(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

dodo, let nature take itz own course! it wun be happening so soon so just wait n see.. when e decision time draws nearer, u will know.. dun fret okie?

and watz wrong with our babies huh? so fierce! hahahaha... but itz soooo funny seeing their determined/ frustrated look..


yup yup... "chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi"

ya precisely! sometimes i will laugh at him when he's angry and he will get more agitated! haa..
icic. I onli been to guangzhuo hangzhuo and ningbo, and my impression of them is not very good oreadi. The place is dirty, the pollution is bad and the ppl anyhow spits into ur path. However I can eat liek a king there! Hehehe.
Wow, I cannot imagine how bad it is in beijing then.
hihi, think i missed a lot of previous postings.

anyone care to explain what's gymboree?

where is it and how much is it? prob too late to join u people, but i would like to find out more about it

my bb also getting fierce nowadays, if i take a toy or something away from her, she'll scream!!

re: china, love the shopping there but don't like the way people spat on the floor, squeezed to get onto the trains..
My hubby keep saying Shichida method is v good. So let's try it out!

Trio Trial

Would prefer the 2pm slot. Matty's nap time is about 12...scared wait he cranky then disrupt everyone...
i really dunno leh... he will look n look when we eat n tongue will lick but when give him his bowl of cereal, he's mouth close up. got to coax him to eat n at most, he can take half a tbsp of cereal mixed with milk... sigh...

any mummies whose baby like to snatch/swipe at the spoon when feeding and refuse to sit still, head keep turning away n both hands try to grab your hand or the spoon? what do u do to stop it? is it a sign tat baby's not ready to be weaned???

how many months ahead is ur hubby going b4 u? get him to check out all the necessary issues 4 bb so that when u go over, at least know where's where.

re: Trio trial
will give this round a miss but would love to hear from those mummies who are going.
re Trio trial: i wanna join u girls but cant mke it on sats
so have to hear from u mummies who r going.... recommend us if its really fun k...

mummies `who feed brown rice, how much to feed for first time? anything else to add? is it to be fed same as rice cereal, except tt brown rice must cook over fire? thx...

dodo, we will miss u n ziqian ...but its great opportunity for ur hubby.... cannot miss the chance too ....

Thanks for the encouragement
I'll jia you, Fighting (korean)!!

I didn't realise it's so hard to feed bb semi-solids. I reckon it's a testing of patience and skills. Hopefully I'll master it very soon or my son turns to an angel baby. He's such a fussy baby so I can actually foresee what will happen for the next few seesions of feeding....
trio trial; giving it a miss but mummies who go, pls feed back!

dodo: china is abit sianz..but i think shanghai is slightly better than other areas bah..so far i ve been there, think its better than suzhou..

wil miss u n ziqian though!!

garden_dreamz: if he turns away from the food/spoon may means he not ready yet cos 1 of the sign is he must show interest in the food..
My boy also likes to turn here n there, rub his mouth, suck his fingers n then rub his face when i'm feeding him. Super duper messy! He also likes to grab the bowl n spoon and will be very happy if he succeeds cos he can play with the gooey food on the high chair's tray. Every feeding time is like battle have to prepare a basin of water n cloth to wipe him, have to use cloth nappy to cover the high chair to prevent it from getting stained. Sometimes make me so angry! As to how to stop it... I also dunno but i realise that if my hubby 'entertains' him while he's eating it's a lot less messy but unfortunately i'm on my own most of the time.

JTS: For pumpkin those that are called Butternut pumpkin shaped like figure-8 ones are better than those Cinderella pumpkin. Can get from NTUC the cut portions.

My boy so cranky today make me so frustrated! kept fussing & fussing & refused to sleep even though he's tired. Wondering if he's teething....

My Little Prince
Count me in too...if possible prefer on Saturday 2pm slot. Thanks!!!!

Trio Trial

I am interested.

Trio Trial
8. Ling(Piggy2007)

Its on 26 April 11am right?

Jas I think we post out the same time.. haha...
Trio Trial
Hi mummies,

Just came back from Robinson.... Grab some clothings, toys and magmag cup at 20% off....=)


your boy was thinkin "Y mummy didnt bring me out", that Y he so impolite =P,,, but just feel so Cute to see their reaction..(",)

Trio Trial

I blur forgot to add my name for the trio trial

Trio Trial
I'm interested in the trial class as well. Guess my email this afternoon neber sent through and no time log in forum.

Went to NTUC to buy diapers, I think I have more diapers then what was mentioned here liao.

Stage 2 milk
Today finished my last tin of friso so switching fully to enfrapro now. Just bought 2 tins from NTUC at the discount. Realized the spoon is slightly smaller than friso, so hope that one tin can last me slighly longer.

I was fighting with my gal initially at every feed also as she want to grap the spoon and then force it into her mouth. If not, she will use her hand and start biting the fingers and at the same thing spilling things out from the mouth. I was telling my husband that someone shld invent something to tie their during feeding. Am glad that she sort of learn and uses less of her hand now.she will open her mouth super big during feeding time. Reminds me of those small birds at the nest waiting for worms.

So far my girl ate frisocream, HT brown rice, tried nestle rice cereal once, sweet potato, pear, apple sauce and all sort of juice. Fresh food only tried papaya which she don't like. She don't really like the fruit juice as well.

It will be nice to fulfill ur dream of being SAHM. With internet, doesn't matter which country we r in lah. As for BP, u can courier things over instead ha ha. I told my husband I rather stay in rural area, grow my own vegetable and see my girl grow up then deal with office politics n work sometimes.
Good morning mummies, Today gonna be another busy day at work again. Now I'm so sleepy as Kelly keep waking up in the middle of the night. Problem when we reached home slightly later and past her sleeping time hiaz.
wah, dodo, so nice! if my hubby get posted overseas, i also GO! "mai tu liao". Can enjoy taking care of baby and watch them grow...

like now, have to work and go home must make sure my baby still recognise me as the mummy and not the maid.
The gymboree manager is trying to tempt us to join the memberships by giving perks...Maybe should sit aside some cash to book for classes..haha

dodo, every country has good and bad. My SIL in shanghai and seems like the baby sleep so easily..Maybe more cooling there. But she didn't bring the baby out,maybe because too crowded outside.
frosty fiona: totally agree with you.. will rush home like mad woman so Im the one feeding baby and not MIL lol...

actually considering a career move currently but SO scared that i ll be working later than now and lesser time with baby *sigh*
but on the other hand, really cant stand my current job/managemetn liao leh..
Do baby has growing spurt at this age now?

Mine wakes up 4-5 times these 2 nights and even though drink little milk, but he can have it 3 times...I am like a sick panda now because have kanna flu,cough and sore throat 3 days before...

Mag mag cap, when i tightened the cap, the rubber spurt will move away from the central position, find hard to aline them. any tricks to that?
ecookie, I also have a hard time deciding a job change. But as I am moving back to my old company to work, so more or less I know the style there.

I have flexible working hours here,but cannot tahan the boss. So in the end, to prevent myself being more gloomy, I decided to go for it.

Maybe when they offer you, then you ask them about the working condition and decide lor.
perlicia: yah i cant tahan my boss too.. if not the work scope here even though mayb shiong during office hours but can go off on the dot most of the time..

the new jobs - pay better, boss unknown, working hours unknown leh

cant really ask them need to work late anot during interview right? their answers may not be true also.. ha
Posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 - 12:23 am:
Trio Trial


The max no of babies in a class is 6 so can i check if any mummies above like to start the trial next week Sat 26 Apr, 12pm? For those who can only make it in May, I will arrange another date. Please add on to the list. Thanks!

Thanks for organising.

Is it possible to organise a 2pm slot? Same as some of the mummies, I'll prefer the 2pm slot cuz Jav's nap time is 12pm. Scared he might fuss and scream in the class if it falls in his nap time.

your baby so cute


Wow u post at 2am then 8am again. Poor thing you din get much sleep last night.May be Kelly is over stimulated so woke up a few times in the night. If it persists, then may be it's due to teething...

Remember to dilate the juice that you are giving to Kelly else she'll more likely to have sweet tooth then you'll have problem feeding her food that are more bland in taste.
they have classes on Sundays but we couldnt confirm it yesterday so it was taken up. What is the timing ur looking at n when do u wana start? Let me know n i will try to arrange something.

RE: cooking brown rice
For 1st time, I just put 2 teaspoon, add water and boil over the fire until like paste form. I did not add anything into the brown rice, just mainly plain brown rice.
Morning... Itz FRIDAY. Yipee... I m in gd mood 2dae coz we are having steamboat dinner @ home to celebrate my hb's bday. =D Wanted BBQ, but unhealthy... Hehe...

Sometimes my boy oso try to hold the spoon, if not, he will bite the spoon n dun let go. After we tell him 'No, mum-mum Gd Boy', then he open his mouth. I think he juz wan to play & explore. They juz want to touch n feel whatever within their sight. *mine! a mess all over*
Maybe u wan to try mixing fruit pureed with cereal. (e.g. 55mg of pear pureed, add water till 90ml n add 2 teaspoon of cereal n serve. This is my boy's noon snack.)

Same goes for my boy. We have to clean up his feeding chair, clean him up (whole body) n @ times, it can be so messy till have to take another shower. *faint*

Depends on what brown rice u buy. If those brown rice that u buy (e.g. brown rice grains), then u have to blend & cook. But for instant ones (e.g. Healthy Times Brown Rice Cereal), then juz mix with milk.

Oopss... I think Pelicia is the one asking about the cost. Thanks... So we can attend 3 trial lessons @ 100bucks?
So if we attend the 26Apr, when will the two other lessons be? Consecutive two weeks later? Thanks for organising. =D
There is 2 arrows on the screw top, so when u pull the sprout thru, make sure the front and back of the sprout is align with ithe 2 arrows.
thanks Tiffy n doodom,
My mum got the Sisen brown rice ...have yet to try , will try 2 teaspoon over weekend...i think mine needs to cook over fire lo...not instant ones

I think I know wat you mean.. after you align, then when u turn, the alignment goes off again!

After a few tries, now I roughly know where to place them (means dun put exactly at the arrows first). Then when I turn, the alignment will somewhat be there..
thanks gingerleaf and sugar_nut. That means I have to try a few more time...Thought I pull to flexi the spouts till become so loose.
hippo, gingerleaf & ecookie,

yup, i been to shanghai & suzhou.. generally fine wi it, just cant stand some of their mannerism, guess it will be a good real life experience i teach ziqian what are the good & bad habits... if i really go over, think the place i will shop most is their bookshop! the chinese books are really cheap and the selection is good! my "hong lou meng" and "san guo yan yi" still sitting in my bookshelves :p

garden, unice & frostyfiona,

think the relocation will not be so soon... most prob year end... ya, it's indeed a good opportunity for him, they offer more than twice of his current pay and the lodging there will be provided as well... it's definately a big change for him and i know he looks forward to it loh


aja aja fighting! ya, practice makes perfect
now i realise my son is Popeye the sailor man! i fed him spinach last night and he love it! he opened his mouth big before i prepare another spoonful for him... haa..


haa! i told hubby the same thing! my wish is to stay at Zermatt of Swiss... a mountain side, wi no vehicular access, everyone walks to school and work, all shops close at 6pm, everyone in the family gather around and prepare dinner and eat together, chit chat and have a cup of coffee till late night... everythg is so simple and nice..


ur SIL in Shanghai ah? maybe i can get any PD contact from her thru u if i really go over there.. hee..
I dun have the prob leh, when I pull the sprout thru and position the front and back at the 2 arrows, when I screw the cap to the bottle, the alignment is always str8.

re trio trial:

sorry, just remember i will go for a holiday from 7 to 11 may... if majority prefer end apr and early may, then i think i will give it a miss this time bah...

Hi Mummies,

Just wan to know.
My baby girl which is now turning 7mths is having cough and flu.

and inlaw brought her to doctor and was told to suck out the phlegm.
Iszit painful cos i heard tat is will bleed.

Please advice

