(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

gingerleaf ever mentioned that can get swim diapers (its Huggies brand - HUggies little swimmers) from NTUC. think cold storage also have. so far the NTUC at TYP always dun have one, so bad. but u can try other branches. i haven't found mine yet though.. heehee...

re: driving license
i die die have to learn driving (refresher) in may/june time at ubi. anyone wanna join me? :D but i'm pretty sure i will need to take many many many rounds of practice b4 i can work up the guts to drive on my own! n if i do, i can only auto pilot- point A to B, point B to A. tat's it. cannot detour or else sure get lost one! :D
Good morning mummies, just a quick question.

DO you sterilise feeding bowl and spoon? I bought Combi set. Can it tahan the steamer?

Yesterday I put 4 milk trays(which looks like ice cube tray, thinking of storing the puree) into the steamer and they MELT !!
garden_dreamz: i wanna join u but must clear basic n advance theory 1st right? i havent do that leh.. im tempted to go ubi cos thats where my mum stay...

sanbebe: for feeding set (im using combi set too) i just wash with baby detergent thenleave to dry.. before using i use hot water to rinse once thats all...
i just use hot water to rinse then use already.

ya, must clear both. i actually got my license donkey yrs ago in australia but didn't drive after tat, so now v.raw n scared to touch the wheels! :D most prob b going either to the one at UBI or SSDC.
OMG! ur ice cubes melted, must be very messy.
i don't sterilise feeding bowl, spoons, sippy cups or ice cube trays. i only sterilise milk bottles. reason being that i read that milk/FM and EBM can breed bacteria much more faster and easier than cereal or purees. for sippy cups i only use for drinking water so far so i dont sterilise. however after washing the bowls, etc i keep it separate from other dishes and i have a separate container keeping all the sterilised bottles.

i think my helper have sterilised the magmag cup when i just bought it, but after that i told her no need to sterilise for subsequent use. i'll check with her.
do you know hoe much is the aquaduck course?

when is the last time you feed BB before the dreamfeed? May be he full liao lah, not too good to force him to drink lah.. my girl also recently wake up like 4am for feed eventhough i fed her like 11 plus (1 breast).. want to drag her morning timing but her cries get louder and louder and in the end still give in to her..because of this, i got to feed her again at 7am, else cannot tahan till 11am.. luckily she zzz back after the 4am feed..
re: driving license
me too.... I got my license seven years ago..but din make use of it....
Btw, where u staying? my hse near ubi driving ctre... a few stop away..
ecookie, garden, madlynette,

Thanks for the valuable advice. Today is D day that I start feeding Jav cereal. So quite nervous

Yes, the milk trays melted and it was indeed messy ...sigh...I spent $44 on them ! And they just go into the bin like that....have not even use it once.
aiyoh, they never say whether milk tray can sterilise or not? but then of course one will assume can sterilize cos it's for milk mah..some more so expensive.. very heart pain ..
morning mummies!

super busy wi bb these few days! miss hubby so much and i will only get to see him this sun night..

re gym class:

THANKS sugarnut for the effort! look forward to see ya all on may day

re bb enrichment class:

pls keep me updated, im interested too!
but hubby will be posted to either europe or china this year end, so im actually contemplating whether to sign up all these courses as i believe bb will only benefit from them by following thru a longer term... hmm...
Read thru the posts... Hope not too late to share.

re: porridge
I bought brown rice from NUTC n blend it into powder. Wash & sun-tanned it for few days, alternative can wash & 'tanned' it in oven. To serve - 3 teaspoon of brown rice powder with 100ml water. Boil it in pot till paste form. Served with veg/fruits/steamed fish.
I did that to ikan bilis as well. Wash, tanned n blend into powder form. Add in only abit of it to the brown rice powder, not too much to avoid being too salty.

Jerry use bumwear during daytime. For nite, he uses Pampers BabyDry (since 2mths onwards). For gai-gai, he uses Pampers Comfort (Uncle buy this from JB Giant). Pampers Comfort is real gd n cheap. Jerry has tried DryPantz, Huggies Dry @ nite n they works quite well too.

re: sterilise
From birth, I din use any soap for washing his feeding equip. & the breast pump. All wash with water & brush, run them in hot water from airpot. Boil all in pot once a week. Same goes for his bowls, spoons, etc.
re cereal:

my boy dun like normal rice cereal, he only wants to eat brown rice cereal... any mum encounter this as well?
re: sterilise (conti.)
Put milk btls, milk rings, milk btls cover, VIA cups into pot filled with water. Leave to boil, n boil for 2mins. Take them out. Add pacificer, teats, spoons, bowls, rest of any equip. with rubbers/silicone material into the pot.

Can look out for sterilising instructions via the packaging for feeding equip. bought. Most of it comes with such instructions.

Read about the replacement of teats & pacificer @ 3mths intervals. (for Avent)
i don't sterilise feeding bowl, spoons, sippy cups or freezing cubes too.

Re: Trio
For those who are interested i will be organising trial classes for oct mummies, please refer to our yahoo group.
Thanks to Sugar_nut for taking the time n effort in organising the Gymboree trial class for us.

THANKS so muchie!!! =D
i stay at potong pasir. so can go to either Ubi or SSDC. both not tat far for me. woah... ur place so near ubi, gd leh, wanna learn driving v.convenient!

have fun feeding n get prepared for alot alot of mess. standby a wet face towel.

my boy all kind of cereal also like dun like. its depend on his mood one. so far i've had better luck at rice cereal than brown rice cereal. think may try to cook porridge for him already but dunno if he can take or not. gave him cereal, he can take so long to feed until the cereal ended up cold n watery... sigh...
how did u prepare the plain porride? did u have to mash/sieve it after cooking it? my boy until now like dun really know how to swallow. feed cereal can feed until i can surrender n wave white flag!

Actual is my mum who do the cooking, normally she will feed him porridge during lunch time.It just like those teochew porridge.. My mum will cook some soup base(add in some meat) for the plain porridge 1st and will blend it after cooked.
Swim diapers can be found in most supermarket, but places like cold storage is a better bet.

re: feeding bowls,
I only use hot water to scald awhile thats all.

re: driving,
I got my basic n pdl oreadi, but final haven! Once I clear final, I think Im not gg to sch this time, juz get a private instructor. Ubi too far from me oreadi la.

nice to hear from u again, was wondering why u so long never post. Hb gg to get posted to europe? Wow, lidat u can follow!! So envy leh! I always ask hb if we can go live in other countries like melb, he always tell me, highly impossible, china, possible.
Sianz. I dun wanna stay in china manz. Later they cook my cats and eat
Any recommended attire for bb n mummy (besides wearing socks in order to attend gym area) attending the Gymboree class? Thanks.
re feeding,
I think my gal is the ultimate glutton here? She everything oso like! Even her most hated broccoli, she can still eat it, albeit slower, but she'll still finish.
good morning mummies! i return to part-time teaching since last week. thot it would be relaxing, but end up quite busy cos of marking!! hard to log onto forum regularly.

sugarnut, thanks for organising gymboree session. can't wait to meet up with all of you!

cin, if you're organising for aquaducks, count me in! i want to bring hannah for swimming lessons.

piggyling, i'm feeding nan 2, which is cheaper than nan 2 ha. maybe u wanna try that instead?

re: diapers
i really like huggies! use dry in the day and ultra at night. so far no problems.

re: feeding
gingerleaf, looks like gals really are less fussy eaters? hannah everything also eat. she even likes brocolli, which i find surprising!
I read elsewhere that gals are actually more fussy eaters! I hope she keeps it this way and not start to throw some hissy fit when she is older.
dodo: so there s the possibility of relocation for u as well!? cool! better to go before baby bigger.. good experience im sure.

gingerleaf: crack me up lah, what cook ur cats n eat! lol.

sanbebe: have fun feeding!!! i cant wait to see my boy tonight and feed him cereal tom!
tom trying carrot - new puree.. hope he likes..
china ppl cooks cat to eat ma, at least, thats what i saw online la. If hb relocate to china, then I will sure bring my cats over ma, if my cat slips out of the door, thats it, will become someone elses dinner.
garden_dreamz, Oz first time must drive on your own already. There is no circuit to learn one right? So maybe you just need to find a quiet place and ask your husband to sit beside you to drive around. I brush up my driving skills in such a way.

At last manage to go Mothercare Parkway last night and spent some money. Also get a Mag Mag but yet to try. Too bad, kiddy palace and giant never sell the 3 in 1, so i just get the spout one to let Raph try.

it's good! means your daughter is not a fussy eater! makes cooking so much easier!

no leh. it has been happening all these while. He can always finish 5oz in the day but last feed always can only drink 3oz max. Then we know if never finish sure wake up at night liao. No matter how much we try to make him drink, he will scream and shout. Like he prefers to drink in the middle of the night. haha...aiyo...like that how to sleep thru! -_-
taking about dream feed, it NEVER works for me. My boy has to be wide awake then he'll drink. If he's sleeping and you try to dream feed him, he'll scream. hahaha
WOW food food food ... aiyo my bb also picky pengz ... like all kind of veg and cerel but not porridge and i think he slim down a lot after his ject hmmm .... keke but i also will give him other food like ICE cream hahaha or anything etc soup i cook for ourself
Allo mummies!
The thread run too fast le..really cannot catch up. Recently beside falling sick, had some problems with HB..got to do with MIL lah...haizz..really very very very bad mood.

Anyway, i have cooked brown porridge..its so difficult to become soft..take at least 4 hours! pengz! But our dear Dayan, shut his mouth once he smell the porridge...consecutively 3 days..should i continue to feed porridge? or stop for a while..He only will take Frisocrem Rice Cereal lor..no other cereals he will take!

So far his solid food he take constantly is Frisocrem. Envy Gingerleaf leh...DD eats anything. Good good good!
Jas, I think coz frisocreme is sweet, so Dayan prob got a sweet tooth oreadi.
How abt trying to feed apple(or whatever fruit you want) mix cereal? Then slowly cut down the ratio of fruit till its purely cereal.
Really regret giving him frisocrem now...maybe really too sweet..ok i will try to give apples later plus Heinz cereal! If got new food, he always give me a yucks face...and even vomit expression! pengz!
poor little Lance. Will be praying for his reflux to be naturally resolved, so he doesn't need to go for op!

checked out the aquaducks website, looks interesting eh. I love water. actually used to be a qualified lifeguard (when i used to be young, fit and healthy) hahahaa. Got complimentary trial session leh...anyone wanna try?

Dodo, i lost the link for the first aid course leh...*sighs* will hunt for it and let u know :p
re: diapers

just went to cold storage and they're having the 2 for $31.95 for Huggies Dry Comfort Sales. Then on top of that, they have $1 tag on each pack. So that's additional $2 off! End up buying 2 packs of pampers for $29.95 nia!

I think my hubby's going to kill me. I still have like 6 packs of pampers at home. kekeke...cannot stop buying...
bbwow: u make me very gian to go buy the huggies dry leh.. i got ultra n pampers dry n nepia waiting for me at home too hahah 7 packets of them! lol.

if ur boy not into dream feed, just got to make sure he got his daily intake before his sleep time.. what time he sleep? is the last feed to close to the previous feed thats y cant finish?

jas: hope u n hubbi will be okie soon...
yah heinz cereal totally tasteless so will take the milk taste. so if ur boy okie with his milk , he should take to the cereal. if not, add apple (most babies love that!) into cereal?

yea. I'm obsessed with diapers. my hubby should be thankful that I'm not obsessed with branded labels. keke.. :p


^5. I thought I'm the only one buying so many packs! hahaha...
no leh...his last feed will always be 3-4 hours after his previous feed and he's the one crying for milk. But he always like to take a little bit nia. Maybe just his habit. Day time he has no problem finishing his milk.
re: Trio,

They are full on Sundays so we will have to attend it on Saturdays instead.

Sat 26Apr, 12pm

1. ueno

Sat 26 Apr, 2pm


gingerleaf & ecookie,

yup.. hubby was head-hunt by an oversea co. and their projs are in europe and china. im fine wi these places but i think the probability of china is higher coz he's bilingual. the offer and prospect is too good to be missed so we will all go together coz we cant be separated leh...


no worries
i know TMC got such course but yet to find out the details..


lyn very good la! not fussy eater at all... so far i think ziqian's fav food is carrot other than brown rice...


i cant make it this & next sat coz hubby will not back from service yet
btw, do u have more info on this? as in what curriculum they provide? any website we can know more abt it? thanks!!!
