(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi all,
i bought my bb bjorn carrier original from a BP at 149 of 159, cant remember... is good.. agrred with low, with the carrier, i can handled bb single handedly. with the MIM i will have to struggle to put BB in... but he slept better in the sling. I just have to count 5-4-3-2-1.. he will zzzz .. haha

I feel more tedious on my back if i carry bb when he faces front.. if he faces me.. is ok...

Still havent start on solid... have to wait till 6th month, pd suggest. owever, v tempted to try avocado this weekend.. it tastless so should be fine. He starts pulling his daddy plate toward him when he carry him during dinner time... sometime feel that he so poor time\

Have not tried it yet. That'll will be in my next batch of cooking. I wanted to try brown rice too, but the onli brown rice cereal I saw in the market is Healthy Times, and I think it did mention for 6mths and above. So I let her tried the rice cereal from heinz, which is for 4mths onwards.

Fed her the pumpkin puree juz now, and I really dunno wanna cry or laugh. Think becoz its a new taste, she kept spitting it out and finally, she did a big 'ah booosshh' and big bright yellow blotches landed everywhere on her white white WHITE sleepsuit! Argghhhhhhh.
chintz, weekend you can try too!!

Is there something wrong with MSN today? Why so many of my contacts keep disconnect and log in?

my bb can never sleep soundly in the pram.. cos his mummy alway mount kerb while pushing the pram. my hubby mentioned must put a P plate in front of the pram.. haha
sorry gals....

my mum lost her 2 dogs...

breed ": Maltese Mix Chiwawa

along stevens road...

anybody spot them.. can give me a call... thanks

Hey no problem, YL

How big is your bb? Is he on the heavy side?

Yes, one good point of ergo is you can use up to 18kg. It has 3 positions of carrying; front (baby facing you), hip and back (like a backpack).

I do think it's good for baby who's bigger. Tall enough for them to turn their head to look around else if baby too small, they can only look at your shirt.

Am thinking of getting a baby bjorn synergy besides ergo as I always carry Jav to buy lunch and dinner and the weather is so hot, ended up both of us perspire so much. But it's good if weather is more cooling.

So was thinking may be for the time being, baby bjorn synergy is more suitable for me.
Hi Chintz,

I have both MIM sling and Baby Bjorn Air Carrier.. I used to use MIM and let bb sit face out like Kangaroo, then adjust if he falls asleep. It's ok generally but I feel that Baby Bjorn is more secured esp when now he likes to kick his legs more and look around. My hubby finds it easier to use Baby Bjorn too..

we shd arrange a try out session soon.. haa..

mummies who using baby bjorn,

how heavy is ur baby now? my boy abt 8kg+ and he's quite "long"... im worry that may not able to use the carrier for long...
i was thinking of synergy too.:p
my boy is 8kg and hence the current carrier cant accomodate him anymore.

i tried sarong sling but cant adjust the sling well.
thanks to all mummies who have given insight to the bb carrier. looks like topic of the day is bb carrier... now i feel like quickly get off from work and rush to mothercare.. but hubby got mahjong tonite! T.T

dodo: i'll text u when i'm going okay :D
Re: baby bjorn

consider to get one..but like dodo said worry cnnt use it for too long..... I hv the MIM sling but my boy dun like ..haiz.. seem like hv to invest one bb carrier..saw other brand which is cheaper like infantio ( dnt knw the spelling is correct?)..dun knw isiz good
Hello mummies,

Just to share something know about baby carriers...I have read somewhere that baby carries are not good for baby's spine and pelvic bone since their legs are forced apart and their weight is borne by the pelvic area.

I have also confirmed this with a paediatric chiropractor from Chiropractic First, a specialist in checking spine and nerves for babies.

Having said that, the choice is still yours whether to use it or not. Many think that its ok if the baby is not in it for a long time...

So you're going to get Active?

I'm interested in Synergy as it gives better support and more airy
Hopefully it doesn't give me backache.


Which one are you getting?

I can't wait to get one too. Most probably I'll get tomorrow, after the baby fair.

Does anyone knows if Taka carry it? Any discount?
i used the infantio one currently but the support for bb is not so good esp if bb is getting heavier. thats why i wanted to change.
there is one -becos carrier supposed to be good for bb's back, but is out of stock currently.
Actually, to correct Serene alittle, its not all baby carriers. Its baby carriers like bjorn that hangs the baby by the pelvic.
Thats why there are ppl who prefers ergo, as it allows the child to sit instead of being hung.
this is fr ergo website:
The ERGO Baby Carrier's ergonomic design supports a correct sitting position for the baby's hip, pelvis and spine growth. It disperses most of the baby's weight between the hips and thighs, which helps to eliminate compression of the spine when hanging by the crotch which most other designs require. The ERGO also balances the baby's weight to parents' hips and shoulders, and alleviates physical stress for the parent
Yes, agree with gingerleaf....didn't know that ERGO has already considered this in their design. In that case, I think ERGO would be the baby carrier of choice
which ergo are U using right now? the colour.

thanks for sharing the information. agree that not all bb carrier provides good support.

i agree wi YL, bjorn look more steady and secure than ergo... bjorn has better desogn as well.. what do u think?
gingerleaf: i've been googling since morning... XD

dodo: yup i also think bjorn looks better.. i guess i'll go down and try first.. then see how chloe reacts to it.. if bjorn doesn't fit her well, then i'll just forget about buying a bb carrier.. have to practice harder on my MIM sling!!
Thanks for the info.

Chintz, YL, dodo,
Hmmmm....I also don't know if I shall get it now. Looks like I already got the baby carrier of choice.


My ergo is black and green.

aria jo,

I got my ergo at $182 and an infant insert at $45. I bought it when Jav was less than 1 mth old so need to get the infant insert. But I don't use infant insert now as Jav is bigger now.
Wow! thread is moving fast...

Me tempted to buy carrier too. But Isaac already 8.8kg now. Can't carry for long,esp I got back problem. Some more carry out for awhile already sweaty.

Anyone want to let go your MIM Cotton Sateen sling? Want to buy spare.

Had combi pram before but feel not sturdy (handles want to break) when mount over curbs. Maybe bb already 5kg at 2mth. And the wheels, always kena stuck in b/w open carpark holes and bricks.

Now Maclaren XT. Very satisfied.

You bought your ikea chair at Alexandra? The other time I went, out of stock. Tampines has,but too far.
mummies, while i was surfing britax site, it provided the link called FIT-FINDER..

Then i realized none of the car seat could fit my car well. Therefore I'd like to ask mummies that already have car seats, did u take this into consideration when u bought one? Or it actually doesn't matter?!
hi all

really like to join in all topics u all discussing, but dun hv time to read up

today i came bk to work. sent bb to nanny house in the morning, his temp was abt 37.3, then got a call fm nanny abt 10+ saying fever abt 38.7!! haiyo... then my boss sent me back to pass nanny the paraceltamol. i took the temp using body thermometer, it shows 39.1!!!!! then hubby called doc who advised to send bb back to hospital
.. but both of us were @ work, so let nanny monitor the temp see how. called nanny few times and she said temp down to 37+... we r still observing, me going back fm work now.. hopefully no need to admit cos really dun wish bb get poke again.. will update u all gals...
I'm using Britax First Class now. I actually asked Mothercare staff to try it out in my car 1st before I purchased. I suggest you do the same too.

any mommies experience this? my bb now prefers FM than EBM. she can finish the FM up to 210ml but EBM as little as 80ml. Shes taking Friso. Help!
