(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hihi mummies,

so so many posts to catch up!!!

heard someone mentioned abt the Aquaduck trial, im interested, pls include me k

after discussion wi hubby, decided to extend my no pay leave till bb 18 months.

so i will continue to be SAHM till then when baby is ready for childcare...
ya. it's near dempsey. exact add: 29 Harding Road
(next to St. James’ Church Kindergarten).

think eil can only make it on wed or thu. timing is wed 2.30 - 3pm, or thu 9 - 9.30am. is that ok with you? i'm not sure how many babies per class though. gotta call again tmr to check.
u mean u can just extend and ur company okie with it? so good leh
I go on no pay leave, I wonder will i still have a job when I come back!!!

And yes! it's 5.30pm
zhen zhen,

i prefer the noon slot which means wednesday... ok sure, thanks alot!


yup, maybe bcoz im wi stat board. my director is fine wi it, but it subject to whether is there vacancy when i return loh... hubby said if there isn't vacancy, just find another job or resign and become permanent SAHM! haa..
dodo, good that you can be SAHM for longer! i'm half thinking of being a FT SAHM too. cos sometimes my students drive me up the wall! i'm so happy cos it's holidays now. no students for 2 weeks. yay!!

noted about date/time. i think eil will also prefer afternoon slot. i remember her saying that jae is not a morning baby. haha...
zhenzhen... u still remember Jae is not a morning baby... hahaha.... if 9am, i think she's still sleeping! :p

So is it confirm next week wed?

Thanks for arranging!

After that we can have a coffe at Go Go Bambini and baby can play there free unlimited! Hee hee hee...
zhen zhen,

ya im very happy wi this decision as well!

wow.. good! u can spend more time wi hannah this 2 weeks


ziqian is a very early morning baby! he woke up at 7am.. then hubby will bring him from his cot to our bed, purposely wan him to wake me up! coz ziqian will pull my hair, climb on my body, lick my face --- his way of morning call... haa!

yes yes, next wednesday fine wi me!

dun envy me so much.. coz i have less $ to spend now... but for the sake of ziqian, im willing to sacrifice anythg!

u can still have quality time wi your pretty ah boo girl... and ur mama has been taking care of her very well
dodo, my girl also wake up at 7am. but in my case, i'm the one who brings her to bed, so i can lie in for another couple of minutes. of course, she will use her poor mummy as a play gym. climb here, kick there. so i'm totally awake within 10min. good hor!

yea, I think I'll need to find a part time job to keep myself SANE sometimes. hahaha

I read that someone is organizing something at gogobambini? What's that about?? I wanna check out gogobambini too!

Re: baby's birthday
thanks jovial for updating the list! Anyone already booked or have idea where to hold the party??
wow, so long never see the list.. ps add me!! =)Zinterz (Jaslyn) BB born 7 Oct called Rene, thanks!!

time zooms by so quickly!! bb turning 1 yr soon?!
dodo, still! itz a great experience i m sure.. =D

haiz, my girl wakes up at like 4am+ and will start kicking me and flipping all over the bed and roll very close to me and cuddle and when i open my eyes, she'll give me dat innocent wide smile and start rolling all over again.. omg!! i m super tired lor but just melt with dat smile la.. i simply wonder how my mum can take these sleepless nights with her 24/7..
I'd checked out Sheraton again. Since our family loves the private setting. I tell then better give me good rate since I had my wedding and Caelen's 1st month celebration there. This is the 3rd time liao
caelen will wake up at about 6am +. He sleeps with us at night (only weekends). My hubby also wake up very early and let us have the bed. Caelen will keep himself entertain until he sees my eyes open then he want me to wake up and change his diaper. Afterwhich, a big wide smile to brighton the day.
hi bbwow, unice and perlicia,

yes, i am ordering the beco. but i am still waiting to confirm my paypal before i can order. =( i tink it will work out to be around $200.

hi totoro, which website did you order from? do they accept visa? how long is the shipping? i was hoping to get it before end june...
I'd checked with cosybaby, their new stock is coming in end june but she refuse to tell me what are the designs thou.
hi jovial, yes.. i also enquire at cosybaby for carnival design. they are coming in end june.. but i very kan cheong, hope to try it out before the trip... my friends and hubby keep discouraging me from buying but i wanted to bring anders out along, so was quite determined to get it.. heehee
Hi mummies...

I"M BACK... kayden discharge fr hospital yesterday. Me sick again, down wif cough and flu. Think hospital air not veri good, almost all the bb and children in the hospital got Bronchitis.

Kayden stay there for 1 week, hospital bill cost me a bomb!!!! Mum say maybe it's private hospital ba.

Poor kayden, i nv seem him cry so much b4. the suction of mucus really heart pain till i tell them not to do it anymore.

tmr still need to bring kayden back for review... now every 4hr still need to nebulise at home. Doc say dun bring him out for one month.
u need to take care n stay healthy cos u need to look after kayden. L just recovered from bronchitis. Think there is a virus going around..

Ya loh... i try to drink alot of water already but still got sick!!!! think nowaday alot of bb and children got Pneumonia. PD was saying better better take all optional injection.
annie, glad to hear Kayden is discharged liao...hope he gets well soon..

ueno, ya i think the virus is really affecting so many babies...from fever to running nose n cough!!

mummies, think if sean has not fully recovered from running nose n cough, I will have to give kindermusik a miss too this sunday...
will inform u early so can find replacement..
dun wan sean to spread the bug to other babies too..
Thanks for the link.

Yes...we are planning for a trip once i pass the 1st trimester. Cruise would be ideal for us. i think. When u gg?

Glad that kayden has discharged. Nothing matters more than baby's health.

Do add me in too can? Dayan 12th Oct.
I agree with Jas, good to know that Kayden discharged. ok if I ask how much is your hospital bill ? Caelen stayed in KKH A class for 3 days and his bill is about $2000 before medisave.

Will add those I'd missed out tomorrow cos the data in my company's computer
looking at the chart, really brings back memories of those preggie days, it was always exciting to see the countdown as the weeks fly by and whose baby has arrived! :D

my boy also had his 1st month celebration at sheraton! was v.impressed by the entire event and the guests were also pretty happy with it. hmm... wonder if i should also celebrate his 1st b'day there...

U are super duper LUCKY!!!! can spend time with ur boy until 18mths! i for sure cannot afford to take that long a leave and die die must go back work this month liao, or else really no $$. must enjoy all this time that u have with ur boy k?

at least u have the option of being a SAHM if ILs really gets into ur nerves. stay positive!

nice to hear from you! do take more nutritious food and take care of ur health too k? hopefully now that kayden is back home, he can recover faster and be back to his cutie self again.
eil, sure! i dun mind checking out go go bambini after that. never been there before, but have heard so much about it from my friends. i'll confirm date/time again with you gals tmr! can't wait!

Ya... kayden is the most impt person in my life now. Nothing or nobody can replace him....


Welcome back...

oh Kayden stayed @ Mt A.. also A class. Total bill is $4700 plus. After medisave still need to pay cash $2083. Expensive hor.... no choice lai. PD say need to do dis test dat test...

Dun think kayden's PD go kk hospital. Caelen's PD go kk ah...


he still drink veri little milk compare to last time.... appetite not good ba. Still alot of phelgm!!!
Actually, Caelen don't really have a PD. Didn't like the PD that help deliver him and so far his jab and checks are done at my family GP (who has 4 kids herself
) Other than that, he had mild flu once. This time go to KKH due Urine tract infection. Although we do keep a PD contact recommended by my Gynae just in case.

My hubby feels that we would go to GP 1st unless baby appears listless ...
when babies dun feel well, its common that their appetite not so good. perhaps try to give him smaller feeds at more frequent intervals and up the amount of water he takes, keep him hydrated if he can't stomach solids as well. its v.painful to see them suffering hor...

Thks for the update list


Can be a SAHM till Ziqian is 18mths.
.. Envy leh.. I cant take a long leave even unpaid...


Glad to hear Kayden had discharged..Hugzz Hugzz BB Kayden


I bot the beco without telling my hubby :p.. he everytime disagree this n that..


Sometime ILs really make us boil...
... Have to try ignore but really cnt..cannt understand what they are thinking..*Fainted* You know last sat, she told me BBs around the same age cannt put together..example; I bring jayden to the trial lesson, she said no good better dun go..and din said WHY.. and I asked why, she just said this is old people said one.. If you hv the chance to be SAHM, go for it..enjoy motherhood life..hehe
Glad that Kayden was discharged already. He will be back to his normal self very soon.
I just dig out my bill which Kelly stayed at Mt A for 6 days for bronchitis as well. It's 4727.80 and she stayed in 2 bedded ward.
Agree that a lot of bbies warded are mostly due to bronchitis and it's actually contagious.

I din ordered from a US website. I'll post the website address in yahoo thread as I don't want them to get into trouble as Beco have strict rules now that overseas website are not supposed to ship direct to Singapore I think. She just told me her stock has been shipped to her liao so likely will reached her this week or next week. It will take another 7 days to reach me.
mummies! wah 1 day then got so many posts need 20mins just to read finished!

jovialz: thanks for helping me make the orders for babymall! let me know when i should make payment to yoU!
add me to the list as well. baby name is yongzhi DOB 26 oct

bbwow: wah so good, ur hubby encouraged you to be SAHM.. yah once cannot stand ur MIL just quit! but i do agree that need part time job to keep urself sane. hee.

dodo: u r really v wei da! SAHM till ZQ 18mths will be ideal i guess.. then ur mum can take over after u go back work. wont be so tiring on her once he attends half day child care?

annie: pls take care of urself n rest more.. hope kayden will recover soon.
baby teething: baby YZ has been waking and crying from his sleep like once every night for the past few nights. is this due to teething? i try to fed him water which he takes surprisingly cos he doesnt like to take during day time. then afterwards, he will cry some more then go back to sleep. each episode takes ard 20mins..

v sad to see him like that but dun know whats wrong. will feeding gripz water makes thing better?
Glad to hear that Kayden is back home. Do take care of yourself, eh? Kayden needs u.

regarding a lot of phelgm, perhaps you can change his fm to soy milk power? I heard it reduces phelgm.

Dis is the 2nd time kayden got bronchitis... the 1st time did brought him to kk but nv stay. I find kk doc not veri friendly and responsible. So in the end nv go back again!!!


Ya dat's wat PD say.. smaller feed more frequent interval. At least nv throw out... in the hospital drink and eat wat also throw out!!!




At least Mt A nurse are good and friendly. One thing i like to comment is their food is delicious!!!! Cannot compare wif other hospital. The nurse called kayden "supervisor" of Mt A St Grabiel ward... b'cos he need to walk abt cannot stay still inside the room.
So many of u bought the no cheek pinching tee!!! Lets organise one outing and we let our baby wear that!!! Sure very cute. Then can let them sit in a row n take pic!! Hahah.

Im gg in end Aug! =D

PM me ur email!

Dodo!! CONGRATS!!! Now can stay at home for a longer period of time!
Btw, have you made payment to kindermusik oreadi? Looks like many mummies and babies are falling sick. Dunno if we still can pull together 12 pax.

take care n stay strong for bb K!
almost forgot why I logged in!
My Kelly just CRAWLED forward infront of me to get her toy! She did it 2 times. Before this, the most she will go forward 1 step only, just now she actually did that for a few steps! Yippee and I almost cried as I managed to see her doing that 1st time!
Wanted to capture her on the camara and she seems to know that and refused to do that again ;p
