(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

i think u can keep the list short and simple. If u notice, alot of the mummies oreadi disappeared long lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg time ago. let's just keep the active mummies in the list. =D

yz(now im so tempted to call him cc) is teething la. Tot I saw two lines on his gums today. Gripe water does helps, I heard. You can rub his gums or give him a chilled teether!

my girl stayed at St Gabriel ward as well and all the nurse know her as I will bring her out of the room to walk walk and see all the cartoons characters on each door + chirstmas decoration at that time. so we will walk from the front to the back. That is the time when she start to know who is mickey mouse, donald duck etc.

Regarding the food, yah not too bad but I din eat the chicken. Heard too many things and since at that time I need to feed her bm so decided not to eat due to cough. Already trying all means to make her well so just hear and do watever pple say. But i know the chicken soup veri nice one.
she hardly have the chance to crawl at home leh. only on my bed before she sleep!
But will let my mum know to be more careful in the day time and don't leave her alone even for a few secs on the ground!

Rem u told me on fri she still cnt crawl but sit v stable...congrat that little Kelly start crawling..
Im still waiting for Jayden to sit stable leh.. Kind of worry as he cant sit by himself even he is 8 mths old.. think abit late..
gingerleaf: how u holding up??? lyn orh orh already?

think tom will reach my finger in and feel his gum to see if hes really teething..
I hope it's not a one time thingy for now. Will have to see her action tomorrow at my mum's place.

Every bb learn and grow differently, so don't have to worry even though Jayden is the SAME age as Kelly! Jayden will have his own pace. I guess they do need practice to master their skill. Let him have more chance on the mat etc.

I think Kelly was inspired by the sept bbies that she attended the trial with yesterday! 2 bb girls were crawling so fast and Kelly was trying to do the same but couldn't yesterday. It's funny to see them trying to learn something.

I agree they will inspired by other BBs, that time when jayden attended the gymboree class..when he reached home, he can sit himself for a few seconds which i felt abit surprised.. So is good to join those trial lessons so he can c other BBs skill..
lyn still awake at this hour?
Must be too excited in the afternoon having all the fun with the rest of the bbies.

Jayden really have that ... I just want to lie down kind of look leh .. so funnie ... he don like the walker or wat?
I did not put Kelly in walker until she can really sit up. Now she will move ard in it. She will lean forward when she try to eat all the stuff in front like the steering wheel etc.

By the way, she also became a caterpillar like those learn in Trio. I passed her a Times application form as she is making so much noise and trying to grab the books that I'm holding while I'm browsing. Turn ard and I discovered the form with some hole in the middle!! I was so upset with myself to give her that and was telling my hb to look out for her poo poo for paper !!

Maybe he is tired so he gv this look in his walker.. if he is happy he will go backward round n round..hahaa..

Oppss,,,Kelly ate the paper..?? she rem the lesson during Trio..keke.. so cute
WOW congrats totoro!! so excited to see bb crawl lei...

sean only moves in his reverse gear when in the baby walker...when on his tummy, he tries to move forward by shaking his butt high up then push himself forward..many times, he will land flat again...
totoro..clap clap... kelly crawling alr!! ya, must tell your mum to keep a look out..

pinky, mine also cant sit steadily & no sign of crawling...

annie.. glad to hear u & kayden back home.. must b 'guai guai' stay @home & get well soon

annie, jovial, totoro..i tink if for our case to stay @pte hospital or A class sure 'v siong' cos bb lance admitted approx 34days (3 addmission within 2mths) we choose nuh cos fllwing 1 of the Kidney HOD (Professor) for my kids case as both also got urine relfux prblm & needs long term anti-biotic w regular reviews/tests (lucky my gal stop medication after 3.5years now go half yearly review), so on long run, we hv to opt for govt help as cannot claim insurance too..

ecookie.. your yz also sleep & wake up arrr... really v helpless hor?? but since gingerleaf said he teething then u hv the answer liao.. how i wish bb can talk now! mine jus wake up & cry also, i touch his gum but cant feel anything hard, tink his nose block he cant breathe tat's y cry, must keep calling him & pat, now then sleep in sarong again.. really 'tou da'...

jovial, dun mind includes mummy 'cheval' & bb 'basil' in your table, dob 20oct if i'm not wrong.

gingerleaf.. yaya.. good idea - then we can 'no pinching' together, hahaha!!

chris.. thks 4 telling me the organic stuffs.. i went ntuc organic section & bought millet & tried cooking ysterday.. do we need to blend or pound it? cos i didnt then after i cooked, though i taste some & is soft, i still find it not smooth enuff for bb, like 'yi li yi li', so i used the big spoon to smash it b4 feeding bb..
7am!!! Daddy n Mummy not even wake up yet at that time. I think Jae like her parents, lazy pig, sleep until late late.
Luckily her bed is beside our (ours is a platform bed), so she will crawl and climb over to our bed at around 7ish or 8ish and cry for milk. Then after her milk, 3 of us, all on the King Size bed, continue Zzzzzzz......
She usually sleep around 10pm or later. Very difficult to train her to sleep early because we always reach home around 9plus... So poor baby have to adjust to our timing!
totoro_BB: must be so exhilarating to see kelly crawl! am still eagerly waiting for my turn. clare can sit still v stable now but she's pretty lazy to sit. prefer to lean back whenevr there's opportunties and started crawling backwards v long ago but just stopped there.

in fact, am reallee so looking forward to hold her hands to walk side by side with her
dodo: congrats on ur decision!! ziqian is so lucky!!

e-cookie: ur first day at work rite? so how's e 1st day???

annie: glad to hear dat kayden is back home. u take care of urself, k? hugz hugz..
mummies cooking brown rice porridge:
how long do u take to cook? remembered many taking at elast 2 to 3 hrs rite?

tried cooking brown rice porride for clare yesterday. took me 3 hrs on e slow cooker. but bbsitter says she usually takes 1hr 15min to cook (she doesnt soak nor blend the rice) she's very puzzled dat i am taking so long. vice versa

can anyone advise?
hey pinky,

dun hv to worry.. like wat many says, bb all developed at their own pace..

my nephew started crawling at 6 mth plus but oni started walking at 16months!
I saw some brown rice in the supermarket thats got dark brown bits mixed in it. Another brand is plain light brown rice.
Both are labelled Brown Rice. Whats the diff n which one to get?
buy plain light brown rice for baby cuz those dark red brown rice has hull(壳) on it, when cooked, I find not smooth for baby to eat. Still must sieve away the hull, very troublesome.
Yah, I'm going to clean out the list unless the mummy ask me to put back her details
Already PM my email to you ... but it's hotmail. can or not ?

I'd bought the millet that is 'de-shelled', can or not ? but realise it cook very fast, less than 1 hour in slow cooker.
<font size="+1"><u><font color="ff6000">Our Babies are turning ONE soon ...</font></u></font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="aa00aa">Mummy</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Baby</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Baby DOB</font></TD><TD>*****</TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Mummy</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Baby</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Baby DOB</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovialz</TD><TD>Caelen Javier</TD><TD>25 Aug</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Hippo18</TD><TD>Adrienne</TD><TD>08 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>03 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Dodo</TD><TD>Anderson</TD><TD>10 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>CM</TD><TD>Carlson</TD><TD>11 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Jacq</TD><TD>Clare</TD><TD>10 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie</TD><TD>Kayden</TD><TD>14 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Jas</TD><TD>Dayan</TD><TD>12 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiffany</TD><TD>Andrea</TD><TD>17 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Chintz</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>16 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doobom </TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>20 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Karrie</TD><TD>Matthias</TD><TD>16 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Junnie</TD><TD>Lance</TD><TD>25 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Qoobee</TD><TD>Jaron</TD><TD>16 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>Jarrett</TD><TD>27 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Sugar Nut</TD><TD>Lleyton</TD><TD>16 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinky</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>28 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Ueno</TD><TD>Leroy</TD><TD>17 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Totoro_bb</TD><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>28 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Garden_Dreamz</TD><TD>Peng Hong</TD><TD>18 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eil</TD><TD>Jae</TD><TD>29 Sep</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Sanbebe</TD><TD>Javier</TD><TD>18 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kris </TD><TD>Kaelyn</TD><TD>01 Oct</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Cheval</TD><TD>Basil</TD><TD>20 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gingerleaf</TD><TD>TBE</TD><TD>01 Oct</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Happy_FiFi</TD><TD>Aidan</TD><TD>21 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zhen Zhen</TD><TD>Hannah</TD><TD>03 Oct</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Tiffy</TD><TD>Sherry</TD><TD>25 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sylvia</TD><TD>Shayla</TD><TD>03 Oct</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Ecookie</TD><TD>YongZhi</TD><TD>26 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD>Perlicia </TD><TD>Raphael</TD><TD>07 Oct</TD><TD>*****</TD><TD>Ponponta</TD><TD>Anderson</TD><TD>31 Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

you're one lucky mother. Jayden always have to wake up at 6am for his milk then goes back to ZzZzz...then maybe wakes up at 730/8am and come disturb us again. hahah

I guess there's nothing we can do but just hug and comfort them. Sometimes I even succumb to giving J a lil milk to soothe him after he doesn't stop for 10 mins. hahah... any mummies like me so easily give up to milk?

yeah, have to pay within 15 Jun to secure. The shoot time can confirm again until Aug. I'll be taking the shots on 20 Jun! So excited!!!
jovial, put me in put me in! wah, when i saw the list, at one moment brought me back to our preggie days... miss those days so much!

xavier's birthday is 6 oct.
bbwow: i tried not to succumb cos not his feeding time and dun want him to have the habit of being soothed to zzz thru milk.. yest after crying for 10mins i fed him water and after awhile he sleeps..

jacq: my 1st day at new job is only near end of june! meantime taking a break!

re baby waking: nowadays since i no work, when baby YZ wakey up at 7+ i ll bring him down to our bed and upon seeing my eyes closed he also went back to sleep!! now he has his 1st feed at 830ish!! wonder if i can bring forward his dream feed to before he zzz so no more dreamfeed?
Hi Jovial,

Add me Brig will turn one on 20 Spet...


I want to go too, pl add me for next wed afternoon slot. But can i confirm tomorrow... check with my hubby first.


your darling is so lucky to be with you. No sacrifice is too great when you see them growing up yrself and be there for them,...

I stated working part time since April, lift is hectic, everyday dash here dash there... but no regret.. At least i got to with brig everyday except for the morning few hours. Huuby has been great, taking care of him for 2 morning.. so brig is only with my MIL for 3 morning.

Although MIL still nag nag nag about the food i give brig. She said something like anyhoe eat, anyhoe grow up??? Kept saying dun need organic food... but she dun knwo hoe containminated the earth is now..

She didnt know that i used the frozen cube method for all the food i prepared.. cos she said frozen pumpkin is windy etc etc...

As usually think that she knows my son better then I...

Birg has not been putting on weight for the past 1 month.. stay at 9kg .. she mentioned that i refused to feed him more milk during when he is younger that when he is not growing now...

But who care.. he is active, happy .. altert... he is not underweight...


ya, morning sickness!!! this is the thing that put me off for 2nd preg... thinking back... merlion for 5 mths.. scary....
Morning Mummies...

Hapie to see u back here again. Thanks alot for upkeeping the table for us. My boy's name is Jerry. =)

ILs issue seems endless ya? Mine... tone down recently coz have no time to visit them. No matter what, dun care &amp; think so much about these. Most impt is luv J more ya? So long that u spend time with J &amp; luv him, he sure cling to u when he is older. *Only wants Mummy!* Hee...

I juz finished a packet of organic brown rice (all grains in light brown colour). Bought from NTUC. My mum suggested to change to the unpolished brown rice, saying that itz better. So bought a packet from NTUC last nite. Was told to handle it the same way as the brown rice porridge that I prepare daily. Is that other kinds of brown rice avail.? Tot only 2 kinds - normal light brown &amp; the unpolished dark brown.

PLEASE note...
For brown rice that we blend into powder, must remember to COOK it. For @ least 8 minutes.
*Coz I am so blur that I tot can juz mix with boiling water from airpot n serve. Tot same as rice cereal method. In the end, kenna scolding. Oopsss...*
Jovial, sanbebe, chris,
Me too. Miz preggie days, though I slept like nobody business during those days. Work, eat, sleep &amp; watch Tom &amp; Jerry cartoons. Haha... Like enjoying life. =)

Anyone miz the early days when we juz deliver our little ones?
I was browsing thru Jerry's photos last nite. I really miss the days when he is juz a newborn. Though tough days, but dun noe why I miz so much of it.
Anyone meeting up for the Motherhood exhibitn this 5June?

*Can tell that I am so free today ya? So many posts in a row* Haa... =)
Yes, Kayden is back home!=) Oops, but u are not well. Do take gd care of yourself. Have to be a strong Mummy, so that u can take care of Kayden too. Speedy recovery to both u! *Hugz*
Hi Jovial,

Is happy to see the chart back.
Thanks for ur hard work for updating the chart.

attached is Natalie 8 mths pic.


Please add me if mummies have facebook.

doobom, ya i get that u are so free today.. whahahahaha! =P

annie, do take gd care of urself too..

missing pregnancy days: hmm.. yes i do! but i dun miss the pain in the butt and the cramps and the discomfort! but i miss baby inside me, kicking away!!

yes, I m quite free today. If I m busy, I get so busy till no time allow for forum. When free, I can sit n wait for posts while doing my reporting here in office. Haha... =)
Yes, come to think of it. I kinda miz the bb's waves in my tummy during preggie days. =)
How's Adri?
