(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Izzit? S**T. I spend sometimes in mothercare and my husband was like, "are you going to buy the whole shop?" attitude. So we quickly go to giant to buy the brown rice, FM etc. Saw Isetan, but dare not drop by lor cause haven't take dinner.....AARRRGG...

I got that for $10.10 leh....so when Raph know how to use straw, I have to pay another $5 to get the cap....Aiyo....Somemore I bought the orange colour one...Want to get the cartoon one but don't have. Shouldn't go shopping with husband.....

Perlicia, think most men are like that. if i wanna shop, i will go with my mom. we can shop for hours. everything also encourage each other to buy. we say we're doing our "national service". help to stimulate the singapore economy. hahaha...
perlicia & zhen zhen,

my hubby OPPOSITE! he always say this one not bad, can buy and try... and when i asked his opinion, he always said ok.. lucky im the "financial comptroller" of our house if not we gonna eat grass already! :p

thanks for the link, will check it out
dodo, i missed u! =D my girl opp of anderson.. she dun like e brown rice cereal.. aiya, anyway she still loves her milk most la.. so shiok to be posted overseas.. probability of europe not high? cos tink in terms of living and environment better than china.. esp e pollution!! not good for anderson little lungs wor..

diapers, i just went to NTUC and bought 4 packs of Nepia.. kekeke..

ueno, thanks for organising! maybe can be during 2nd wk of May?
dodo, wow, so envious leh, can do overseas. If u go to china, then ziqian 'd be made in china, raise in china. Hehehe. Lidat will miss u leh.

hug hug.. i wana chat wi u gals online also but really no time leh.. super busy wi my boy, he very active and vocal now... headache..

haa! adrienne dun like brown rice ah.. actually i also dun like brown rice but my boy only wana eat brwon rice loh.. and yes, he same as adri, loves his milk the most!
yes i think so too, but i think the probability of china (either shanghai or suzhou) is higher leh... let's see how then... if i really go over then will have less chance to meet up wi u gals & babies, and i cant buy things from BP liao! sob sob... but i can realise my dream to be a fulltime mummy

u very funny leh!!! true hor, then ziqian will be "truly-china" already... haa! i will miss u also... sigh~ let's hope the relocation thing not happen so soon...
dodo so good ... my hb is also oversea posting soon in July but we all cannot go ther ewith him so sad .... he is going therefor 1/2 a year ... so going to be a single mum soon ... so i need to drive around liao ... have not been driving since last aug 07
but its a good experience nonetheless.

lyn oso very vocal now. She is always screaming n is actually just talking to her toys.
amy bingo ... yes i am ... oh so many things happen liao ... we are 2nd time mum liao ... when is yr gals' DOB ??? Our Carlson is 911 hehehe
Maybe in May is better? anyways for those who are interested just add on to the list, i will confirm date later then.

Trio Trial

ya true... and i really got to be learn to be very independent...

haa.. so cute! does she talk to the parrot of the jumperoo? ziqian will try to catch while talking to it, then will get angry when he cant catch hold of it.. haa...


oh dear... it's okay, half a year will be over very soon... wi ur 2 kids by the side, time FLIES!
she does! She always scream at the 3 toys infront! And she smacks the butterfly very hard, as if throwing a tantrum! She seems to know how to 'scold' ppl oreadi.
wah sharon, half a yr by yourself is not easy. i can't imagine having to look after hannah by myself. and u have 2! but i'm sure the Lord will grant you strength to handle the situation. just rely on Him!
zhen zhen thanks ... i do have a maid so hmm will tell the maid that she cannot go out on sunday liao ... hope she can take it kekeke ... aiyo i dun want to think too much now cos no use mah ...
My first time feeding mission is a big failure!!!

I happily prepared the cereal n put Jav in the high chair but things go wrong from here....

1. cereal too watery..not pasty at all as no idea how much milk to add.
2. Jav hates to be confined in the high chair, fussed, fussed, fussed.
3. He refused to open his mouth.

So, after some fighting with him, I managed to pop in 1 spoonful but he refused to swallow, wailed with the cereal in his mouth, then spat it out.

I gave up!
dodo, will miss u much when u go over... but happy for you if ur dreams are realised! anyway, Shanghai & Suzhou are beautiful places.. most most get stuck indoors with air-con. if u tell me Beijing or elsewhere i will pengz...

Adri is also babbling non-stop.. now she knows how to "argue"!! when my mum told her not to lick something cos itz not washed, she stared at my mum and went "argh argh argh"... OMG!

ueno, thanks millions!

Trio Trial
why you say failure? if like dat failure, my first time oso considered failure. haha!

i'll skip the trio class, but please let us know how it went.
haha... we'll all take heart that we have the same experience n tat we n our bb get getter in feeding! :D

rmb there was once i tried to feed my boy, my spoon at his mouth already, his hand came up, grab the spoon n after wanna rub his eyes n face. can u imagine how messy it got? sometimes v.tempted to strap his hands to the side of the chair so that he won't attempt to grab the spoon or smear cereal everywhere his face! :D
ops... typo... i mean - get better in feeding.

u r so so fortunate that ur gal takes almost anything! my boy dun like anything... even apples! someone on thread say babies like sweet stuff but i seriously think my boy likes nothing but his milk....

damn jialart, gonna switch him to stage 2 milk soon, wonder if he will adapt to it? worried...
zhenzhen,madlynette, garden,

Thanks for your encouragement

heh heh..hopefully it really gets better from tmr onwards...

Wonder when your bb starts to give in and takes better after your first attempt?
overseas posting is so so exciting! n i think its a gd opportunity for u to b independent n also as wat u say, be a full-time mummy to ziqian. plus, exposing ziqian to another environment is also v.stimulating for him.

mayb there'll be other chances for u to do BP there, once u r there n know more about how things work there.
i've tried cereal for him for coming to 1 week already n he still doesn't take well to cereal. i sure hope ur boy won't b like my boy...

tomorrow wanna try to make pumpkin puree for him, see if he accepts it. v.headache actually leh... n somemore must try to be positive when feed baby n be encouraging despite the mess n bb's cries n screams...

So envious you're going with your hubby to relocate to overseas
I'm really happy for you. It's truly a good experience.

My hb last time also got an overseas offer to go US but he rejected cuz he didn't like the job. Sigh ..too bad. I was more excited than him then thinking of relocating but he din like it leh...

ya lor. when we're so excited to intro solids then they spoil our mood. hehe...


sometimes I wonder is it because too early / too late. Cause they say if intro too late also will lead to prob in weaning and bb will only used to milk. aiyo...like when is the right time hor!
Oh no, one week?! Hmmm...I better pray hard.

I think pumpkin is a good choice as it's sweet. Hopefully I'll hear good news from you tmr that your bb likes it. You may also try Australia's or New Zealand's sweet pear. Think it taste better than apple.

are you SAHM? I don't have time to try anything for my boy! Only weekends.
So this weekend, I'll try to make other purees for him to try.

I asked my MIL to feed cereal and when she sees how my boy protested, she make me sound like I'm giving him poison like that.
I just have to close two eyes and pretend I never hear.
hey... i also had the same tot... wondered if i've actually intro too late thus bb more resistant n hence, not willing to take well to solids? but PD,etc, all advise start 6 mths mah... so i restrained myself fr starting too early n now this problem. sighzz....

i'm really keeping my fingers crossed abt the pumpkin. coz i gave him apple a few times alr n each time he will sputter most of them out.
thanks for the tip. will keep a lookout for OZ/NZ's sweet pear.

OZ learn driving was easy coz though i had to b on the roads myself but the instructor also could help control the vehicle. so i felt secure tat anything happens, instructor can react. but here if i ask hubby to sit beside me, i'll worry for his safety n mine! :D so, i think i better go for refresher course first, at least dun scare the hell-lights out of my hubby if i take the car with him beside me.
I am too obsessed with stocking up diapers. I have 6mths stock @ home. Cun buy anymore as no place to keep. Haiz... But I do enjoying buying diapers. =D

Maybe ur boy not ready for weaning? Did he show any sign of interest when u are eating/drinking? I think, if ur boy is fine with his milk, let him be. I start my boy becoz he rejects milk, n I was really stressed up then.
U may like to try scrapping apples/pears(soft) n feed him. I give my boy some fresh apples/pears/avocado after my dinner (since I have nothing to do). =D

Trio Trial

lyn must have learn from u regarding the "scold" ppl "milestone"... haa!


haa.. baby now very fierce :p just now when i went out to buy lunch, i said "bye bye" to my boy (my mum was carrying him)... he stared hard and me and gave me a strange look, coz i will bring him out to buy lunch almost everyday... then i kept saying bye bye to him and when i about to close the door, he said "eh.. eh.. eh" very loudly.. haa! very impolite to me loh.. :p

garden & sanbebe,

yup.. i hope it will be a good experience. but rather worry abt the medical there, so hubby will go over 1st and settle most of the stuff before bb and me go over... actually it's a dilemma for me, wish to go over coz i dun have to work and can take care of bb full-time and experience a different kind of lifestyle, but i cant bear to part wi my parents and frens here... and my house, we spent quite a bomb on renovation and we have benn staying for 3 yrs only... very luan, dun wana think abt it now...
gingerleaf, me no like peking except for e duck.. =P e pple talk damn bleddy loud leh.. n e pollution?? OMG.. breathe in e air can die faster than u smoke man.. hehe.. paiseh, over-exaggerate but air is really quite bad. dun like e culture though we are all chinese leh..

dun give up! my boy is fussy, he can spit it out, clamp his mouth and turn his head at times when i feed him... but i try to catch his "pattern", as in when is a good timing (when he's on form) to feed him, and the texture of the cereal, the speed of feed etc.. generally it's about practicing for both mummy & baby... though sometimes he really make my blood boil but i still have to remain calm and smile nicely to him loh... it will definately get better, jia you!
