(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


Apparently, there are 2 types of britax in sg. One is the UK britax(1st class) that can be found in Mothercare, and another is Safe-n-Sound range(australia), with popular model such as Galaxy and Royale. I prefer the Safe-n-Sound range as it seems much more comfy that the UK britax. UK britax looks smarter in terms of design, and looks similar to Maxicosi, whereas Safe-n-Sound seems much more comfy and cushy. I've seen Safe-n-Sound at Taka(limited models), Robinsons or Baby kingdom.

Hi gingerleaf,

Yes, that's the one that I'm talking about.
Ur girl like it?

Saw the advertisment this morning on the newspaper, Tangs, Robinson and Taka and even carrefour all having bb stuff on sales....The bundle purchase and breast pump seems to be cheap but we already out of that phase liao.

I have the infantino as well but seldom use it also. As for my MIM sling, even less usage as don't know how to. I have seen mother using the sling when their bb was already quite old so hopefully I can find the skill of using it.
Oh dear Madlynette, perhaps you want to try cut down the FM and feed more on EBM? May be stop FM for a while and feed her solely on EBM?
hihi mummies

hope u all had fun shopping at the baby fair

junnie...so sorry to hear about little lance..hope he's getting better...u take care too k..have more rest so u dun get sick too...

chintz...im also using the britax car seat...its quite good...but abit bulky..takes up alot of the backseat space..i got it at mothercare last year when they were having a sale..think i paid 399 for it or sth like that....
agree with gingerleaf...the safe and sound one looked more comfy...but somehow didnt look as sturdy..so we decided sturdy comapred to comfy..coz can buy my own padding to put inside

u all talking about the carriers..i thot the bjorn carrier is quite good..coz i read that its supposed to have been designed together with the paediatricans in sweden or sth like that?? coz the read up said that it was designed to make the spine head arms and hips in the correct position when carrying? wah!! can't be pay so much and then the effect on the spine and pelvic region not good rite??

i'm using the mim sling too...but baby dun seem to like it anymore...coz her legs are stuck inside..then when i let her dangle it out..they get red at where the cloth and leg meet...
Just now passed by mothercare and saw the bjorn carrier. Looks fashionable and comfortable, Also can carry facing front. Google for Ergo, looks like it cannot let the baby faces outward.

Actually I got a cheap carrier and causing backpain. Thinking about investing a better one.
hi sanbebe, yah have to try to get bb to drink more ebm, came home from work and this is what my helper told me, must talk to helper that ebm is higher priority than fm, regardless what bb prefers. i just gave her EBM for her last feed, bb managed 150ml, much better than the 80ml. i was quite 'panicky' when my helper told me about it just now.
She dunno how to play with it yet. When we spin the ball, she gave a 'cannot be bothered' look.

I agree with bbunny that the carseat takes up alot of space. My Safe-n-Sound is very bulky too.
Thanks for the info regarding baby bjorn. I googled and read about it. Yes, you are right. It works closely with Paediatricians from around the world to help design the carrier.

Here are some other info I got it from the website:

BabyBjörn baby carriers offer an ideal position for the legs of the new born and small infant. The combination of flexion and abduction is good for the physiologic development of the hip joints.

The carrier, worn in a correct way (head of child near the chin of carrying person) offers comfort for back and trunk of the carrying person. A physiologic position of the spine is guaranteed. The safe transport of the child leaves the arms and hands free for other activities.

BabyBjörn carriers provide advantages both for baby and mother, and are highly recommended from a children’s orthopaedist viewpoint.

opinion of Dr Klaus Parsch,
children’s orthopaedist

Glad to hear that your gal is drinking 150ml of EBM. May be the 80ml is just a one time thing. I reckon you need to monitor for a few feeds and see how it goes....

Yes, I heard that baby bjorn Original will give backache. Same thing goes to Active as well though it has lumbar support but not enough. That's why they came out the new Synergy with the improvement done on the lumbar support. I'm not sure if it really solves the problem but think I'll give it a try.

my girl is a fan of pooh ... but when I played the "pooh loves you" the narration and songs was sung by a male with a very low voice ( trying to imitate bear sound i guess) and my girl hate it and keep making noise and kicking the leappad away .. hiaz ...

Cannot go sales this weekend liao, girl kana flu from daddy and she starts to sneeze and cough. Brought her to PD this morning and was given nose drop and cough medicine. Just now try to feed her and she simply refused to swallow it and make a mess everywhere ... hiaz
Hi all
i went and tried the bjorn carrier at mothercare before shopping at taka.
bjorn synergy seemed comfy but quite complicated to adjust the carrier to tailor to bb's height.
synergy (S$299/-) and active (S$279), before member discount.

Taka doesnt carry bjorn or ergo.
the only ergo left at metro paragon is a beige one. (S$189/-) price before member discount.

I didnt buy any coz still thinking abt it.
junnie, poor thing.. hope bb lance is much better now? hugz..

strawberrymum, i went to a different Mrs Wong class as the other girls though i managed to meet dodo & pinky at e last class! =D dunno if the 'model' u r talking abt is me.. haha! n yup, i always chope e front seats cos nothing better to do then but turn up early.. wakakakakka!

dodo, i'm using lacoste beach bag as diaper bag. cos very big n can dump lots inside! used to be using baby couture bag but abit small for all e barang barang a small baby needs (with all e milk la, wet wipes la..) i tink i will use that again only when bb is bigger... keke..

so many babies falling sick.. do take gd care! mine just recovered but her appetite is not back yet.. sigh.. she refuses milk!! can only feed her when she's sleeping so she'll tink e bottle is her pacifier..
Your girl is very cute and smart
Haha...the way she express herself is very funny.

Hey, me too! I went to Mothercare first before proceeding to Taka. Wonder if we actually bump into each other or not.

I bought Synergy today. Well, in fact, I find Synergy very easy to adjust to bb's height. It's just the front portion and you just pull to the line that indicates the height of the bb. For eg. 60cm-66cm, 66cm-74cm & etc... I don't think we need to adjust it very frequent as bb don't grow so fast. The salesgirl adjust everything for us so we don't have to adjust anything at all. Just put Jav in and go

I bought my ergo online with free delivery. The websites have all the colours you want. In fact, there's a website that allows you to rent ergo for $10 a month(I think), before you make up your mind. Perhaps you wish to try renting 1st see if you like it.

Re: baby fair
Nothing much to see and buy. It's almost the same as last yr, even the layout. I just bought some bibs and combi feeding set. I don't like the baby clothes as I find the quality isn't good. The material is quite stiff, not soft and comfortable at all.
sanbebe: yah agree with you ,most of the baby clothing quality like not v good. i bought a elle poupon (?) set only.

junnie: how is lance? hope his fever has subsided.

totoro_bb: when on the leap pad, my boy like want to tear the book up lol. not sure if he enjoy it anot.. hmm
hi any mummies using baby powder on their babies?
i know that powder is not encouraged on newborns nowadays cos risk of allergies/asthma.
but when is the safe age to start using it?
ecookie, i use Johnson baby powder on Sean's neck.. using cotton ball to apply a little..cos Sean doesnt really show his neck much n no air ventilation la haha...thats y will cause some rash at the area..
Hi sanbebe

which website allows rental of ergo?
have u tried synergy? is it more "airy" compared to ergo?

Hi ecookie
try not to use talc powder on babies. i read neg reports abt it and hence switched to non-talc ones (eg baby organics or california baby). alternative will be liquid powder.
Hi mummies,
I'm new to this thread and would like to share my humble experience as well as hear from yours

My son's currently 5 months old, 9kg (quite a huge baby :p) and has been having rice cereal for 1+ month now (1 feed of 2 spoonful per day). He is taking 150ml FM and still wakes up every 4 hrs for feeding during the night. Read from a magazine that if baby is not sleeping through the night, it might mean that we have to increase the amount of solids (make him feel more full and provide more energy I suppose). Should I feed him more? Sigh... worried of overfeeding him
Hi strawberrymum and gingerleaf,
My son's birthday's on 2nd Oct
Hoped that his birthday can coincide wth children's day and started pushing on 1st Oct before midnight, but he decided to come out later :p My son's rather big size for his age thus has yet cleared the milestone of crawling. He managed to flip himself over several times already though
His most recent milestone is to be able to sit in ikea high chair steadily (without having to stuff pillows around him)
How about your babies?
Hi aidan9978,
Sometimes I also run out of stuff to do to entertain my son. Like you, I showed him books and he'll try to bite it. He gets bored with hanging toys quickly thus I keep changing the toys that were being hung there. You might want to try sewing a strap on small soft toys so as to increase your collection of hangable toys. Allow the toys to be within bitable range, otherwise babies might get frustrated easily. Sometimes my son will complain loudly if he's been lying down for too long, then I'll carry him around... show him your wardrobe, fridge, kitchen cabinets and mirrors too... show him what is daddy doing (unfortunately my hubby's usually surfing net or watching TV or reading newspaper... too boring for my son)... let him sit on washing machine while your clothes are spinning or watch you hang clothes... go for a short 10mins walk under the block makes him happy too
I did my miniature workouts in front of him while counting aloud... e.g. squats and water bottle lifting...

Haha... even with these, I still run out of things to do frequently. Any other suggestions mummies?
Hi unice,
My son's neck doesn't show much too and used to develop painful looking red lines. My PD asked us to used nappy rash cream on the neck too and it helped
Hi Ashleywcy,

My son has the same birthdate as yours and he's also weighing 9kg at 5mths too. My son drinks alot, consuming 170ml for each of the 5 feeds and 200ml for his last feed at abt 9+pm. He'll fall asleep at abt 10pm till the next morning at 6am.

I haven't started him on cereal as pd has advised that if he's feeding well, we should only start when he's 6mths onwards. As his wt is on the 97th percentile, i'm very mindful not to increase his intake any further. Based on the Children's Health Seminar which i attended yesterday, pd has also advised that some babies will wake up in the middle of the nite for feed but will wean themselves in time.

Re: Baby Carriers

I've been using the bjorn synergy for the past 2 mths and personally have no problems with it. It is also easy to adjust between my husband and i as our sizes differ greatly. My son enjoys being in the carrier and synergy model is much cooler for our climate. I rely on synergy especially when i need to do marketing.
i got massage from junnie that A&E doc checked little Lance late nite at 11+pm that
poor little Lance need futher tests cos he got fever again not usual + purging.
Junnie is accompanying little lance in NUH now.

let pray that little Lance will be strong and speed recovery.
Oh dear.
I hope all goes well for Lance.

hi ashleywcy,
My gal cant crawl too, but can sit(with both hands infront supporting herself) abit without support for like a min. Thats abt it. Have been flipping alot too.

Re solids
I have been feeding her solid onli in the afternn. I'll make 60ml milk + 3-4 teaspoons of cereal and one portion of puree. Milk is 150ml/feed or whatever thats inside my breast.
She seems to be on a milk strike lately, her milk time can drag longer n longer.
Hi Deedy,
Thanks for sharing the knowledge gained during the seminar you attended
Hopefully my son will wean himself soon... Actually, my PD also said that it is not necessary to introduce solids now coz my son has sensitive skin, but if I want to introduce, I can try rice cereal or apple puree. Since my son seemed very ready to try solids (open and close his mouth in chewing motion whenever he sees us eating), we introduced rice cereal just for fun :p Apart from the fun, I am also worried about his weight, but PD says not to worry as long as we are not overfeeding him (i.e. not vomitting after feeds). Well... I just can't help but worry...
Hi gingerleaf,
My son seems to have a needle stuck to his butt. He doesn't like to sit but he loves to stand up (with us supporting his underarm) and wobbles to and fro
Good morning ladies.. I've bought Bjorn active on saturday nite.. and we (me, hubby, plus bb) are loving it :D Yet to go Taka bb fair though

Sanbebe: Thanks for the google effort on bjorn products

Junniez: We'll pray for ur bb Lance to recover soon

ps. Dodo has bought her bjorn active too
me tempted to get Bjorn too! haiz, still cant decide between synergy, active OR ergo carrier.

my son is already 8kg, not sure how long the carrier can last him.
tempted to go mothercare during lunch.
morning mummies... my baby has been yelling yesterday night every 2-3 hours which i find it funny (minus the tiring part lah). as if he is trying to tell us "hey mummy wake up hey daddy wake up!!WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!"

Then he will smile at me so innocently when he see me wake up... hahah... sighz, really dunno wan to cry or laff..

my boy also don't like to stand... even by holding his shoulder ...till nw 5mths old he hvnt start fliping yet..just turn to his right or left..


BB Lance will recover soon...

Re: Bjorn
Tempted to get one.. will BB feel hot when they r inside? Anyone advise? cos my boy sweat easily..

Hi mummies here,

Recently I found that my boy when passing urine,
his penis seem like balloonin, dont know wat happen.. Tml will bring him to c PD.. abit worry..
junnie: how is lance? hope he's much better now.

anyone has bjourn original? there's a strap (thin cloth one) thats supposed to hook to the back for baby's sides. do we need to do that for our babies now. tried the hand-me-down i ve during weekend and realise my baby too big sized at 8kg at 4 1/2 mths and the strap cant hook on!
junnie, take care and hope lance will be strong and get well soon! your family are in my thoughts.

ecookie, the (elastic) thin cloth one is to attached to buttons right? the buttons are located between baby legs and waist, so its at the hips area, no need to use if baby are bigger, its more for newborns.

i started myra on rice cereal since saturday, she's not very good at swallowing yet, so the rice cereal would dribble back out, but she always open her mouth for more, even when her face look like its very yucky. haha!
im giving her once a day between her morning and lunch time feeds.
taka baby fair, i went on saturday afternoon, didnt buy much cos i have stocked up almost everything already, just some toys, the price and selection is much better.
To mummies who have gone to taka bb fair: Do u see any fisher price rocker/bouncer there?

And i do wonder if it's better to get car seat from mothercare, as u get more service like what sanbebe mentioned, or get it from bb fair? A lot cheaper or not?
madlynette: thanks for ur input! was wondering if that thin cloth is for newborns too.. cos baby fit quite okie after i adjusted the front panel to fit bb height as per what chintz suggested.

but just trial carrying him ard the house for like 15mins, give me back ache ard shoulder blades area! wonder if im carrying it wrongly. heard that top of baby head should bejust below ur chin to minimis back ache. is that correct?

currently, my boy head is much lower than that.
madlynette: thanks for ur input! was wondering if that thin cloth is for newborns too.. cos baby fit quite okie after i adjusted the front panel to fit bb height as per what chintz suggested.

but just trial carrying him ard the house for like 15mins, give me back ache ard shoulder blades area! wonder if im carrying it wrongly. heard that top of baby head should bejust below ur chin to minimis back ache. is that correct?

currently, my boy head is much lower than that.
<font color="ff6000">ecookie</font> if your boy is too low, then you can adjust the back strap, meaning you pull the two straps the are on your left and right sides forward. if its too difficult, adjust before you put the bb in.
<font color="ff0000">ashley</font>
oh u have a big baby! He must be very chubby

I think you don't have to think of overfeeding if he doesn't vomit. Babies are very smart, they know if they would have enough. Everytime I want to push Jav to drink more of his milk, he'll use his tongue to push the teat to oneside and start spitting out the milk.

I also face the same problem...that is, run out of ideas to entertain Jav. He seems to lose interest in his toys.

<font color="ff6000">chintz</font>,
You bought bjorn active? Did you go with dodo? Heehee....me too, very happy with bjorn synergy. Actually it's my hb who's happy with the carrier as he's the one carrying Jav. I didn't even get the chance to carry Jav withy bjorn synergy cuz hb kept saying he wanted to do it.

Jav was very happy too and he refused to sleep in it! He was awake the whole day, ended up he's over tired and over stimulated!!

<font color="aa00aa">YL</font>,
I haven't tried using Synergy with Jav so can't tell you if it's more airy than ergo.

Here's the website that rent out ergo. Oh I just realised it's $10/wk not per mth.


<font color="0000ff">ecookie</font>,
I think the thin strap you referred to is only for the use of newborn. You don't need it anymore.

<font color="119911">fiona</font>,
It sounds to me that your baby has confused between day and night. Did he sleep too much during the day?
<font color="0000ff">sanbebe</font>
my HB too love the bjorn, so i hardly get to use it. he reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy loooove the bjorn. insist on using it everywhere we go, he haaaaaaates to bring out the stroller.
hi mummies, hubby and me are dying to go for a short holiday... really tired out... but i cant bear to leave my baby behind... hubby keep saying it's ok one... we'll be back in 4 days time... but i just feel so guilty for leaving baby xavier behind.. how??? sighz sighz

sanbebe, i also not sure leh... but my boy wakes up after half an hour of nap.. then we will let him drink milk and play with him... he normally wakes up at 6 am then he slps at 10am then wakes up half an hour or an hour later... then nap at 2 or 3 pm, then nap again at 5 plus or 6. after which we try not to let him slp liao... unless he's really tired.

is this too much?
