(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi all ... YAY ... C1 is clear for her CP she can go for her extra lesson liao but Doc still advise us that min the time she go out cos her body is very weak now and may catch any virus if there is any around her ... so he also mention that better to keep her at home to be safe
but i really thank God that C1's CP is not very serious or make her very sicky ... its only the 1st few days that she felt very sick .. .AMen

Meeting for LUNCH I want ... Monday is a holiday ... next week is also the last week of exam and there after will be sch holiday soon yay yay yay ...

Yup drink more Milo, red dates n eat more black fungus to boost milk supply.
All the best for ur D day

Been busy these few weeks. Last week sick till I vomit n giddy. V v stressful n tiring. Turn by turn sick. Jaren just recovered fr v bad cough n Sherry have fever on monday night. Been traveling in n out of aircon pl to settle maid application with my bro. My dad not going nursing hm. My bro final decision is employ maid. I have had enough fr certain people. Sigh my bro don't know how to go abt employ maid. In the end I settle together with him causing my kids n me fall sick due to frequent traveling . Aft my kids fall sick I had enough, i'm not going to meddle so much. I need to also care for my kids's health. Been v v fed up n pissed off by my bro. Certain simple thing he don't even know how to deal. My dad discharge on sat but Sunday night bring him to NUH cos something not right. Just as what I expected, is "Lao ren chi dai".
morning mummies

tiffy:how are u? better? Really tough on u to care for ur kids & at the same time worry for ur dad. Since their decision is to get a maid,then let it be. Juz visit ur dad as & when u can. Other things try to let ur bro settle & ignore what other ppl say abt u. Hugs..

CM: glad to hear that C1 is clear for her CP. The virus is ard, so try to let her stay home.

maruko:Jia you! 2 more days & u can rest le.
hi all

me v busy too =( office one colleauge on unpaid 3wks leave due hse upgrading then a/c gal resigned last wk, now besides receptionist, admin left me & another colleague to 'dong'... then tis whole wk hb outstation again.. everyday gotta 'rush' up&down like 'siao cha bo' =(

maruko.. wow.. u'll hv long weekend aft tmr!! relax b4 didi's edd =)

totoro..sorry me not fb active.. but i saw lewis pix u posted.. he's so handsome & so sweet to see kelly carrying him!

cm... glad to hear carissa is cleared fm cp!! jus in time for mother's day! both of u can enjoy le!

tiffy... so sorry to hear wat's happening at home... glad u & the kids r gettin better... so ur bro decided to get a maid look aft ur parent.. so when is the maid coming? hope she's experienced & capable... ur dad got symptom of dimentia (lao ren chi dai)? how u all find out? is he ok now can go home alr? my mum at her early 80s now alr showing the sign le... she's v forgetful nowsaday, easily throw tantrum & feeling v insecure.. i hv been asking her to c doc she jus dun listen, but lucky for her she's still working loh, if not everyday at home really duno wat will happen.. v sad to c our parent coming to tis stage =(
Hi mummies
finally log on to my laptop after so many days!
Thanks for all the well wishes and we are doing fine. Just need a lot of adjustment and it's really not easy to TBF!!

Anyone knows how we make sure that baby is drinking enough? Sometimes I feed on both breast liao but after half an hour of sleep, he will wake up and ask for more again!! This morning we went to the first gynae visit and his weight not yet back to 1st day hiaz

By the way, though I'm perspering but I still feel coldness on my whole body! Not sure what's wrong. It started on the 7 days after delivery when I suddenly realized that the hospital room temp was very cold though for the past 6 days, I have been feeling hot knowing that the temp is set at 20-21 degrees. Then the 1st night home, I started to shiver badly after one of the feed and from then on, I always feel cold though I already off th aircon etc. What should I eat or do know!! Wanted to try DOM but Lewis feeding is still not fixed and I don't have the 2-3hrs clearence!! hiaz!!

Tomorrow will be the last day of working day for you and counting down really soon liao!! You must be very excited!! For me, it's really much better after they are out though I'm really tired of the non-stop feeding and diaper change!! Lewis seems to have a lot of wind and also fart with some poo coming out! So one day, I am changing like more than 10 times of diaper. It can be so bad that within 2hrs, I have to feed like 3 times and change 3 times of diaper!! The moment I changed diaper, he woke up and then will ask to feed again! Am so worried that I have became his human pacifier but he does drink though he tends to fall asleep very easily as well!!

Take care and jia you!!
totoro... try not to go 'bare' footed at home, wear those soft bedroom slipper if can when u move around... put on (not so thick) long sleeve.. tis the time u shd really take care yourself.. food wise.. ask ur CL/mum to cook w some sesame oil, drink hot soup... i tink shd b no harm adding little bit of DOM/brandy in cooking ur meal.. for bb.. apply ru yi oil aft shower/bed time for him hopefully can helps w the wind...
Hi mummies...how is everyone? Can feel the hype wif the upcomin GE, somehow it helps to ease my nervousness while anticipatin little T's arrival. :p

CM, gd for u C1 cleared for her CP. Better heed doc's advice to stay home since she is more vulnerable to virus at her current stage.

Tiffy, sorry to hear abt ur dad's condition & ur bro's inability to handle things. Hav a gd rest while u can. Dun care abt wat the others said since u hav tried ur best to settle ur dad.

cherie bear/junnie, yup...1 more day & me will b gg on LONG leave liao. YIPPEE!!!

totoro, me also agree wif junnie dat u try not to go "bare" foot at home. My floor tiles r marble tiles & tend to "bring coldness" from the soles of the feet to the body. I wore slippers during my last confinement also.
Tink u gotta gauge for urself if Lewis is drinkin enuff since we cant "feel" how full ur breasts are when u feed him. Perhaps u try to pump out instead of latchin him directly? Den u will noe how much he drink liao.
Junnie and Maruko
I'm wearing socks whole day since day 2 I think. Don't know what when wrong this time! hiaz

Regarding Lewis intake, PD also ask me to pump once and have a gauge of how much he is drinking but the thing is the breast will never be empty right so pump for how long? Every time after Lewis fall asleep, I can still squeeze out milk!
It't time to take out the pump I brought but have to start the sterilizing and washing bottle etc .. hiaz
Oh and Lewis is on US timing,afternoon he can nap for very long but at night he will wake up so frequently for milk! How to switch the timing back!!

K going for another excursion to the farm and how I wish I can go with her!! But the date is still within my confinement timing. so sad!!
Thanks. Nowaday I try my best to stay calm but at times really hard.

During his stay at st luke, doc told us my dad will take off everything at night. He told my bro if aft discharge still same thing happen must bring my dad go check up. So Sunday night my bro decided to bring him to NUH cos happen again.
Tiffy ... Hugz ... hope that things will get better at yr side soon

totoro ... r u having fever??? yr C section pain??? got infection or not ??? drink more HOT drinks ... and ask yr mum to cook yr food with DOM if u dun have the 2 hrs break ... ;) and it will boost yr body too and if Lewis drink some DOM he will be slighty sleepy nia la ... kekekeke PLease REST WELL ok i think its normal for him to wake up for milk again and again after 1/2 cos from the start till the end of a cycle is already taking U like 1 to 2 hrs right ... so soon after that will be the 2nd or 3rd hr liao right !!!

Maruko ... so fast
long holiday for U soon
eat what U want now ok ... eat more

Thanks all C1 recover from CP liao and "sigh" today she is S I C K ... think maybe yesterday when we went to the doc ... once we left its pouring cats and dogs
she is having flu and also slight fever
but hmmm still ok la but i think that her face look pale ... HOW ??? she need cooling drink still and i cannot bu her cos its heaty ??? so vex
Hi mummies...I'm scheduled for c-sect on next wed after gynae's advice this morning. Unless bb decide to com out earlier these few days den perhaps still can try out natural. :p

totoro, perhaps u can try to pump till u feel "empty"?

Tiffy, I understand dat kinda "fed-up-ness" when handlin certain kinda ppl. Try hard to ignore them. Treat them as transparent. :p

CM, yup yup...now me eat watever me wan liao. :D juz had my peanut ice kachang yest also. Yummy!!!

Cherry, so meanin u cant join lunch next wk?

Any mummies wanna lunch on Mon? Hopefully bb will wanna stay put till me fulfil my cravin for waffle at shoduku. hehehe...
Maruko : Huh? y out of sudden C-sect leh? All the best for smooth delivery

Totoro : ya. pump till u feel empty lor. up to individual leh. 30mins shld be ok bah. minimum
I don't really have the empty feeling just like after he finished nursing, I will feel full again type! anyway, I pumped for 30mins and got about 90ml (both side inclusive). This is about 45mins after I finished feeding him. But feel a bit sore compared to him sucking!!
I understand that bb full month cannot be done after so if my boy born on the 27, the full month should be 26 or 27??
totoro ... for u full month might need to cele on 22nd May liao if not will be a weekday ... and what i know should be 27 or on the lunar date ... as for pumping pump till no milk or very little milk come out lor if still a lot coming out den just con't min 20 mins max for me last time was abt 45 mins per side remember to AIR yr N after feeding or pumping if not will be sore U rest well ok
hope u r feeling ok today still got the cold cold feeling ?

Happy holiday to all
Gd morning mummies...today is polling day...dunno if later me can jump queue or not if its crowded. hahaha... :p

totoro, tink 30mins shld b more den enuff bah...perhaps u stop when u feel "less" supply lor. Agar agar...but seems like u got very good supply for Lewis.

eunice, not suddenly c-sect...gynae has advised me since beginnin dat if #2 wt more than Travis den he will advise me dun take chances to go natural liao. Coz he worried scar rupture risk will b higher. So now is to wait n c if #2 wanna com out naturally b4 11th lor. :p
morning all

how's Mother's Day celebration for all mummies here?? good?? =)

maruko... wow... another 2 more day to see didi?? hope he's able to 'dong' & let mummy go 'enjoy' her shoduku's waffle 1st =D so u managed to 'jump Q' when go voting? kekeke... didnt knw i can stay up till 4.30am to watch the result.. ytd i was like 'zombie' =D

cm.. aiyo.. hope carissa's feels alot better today & can rtn to schl..

tiffy...so sad to hear tat... then whoever at home gotta keep an eye on ur dad more often... so wat did the doc suggest/treat him? can he b discharged??

totoro.. hmmm..i nvr bf b4.. so cant advice much..but really v 'wei da' 4 mummies to bf... i tink each side pump 20-30/mins shd b ok ba... cos u'll b pumping/latching at interval to clear supply... if can, u go c tcm perhaps they can help u 'tiao' ur body... cos no good if u keep feeling 'cold'... 1mth confinement v fast over de... u'll b able to go outing w kelly soon.. bear w it ya =)

eunice... how r u getting on? appetite back alr??
Congrats to Maruko!!!

I think I will have serious feng shi next time, hb cannot stand the heat and the wind from fan, aircon are blowing everywhere in the house :-(!! I think the coldness I felt is due to me sweating and hence when the wind blows, it feels cold!! Hiaz

Lewis drink lesser milk compared to Jie Jie and my milk supply did not increase so far!, each time i pump, the most is 80ml or less. Maybe I didn't follow a routine.

I am thinking 22 seems a bit early, am wondering if I can do it on the 27 which is a Friday evening. Shall see how as I need to plan correctly as K expect me to do a lot of things after didi celebrations!!!

Re: red date drink
I saw one confinement book that says red date drinks cannot drink for too long as it might result is " low blood" I'm future. My mum is suffering from it and I am another one that may have the problem somam thinking if I should stop drinking now.

Today went for my second gynae review, was told total bill from my gynae including the cyst extraction is 6k plus :-( after deducting medisave, still have to fork out 4k plus!!! Aiyo, $$ really can fly away so easily!! Now still waiting for the hospital bill and bb bill, hope it will not be another heart attack!!!
U have a gd supply

Congrats. Have a gd confinement

Rant rant rant is all I have. Saturday we went to my bro hse cos he said my dad discharge. When we reach there then find out discharge on Sunday cos Saturday is polling day consider ph so if call umbulance to fetch him hm is double amt. Then we wait for my bro to reach hm cos he bring doctor's letter to maid agency so that MOM will approval faster. Aft he reach hm then we go n buy the bathing wheelchair near his hse there's a shop selling. Then my bro hesitate v long till he ask got delivery or nt. I told him just push back himself cos it v v near his hse. He find it unglam. Wow I tell u I damn pissed off liao cos friday he sms me to tell me go n buy asap cos if my dad want to bath n pass motion but don't have the wheelchair he will throw things. Friday I msg him last min tell me go n buy but I with 2 kids no extra hand to buy n bring to his hse. So since he find it ugly to push back the wheelchair, my hb said he push while my bro carry Sherry n I push Jaren in stroller.
On Sunday my dad discharge n we visit him in the evening in my bro hse. Then that night v weird, i can't sleep at all n sherry keep having nightmare. Then aft feeding Jaren at 2am I received sms fr my bro saying my dad fell down fr bed n he complain head pain so my bro bring him back to NUH again. I just ask my bro got bleeding or nt cos I don't want to scold him anymore. In my heart in the 1st pl, I told him to take the hospital bed since have people want to give but he don't want. See what happen nw. N v v early I said go nursing hm is better but he don't want. I am super fed up n pissed off. Anyway doctor told my bro that my dad will slowly forget all of us n forget how to eat n eventually that's the end of his life.
morning all

tiffy.. oh dear... ur dad's recent condition really hv gv u & ur bro a 'big headache'.. may b ur bro still not 'prepared' to handle so much responsibilities himself... if the forthcoming maid hv no experience in handling sick elderly ppl i'm afraid it'll b more tough on ur bro... perhaps better to let ur dad stay nursing home.. if everything alr arranged, then bobian.... hv to 走一步看一步.. if can, ur bro shd ask ard/read up more on dementia's patient so tat he knw how to help ur dad & wont feel so 'paisay' in watever way when helping him.. really so sad to hear the doc's remarks... hope the fall isnt serious & ur dad is alright.. no matter how tedious/wat happens to our parent.. we hv to tk care of them till the day.. u gotta 'see v open' & take care of yourself too cos u got two young kids to handle yourself... lucky ur hb is supportive & helpful...

totoro,cm,tiffy... maruko gv birth alr?? when?? congrats ya!!! hv a good confinement!

totoro... re full mth celebration.. duno wat's the reason behind, but gotta celebrate early not later... 27th for lewis shd b fine... re red dates.. tis wat i knw : 红枣中含丰富的维生素C,还含有大量的葡萄糖和蛋白质。中医认为,红枣是水果中最好的补药,具有补脾活胃、益气生津、调整血脉和解百毒的作用,尤其适合脾胃虚弱、气血不足的坐月子的人食用。if u afraid, may b can reduce drinking.. but i tink is good for replenish of iron besides taking liver... last time my eldest sis/my CL brew so much 红枣+蓝栆+黑枣茶4me to drink =D
i see open already although at times i cry at hm. yest morn i ask my bro how is dad's condition due to the fall n he told me doc said my dad is ok. aiyoh my bro sure won't read up on dementia's patient. i also don't want to bring up the topic on nursing hm anymore, later i kana alot of arrows again. As a stroke patient, cannot let them fall if not can easily fall into coma n become vegetable but my bro will never think of this.
then nowaday employ maid have to take test n do on-line lecture and it is me n my hb do the test n read the on-line lecture lor. Have to use my hb's singpass to do the test cos he is the sponsorship in name for the maid and have to submit the cert to the MOM.
tiffy.. oic.. maruko posted in fb arh?? no wonder i duno cos i not fb active de =D thks... re ur bro... hiaz... can oni
... jus pray & hope everyday soon soon li li...

where r the rest again?? all sooo busy???
Sorry to hear what happen to your dad and don't stress yourself too much. Maybe try to talk to your bro again on the nursing home as that's the best place for them to be taken care of. Maybe can ask someone elsento talk some sense to your bro?

80ml good supply?
I'm vey angry with hb as Lewis keep crying and he insist that he is still hungry due to the bm! I'm very fed-up already.
totoro ... relax ... yr hb also heartpain mah ... cos he think tha his son is hungry he dun no that BM will make bb full too and very good for bb ... u dun hear so much la just do what u need to do and feed bb as and when u think he is hungry ok ... and i also think that bb dun have a fixed time for hunger ... it will change all the time cos of growing at differ stages
hey i think drinking Red dates is important ... i am also one that is having lower BP ... hmmm so far so good ... i need to boil Red Dates drink twice everyday during confinement cos i drank lotsss of it and MILO i finish one pack of MILO in 4 days time
;p and and and please change yr clothing if its WET ok
a gentle remeinder

Tiffy ... hugz ... cry is a good form of releasing stress ... i think if nothing is common between the way u think and the way yr brother think ... take a step at a time ... and also yr brother might still be in a state of SHOCK that is way he is not acting or doing what is best for yr dad ... he love yr dad u should know but he is just too lose and dun no what to do and also too vex ... he loves yr dad too much so he dun wantto send yr dad to the home ... he is confused and also want to do his best for him ...

junnie ya Maurko gave birth liao saw Pics in FB ... ;)
Thanks. Think I just let my bro decide everything. Nobody can help to persuade him to put my dad in nursing hm cos all my dad's relatives support the idea on having maid in the 1st pl.
Yest night my bro told me he will transfer dad to Alexandra hospital cos he been telling NUH doc to scan everything on my dad few times already but they didn't do it. They see the behavious of my dad n conclude he is dementia. A cousin friend who is a doc advise my bro to transfer my dad to AH n tell the doc there to do brain n body scanning. My bro told me he will inform my uncle on NUH doc who never do any scanning to confirm dementia n see whether my uncle can issue them a lawyer letter or whatever. Now whatever my bro inform me thru sms I will reply him"ok".
Monday I bring Jaren for gathering with his little frens. By right I do not have mood to go but hb want me to go rather than I stay at hm cos I sure b moody at hm. Lucky I went cos although tired but quite enjoyable
Hi all mummies, I delivered oredi!!! Little Tyler decided to com out earlier den scheduled. Will tell u all more abt my birth story when I get home. Very hard to type wif Hp now. Shld b able to discharge tmr. So lookin forward to gg hm.
Maruko ... SG is very hot from the day U deliver Little Tyler ... enjoy the cool aircon now ok ... take care and rest well
Hello all..

congrats! U rest well..

wishing ur dad a speedy recovery, try n relax more so u will be less stressful.

Lunch date:
mommies, I am available next week wed to fri, anyone keen to meet??
Hi all!
A rather cool morning coz of the rain?! At least it can help put off bit of the heat.

I am so looking forward to my BKK trip with hb this weekend, over the Vesak Day.

How's bb? Coping well?
U take care n rest well. Have a good confinement.

Once again, congrats!!!

Take care and have a good confinement.

next week is not a good for me as I have workshop to manage on wed & Thurs. Fri have appt already.

Hmm... It's been quiet recently.
Lots have MIA-ed.

zhen_zhen, twinkle_stars,bbwow, chintz
only seen in FB but not here - gingerleaf, jas, hippo, dodo,
Hello Mummies!!

Been MIA for awhile and missing all the posts above.

Hope your issues will be resolved soon and speedy recovery to your dad. Take it easy okie, I know its kinda stressful for you.

Yes Yes.... becos of Tyler's arrival, we cant go for our waffle... haha.. nvm... you sneak out after your confinement okie?? notty me to suggest this!!!

wow.. so happening arh.. really envy some of you despite having 2 children still can go on "honeymoon" lei.... Haiz.. I dont have such priviledge anymore. *sad* Hey, enjoy your shopping and makan in BBK okie? My hb will be going BBK for abt 3-4 days end of this month for work related trip... any suggestion what can he buy back for me?? hehehe

Aiyah, when about to post for lunch gather after receiving your prompt, then saw doobom's post above that she cant do lunch next week.
Lets see who else keen to meet.
If not, I dont mind the 2 of us too.

Lunch gathering
Venue: Raffles City - Thai Express or Sakae Sushi
Date: 20th May (Friday)
Time: 12.15pm

1) Cherryneo
2) Tiffanyseah

RC regulars..sharon, ecookie,zhezhen.. where are you all? shall we meet?
The BKK trip is not exactly gonna be happening for me coz the PIL and BIL are going, so not honeymoon actually.
1st time to BKK for them, so need to bring them around. BIL is going, I guess becoz he juz wanna accompany the parents.
Get your hb to shop for some accessories for you, provide he does not mind. If for fashion wear, u need to be there to do the job coz the variey is way too much for you to be crazy about.

Lunch gathering
Venue: Raffles City - Thai Express or Sakae Sushi
Date: 20th May (Friday)
Time: 12.15pm

1) Cherryneo
2) Tiffanyseah
3) Zhenzhen
Though they are tagging along, both of you can still have private time in the room, night shopping and massage too.. hehe.. still good la... still envy envy...

Ya, I know that getting fashion wear there is cheap, but no way my hb can get these for me.. At most, he can only help me buy their snacks, pharmacist product, haircare product nia....
How I wish I can go BBk with my girlfrens again, like those days when I had no kids.... no more such luxury liao!!
hi all

tiffany.. dun b sad... me sama sama =) at least u can bring ur helper along then u can go shopping & she 'jagar' L & A for a while, u'll still got little bit ME time.. so go go go...
go BKK =D

doobom.. urm.. though the 'combination' abit not rite.. nvm lah.. so long can get out of office & go for short holiday is v good liao =) happy holiday & happy shopping!!! bet u'll get loads of goodies for both Js =)

maruko... orh...t = tyler? nice name! so u enjoy ur mother's day b4 bb out? nvm.. now u can enjoy ur confinement food le =D

totoro..tell papa bb cried not necessary b hungry.. may b diapers wet or tummyache, etc.. watever izzit, dun 'carry' bb too often later bcom 'habit' then chiam liao.. time flies.. u can start to count down for full mth le =)

tiffy.. glad to hear u went out for some breather. LOL at ur 'ok'.. but is quite true.. if both parties 'no' then sure 'fight'/'unhappy'.. take tings easy & u wont feel so stress... keep it up!

doobom... hope MIA mummies will appear soon... if not tink tis thread gonna <font size="-2">die soon</font> =(
Your 'private time' in the room sounds... Haaa... I definitely need lots of sleep and look forward to cheong for massage every day.
My hb is a total freak towards massage. He simply wriggle like a worm and giggle when he is doing massage. Very funny hor?
Anyway, so long I can do, it's fine already. He can choose to sit there and wait for me.

wun lah... I guess at least for me. I come online every day to check. Can even read the posts till I sleep and carry on the next morning while on the way to work. A matter of lazy to post and fear that my long story suddenly boomz into the air. I sure go take it out on my phone. Haha...
I come online, read blogs of mamas, go on FB to catch each of us, which I enjoy very much! Though seems very kpo! hahaha...
I dun care. I luv my friendship with mamas and our little friends here. That's me.
BB is well and he is afraid of cold so the hot weather is just nice for him but too HOT HOT HOT for mummy. Because of this, I can't sleep in the aircon room as bb will cry and have to bring him to the living room while he sleep on the sofa and I sit besides him some times hiaz !!!

Enjoy your BKK trip!! My hb bought back very cheap carters stuff last time from BKK but I'm not sure where he got it from!!

Lewis actually only cry for milk or if he is cold. He don't really care if he pooed or wee wee!! Give him a warm environment and he will sleep and sleep whole day!!
Glad you are coping well. BB Lewis is training you to be good for your confinement (Stay out of aircon). Haa...
Try not to sit and accompany him too much otherwise he gets too used to you. Leave him alone with soft music play so that he get distracted with the music while you get your stuff done or some quality rest.
I left J2 alone on the sofa with layers of protection (bolster) around and he slept or played on his own.
Not came across carters stuff there, but did lug load of good quality material cartoon characters pyjamas back for J1. My J2 since he is 9mths old, he needs to wear 2 years old clothes. Can u imagine how BIG he is?! 8)
This time round, I need to be tour guide to plan and bring them around.
totoro.. kekeke.. thot bb will b 'wrapped' up most of time?? lewis i/o feeling 'hot' he still feels cold arh?? suddenly make me tink u shd b like 'kangeroo' &amp; keep him in the pouch to keep him warm 24/7... ooops... paisay arh.. me &amp; my silly imagination =D lidat u can let lewis put on long sleeves most of time if he's in aircon room... or let the fan rotate... really bth to stay indoor feeling 'sticky sticky' =D

doobom.. same sentiments.. cant imagine our frdship w mummies here grow along w our todds... 真的很难得 =) too bad i can oni login during office hrs &amp; here not convenient to surf openly.. back home.. unless i 'burn mid9 oil' if not 休想 surf the net peacefully w the kids around =D u jus go change more baht &amp; prepare to shop/makan/enjoy ba =D
You are right that Lewis is always doing things that are good for me since he is in my stomach!! but too bad I'm not alone so the fan and what so ever device are on and I kana left right centre liao.
I dare not leave him in the living room alone for too long as this guy got strength and can move around!!!! I really worried that he will dropped down from the sofa though I tried to put protection around it!! Another problem is I afraid if I go back to the room to sleep, I might KO and didn't hear his cry!! too much worries as usual!!

Lewis like to stick out his hands and no matter how you wrapped, he can managed to kick everything away! I think my boobs is the pouch loh, that's why I don't dare to latch now. within a few minutes, he will fall asleep!!!
