(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

tiffany: yah hb has to step up to be the more hands on parent. so he will fetch yz home from cc after i change job! i hope i can still cab down to meet them after my work!

i should be starting early jun
congrats ecookie

TIffany ... my maid is ok la ... but she dun ASK even when she dun know ...
teach her she also sometime dun remember ... i know i know that MAIDS are all like that but aiya ... den she is also a very very slow worker ... so often she work till 12 plus and i also dun want to help her cos she is too SLOW liao and i want her to learn ... i am also lazy to say too much liao la ... i say again my hb is going to take away the maid in the house liao
Ya, patient patient. Men dont like us to complain too much abt housechores and maids...maid has 70% standard is consider good liao.. cant expect much. Always changing is not a solution, it causes more stress to everyone in the family. Just get her to write down or you write down for her and get her to follow. Hope this will be a better way.... Some ppl are just sooo slow motion... just have to adapt to her style if you still want a maid to help...
helloo mommies,

my bb jus sleep... so now i came in to peek a boo!!!

no lar im not in retail therapy?!?! Im in engineering. yes, coy quite flexible n understanding.. more of give n take. i am really appreciative.

wow.. so happy for u.. all e best for u. yes, it also breaks my heart during the process, what to do, not gotta think so much only hoping for a nice healing..

Gd morning mummies...I'm still hanging ard. :p Was bz wif trainin temp gal yesterday so no time com in post.

cherry, yup...keep applyin aloe vera gel on the wound. It will lighten the scar also.

ecookie, congrats to gettin a gd offer. No go macau b4. Enjoy ur trip.
U will b at Raffles Place? Great...den can join us for lunch next time liao. :p
Hi Mummies!
It's long weekend... Yeah!!!

What's the plan for the long weekends?
Any suggestions?

U've gone for delivery? Hmm... pretty quiet since yesterday, u...

Can lunch together @ RP if I m still around this area.
I am in the midst of looking around too, not sure when the opportunity will come. Though very much to stay on in Raffles Place coz I din want my job switch to affect J1, as you know he is skooling @ Raffles Place. However if really no choice, then will have to pull him out from the current cc and put him elsewhere.

Some of you may have heard my rant.
1) Not sure if I should pull J1 out from full day cc and switch him Zoophonics (3hrs daily) and thereafter stay @ home with bb J2 and helper. But he likes both skools (Full day cc and weekend Zoophonics).
Currently I am pretty satisfied with his curriculum in the full day cc, though their focus is very much about learn thru play and not stressing on writing which Zoophonics is very strict and persistent about it.
What's the focus that we should be on in regards to our little ones' learning in school? Learn thru play or strictly academically focused?
J1 still can't write very well, but his thinking skills and 'street-smart' skills are better than his academic skills.
At end of the day, it would depends very much if I am moving on with new opportunity.
2) Helper finishing her contract end June, not sure if I wanna extend her contract though she is only keen to work till Dec and thereafter she wants to go home. *Headache*
3) Not very well with work, seeing the need to move on. Sourcing around, and hoping to find a good one soon.
doobom, haven go for delivery lah...dun worry, me will sure announce if me at labour ward "pushing"... :p
Dunno how to advise u on ur rant also coz it largely depends on ur own focus for J1. Discuss wif ur hb lor. No hurry anyway since u still hav more den a mth b4 ur maid's contract is up.
hi mummies ...

doobom ... if i were u i will stay put cos you mention that helper leaving soon right ... and also Zoophonics is REALLY very strict and persistent on the academically ... C2 join them after the 1st term and still catching up on the writing skill ... he is doing well but still the teachers both English & CHinese are always asking me to revise and practise with him at home ... hong C2 is a very fast learner and also keen in learning if not i think i might die of stress ... whereas other school they are more relax cos ZP is always half a year ahead of other sch in Singapore ...

R yr kids doing addition in sch now ??? ZP yes they r already doing it ... and they need to even know how to write numbers from 1 to 20 and off cos A to Z

Maid ... i can only hope that she will learn faster and do things faster ... looking for jobs is on hold for NOW cos i dun think i can fang xin and also C1 SA1 is here ;(

Lunch on Monday i can make it cos C1 will ned to stay back in sch for oral exam
Hi mummies,
Busy in office.

Personally I prefer learn from play. I feel promote creativity and self exploration and thinking rather than '读死书'type lor. But that's for me lor, maybe cos I'm the type who don't know how to sit and teach and Caelen is the type who like to explore and find out about things himself.

Must getting very excited liao.

Yeh... Long weekend tomorrow. Where are you mummies bringing the kids to??
My hb not in town lei.. so, no family time for us. Will be bringing the kids to Jacob Ballast Children Gdn in the morning... Pray for good good weather!!

If there is group lunch on Monday, I can join too. Buzz me!

So happy, bump into a mummy (sep) who works near me, one more lunch kakis in PS liao...
I tot of going to Jacob Ballast Children Gdn tomorrow too, but no kakis. You are going with kids and helper?

Lunch - 25Apr (Mon)
Time - 12.15pm
1. doobom
2. CM
3. Cherry
Tiffany, Maruko, ecookie, bbwow, zhen_zhen, twinkle_stars, happy_wonderland eunice, ...?
doobom: currently yz also in same mode like J1, cc full day n zoophonics during weekend (i only started him this year). so far he likes both school. learning vision also advocate learning thru activities but so much on writing only. i also feel that yz knows pretty much, quite articulate and can has his own thinking but his writing can be improved on definitely. until now, the way he holds his pencil still v salah haha.

can mummies who work in RP share with me what cc available there?
doobom, skoolhouse is at OCBC centre? my new blg is at marina bay FC, nearer to one raffles quay that side.. anyone can advise?i want to put yr there when he turn 20m later this year so i can fetch him after work..
lunch on mon 25th apr, is this at RP or city hall. i can only do city hall.. let me know ok?
i can join if its at City hall
Monday lunch I can join lei.. you didnt add my name
I am fine with RP, Cityhall or Orchard. Cherry can only make it if it is in Orchard only.

Ya, bringing both kids and helper without hb. A mummy fren and her kids will be joining me, hope she dont last min fly me aeroplane as her kids were not sick past few days. Just sms with her, she confirmed OK. If you dont mind, you can join us de.. no prob!! My fren has 3 kids!
Sorry, I missed you in the list.
I have yet decide what to do tomorrow - stay @ home laze, swim, play @ Jacob Ballas. Will buzz you if I am going.

Yes, LSH is @ OCBC Centre. If I am not wrong, there is Cherie Hearts which suppose to be nearer to your new work office.
Also, there is few other choices near the Octagon (near Lau Pa Sat). I am not very well versed with spots here in RP.
You may want to visit your selected choices and pay visits to them, see if they suit your preferences.

Can you do lunch @ City Hall?

Lunch - 25Apr (Mon)
Time - 12.15pm
Venue - City Hall
1. doobom
2. CM
3. Tiffany
4. ecookie
5. Cherry?
Anymore mamas?
Hi mummies
Me still here .... last official working day at home ... though I didn't really "work" ha ha!!

Sorry for the late reply but I think I'm the latest here that got my driving license. If you want to pass fast, go for the school. I took the one from Kovan MRT, they have pick-up and various place - Sengkang MRT and not sure if Punggol have or not. Reason why I choose is it's convenient for me to get to MRT rather than go Ubu directly even though it's very near my office. Learning from school, you have a lot of chance learning on the circuit and they really tell you the "steps" to park which can never fail one. Bad point is, when you pass, you really have to learn how to park hiaks hiaks and till now, it's still a bit of problem for me some times though I drive almost everyday now.

Lunch on Monday!! I'm officially on ML so where?? See if I can make it and then do some last minute shopping :)

Yah, we were caught in the rain but lucky hb with us also so he managed to help to do some arrangement for the tram to pick up the kiddos etc. Short trip but guess the kids enjoy it!

Congrats on getting a new job

Just went to the gynae this morning and baby still about 3.2kg but I'm the one that finally increased weight by 1kg. I predicited it as has started to eat A LOT since 1 week ago!! Suddenly just feel hungry everytime and the little one will only start moving when I eat something hiaz!!
hi all

ecookie.. congrats on finding new job so fast! going holiday again?? wow...!! fyi, we also dropped by macau via ferry during hk tour, didnt stay overnight but saw venetian hotel which looks good! u must try the portuguese egg tarts & pork chop bun hor!! =D will PM u a link which i find useful during my last trip..

tiffany,doobom.. too bad tmr we going family picnic @ECP, if not wud luv to join u all at JB garden =(

doobom... if jerry adapts to full time cc i tink is better to carry on rather than change his present schedule, cos ur helper is not cfmd stay put & help u, i'm sure the cc in SG follow certain standard/requirements to get the kids prepared for p1.. i also hv same sentiments as jovial... tink learning thru creativity more fun..

cm... really our #2 must learn 1-20 & A-Z writing by now?? i dun tink lance knw how to write except letter 'L' =( tis boy oni likes to play w pots & pans at home, in schl i really duno wat he learns except every friday bring bk some colouring & chinese strokes to learn writing.. re maid.. if u compared tis current maid w last one may b u'll feel more 'balance'.. at lease she dun gv as much problm as the previous one... jus gotta bear w her & gv her some more time to 'brush-up' herself.. yalor.. is CA time again =(

totoro,maruko.. hopefully u both can enjoy tis two forthcoming holidays in mth of May b4 popping =)
junnie & jovialz,
I share same sentiments as both you, though I am feeling the peers pressure about how well some younger little friends can do so well with words recognition and writing.
J1 shows more interest in arts & crafts, activities (mazes, puzzles, etc) than writing. Perhaps due to his exposure to learn thru play during his stay with LSH.
Though it may seems easy to just let him do what he likes and enjoy childhood, yet being a parent, I feel the stress and pressure about what's the best i can do for him in order to catch up with the ridiculously competitive society all of us are living in.

As usual, I am one who worries and consider so very much... the unncessary worries.

Cool! Happy picnic-ing @ ECP.
Lunch - 25Apr (Mon)
Time - 12.15pm
Venue - City Hall
1. doobom
2. CM
3. Tiffany
4. ecookie
5. totoro_bb
6. Cherry?
Anymore mamas?
No problem.. just buzz me if you decide on Jacob Ballast. Hope not too crowded also...

I am also toying with sending my kids to full day childcare, but not sure which is good. I prefer more academic based as I read that some CC dont teach much then kids having problem coping with P1 work.

Can you feedback is Mindchamp good? How much is the fees per mth? 2 kids means x2 wor!!! sweat!!
totoro.. really caught in the rain arh?? so kind of ur hb to make arrangements for the kids to avoid getting wet.... now u dun tink so much, jus eat & enjoy b4 didi arrives =D

doobom.. tat's y my hb ask me dun tink dun compare & dun go visit 'kiasu parent' website often... which is quite true... at least for a period i dun feel so pressurized & i can 'breath' better =D cos once the kids feel we pressed them too much... they not happy... when they not happy.. they dun listen & dun learn properly... tis jus my opinion =)
If I remember correctly, the fees @ mindchamps are close to 1k after subsidy.

Either very academically focused or street-smart focused kids, it's subjective even to extend of individual parent' preferences.
Needless to mention, CC definitely taught the correct daily lifestyle skills for kids to be independent as compared to kids taught @ home. No offence to SAHM or mamas w/ helpers coz kids attending CC are really independent. Kids @ home w/ helpers tend to be more reliant on helpers to get things done for them, which I see this in little ones of my friends and when J1 was younger.
After attending CC for some time, J1 changed... I can even sense that J1 takes ownership of what he does and what he supposes to do. He proves the satisfaction he gained being able to do it himself. It's good for self-confidence building, though J1 is still very SHY. Gosh!
Pros and cons... A point when I have no conclusion and solution, I will just ignore and bother about it later again... weeks/months thereafter...
the fee is 1k minus $2 after subsidy!!!
I'm ok with what she has learned so far and she has started to converse with me in mandarin which is something that she don't normally do in the past. Every week, she learn phonics or numbers and weekly they will bring back story books for parents to read to them. One thing I realized is most of the kiddos there can really talk a lot! I think the school really encourage them to speak up.
I don't have much comparison since this is the only one that I have sent, maybe you can check with Gingerleaf as lyn started this year as well. As for being independence, definitely a lot of changes since she started CC. In fact, now in school the N2 normally go toilet on their own liao! My only concern is when she poo poo so I told her have to get help from any teachers if she went alone and happen to poo poo!!!
I can join lunch on next Mon but cant stay for long coz temp gal ard and she still needs guidance on certain things. Plus, boss flyin next wk. -_- so many things to settle...

Lunch - 25Apr (Mon)
Time - 12.15pm
Venue - City Hall
1. doobom
2. CM
3. Tiffany
4. ecookie
5. maruko
6. totoro

Tiffany, will b bringin T to seletar farm tmr morning.

totoro, glad to hear u r gainin weight. Wah...so shiok on ML leave liao.
Agree with kids who attend full day CC are more independent. I have frens who shared that those SAHM without maid, their kids are also well-behaved and independent. It is those with maid, tend to be more dependent and spoilt.
I am considering full day CC cos L is only attending 3 hrs school which I feel it is not enough. He is wasting most of his time at IL house, either watching TV or disturbing people, making my IL so fustrated also. Moreover, I see that he tend to skip nap on some days now, I feel that having him in full day CC will be better as he will be occupied with activities. Also, we can sign them up for various enrichment which are all conducted in sch rather than having to to send them over at weekend.. become not much family time... There again, not all CC has good curriculum... some CC leave the kids playing by themselves too, idle time also... Well... very confused. I like his current 3 hours church kindy as I feel that he is learning alot and mandarin too.. He can recite chinese poems, speaks mandarin and telling me things which I find it impressive. Haiz... very vex!! As for Andrea, I find her learning skill is slow... think it is her own absorbing ability is slower bah... same school but both performing so differently.

Is it $1K less $200? ie.. Net $800?

Have fun at ECP!! Hope tomorrow weather is GOOD!!

What is there at seletar farm? Never been there before.
Doodom .. ZP do learn thru creativity too ... and they r very good ... but again like what u said CC can also train kids in another way ... so ha its again a no conclusion and solution end ... we also keep thinking of sending C2 to ZP's CC in Dover but still thinking la

Tiffery u see wrongly liao ... totoro said $1k minus $2.00 not $200.00

Wow, finally the day is arriving ! You have a good rest b4 wed...after that will be a whole new chapter in your life..

I have been checking in n out of Mt A for the past whole week...
Guess wat Junnie?
I went for LASIK finally! Thanks to Tiffany's recommendation...finally took the plunge and did it last thur. Assessment in the morning and op in the afternoon.. I was really nervous about it..wondering if will be suitable for op cos I remembered you mention you went for check and found out not suitable to do LASIK, rt? Then will be wasting $215.

But 2 days aft op, Chloe came down w high fever... So in the midst of post op checkups , had to bring her to PD...so go blk A at alvernia... To take no... Then go blk b to the LASIK Clinic and then back to see PD... ...she had fever for 4 days ..worst ever! so tired and lack of sleep sponging her thru the night.. ..
Since yest, No more fever but still chesty.. She was really funny.. Boiling at 39.6deg and I bundled her to the shower.. She grabbed the shower head fr me and said: mummy I do myself. Then she started singing: I am singing in the rain! And did a dance ..at first hold up 1 hand as 1 umbrella and then 2. Told me: look, 2 umbrellas!!
I was really cracking up outside the shower... So cheeky for someone w high fever. If me, I would have been half dead.
Aiyoh hope Chloe get well soon.

If those have maid n throw the kids to the maid of course will b spoilt kids. 1 of my cousin is a gd example. He n his wife don't play with their girl. Everything is maid do. Their girl v v spoilt n same age with Sherry hor but bigger by 6 mth. Then during cny Sherry play her barbie doll with house. She follow the way how Sherry play. Then u know what her mummy said. She said" why u follow how Sherry play, shld b u leading Sherry how to play". I heard already I just keep quiet lor. Actually she always follow sherry when sherry play another toys but Sherry don't like to play with her cos fr young she don't allow Sherry touch her toys when we go to their house. Then when she still small she jumpon sofa n coffee table in living rm. V v spoilt girl.
Actually I feel have maid is ok but the parents must do their part to teach their kids in term of everything.
Hi mummies...I juz came back from the seletar animal farm. So warm...

Tiffany, its quite a small farm wif a few animals like goat, horse, chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs...etc. Didnt spend long time there coz u will b feedin mozzies...
I also feel dat T is quite independant since he at full day CC. Certain things he will insist on doing himself rather den others helpin him. But its also up to individuals view on this issue. Perhaps discuss wif ur hb on whether to put them in full day CC lor.

cherry, great...its been awhile since u last joined us for lunch

totoro, WAH!!! so fast Wed u admittin liao ah? So excited...hehehe...dunno when me will admit though...keepin fingers crossed. :p

mm, hope chloe gets well soon...u went for lasik??? I didn't even noe u need glasses leh...hahaha...

Tiffy, ya me agree dat its really up to the parents doing their part if they hav maid takin care of kids also. Last time when I got maid, my hb totally not much contact wif T at all lor. Everytime juz pass T to maid den he play his PC game liao.
hi all ... i am so so so upset now ... C1 & C2 finish up my 3/4 left of body scrub ... i am so so so angry ... TELL ME WHAT SHOULD I DO IF YR KIDS DID THIS ... I dun no how to punish them please please please teach me

MM please REST well ok esp now that SUN IS SO BRIGHT AND HOT please wear super duper good SUNGLASSES AT ALL TIME ... hope Chole recover soon and indeed she is so lovely in doing the dance even when she is sick
morning all

hope every1 of u hv a Good Friday!! =D

tiffany,doobom..did u all hv a good time @JB gardens? ytd weather was good when we hving family day @ECP... not 'hot' fm 2+pm onwards (actually not 'picnic'.. end up bcom 'cooking'.. my MIL brought her portable mini gas stove & my SIL brought her DIY bbq pit & portable shelter w tent... we hv grilled/fried finger food w pre-packed homecook nasi lemak in thermal cooker.... too late to book public pit but they hv designated area if bring own pit during public holidays, as long dun dirty the area if not will get fine if got inspectors ard). quite fun.. nxt time we can try...

jovial.. *clap clap* for caelen & can sense daddy's happiness! tis shows effort bringing caelen for speech therapy is worthwhile de =)

totoro.. didi coming on wednesday or u jus chk-in 'hotel' 1st?? wow.. v excited 4u! enjoy tis few days to the fullest w hb & kelly & eat & eat & eat b4 nxt wk & wishing u a v smooth delivery & u must really '听话' tis time during confinement (dun do tings which u cant do hor)... keep us posted ya =)

maruko... ya, ytd was quite warm in the morning!! but is a good weather for outdoor activities! bet u must hv get travis 'well protected' fm the mozzies =D u too... relax & enjoy b4 didi's arrival =)

tiffany.. LOL when u says lucas making ur IL frustrated if at home.. tat sounds so familiar! =D me not SAHM + no helper... so cc is the oni choice 4me.. i dun deny going to cc got pros & cons, sometime jus gotta 'close one eye' on certain minor issues... most importantly is to find a cc which the parent & kids r comfortable & we knw the kids r learning wat they supposed to knw at their age, anything beyond tat wud b consider enrichment & tis really needs $$ + time, if one can spare & afford of cos the best, if not gotta 一步一步来... tis my 2cts worth =) hope u find a good solution soon =) btw, so is ur previous maid coming back or u keeping the exisiting one??

doobom.. 这就对了! 走一步看一步想太多伤脑经白头发张多多 =D

maisymouse.... wow.. u another brave one! good lah.. now can say bye bye to ur glasses le! envy envy!! like cm said... avoid strong light & dun strain ur eyes for time being... LOL at chloe's bathroom antics... she knw u v stressed tat's y 'cheering' u up despite she's hving fever lah =D glad to knw fever subside liao... phiew...
cm.. how come carlson & carissa playing w ur body scrub? they got chance to do tat no one w them? lance also 'boiled' my blood ytd... we r running out of time, hb & me busying getting ready to ECP, lance came to me w a pc of tissue : 'mummy... see.. ur lipstick broken' i help u ok? (showing me the throwing away action)'! i grabbed the tissue, opened up & saw my poor lipstick left oni the casing! quicky i ran into my room & saw a pc of lipstick on the floor! luckily tis lipstick is not brand new & left oni a quarter nia... the wardrobe mirror got 'design' somemore!! agggggrrrrr... i asked zann y nvr help keep a lookout wat's didi doing, she can tell me she's busy packing also (go ECP must tk her play cards, games, story book, her dog, etc, she said wanna play w hb's nephew!!!) i cant help but 'roar' at him, tell him 'u cant go ECP..stay at home w po po (my mother)'... he cried like mad & knw he did something v wrong.. i ignored him & gv him a stern look... he then walked to his usual corner & stand but his mouth whining non-stop saying he want to b good boy, dun wan to stay w po po, pls bring him along...'... re punishment : i usually ask him go stand notti corner or confiscate their favourite tings/time if they do something wrongly... then when my timer beeps, ask them come & tell me y i need to pushish them... if really v bth.. i'll use cane liao... everytime will make sure they tell me wat's their mistake so tat they wont do it again..
Hi mummies...

CM, me also wonderin how com C1 & C2 got access to play wif ur body scrub? Was it ur maid who let them play wif it while showerin them? At their age, dun tink they noe how to use a body scrub. Take it ez...kids will always b kids.

Jovialz, glad to hear dat Caelen is makin vast improvements in his speech. So did u all go out for a small celebration or did daddy buy any prezzies for Caelen?

junnie, seems like ur ECP adventure quite enjoyable.
Yup...I did all the precautions for T & didnt do for myself n hb. Haha...end up all the adults (me, hb, bro, sil) kena bitten & the kids r free of mozzie bite. BUT of coz we rather b the mozzie target den let them attack our little ones. :p
Wah...Lance played wif ur lipstick ah? Heng its left abit nia. If not very heartpain. T kinda noes which items on my dressin table he can touch & which he cant. His fav is using my moisturiser to apply on his nose. -_-
hi mummies ... sorry cannot meet u tomorrow lunch already cos my C1 got 4D ... having Chicken Pox NoW ... so heng and tomorrow is the start of the mid yr exam liao ...
Gd morning mummies...I can't join for lunch later as well...still got so much work to rush b4 boss flyin on biz trip. Will join u all if got another lunch later this wk.

Lunch - 25Apr (Mon)
Time - 12.15pm
Venue - City Hall
1. doobom
2. Tiffany
3. ecookie
4. totoro
5. Cherry

CM, poor C1 got chicken pox...did she get the vaccine b4? Will she still b required to go for her mid-yr exam?
morning all

cm... is chx pox back again? jus tis morning when i sent them to cc, the principal asked whether mine got it b4, i told her nope... she said their cc 85% all had it b4, today jus noted 1 child down w chx pox (not fm lance's class)she said is better to hv it b4 primary schl or during schl holiday so no need to skip lesson...... i v scare loh.. if they kena i sure 'big head' gotta tk long leave... hope C1 case is minor & recover fast fast... brew some liang cha for her & keep applying mentol calamine lotion... xin ku ni le..

maruko...tink T more 斯文, lance will 4ever '搞怪' if leave him alone... he'll put his '五抓'in the cream & 乱乱涂 =D

doobom,ecookie,cherry,tiffany,tororo.. enjoy ur lunchie later ya =)

ecookie, cherry, tiffany, totoro,
I am fine with any venue to lunch.
Anyone has any craving? totoro?

Speedy recovery to C1.
BTW, did C1 take the chic pox vaccine? Does it mean that after taken, one will not get it?
