how to check if ur GRC need to vote/walkover cos mine is tanjong pagar, normally walk over one..
oic... I believe MBFC will have some eateries bah, perhaps not much choice only...

ohh... you Tanjong Pagar GRC ar.. then your constituency walkover. Its in todays ST. If not wrong, we all have to wait for nomination day (27th April) then will know if our constituencies have any contest and whether needs voting. We will receive letter via post. Also, can check website. http://www.elections.gov.sg/
Ya, how come didn't use YR CDA acc to pay for YZ?
Marina bay station nearer but think a lot of contructions...better check w your colleagues...
My hb co just shifted to MBFC last week... They are still exploring and new to the area but think the nearest food court is Rasapura at MBS which is super crowded and ex! The walk Fr RP is really no joke.. Think might have to keep your power heels in the office ;)
Mummies, so sorry din log in so long...

CM : For the month of late Mar n Apr, my family take turns to hv chic pox too,.

Elvis then Maid then Hb :p

Now family only Elbib din kena :p

btw the chic pox medi so ex now. the pills tat said to reduce the rashes and pain cost S$81 (my maid) to S$124 (hb) lol

Polling day : aiyo. those sales pple so kua zhang... polling 8am - 8pm. Why need to close shop? :p

if the S/ GRC dun hv competitor will walk over mah.... :p

Voting is compulsary if you received the card n yr area required
Eunice ...did u tell yr gyen? i know that its no good for pregy woman esp the bb inside ...

GE is a public holiday so got to vote or not also dun need to work
hi all

me so busy since ytd...

totoro... all prepared for later today? does kelly knw didi
is coming soon? all the best 2u we cant wait to c didi's pix =)

cm.. so sad to hear carissa cried in pain.. hope she & carlson's faster recover,  really shakehead to knw how they contacted the virus.. wonder how many more children or adults kena fm the irresponsible ppl! when the pox drying up is the most contagious period! zann was down w mild fever ytd pm i gotta pick her fm schl when teacher called me during lunch time.... i also looking out any spots on her.. tink cp virus is back cos the cc principal told me ytd.  zann complained throat pain i tink is throat infection again... but she's allergy to all types antibiotics & bufen so i can oni gv her paraceltamol + leftose =( her fever was down tis morning so she went to schl but evening come bk again... later she got chinese papers hope fever wont b bk again.

eunice...lucky u had cp b4... elbib must b 'strong' didt get the virus =D so were u on leave to look aft them when ur maid down w cp? i had a frd last time also kena cp whilst she's preggie... lucky bb out ok.. she also v worried but doc said cant do much as she's in 3rd tri le. perhaps u jus adk ur gynae during nct chk-up to play safe.

tiffany... so u hv decided to keep the smilely maid! good lah at least she's settled down & u dun hv to worry much. ntd u said abt her big appetite.. nvm lah jus tk it as a treat 4 her good work at times loh... my jaw dropped when reading abt ur IL's maid... really v daring.. heng she's gone & ur maid nt influenced by her.

chris... glad to hear fm u! must b 'shiok' being SAHM aft leaving the mad coy.. happy bonding w brig & emilee... jus ignore ur MIL remarks if u tink maid is helpful.

maisymouse... re lasik... u sure hv made a rt choice for now... at least no need to spend $$ on glasses and/or lenses like me...hiaz =( my hb until today also say y i so 'lucky' nt qualified for lasik?

doobom.. i 1st time voting too... v excited loh =D cos for the past like ecookie, my area under Tg Pagar no chance to vote... tis year bcom single constituency!! b it vote or not... i got extra holiday cos i work on saturday =D. i remembered in 2001 my ROM cum chinese customary also bcom holiday due to last min polling day... i fllwd hb to vote for his area in my tea costume =D

jovial.. can vote for two parties meh?? hmmm.. i thot if leave blank or tick both boxes the vote is considered void?!
Gd morning mummies...today on urgent leave coz T was havin high fever last nite. Sigh...didnt sleep well also coz kept worryin abt his temp plus he kept whinin when I wanna sponge him.
Hopefully nothing will crop up at work for the temp gal.

Tiffany, polling day on 7th rite? How com u said on 6th?
Heng ur ears can find peace wif ur SIL's maid gone now. So will she b gettin new maid to replace current? Hopefully her new maid wont create any "trouble" also wif ur current maid.

ecookie, hey tink in another way abt ur office location lah...perhaps like u say u will b able to "slim down"? Although u oredi very slim liao, tink the wind might b able to BLOW u away if u slim some more. Hahaha...*juz kidding*
Wow u under Tanjong Pagar GRC ah? Shiok lah no need vote. Now me gotta worry dat I gotta go queue up to vote either during confinement or in my heavy pregnant state.

eunice, wow...all take turns to kena chix pox? It muz b hard on u havin to take care of everything. So ex for the meds...me now worried abt T havin it coz I didnt let him take the vaccine earlier.

junnie, zann also down wif fever ah? Tink got virus floatin ard. T also given leftose.
morning mummies!

maruko" oh dear, how is T today? hope the fever subsided already. heard alot of pple coming down w fever these few days! shhoo shoo away all viruses. yah i will take mrt to marina bay mrt instead since its just opp MBFC. instead of raffles place n walk the distance!! but of cos when it rains, still have to go via raffles place since its sheltered all the way. i dun want to slim down somemore. not nice! and my boobs will be gone!! @_@

polling; yah seems like walkover for tanjong pagar. ive never voted all my life! was in marine parade GRC previously LOL.

CM: i did use yr CDA to pay for YZ childcare fees. but the govt will be giving out $ by crediting directly to each child CDA or edusave funds i think. but yz has none of this so i was wondering previously how is the money gonna reach us for yz. for yr is ok since he already has a CDA account being a 2010 baby.
Tiffany : 6th May is cooling day :p

Maruko / Junnie : wat if I say, the chic pox in my family is not intense :p

Vac is not compulary and I feel kids hv it earlier is better. my hb n maid hor. got fever, backache etc lol

Maruko : hope T gets better today. Elbib also start to get cough yesterday
Mummies... *waves*

*Hugs* Speedy recovery to T.
Chill... Counting down to weloming of bb.
The weather is not really well. Hence I have tried to avoid bringing the boys out for shopping except to 'open' outdoors. Even for myself, I get slight sniffing these few mornings.
If possible, can give home made watermelon juice if not having any cough/phlegm. Fresh coconut juice (few sips since it's really very 'liang'), provided w/ no cough/phlegm. That's what I do when J1 comes with symptoms of heatiness. Also the need to get him do water parade.
In fact, he finish a glass of water after his milk feeds/meals. So it's more like a habit for him. Other than that, he needs to finish at least 1 bottle (800ml) of water when he is at home.
Can get T to have more water parade?

You definitely dun need to slim down anymore. U are looking great now!
Hhmmm... I agree that boobs are almost gone when one becomes too slim.
*looking at myself and shake head*
No boobs. Sad...

As for the cc fees payment, it's possible to use siblings' CDA. J1 is using J2's CDA for his cc fees. U may want to check with the school.

The older one is when he/she gets cp, it's tougher and more suffering.
Sometime ago, it was reported that SM Goh G.T was hospitalised for cp. Though not sure how true is that.
My elder has taken the cp vac, supposed should be quite safe if really exposed?!
hihi mummies!

hope T is feeling better now! must be tough on you.. jia you!

congrats on your new job! all the best!

re CDA:
mummies, im very lost abt this.. can someone enlighten me? i have never used a single cent in it.. is there any dateline for this? as most probably we will not back to SG so soon... if i din manage to use the money at all, is it possible to draw out and save it in kids' saving accounts?
doobom : no boobs meh? you chio leh...

lol you call me happywonderland. Funny.

CP can cause hospitalisation cos maybe due to high fever and can be sever aching.

CM posted that her kids hv vacc too rite? also have chance to kena.

dodo : I also hv not use cos Tots house is not govt registered so cannot use CDA.

We cannot draw out the $$. We can top up nia. The $$ can use for Pri sch as well. Medical bills for certain clinic can. If the $$ not finished, dunno when will transfer to kids' educsave acc
Coz we normally do not address real name here though it seems we know each other for ages. There may be some concerns about privacy about real names used in forum. So I try to address nick lor...
Dun worry, I am not blur. I know your name.
Hello mommies...

Had a hearty lunch with all e super duper nice n friendly mommies... Let's do it again!!!! I'm loving it...

My son voice has turn coarse due to sore throat.. Mommies, do u suggest I wait n see or bring him to see a doc??? so far No other symptoms.
ya, top up and there will be another equal amt being top up by govt right? and all these money can pay for education, enrichment and medical bills right? my concern is if i dun use any, can these money transfer to kids' edusave that to be used for their tertiary education... maybe i shd enquire abt this..
Yesterday I went to sushi tei wif a gf, this gf sign her card n I pay her cash... We both went off happily..

Today then we realise that we had foot for another table bill!!! The item does not reflect the food that we had taken!! Over pay by 10+++ no choice , self comfort treat as tipping lor ...arggggh.. Lol
Thanks for all mummies concern...T is ok since morning except for occasional cough & runnin nose. So far fever did not shoot back. *phew* BUT he slept too shiok this morning coz no need go schl den now still haven taken his nap. I'm so tired...didnt manage to sleep much. -_-

ecookie, LOL at ur boobs will b gone if slim down some more. :D
U can join us at RP for lunch if we hav any organised.

eunice, chic pox not intense? Mmmm...me also tink its better to get it earlier den later coz my dad got it at his 40s n I heard from my mum dat his condition was quite serious coz whole of his throat full of ulcers.

doobom, me hav been tryin to get T to hav more water parade but alas this boy gotta b forced all the time. There r even times when I gotta enlist the help of "cane" to make him drink. This boy really hard to manage wif old hag ard. Sigh...
WAT? U no boobs??? Com on...I was practically "droolin" at the sight of them when we had lunch previously. hahaha...oops...

Cherry, tink its best to bring him c doc. 病从浅中医...hope he gets well soon.
Wah...which sushi tei outlet u went to? How com so blur charge wrong bill? I always hav a tendency to check on the items charged to the bill b4 I sign on it. My hb also never check den always juz sign. At times he dun even noe the amount he payin. -_-
hi all

maruko... glad to knw T is feeling better. i also didnt gv both my kids cp vaccine.. jus gotta 'keep finger cross' each time i knw got tis virus ard... i tink if jabbed also will kena cp jus a matter of alot or little bit... if not remember wrongly.. the vaccine tahan two years oni.. zann's fever was down again tis morning.. hopefully it wont come back again... if u c the timing i posted earlier, tat's the time aft i changed her pj cos it was 'soaked' (she perspired) aft taking the paraceltamol 2hrs ago fm tat time.. aft tat i cant zzz liao.. tis morning my turn to b zombie when came to office =(

cm.. how's both Cs le??

eunice.. u r rite.. the older caught cp.. the more 'lay-chay'... i had it in my mid 20s, need to b on MC for abt 3wks b4 i can go out & 'c ppl' =D

cherry.. aiyo.. so heartpain to pay for something u & ur frd not ordered... re sore throat.. unless u got medication at home, if not, better bring ur boy to c doctor.. my kids often got throat infection tat leads to fever... will affect their appetite too if throat swell/painful... avoid eating heaty stuff for time being & gv him some liang cha..

doobom.. re ur homemade watermelon juice.. izzit jus use the juicer to extract? needa heat it up? i v tempted to gv them fresh coconut juice... but they got stubborn phlegm leh... wat other type of liang cha u tink is suitable? i hv stopped gving them their favourite 夏古草 due to their cough.. knw they r heaty (cos phlegm is green colour) but cant gv liang cha.. really headache..

ecookie.. ya.. agreed u look great now.. cannot slim down somemore hor =D hopefully w the forthcoming 'increase in walking' can help tone up ur muscle more =)

dodo.. tink ur case is special as u reside overseas... may b u can chk out tis link & call them up for more info. http://app.customerfeedback.mcys.gov.sg/bbs_faqmain.asp?strItemChoice=2004119171752&strShowSummary=0
junnie n maruko,

Thank you for your advise, okay will take my boy to see doctor tomorrow. What medicine is needed for sore throat????

junnie, thank you for the mcys link.. so our kid can enjoy up to $400 cash from gov. than i must go and open a acc for him

Thank you mommies for sharing.
cherry.. u r welcome... sore throat best to gv anti-swelling medi, let the doc precribe 4 ur child... btw, if u talking abt the cdc..u open cda a/c until u rcvd letter fm mcys.. tink jovial shared tis link previously.. http://app.customerfeedback.mcys.gov.sg/bbs_faqmain.asp?strItemChoice=2011224111918&strSubItemChoice=2011224112159&action=SHOWTOPICS&m_strTopicSysID=201122411240#2011224112159

dodo.. u can also go read the abv link, they mentioned something abt open CDA when u overseas... hope it helps..

we normally get watermelon from the market fruits stall. On the day itself, cut into cubes and blend them using blender. For smooth consistency, you can add bit of drinking water and blend together with the cubes of watermelon. Serve it instantly.
Amount to give: normally a cup (those kiddy cartoon cups e.g. Thomas & Friends, Cars kind that we get from department store) each time.
If the kids dun mind, can let them eat a few cubes. Generally, we give a cup twice a day (either lunch+noon tea break or noon tea break+dinner).
We dun give them the chilled ones. Adults will take the leftover chilled ones.
Please dun give after you put them in fridge.
Fresh coconut juice: provided they are ok and have tried it before. Initially when I introduced, we give few spoonsful. Gradually then give them drink from cup. Max amount is half cup as it's really liang. Tested and proven effective during fever episodes.
Ever since I get to know that barley triggers phlegm, I have minimise their intake. Instead I give chrysathemum tea.
To spot body heatiness, you can constantly look out if their lips are really red. If so, these are signs of body heatiness. More water/fruits to start off.
