(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hihi... I juz reached home. Took half day leave to go bring bb to Guan Yin Temple to pray. Once in a while during weekday, will bring him n his cousin there to pray. Rush for late lunch @ Cafe Cartel. Not convenient to feed bb there, so end up giving both boys the bread. They eat n munch happily. =D Now, back home, both went to dreamland in their spring cot.

Happie Weekend n Njoy...

aria, itz really different.. ssw one has got a nice feel to it.

welcome meow! gymboree has music & arts lesson as well though arts starts from 1.5yr if i dun remember wrongly.. =D as for diff between ssw mat n abc mat: abc mat has alot of 'grooves' as you are able to remove the alphabets and these 'grooves' trap saliva, dust and others.. its more difficult to clean and wipe.. and itz rougher.. bumper mat is in one big piece and much smoother =)
ariajo, you want to check out the bumper mat is it? i saw it at a shop located outside of carrefour suntec, the upper level. it sells toys as well.

Fence = playyard, oso can call playpen la, but its not the bed type. Its literally plastic fence.

SSW= Small Small World

BP= Bulk purchase.
Hi mummies

thanks for the explanation on the mat. did anyone buy the jumperoo? I got it for my boy and he is absolutely loving it but I am just wondering will it hurt if he jumps too much.

Has anyone heard of Pekip for babies? It's a class whereby the expose their babies to certain gymnastic actions and movements. I wonder if there;s any pekip classes in sg.
Yes, Thanks for the bumper mat input.

The yellow bear selling at ssw is now $119. I think alien one more X izzit? I know it use to be $149 or $169 at BP. Should I go for it.
One of the mummies at the BP said the mat cannot fit into the 6-panel playyard...izzit so?

The minitoon one sell $109 and i think only one side printed...after discount actually. The foam behind one selling for $79.95.
Hi Meow,

My gal will jump violently in the jumperoo as well. I have adjusted it to the 2nd level now and it is much better. If not, I think the whole thing will shake so violently that I get a bit bit worried as well.
Lots of oct mummies have jumperoo.

My boy don't jump much ...attacking the bee now. He likes to jump very hard, then lift up his legs and let the thing be springy.
Mummies attending the 3May Gymboree trial class,
Is there somewhere we can meet prior to going to the class? Or meet straight @ the centre? I m ok to meet up early. Any interested, please sms me or msn me [email protected].

Counting down... ;)
sorry ah, your nick very long, so i cut short :p, okie, will try to look out for the shop when i go to suntec.

CS stands for?
aiyoh, so many say minitoon bumper mat and SSW bumper mat diff..yeah, i think i paid 109 for the bumper mat at minitoon and it's one sided print..must really go and look for the real good bumper mat to have a feel..

thanks for explaining the acronyms.. difficult to catch up with the thread, keke

anyway, where's ssw? will go take a look.. where can i buy play yard? need to confine my bb now that she shows signs of crawling..
there are 3 lessons altogether. U will need to start on 26apr, 2pm. Is it ok with u?

Trio Trial

Sat 26apr, 12pm
1. ueno

Sat 26apr, 2pm
2. jas55
3. totoro_bb

May (TBA)
re: bumper mat and play yard
cheong choon has them all, plus other stuff also. quite an amazing shop, nondescript from the outside but its a treasure trove of many interesting baby stuff inside. can look for winnie. she's very friendly n helpful.

price-wise, they mostly go according to BP price (at least for the bumper mat lah...
) n also provide free delivery. thus, for those mummies who wanna have a look and feel of the REAL thing before committing, can check the place out.
welcome meow!

doobom, i don't think i can make it before the gymboree class, esp now they expect us to be there early. perhaps we can meet after instead? what do the other mummies think?
may I know what do the kids do at the gymboree??

hi all
so long never post...been pretty busy. Guess alot of our kids r on semi now... anyone got porridge recipe to share?? btw how much milk r u gals giving your kid? Dun know if I'm giving too much or little. :p
Hi Zhenzhen,

I got the sweet bear bumper mat from SSW. I also thinking to buy the 6panel play yard for it but don knw whether it fit all round.

As mentioned that the SSW quality is good compared to mini toons, I totally agreed. For those who still want to buy, can consider from the BP one. :)

Maybe after the class can meet up cos before I think its too early. :)
BTW... how much porridge do you gals feed each time? can porridge be kept in the fridge for 1 day? Do you feed milk during that same feed?
bumper mat: got mine from CS(Yellow bear design) at ard $109/119? felt the minitoons quality and its really diff.. more rough as compared to LG bumper mat..

zhen zhen: yah i also giving my boy 170-200 ml (water + powder) friso milk now.. lesses than what is recommended on the tin..think 6 mths ard 240ml? but think he surely cant finish..
think so long ur baby growing well, dont be too concerned with the recommended amt from milk tin..

likewise, after a cereal feed (now i feeding him once during dinner time) his next feed is actually only ard 130ml.. dun want to over feed him mah..

porridge: read that can be kept in fridge for 1-2 days but think serve fresh better..
any mummies whose babies have like tiny raised bumps on their bodies? my boy has like 5-6 of them on thighs, forearms.. not increasing..
is this HFMD? dun think so if not on palm or soles right?

they dun look like mosquito bites, more like bed bugs bite.. hmm but we change his cot sheet at least once a week if it didnt kena urine/milk leh... or heat rash? but that should like over a bigger area right?
Hi Zhen Zhen,
I would suggest to serve fresh, else cook for lunch and dinner at the same. That what I did for my son.
Overnite porridge might have wind.
hi all, cn join? i gv birth on 20 oct 07,
thank god my labour was smooth, no epi, n took 4hrs, of cos pain lah.

now my boy is 6mths tmr!!! time flies very fast.
he just bump his face on the floor, roll, roll, roll skali kena the face to floor!

need to get bumper mat. now i cnt leave him alone, noty already, cn see.
hi all aunties...

thk Q v much for all your prayers
i'm back home w my mummy on last thurs (17/4, 3+pm). the doctor said i ok to go home though i got a little bit of cough, but i need to go back outpatient clinic for review nxt wk for my UTI (test urine again + hving my 'outstanding' immunisation jab) and following wk to see surgeon & do ultrasound.

1st admission : 5 days (02 - 06.03.08)
2nd admission : 16 days (09 - 24.03.08)
3rd admission : 15 days (03 - 17.04.08)
TTL : 36 days!!!!

my mummy said we 'break records' staying almost a mth in hospital!! my mummy v busy after we came back cos almost a month hvnt really packed the house & need to attend to my sister who has running nose recently, so until now then got time to come in & say hello to all aunties

btw, during the operation day 16/04, the surgeon on doing the scope then realised my right kidney also got reflux and it was more severe than my left kidney (tis right side reflux wasnt pickup during previous test done on 29/2!! surgeon said cos tat test is not internally so Xtray cud hv 'missed it'???), then the surgeon decided not to carry out the operation (cut) as he said i'm too young to undergo such 'major' surgery, also bcos my bladder is still a little bit swollen hvnt heal fm previous UTI, so on the spot he decided the best way to help my reflux is to inject some 'jelly' to help stop backflow of bad urine whenever i got infection. hopefully tis 'jelly' will last till i grow up bigger & the reflux will outgrown by itself while i am on oral antibiotic for a certain period, like tis, i'll not hv to go for any operation anymore. will keep praying for god's healing...

here is some of my pix where u all will see my hand, feet & arm with all needle holes & bruises...ouchhhhh... v painful... i got more than 14 poke tis round & only 6 plug in use...my mummy always insist to stay w me inside the procedure room whenever i got poke, if she go working, she'll make sure the doctor allowed my nanny to go inside with me so tat i'll not feel so scare.. though i'm hospitalised, i didnt loose any wt but instead i put on some more kgs! now i'm 9.64kg at 6mths+, i even learnt to flip & grow two bottom tooth while @ the ward, hehehe..



pix taken 19.04.08

once again... thk Q all aunties for caring for me, esp, auntie cheval always help to update my condition to other mummies, i hope to meet little basil & other babies one of tis days (though i need to b on 'quarantine' for a little while)..

best regards, bb lance
hi bb lance
its so so sweet to hear from you after such a long stay at hospital. very glad to hear that you are still as cute n chubby as ever but a little bit different now - you are so much stronger physically and mentally. may you continue to be strong and outgrow your condition without any further medical intervention.

all the aunties here sayang u, sayang all ur poke and needles holes away. take gd care of yourself n mummy Junnie, ok?
Welcome mummycita !!

Oh so good to see you ! You are still sooooo cute ! We miss you a lot and I'm glad to know that you'll feeling better now.

It really breaks my heart to see your hands being poked with so many needles leaving all the tiny scars. It must be very hard on you but luckily all is over now. You're so lucky to have such a wonderful mom who loves you so much. I'm sure she's constantly worried about your condition and not resting well. Please remind your mom to take more rests as I believe she hasn't been sleeping well for the past month while accompanied you in hospital.

Please tell your mom that we miss her too....
hi bb lance darling, it hurts auntie to see ur little chubby limbs being poked so many times! poor dear but am sure u r a little fiesty fella who's going to be strong & brave to overcome tis naturally without having to go for ur opt.

u have to love and sayang ur mummy cos she did alot of u too and am sure she's very very worried abt u, on top of having to take care of ur sister and going to work. rest well and fight on little fella! and ih! remember not to bite mummy with those 2 new tooth of yours ya?

muacks and lotsa hugs for u from auntie hippo and bb adrienne!
poor bb lance. those needle marks look painful. but you're a strong boy. so glad to hear that you're out of the hospital and doing better now. give your mummy an extra big hug, ok! there's really no greater love on earth than a mother's love.
re: porridge
sorry to keep asking stupid qns. if you cook porridge for both lunch and dinner, how do you store the porridge during the day? just leave in the pot? or put in fridge after lunch feed, then heat up for dinner?
hey zhenzhen,
There's no stupid question. Don't worry , just ask anything you're unsure of as we're here to help each other...

I haven't started porridge yet but I've already bought a thermos cooking pot to cook the porridge. It will cook and keep the food warm for more than 12 hrs. So I intend to cook in the morning then leave it in the pot for lunch and dinner. No need to heat up again since it'll still be warm even for dinner.
Welcome back junniez & baby lance!
Glad that u are now out and okie, really hope ur reflux will be solved. Feel so sad seeing u being poke so many times.
U are such a brave little boy! Everything will be over soon. Get well fast and join all the babies for play!

Big pat on ur back for being so brave and all, and always being there for lance. U are really the bravest n strongest mummy I ever knew. *hugz*
Hi Baby Lance, so happy to see u r back at home now./home sweet home wif mummy n daddy n jie jie....no need to stay in the unfamiliar ward of the hospital anymore...u must be strong and fight all viruses n reflux...and u really look soooo cute n chubby!!! ooooo, cant wait for u to meet us one day so all the mummies can hug hug u.. ")
Hi Little Lance,

So great to hear from you and see ur chubby and cute photo. You are really a brave boy and I'm sure you will continue to be strong and win this battle. jia you !

Seeing what Lance went through really make me so emotion now and Junnie you are really a strong mummy to have to jingle so many things at one time. With such a strong love, I'm sure Lance will get well and fight the illness away. Take care ya !
Hi Hi cutie pie ... bb Lance how are you doing .. .what are you doing now ... ... hug hug ... good boy to stay strong and healthy for yr mummuy and daddy ... all the illness will go away ok ... be good and eat well ... God will heal you totally

Junnie ... BIG BIG hug to you ... good job .. .bb is home now .. .u take a good rest ok ...

hi ecookie ... there will be reg dot on the bum too ... my gal got it when she was 15mth old ... how is bb now ???
Hi mummies,

Sorry to intrude.
I have 2 brand new packs of Huggies Ultra diapers (size L) going at $10 per pack.

Interested parties please PM me.

bb lance: so glad to know that you are doing fine.. and no need to go for ops..hope the "jelly" will serves its purpose well and you'll get well just on antibiotics!! *hugs n kissess to chubby you!*
send my hugs n kisses to mummy junnie too! she is a brave mummy n must take good care of herself too!!!
