(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

doobom, jerry can somersault? wah... so young and already so atheletic!!

hapi fifi, those photos of aidan are so cute! i love the first one esp. haha...

gingerleaf, those caregivers are simply irresponsible. cannot tahan them!

wendy, i think some of the other babies also had fever followed by rashes. doc said it was normal.
hapi fifi
aidan's photos so cute and together with your narration makes it really funny! :D

u mentioned that you didn't sterilize lyn's feeding bowl but how about milk bottles? should they still be sterilized?
zhen zhen,

Hi, can help me to regi for the aquaduck swimming trial on wed too??


if just use grain without grinding into powder, will it take v v long to cook?? I grinded all his grains bu as e grow, the powder will be corser ... think need to get a slow cooker soon

but somehow i feel im nt doing enough.. now reading bookon chinese erb.. but cany really understand cos in english.. sign

brig still get sick frequently which amke me feel guilty. my mil menioned is cos of food i prepared and put in the fridge and my cold EBM .. v hurt at time.. but now i hack care.. just pass her the food i want her to feed brig and that it.

But good new is that his plemgh cleared suddenlt.. dun havehte scary sound anymore..
Thanks mummies!

Just came bac from doc...phew....
Doc says its some virus call roseola. It will come and go by itself.... sigh hopefully she can recover quickly for photoshoot this thurs...

Sometimes i also skip sterilising Kyra's bowl and spoon. Some people say can help to build up their immune system. So far she is ok.
chris, sure. i will be calling aquaducks tmr. didn't have time to call today.

re: sterilising
i never sterilise hannah's bowls and spoons. but i still sterilise her bottles once a day. i'm thinking of stopping that too. lazy...
thanks mummies for the compliments! i think he's happy because i looked exasperated yet had to act as a clown to coax him to eat. every feeding session is a tough battle. haha

actually what i meant was he doesn't like his solids...that's why the food is outside his mouth instead of inside. haha

I dunno why he suddenly rejects his solids this week. He used to opens his mouth readily. Anyway he always 'choot' different pattern every week. I can only wish this phase will pass very soon!

Re: constipation
Wow! Prunes really work wonder! So mummies whose babies are having constipation can try this. I mixed a cube of prune puree with cereal to feed Aidan this morning & he pooed 6 times (his poo gets softer each time).
me too.. oni rinse her bowls with hot water. oso sterilise bottles once a day. think will continue to sterilise till she's one year old.

my bbsitter sterilises bottle beyond one year old for kids she looks after
i stop sterilizing at 6mths coz heard from papers it is not so good. so i wat i do is boil the water and just leave the bottles in it for a few seconds

i got my paypal account already. sad thing is my carnival beco is OOS and will only be on june 11.

unice, perlicia, bbwow,
what models are u looking at? maybe can place orders for you, but hor this is the first time ordering from the site so i do not know how the shipping will take.. i dunno how big is the item, if it is too big, do u mind to self collect at eunos?
zhenzhen: would luv to join e aquaducks. unfortunately, it's on weekdays. pls keep us posted on the trial. would take a day off if it's gd. it's certainly sounds fun!

bought e mushroom float but still contemplating whether we shld bring clare to swim with the HFMD and viruses going around..

Finally I used it today but i found that when my boy is sleeping, his face is facing abit up.seem abit xinku.. is it I need to adjust more to correct the position? Totoro, ueno, gingerleaf who is using Beco, can advise me....Thanks
beco: when our little ones learn to walk, will they still want to be inside?

am tempted to buy too but am concerned over the life span. anyone can share?
morning mummies!!

jacq: i once met a mummy who carries her son in ERGO. her boy can actually walk already, and he was sleeping soundly inside it
Good morning mummies!

I was so busy and tired yesterday that I suddenly disappeared after the morning posts. Jav was so cranky yesterday! He fights sleep!! Aiyo, I had no choice but ergo him to sleep at 4pm. Otherwise, he'll be too tired to eat his dinner at 5.

My neighbour told me that kids dun wanna walk when they can walk. They will want u to carry them. Besides, if they just learn to walk, they also won't walk for long cuz their tiny pair of legs will get tired easily. So I guess u still need to carry them most of the time.
Re: Aquaduck
Do baby need swimsuit ?

Not to worry, baby don't walk for very long each time. definately cannot last a shopping trip as they tired out easy. Our one step = to their 2 - 3 steps. Thus you would still need to carry them.

I would adjust Caelen face to the side.

Get those de-husk millet, don't need to grind into powder also will be very soft within 1 hour.
morning mummies!

sabrina, dun put plaster cos i m afraid there could be infections due to the wound being "wrapped" up and not "aired".

"dirty eat dirty grow": i dun mind too! i've seen pple who are too clean with their kids n these kids hv weaker digestive systems and more prone to tummyaches..

irresponsible parents: these pple ought to be shot in e back of their heads for being so socially irresponsible.. haiz.. gracious singaporeans?? ha! gimme a break lo...

junnie dear, how's my darling lance? poor baby still has to go thru those irritating tests.. haiyo.. re: ingrown nails.. go see a GP.. they shd be able to give u a cream to reduce the infections and soften the area around it so itz easier for u to cut the cuticles dear!
morning mummies,

*zombie eyes* Yesterday J also *choot pattern* and started crying from 4am to 5am. No matter how much of patting, feeding water, giving teether, then last resort gave in to milk (although I know he's not hungry) also NO USE.

Is this really normal during the teething phase? Cause this is 1st time he cried for so long and for the 1st time I felt so helpless I couldn't comfort him!

you work at bugis too? we can meet for lunch!

re: keeping milk
For Stage 2 milk, also only can keep up to 1 hour right? Because I don't see that instruction on the tin so wonder how long it can last.

i tried to face to this side..but cnt.. mayb I will try again to adjust to a better position.. another than this..its good..


J "choot pattern" same same wor..last nite my boy sleep ard 11+..than woke up ard 1am for milk..at 4am he wake up n cry..dont b sad/helpless , sometime they want us to carry n sayang them..
morning mummies~~
me no time log in forum cos was out whole day yesterday! again need time to read all posts !

bbwow/tiffany/doobom: im starting work only end june but we can meet for lunch!! doobom, join us when u r in the area! bbwow: hope u still working when i started work! hiaks. maybe u r SAHM by then liao..

jas: need to take a break at times. like me, this week im a SAHM and yesterday baby YZ really tested my patience. kept on crying and i know he tired want to sleep but when i carried him, he just twist n turn till i frustrated. in the end, i timed out awhile while i go kitchen drink cold water while he continues rolling ard on his mattress crying. but guess what by the time i came back m he fast asleep on the mattress liao. *faintz*

i think i really no patience to be a SAHM.
*hugz pinky*

but no matter how much I hug him, kiss him, he won't stop crying and cried very pitiful.
I dunno if it's a nightmare or teething. So helpless! Almost wanted to rush to A&E liao but scared the nurse laugh at me.

re: sterilizer
I still steerilize the bottles but not the spoons and bowls. Will stop at 1 years old too.
i also believe in dirty eat dirty grow up. ha. i never sterilise his feeding bowl/utensils just wash n dry n use. but i do still sterilise his bottles. think will do until 1 yo bah.

bbwow: yah, stage 2 milk also must consumed within 1 hr, after that better throw may have bateria breeding liao
Did you try to use the hood ? Find it holds the head properly and shield him from the shopping mall lights. He can sleep almost one hour. (normally he'll sleep barely 20 mins only). According to the video, the hood is meant to be ued when baby is sleeping.

BBwow, is his eyes still close when he cry ? This happens to Caelen once a while. We'll switch on the bedroom lights and keep calling him until he wake up. Try singing his favorite tunes too.

Hugz huzgz too ... i understand that feeling..dun knw what he want .. just cry n cry..sometime feel like crying with him..J another teeth popping out already?
I should let my MIL know about this "Dirty eat,dirty grow up" thing

Bugis kaki, I can join you all for lunch someday too.In july.
SAHM, how you manage household chores and baby at the same time ? I find myself unable to do any household chores during weekend when baby is with me.

me too, i cnt manage household chores too, the most throw all my clothings in the washing machine n wash + wash my boy clothings by hand.. If really too tired or cnt manage, u can call for PT cleaner .

My girl also like that. It is teething prob lor. Still have to tahan until the tooth finally appear. Me had been zombie from last fri till today. Moreover, she have bad cough which cause her so 'xin ku' when she sleep. The moment she cough, she cry liao
good morning mummies,

so so busy these few days... my sis back from perth and my mum staying over at my place.. everyday chit chat and play ard wi that 2 noti babies!
din hav time to read back all the previous post...


my most important and main priority is BABY. so housechores can wait, i only do simple one when im free (when bb asleep). most of them done by hubby when he back from work and on weekend. i only do simple ones like sweep floor and wash cutleries...and cook dinner once or twice a week... hubby is now thinking to get a part-time helper coz he very tired wi all the mopping, toilet cleaning, ironing, laundry washing etc... haa!
re sterilising:

i only sterilise bb bottles and my breastpump accessories... never sterilise his feeding bowl and spoon, just wash and dry... so far so good

how are u doing gal? hope everythg is doing well.. u are really super mama! handle bb alone 24/7 for a week is definately an extremly challenging task, it's a test of limit of both physically and mentally! another 4 more days of hubby return... JIA YOU & HUGS!
jovial, get a PT cleaner! cleaner can handle the more xiong tasks, like cleaning toilet etc. then the rest of the week, just need to maintain the house - wipe floor, wash clothes, wash dishes. it's really a lot more manageable.
jovialz: same as dodo, i only managed to wash clothes(in washing machine) n hang them. wash/sterilise his bottles etc. and .. thats it. most of the time spent taking care of him.

will wait till hubby back in evening to help out the rest. but we ve a PT helper who comes once a week to clean toilets, sweep/mop floor/ iron clothes and wipe surfaces etc

really helpful! u want to consider that?

*hugz* baby sick is the most terrible thing. my boy 2 bottom teeth already sprout out liao leh. So could be top teeth coming out is it? Today I still go dig open his mouth to check any top teeth. hahaha...

and he still give me the cheeky grin after traumatizing me last night.

yeah, we should form bugis lunch khakis! :D
zhen zhen,

any recommendation of PT cleaner ard my area (CCK)? u know my hubby very funny, i think he really sick of doing all these chores, whenever he bump into my neighbours, he will ask "do u have any good PT cleaner contact?"........ :p

can recommend me your PT cleaner? My hubby also complaining liao. after reading all your posts, I realized we haven't washed the toilets for some time... *oops*
hahahahaha.... last time also do all the major cleaning over the weekend. until my hubby cannot tahan. so we succumbed and got a PT cleaner. i can ask her whether she minds going over to your area when she comes by tmr.

if not, maybe you go get the young boys to clean your house (think they were featured in ST)? then you can 'bio' the boys at the same time. hehe... (kidding la!)

haa! ur hubby same as mine...

every sat when he cleaned up the toilets, he will grumble "i really must get a PT helper.." and he has been "nian4 jing1" since i was preggie then...
dodo, ur hubby so cute.. ha! tink he must be reali tired of doing the chores.. =D my PT cleaner shd be able to travel to CCK. very nice china lady whose family is here.. tink she's a PR.. very kind n nice lady. been helping me for the past erm.. 2-3 yrs? keke.. i chk if she's available cos she always seems so busy.. let me know if u are interested!
no wonder din see your posts....glad to hear that u're having fun with your mother and sister
Wah, u 're so fortunate with such good hubby doing most of the chores for you after work. My husband dun do any chores on weekdays, only vacuum and mop the floor on weekends.

I do all my house chores with Jav on his rocker watching. He likes to see me around. So I'll push the rocker everywhere I go. I do laundry, vacuum floor, wash dishes, fold clothes, make the bed n etc... but I don't cook. I find that I have no time to cook at all. So we eat out. Last time, we used to call tingkat but food tasted horrible. Then we ta bao food but now, we always sneak out for dinner when Jav is sleeping. Yes, we leave him sleeping in the house all by himself.
zhen zhen,

u joker leh!!!!!

aiya, im not interested in young boys leh.. i prefer those hunks.. best if they do chores topless, showing all their muscles... wah, drooling liao... haa!

thanks thanks! let me know hor

thanks thanks!!! we need one urgently.. hee..
is she available on weekends? coz hubby said must get a weekend one, so i will stay at home wi the PT cleaner and he will bring bb out, coz worry abt the dust...


yup yup.. the 2 noti babies almost tearing down my play yard yesterday! shang nao jing... coz he cant stand messiness, but im okay wi it loh :p

gal, u really superb! u do lots of things! like u, we ordered those tingkat for 2 months and it was terrible... so we tabao or cook now...

omg.. u really left jav alone in the house??!! for how long?

my hubby too, only vacuum and mop the floor on wkend.. and do nothing else. if i want to call for PT cleaner, he just said save the $$ and he do..but but he din do..*Fainted*..

Re: house chores
U really super, can do so many things..


at least he grumble he want a PT cleaner..so can help out abit..

sanbebe: leave him all alone in the hse?? really? how long? i think i cant do it.. haha whole dinner sure worried till cannot enjoy one

bbwow/dodo: my cleaner has been helping me for past 4 mths. she introduced by our friend who has her for 1 year+ and now. but she s a china lady whose husband n 2 sons are working/studying here in sg for few years already. some not comfortable with china pple. for myself still okie, cos we always arrange for her to come during weekday evenings when both hubbi n me are at home. she currently stays at boon lay so i think CCk should be okie for her. if u guys interested can PM me.
