(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


Hi, i still grind the millet into powder. When bb is bigger, you can grind but not so fine. I will grind about 2 mins... ususaly i will grind 2 weeks worth of bartly, oat and millet and store in the fridge.

Brig like this combo... Oat w bartley.. plus apple and pear sauce.. dun forget a big of wheatgerm...

It tasted so nice that my nephew snatched brig food... end up i have to cook other for brig again which he dun really enjoy as in my MIL place. All my ingredient and secret recipe at home mah.. hehe



ya, the kicking... remebered that he kicked my for the first time while im Qing to pay for somethin at Singpost...

OMG!!! My sis juz called and told me that Jerry somersault from standing pose on my bed into his playpen. He kinda enjoys it. *faint* My head suddenly becomes so giddy now.

so u r near bugis area? I often drop by Guan Yin temple during lunch hours. =) But din lunch there coz I m alone most of the times.
wow sabrina chen,
so long never see! How come u dun chat here but only read? Join us in the chat more!

I missed the 16june part! Will make payment to them soon too! Thanks!

thanks for the info on the brown rice!!! So buy plain brown rice. Dun buy the mixed. Okie. But mixed one looks nicer. Hehehe.
I tot u are in the grp oreadi?!!

Yes u can use hotmail, but eventually u'll needa get a yahoo acct. heh.

why so free today?

Today rain big big! lyn woke me up at 630am!!! Can die! I slept at 3am and she woke me up so early. Literally drag myself over to her room to carry her. Nursed her liao she still dowanna sleep. So let her sleep on the bed with me. Good thing she is in her sleeping bag, so she cannot crawl around, and we fell asleep together till 10+. So shiok!
Coz I am doing reporting this morning in office. When I m in office, then I have time for forum. If onsite, then no time. Coz on the go...
Lyn is in sleeping bag??? Haha... U sound that she is camping. Like little kids having camp. So cute & fun... =)
Maybe I should confine Jerry into sleeping bag too. If not, he moves too much. *.*
*See I am so free that I anyhow imagine & day-dream.*
doobom, not those camping kinda sleepbags leh. Its the dream bag.
Hmm.. okie la, maybe abit similar...

Somebody help me!!! She is screaming me deaf today!
doobom, jerry somersaulted! cool!.. not so cool for ur headache though.. haha.. adri's fine.. her temper is starting to show big time man! n when she's in her walker, she will reach out to flip newspapers n magazines and move things around.. omg.. and when out of the walker, she'll pull to a stand on my mummy's sofa and wriggle her butt!!... wah.. pengz also man..

gingerleaf, so shiok can sleep until 10+.. am so sleepy now.. zzzzzzz....
gingerleaf, either earplugs for u or mufflers for her.. keke.. so evil.. y is she screaming? poor thing.. milk milk???

the sleeping bag really prevents lyn from crawling? Think I have to consider on investing one now.

yesterday as I put J to sleep, then I heard him erk erk erk, and went to his cot and found him in SITTING UP position with eyes closed! Dunno how he managed from lying to sitting up. Then I put him back again and after a few mins I found him sitting up again! But never witness how he managed to do that. Nowadays our babies really likes to do stunts to traumatize us!

you working near there? I only go to waterloo if I need to buy some bb clothes. heheh..we can meet up for lunchies too!! :D
Why so many mummies miss the tummy days? Tell u all frankly, i kinda of little regret for preggy so early. It is really very difficult to jungle with the little boy now super active...crawl all over the place!!! Plus i have no help at home..alone most of the time. HB only back after midnight and out at 5am. Haizz! Now no mood to enjoy my pregnancy also.

Oh ya, bcos of uncontrollable mood swing. I vent it on poor Dayan. I beat him up quite vigorously last week. I was insane to do that! I quickly pack up and bring him to my mum house till now. I am really siao liao! Now feels much better liao.

Late aug ah? is it still ghost festival? haha! I also dun care one lah.
U sing & dance for Lyn. She should be so hapie to see that. *.* Both u sure njoy it.
Sure that your singing & dance will be much more power than her screams. U sure to win them. =)

yes, grab anything that's within their sight. Somtimes when we forget to baby-safe the living room, he will roam around in his walker. Tear the tissues into tiny bits. Erhmm... His expression seems like the tissue is his enemy. Haha... Tear & throw. Then I have to become the rubbish tractor & follow him. Haha...

Yes, I really envy SAHM. How I wish... But I can only dream about it. >.<
jas, glad u r much better now! i'm sure something must have triggered ur mood swing so do talk to someone for help if u feel itz getting out of control okie?

doobom, haha! i like the way u describe his enemy - e tissue! haha... i envy SAHMs but hor.. 1. can only dream abt it.. 2. eh. i need my sanity check la! so better not else i will go bonkers one.. ha!
Yes, we can catch up for lunch one of the noon. =)

Do take gd care. As u are preggie, u muz relax n stay calm. Try to do some self-encouragement. Think of the +ve &amp; hapie stuff. =) U can do it! Do come n share with us about your Ups and Downs. We are all here to share &amp; care, of coz! =)
jas, ya, you must take care ok? dun vent on the little kid... maybe you feel alone at home... come to forum more and tok to us! kekeke... time past very fast when at forum!
Glad that you are feeling better now, Do becareful of pre-natal depression.

You might be wrong, Caelen can still roll all around even when he is still in his dream bag.
morning heavy rain but lucky stop for while. Manage to bring my girl see doctor again. having flu and her cough get worse. Now really a zombie mum here. Been disturb by my girl for 4 midnite for her crying pain due to teething.

will be sending us a email on the exact payment to pay to you? Cos I scare if u mention in this forum, i may missed it and I didn't log in to forum.
hi all

jas.. take more 'kit-kats' (take a break &amp; relax when u feel frustrated).. dayan oni a bb, he duno mah... dun tink too much everyday pass v fast one

jovial, chris.. re millet, noted. i also find in powder form better to cook &amp; serve smoother.. chris, your bb v lucky, u take every effort to gv v healthy food,i hope i can b like u too...

me going pm leave today, bringing bb lance for surgeon 2nd review, hiaz, bet will b long Q &amp; whole afternoon burnt...

ecookie, wow.. soo good can hv break till end june, then can go shopping shopping shopping!!

dodo.. u too, lagi 'hao ming' SAHM for another half year more or so, zq v lucky to hv a mummy like u

will catch up again.. u all happi lunching!!
Re: Sick mommies and babies
Wish all speedy recovery and drink lots of fluid.

So happy to see you back here and all the updates.. Cool.... Pregnancy days seemed too fast for me to remember... keke... Cos I was too busy with #1. Pregnany &amp; delivery is easy, but raising and keeping up with kids are tough.

Doobom/ bbwoes
I am also alone lei. I have no colleagues. Jio me for lunch la... I am usually free around mid month. My work when free very free, busy then super, have to work through lunch kind. In fact I am super busy now, but find some time to unwind.

Congrats to all the babies who have moved on to the next step. This stage is fun, yet tiring. Have to watch carefully. They tend to fall alot until they stablise in walking.

Care to share how Sheraton charge for holding 1st birthday party. By per head or by package?

Need all mummies advice.

My girl big toe skin is crack n bleed yesterday.
wat can i do with it. cos i find her leg skin is like so tight.
re morning sickness,

lately she been abit of screamer. Dunno wat she wants oso. Attn ba

yep, she cant crawl much coz her legs in the bag.

I agee she still can flip around, but cant crawl in it...so far. =p Caelan crawled with his dream bag??
Hippo, gingerleaf,

Yes i apply lots of moisturizer on that area..
very scare it will crack deeper...

Will bring her to doc...
normal GP can right?
hi jovial ps add me!! =)
Zinterz (Jaslyn) BB born 7 Oct called Rene, thanks!!

its only tue, sure wish wk end coming soon.. bringing bb to PD tis sat, so may go motherhood fair after that =)

chloe been screaming a lot too lately.. cry like nobody business.. sometimes i can't take it and beat her.

psst, very light on her thigh only, dun worry. but that's enough for her to continue crying for another 5mins!!
Re: Sick mommies and babies
Wish all speedy recovery and drink lots of fluid.

I don't miss my tummy days at all too. I have diabetics during pregnancy. So, have to always monitor sugar level, cook 3 meals by myself, power walk after every meal. Only good thing , the best thing(beside my baby) is i am 8kg lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight on day 1 after delivery.

By the way, my baby has constipation. Is it true that giving steam apple will make it worse? I read somewhere, can i give fresh apple juice (mix with water)?
hahaha Aidan so cute ... you are a good write too

annie good that yr boy is back home ... you take care too ok

hmm Mummies ... you all always make the food to powder form ... is it good for long run ??? cos bb will not learn how to "chew" liao ... hmm bb are older now so hmm if you think they are ready den dun always make the food to too smooth ok ... I am all speaking from exp. cos i have LOTS of cousin and bb around me ... so i can tell the differ bewteen all those with "sayang sayang way" and those that is " a bit like dirty eat dirty grow" not that you cannot do that but hmm its for yr own good when they are abit older ... things will be real diffcult if you treat older bb like a young bb. its good to read books and learn but sometime you have to thick what will happen den time. Hope you all understand what i am trying to say.
cm, get what u mean.
i think we have to strike a balance btw these two

i beleive in 'dirty eat dirty grow' too somehow hehe
aiyo cannot tahan my SIL &amp; BIL ... their son gone case liao ... MIL hahaha dun no to laugh or to 'ke lian' my MIL now that my SIL's maid is here they are going to move back to and they watn to cut my MIL's allowance she is so upset about it ... hahaha serve her right in a way ask us to move so that they can move in and now hahaha ... but my SIL &amp; BIL also too much cos they EVERYDAY go there and shower and take their DINNER ok ... and maid got to stay there during day time too ... need to eat also mah ... I almost laugh out when she was telling me and hb ... oh no i am so bad
hi perlicia, at first i tot mine was the only one born on 7 oct too ;p

omg aidan is so so cute!! how did u manage to take such cute photos?

whenever we take camera out, my bb will look super serious &amp; thus not cute, even tho a second ago, she would be laughing like crazy..

now my home pc spoilt; office barred external drives so cant back up photos or develop photos or upload them sigh...
Yup... I agree with the 'dirty eat dirty grow', especially for boys. I do get nag by mum when I get 'fussy' over some meal prep. These few weeks, I have corrected my way as I feel that Jerry is older enough to be treated like a older bb liao. That is oso why I am proceeding to giving the unpolished brown rice.

OMG... Really feel like giving these kinda of irresponsible people left-right-up-down. Arghhh...
Yap ! will send email to all when the amount is confirmed

Still waiting for their proposal. I'd requested buffet lunch. But base on my baby shower, you tell them how many pax (e.g. 35), then they prepare food base on that. Even if you have SLIGHTLY more (e.g. total 40), they don't bother and chrge according to 40 pax but the food that they prepare for 35 is more than sufficient.

He can't even crawl Without the Dream bag yet leh. But He swiggle here, swiggle there. Practically all over the queen bed.

I agree with you . Caelen stop taking powder form liao. He just take those cook till very soft porridge as well as not so mashed vegetable like potatoes, carrot etc. Can see he 'bite' the food liao. He love to mimick us when we chew our food at dinner time (We made him sit with us on his high chair when Hubby and I having our dinner).
But the 'Bad' thing he also starts to 'bite' my finger when I brush his mouth with the finger brush as well as Bite my Nipples when he latch sometime ...OUCH ....

Re: Dirty eat dirty grow,
Heard on radio before, research indicated that baby tend to have lower immunity if the household is too clean. Household 'germ' are quite mild but they help the baby's body to kick start the immunity system.

Nowadays, I would sterilize Caelen's feeding bowl and bottle once in the morning. Then for the rest of the day, I'll just wash them clean after use and keep them in the sterilizer before next use for the day. Thank God, so far he hardly fall sick like flu etc even when my sis anddad had flu weeks back.
Baby Kyra is sick also....

Her fever come and go since Monday and now she got red spots on her thighs. Any mummy knows what is this? Must see doc?
Soon he will crawl if he is oreadi wriggling all over!
I never sterilise her feed bowl. Used to swirl with hot water b4 feeding her, now I juz wash n use. I oso believe babies must eat some 'dirt' to be healthier. heheh

red dots like pimples? Lyn got it on sunday, but I had it b4 her. I was wondering how come I have bumps like this till I saw 2 on her calf. Was so worried that its hfmd that I quickly brought her to GP. GP said he seen a few such cases recently, and blame it on the weather and said its the 'inflammation of the hair frollicle'. Was told the bumps will go away on its on in a weeks time. Im still worried abt it tho.
Thanks for your concern. Like what junnie said, i will learn how to take a break and have a kit kat..take things easy.

hapi fifi,
Handsome &amp; cute aidan indeed!

if the fever is cosistent, please bring bb to see doc asap. Dun joke.

gingerleaf..'wo de ma ya'.... really cant imagine got tis kind of inconsiderate ppl around!!!

perlicia, zinterz..my gal also 0710!! but 2003 instead of 2007, haha!!

hapififi..u sure aidan loves solid? then all shd b inside &amp; not outside lor!! hahahah.. he's looks v happy in the mess..

cm.. ntd your advice re bb food, me also believe 'dirty eat dirty grown'..oni gv bb paste form until got teeth to chew will stop liao.. ur MIL must hv drived u nuts, if not u wont b so 'hapi' now.. 'qinq cai qinq cai' lah, no good also cannot complaint cos MIL v big mah.. haha..

sabrina.. may b due to walker as u mentioned bb often bend her leg. i also got headache at times as bb lance's both big toes got nail ingrowth, pd said to let it b but v v difficult cos once the nail grow, u can see the side of toes swollen &amp; will cut thru the skin, so everytime i hv to trim his toe nails v frequent.. any mummies got better solution to treat nail ingrowth?

jacq.. not oni bb, some elder kids who recovered fm v high fever will also hv rashes, go c doc if u feel uncomfortable though some doc wud say is not anything serious. some kids take anti biotic will also hv rashes, see doc is the best.

i brought bb lance for surgeon review today, again kanna commented tat he looked v much overwt!! today weighed 10.6kg 70cm...surgeon say 'mummy must hv kept feeding him nonstop' really 'yuan wang' arrrrr... already reduced his milk or dragged 4hr abv, cant simply stoped his milk intake ba??? his appetite is really good leh, anything anyfood also nice to him... btw, surgeon said hv to arrange MCU test for him in july
ie, got to admit for IV antibiotic/dye (poke hand again) to see urine reflux status after the 'opt' in april, aggggrrrrr....
