(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

ecookie when a bb is really tired want to sleep when they twist n turn and can seethat they are frustrated let them roll ard on his mattress they will sleep on the mattress once you put them down.

My bb should be having the reflux problem called the PD now need to thicken his milk if still vomit den need medi if still cannot den need to op liao sobsob ... worry cos saw a doc. program on this and it is bad man ...

Housechores aside bb 1st.

Anyone bath WITH bb liao ??? I try shower with bb and my gal must bring a bathtub in la ... very fun can try ... gingerleaf you should try this with lyn ....

bbwow: quick clean toilets lah!! hah but myself i cannot stand one. used to be my husband cleaning both toilets until one day he fed up then we called in the PT cleaner hiaks
CM: thats what i tot so. but when i carry him he twist n turn but when i put him down, he wail like i torture him. even lying beside him no use. sigh.
dodo, okie doks! i will check with her and let u know again!

sansbebe, omg! u leave him alone? hahaha! power leh.. hahaha!
ecookie, do u have the same pt cleaner as me? haha! mine also stay at boon lay.. how's her hairstyle like? keke.. for me, my pt cleaning auntie comes over during weekdays cos i gave her my keys.. she's very "clean" and honest one..
wow, aidan is so good looking!! i'm sure he'll grow up to be a "lui sat shau"!!! simple love his eyes..round round and so seducing..haha..so, these 2 beautiful eyes from mummy or daddy?
you must bring him for competition ok? sure win one!

poor thing...must be really heart renching to hear jayden cry for so long...aria also cry in her sleep for the pass 1 week although not so long..she can wake up crying or crying in her sleep for a few times in a night..i will latch her and she will fall back to sleep..i've become her pacifier liao.dunnot if it's teething but then she doesn't really drool leh..

power! I can never leave J alone in the house although if ever crossed my mind before. Cause dunno when he'll wake up man.

my boy tired will roll and twist and turn in the bed but still won't sleep! hahaha... yesterday he was crying at night, we just leave him on our bed, and he went crawling all over the place while crying. *pengz* like trying to find "chu lu"

yes, but we stay at sengkang so don't think your cleaner can come.
My hubby has been the one doing the mopping, cleaning, everything. I'll just take care of bb, prepare his food, clean his bottles, and fold clothes. I'm a lousy housewife. :p
CM... i read about reflux. hope thickening the milk will work. poor carlson.

eil, dodo and chris... really sorry but we probably have to split up to do the trial. cos they allow only a max of 6 babies at each session. and there are already 4 babies on the wed slot. would you mind if we split up so 2 attend next week, and 2 the week after? i have got them to reserve the slots for us for the moment. get back to me can?
dodo, ecookie, hippo,
Haha...I leave him at home for quite long... He sleeps from 7pm -7am every night. My hubby keeps asking me to go dinner while he's sleeping. Initially, I kept saying no but after 2 mths, I finally agreed.

The 1st few times, we ate very fast and only out for 30 mins. I was very worried throughout the meal. But gradually, we'll stretch longer. Last night, we were out for 3hrs. We went imm and had dinner at fish & co, then ran some errand at giant, were back at 10pm. Just nice for his dream feed at 10.30pm.

any mummies going to the motherhood fair tmr??? wanna meet??? me plan to go late afternoon but without kayden.. he rot @ hm wif my mum!!!
Hi all

I'm looking for PT at punggol area. is getting harder for me (preggie with no.2) to cope with hsehold chores.
whats the rate of a PT helper per hr?

I bot the play yard at Kiddy Palace at S$129.will try it out this wkend. but a bit heart pain to confine my bb.:p
sanbebe, you are very brave! maybe i should try too, cos hannah sleeps from 8.30pm - 7am. even better cos she doesn't need dream feed. haha...
sansbebe! datz so good leh.. haha! i dun tink my mum or myself can leave adri at home by herself cos she's always rolling all over even in her sleep! =P
zhen zhen,
Wah, hannah doesn't need dream feed?! That's great, can go for a movie or a small drink

The night's out for my hubby and I is just like going for a date. As it's just the 2 of us, without Jav, we feel like we're back to patoh time
u really steady! I dun even dare to leave her alone for 5mins! Sometimes Im so tempted to, juz to go downstairs grab something quickly, but I still dun dare. I keep thinkinng of the worse, like fire next door la, or short circuit n fire in my own hse la, tons of worries!

hey thanks! Im doing well! In fact, I went out whole day with her on monday! So fun! Now Im looking forward to bring her out tmr or fri to the motherhood fair.
sanbebe, hannah weaned herself off the dream feed. she just refused to drink when i tried to feed. rather sleep. so i stop giving her and she's perfectly fine. think she's training her mummy, rather than her mummy training her. haha!

me and hubby still have date nights, but usually leave her with either set of parents to look after. we're not that brave yet.
Is Adri sleeping in baby cot? She should be safe in a baby cot. Luckily, Jav doesn't roll

btw, I'm tempted to get a PT. Recommend to me leh... Am staying at Jurong. May I know what is the rate like? Hopefully my hubby will agree then I don't have to do so much work ...heh heh....cuz I iron clothes and wash toilets as well.
hi mummies, wanted to ask if your babies are still vomiting after meals/milk feeds? matty has been vomiting quite often but only a little bit each time. wonder if that is still normal at 7.5 months...

sanbebe, yah that really brave of you! i don't even dare to leave matty alone in the room upstairs without switching on the baby monitor.

regarding motherhood fair...feel like going but dunno what to buy leh. haha...no place at my in-laws' place to store also. I want my own house!!!!
You stay in CCK too? which part? me also! i bring baby to lot 1 for walks quite often haha maybe we might even have bumped into each other before :)

Re: helper
my PT helper comes to my place on sun & i like her a lot. unfortunately her slots are all full :-(

Re: sterilizing
i'm also just sterilizing bottles & pump accessories. i just use hot water to rinse his utensils.

aria jo,
hmmmm we've got varying comments on who aidan looks like. personally i think he looks more like daddy tho both hubby & i have double eyelids. in fact, our friends said hubby & i got 'fu1 qi1 xiang4' after being together for so long! i'd like to believe it's his 'fortune' that he starts to look like me! waaaahaaaa
talking about patoh with hubby...we hardly ever do that nowadays. it's always with baby, and in-laws. sometimes i feel so crowded in. so i will just go out alone. :p
r using the butterfly? Mine is the butterfly, n i need to use my hand to support L's head when he's sleeping. Thats the only thing i dont like abt it. The detachable hood sucks! It cant hold the head properly.

sanbebe, dodo,
which company u used for the tingkat? Im using Select n i find that their food is not bad, eating it for 7mths already. U can check out their menu.
I'm staying in east side. So many mummies are in the west ....envy envy envy.

happi fifi,
Thanks! Oh, so we still need to pay for tpt allowance...

Double eyelids
My hubby and I both have very obvious double eyelids but Jav doesn't have at all !!
re:motherhood fair
I will not be going cos i dont have anything to buy. Unless u wana get milk powder or pampers, they have good deals on those
i think the transport allowance is rather reasonable. my helper always works overtime but she simply refuses to accept the extra money i offered so i end up paying her $35 for almost 4 hrs of cleaning.

My nephew who is turning 4 y/o soon has single eyelids since he was born...until he turned 3! His double eyelids just miraculously appeared haha so maybe Jav's ones will come later :p
hi everyone
finally finished reading all the posts!!

Someone asked abt apple puree, no no for babies who constipated as it will make it worse! Apple juice is fine but not puree as it helps to harden the stool!!

I don't sterilize the bowl and spoon as well. Mainly because not all the plastic are able to be sterilize so I don't want to take the risk. Just used Hot water to rinse before use. But for bottles, I still sterilize them and probably wld do that til she is 1 year old as I realized the FM is really oily.

PT Maid
Let me know if anyone have someone to recommend in Sengkang as well. Desperately need one as really no time to do housework. Even during weekend if we are at home, I normally cannot leave Kelly sight and also don't want her to be breathing in all the dust since she has sensitive nose like me.

really admire u and ur hb courage to leave bb at home alone leh. My Kelly will wake up every 30mins to check whether anyone around or not one, even in the afternoon at my mum's place. It's strange as we have never left her alone before but she is still so insecure.
morning mommies

How yr super mommas doing? Have not been reading the posts for the past few days.. I kept reading.. till my eyes gone "zombie" :p

Re: Flu bug n sore throat
Now I'm badly down wz one.. haiz.. lucky thing Danny is at my mom's plc, but bringing him dis Fri.. sure kena one.. Downside: Still stuck @ work even sick.. kns.. so many work to clear! Can't afford a day MC also..

Wah..nice to see the table.. I realised there's plenty of 16Oct babies lei..hehe.. Danny is borned on 14Oct.. just 2 days earlier..

Preggie Days:
Yes I miss it too..though I hate the "merlion" period. I nvr understand the meaning of morning sickness coz my version is ALL DAY SICKNESS morning night vomit like siao! hahaha. Hubby kept hinting for a 2nd one.. coz he saw few of his frens' wifeys oredi got preggie wz a 2nd one.. I gv him tis look like.."huh u think wat.. having a kid is like having a race huh..everything must compete.Other ppl hv so we must hv one is it?" Hehehhe
i also feel you are v.brave to venture outdoors when ur Jav sleeps. i dun really dare to do that with my boy. i always worried something might happen, although really nothing happen but dun dare to take the risk. haha!!! :D

i can't go motherhood fair tmr coz got driving lesson at late afternoon, so mayb only go on fri. cannot meet up again!
keep us mummies posted on what's gd to look out for k?
hmm ... my 4th generation is different from urs, hee don't know what hook u gals r toking abt. Show me when we meet or when I received my butterfly.
for my PT cleaner, i pay $10/hr. but don't pay for transport. guess it just depends on your arrangement.

i will probably go to the fair on fri afternoon with my mom. if any of you gals going, we can meet up!
Wow, 3 hours and so many posts liao.

Re: PT
My hubby also cannot tahan the houehold chores liao. He's been handling almost all including my dogs. We had a good PT maid from China but she decided to go and work in Hotel instead

I also need good recommendation for PT at Punggol. Need to be good at ironing. Quite worried about ironing lady spoil my hubby not so cheap clothings.

I don't even dare to do that so end up packet dinner instead.

We talking about 'hood' that can be attached to the Beco.
Morning mummies!!! Mid week now, counting down to weekend again. *.*

Re: Sterilise feeding equip.
All along since birth, I dun sterilise the feeding equip. (din invest in proper steriliser) and din use any liquid cleanser too. Merely brush the feeding equip under running tap and rinse with hot water from airpot. Once a week, dump all into pot & boil for 3 mins. Thatz it. Is this considered sterilising as well?

re: Motherhood Fair
Yes, I will be dropping by 2morow around 12pm. Anyone else going?
i cant cfm if Im gg tmr. Now Im procrastinating if I shld bring her out.. scare she gets the flu bug in such crowded places.

Select is good? I used to cater Neo Garden, but thats only for a mth. The food somehow juz taste the same after awhile, and I felt very restricted that we had to be home by that time to recieved the food(5pm).
Karrie ... my boy vomit after feeds ... he should be having the Reflux problem ... he throw out all the Feeds not a little bit.
u v brave. I dare not leave my girl alone.

as for cleaning hse beside taking care of my girl, I only do laundry, cooking, vacuum everyday. My hubby will do mopping and cleaning of whole house and maintain our plants in the balcony. My hubby is a good house keeping person so we don't have to use any PT maid.
re: puree that worsen constipation

what about pear puree? what else is a big NO NO for constipated babies? what about avocado?

I actually read that apple is very good for constipation! I have been giving apple puree so far n no constipation. Nv tried apple juice.

Only COOKED apples CAUSE constipation. Fresh apples aids in easing constipation.

Nowadays, I don't cook apples. I just cut into small cubes then puree.
